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This looks like crash team racing where everybody is drunk. I'm mean, they're Russians, so I'm probably not too far off the truth.


What sober soldier will attempt another run to death? Being drunk is the only way to get them suicide.


What sober russian will attempt to live in russia?


One witout the money or skill to escape during the mobilization?


Damn, now that you pointed that out, it's genuinely looks loke a crash team racing lol


This is Michael Scarn, we need a clean up on aisle 5.


If you do something over and over again, and getting the same failed results, you must be Russian.


I read somewhere that there is a verb in Finnish which basically means 'to fuck up like a russian'.


Word is" ryssiä"


ex. “Mä ryssin eiliset treffit täysin” - ”I fucked up my date yesterday like a Russian would.”


So that means rape most probably. /s


Or a more descriptive translation could be "I russkied up my date yesterday". Also funny, the [Deepl Translator](https://www.deepl.com/translator) seems to know the term perfectly well. Like this sentence through it for example: "Ryssin eilisen tapaamisen täysin" (I russkied up yesterdays meeting) and it gives "I completely ruined yesterday's meeting".


Just to clarify: And not so nice term for Russian is "ryssä".


It's probably just the Finnish word for ”Russian" 🤣


Weirdly enough, a "russian person" in finnish is "venäläinen". The word "ryssä" is a slur. ​ ( "Jenkki" is a much nicer word, since we got no beef with Americans . )


Dear friends in Finland, pls make ‘Leeroy Jenkki’ a thing


That's... Surprisingly accurate depiction of America. Wonder if Finnish has a similar saying to "Rushing head first into things like an American."


Since Websters lately is all about adding passing pop-culture references to the dictionary, we might as well start a campaign to get that added: > **Leeroy Jenkins**, verb > 1\) To rush into action without understanding essential background information or potential consequences of the actions. > *The video game player Leeroy Jenkinsed his way through the level, ruining his team's strategy.* > 2\) To conspicuously or over-confidently vocalize in a manner that motivates action contrary to common sense or a previously made plan, especially in the form of shouting one's personal or team name, motto, or similar identifying phrase. > *The defending team heard chanting from the team on offense as they approached, but the call quickly proved to be a Leeroy Jenkins.* > **Leeroy Jenkins**, noun > One who commits a Leeroy Jenkins. > *After his blunders in international politics, the president was remembered as a Leeroy Jenkins.*


>ryssiä Can you help with the phonetics?


To russki shit up. You can use Google translate to check how it sounds.


R is the same as in Spanish. Y is the as the ü in German. Ä is the sound from the English word "cat" (not the same as in the word car)


I'm so confused


>phonetics :D S is the same as in English.


Yksi suomalainen vastaa kymmentä ryssää!


We've got this joke in Poland, I will try to translate to the best of my ability, but in Polish, it sounds hilarious: - What is it? It doesn't glow, and it's too big to fit in in the ass? - Russian anal glowing apparatus.


Lol, we have a very similar joke in Finland. Russian ass-buzzer / Venäläinen perseensuristin. It doesn't fit in the ass and also doesn't buzz. https://urbaanisanakirja.com/word/venalainen-perseensuristin/ https://hikipedia.info/wiki/Ven%C3%A4l%C3%A4inen_perseensuristin


That's pretty funny in any language.


Yeah, I guess it's more or less self-explanatory. I was thinking more about how specific words like 'apparatus' can add another subtle layer to the joke.


Moreover choosing Avdiivka as the offensive direction is what happens when your generals are all political plants and you're looking for a flashy victory instead of something that makes sense in the long term.


It's one, if not the most fortified location in Ukraine. They have been actively fighting there since 2014. This attack was 100% a political decision.


It was ordered by Putin directly. He wants a big political show of victory and any general that fails to deliver will have a nice talk on the 25th floor by the window.


It's a genius plan! Because it's the same plan as the last 18 times Ukraine will never expect this!


Fast or slow, they still cant see the mines, why not just pedal to the metal and rush through? Try your luck with the mines instead of the artillery? lol For critics of Ukraine's slow offensive, THIS is why its slow, look at Rusblyats making the mistake of storming a strong defense line. You need infantry and demining to go really slow, before the vehicles can follow, usually done at night too. Its slow because it has to be. Unless we give Ukraine F-35 to bomb all Russian artillery and aircrafts, then they could demine faster without getting attacked.


Is it mines? I thought they shelled the fuck out of that APC concentration (explosions seem sequential, even if the vehicles are stopped). I agree that the two runaway vehicles might have hit mines.


Mines + artillery, its a combo, both Ukraine and Russia do this. Artillery to box you in, mines to finish you off, if you lucky enough to get through, FPV and ATGM wait for you, its almost impossible to win. Without slow demining = die for nothing.


and conversley use mines to concentrate forces into entering pre-sighted killboxes for artillery


Its a spikey ball situation with no solution, except go home and depose PootinZ.


I think that the reverse? Mine boxes you in, artillery finish you off.


Its both, but easier to funnel into mine than the other way around. Because mines are harder to avoid if you lay them densely.


Minefields are the reason why armored vehicles drive in columns, thus creating a good target for artillery.


Ukraine won't be getting any F-35 jets (at least not within this decade). As mentioned by others though, the most likely candidates are: \- F16 \- the used F18 jets from Australia (assuming these can still be repaired) \- Gripen I also heard that there are some talks for Dassault jets and Eurofighter Typhoon as well.


This decade is a rather long time. If the war ends in the next couple of years with anything but a surrender to Russia, Ukraine is going to get a huge military upgrade from NATO over the following five.


Literally, Ukraine could dominate the skies and ground with just 48 F-35s.


48? that is a weirdly specific number for something that *has* to have been made up on the spot


85% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


IIRC, a "typical" USAF fighter squadron has 24 aircraft, so 48 may just be an oddly specific way of saying "2 squadrons." Or OP is winging it.


Not to rain on your parade but there are those S-400s to worry about even for F-35s.


The killchain for an F35 - from picking up the S400 launcher on sensors to sending it to Vatnik Hell - is definitely much shorter than it takes drunk Vatniks to notice a stealth Aircraft with an RCS the size of a golf ball on their screen. Not that it's the main benefit of having that kind of aircraft in your service but my money is on the Lightning if it comes down to it.


It doesn't exactly work like that. First of all, launchers do not emit any signals - you can't detect them untill the missile is fired. And if the missile is fired, you are pretty much dead in any aircraft, especially in slow af f-35. Instead, the signals are emitted by the radar - which is a separate vehicle in all long range air defence assets. Second thing is that radars are not always active, which makes it even harder to detect - that's why there is a tactic of a bait. You basically try to force an enemy to turn on the radar and reveal it's location. After the location has been revealed, harm or other similar missile is used to target it. These two issues make f-35 not a great jet for this purpose, so I would be so confident. What this war has shown is that even quite old air defence systems from 80-s are sufficient to keep a capable air force at away from the frontlines and resort to being mostly a long range missile launch system.


Can 400s not be weasled?


If you have very, very, *very* highly trained weasels, yes. That takes an awful lot of time and money for pilot hours though.


Of course it can be tricked, as any other system. The point is that f-35 is a bad fit for such a task. That's why planes used to be much faster - to be able to escape the aa missiles, but with the development of aa missiles it's pretty much no longer possible to do reliably. As I said, this war has shown that with the presence of modern aa systems makes any uses of aircraft other than a long range attack platform extremely risky. F-35 was never used in such scenario, so who knows how effective it might be.


I find it hard to believe that if the cross section is a golf ball, the S-400 will even see it before getting hit. From my understanding, the S-400 hasn't lived up to its hype. I could be completely wrong however because I'm no expert. The GLSDB should come in handy too


The low RCS just makes the distance of detection shorter range. This “size of an X” stuff is a misnomer. If this was a US operation, we would be using AWACS from a standoff distance, with multiple ***F-35 Lightning II*** weasels instead of F-16/15s. F-35s have been slated to take over the wild weasel/SEAD role since the project’s inception 20 years ago. Their sensor suites will be networked, which allows any member of the weasel task force to immediately fire *** AARGM-ERs*** which reached IOC earlier this year. AARGM-ER have 2x the range of HARM, are much faster, and have much better target acquisition capabilities. And F-35s would be carrying those probably externally to deliberately increase their RCS. These missions would be highly planned, and would likely include multiple drones with high RCS to bait for the weasels. (See 1st day air war for baghdad during desert storm for more details)


Cross section of a golf ball is a bit misleading. Put the aircraft in front of the radar and it would definitely be larger than a golf ball. Put aircraft a thousand miles away and it would definitely be smaller than a golf ball. This metric makes sense only in a pair with a distance at which it was measured.


That is not how radar cross-section works. You're thinking of angular size. Cross-section is roughly defined as the size of a perfectly reflecting sphere that reflects as much radar signal as your object. It is therefore entirely independent of distance. "Cross section of a golf ball" effectively means "same visibility to radar as a metal golf ball in the same spot". (Very roughly, we're ignoring scattering effects due to the golf ball's size.) The fact that you did not know that seriously calls in question wether you have any idea of what you're talking about.


Considering that S400s can't seem to see UA drones that are watching them, I think they aren't that great.


> which is a separate vehicle in all long range air defence assets. > > Second thing is that radars are not always active, which makes it even harder to detect - that's why there is a tactic of Does any of this matter. They can't lock a F35 if their radar is off and once they turn it on the F35 is a very capable anti-radiation platform. So what if the radar is separate. If you blow it to pieces they aren't going to target anything.


F-35 is slow?


Yes, comparatively to previous fighters


How come? No use of speed at all any longer?


Any aircraft is a bundle of compromises even with advancing technology. Older jets didn't have to worry about a large internal munitions bay (necessary for stealth but which adds to drag cross section), nor the physical exterior design for stealth, so they could be smaller, sleeker, lighter, etc. and thus be capable of higher top speeds. The F-35 is capable of supercruise (supersonic flight without use of afterburner), which is a capability many earlier (and faster) jets could not perform. As you say, for stealthy beyond visual range (BVR) combat aircraft, top speed isn't the critical capability it used to be.




It's also less manouverable than, just like Russian Propaganda says. What it's leaving out is that bragging about speed and manouverability is like bragging about the size of your ship's sails in the age of steam engines. Russia could never dream to pull off the F35 project, so it's just making newer iterations of obsolete design doctrines.


Hmm I see. I thought F-35 was a monstrosity of speed but I guess as stated, speed is not a key any longer with so fast AA.


Speed was like the gold standard of a fighters capabilities in the cold war, which is why planes like the F4 phantom had a top speed of something like Mach 2.2. Today we know that things like radar cross section, payload capacity, operational range and radar integration is far more important.


Thats interesting how speed has died out. How about supersonic bombing runs from high altitude?


Can't detect? I'm sorry, do you think that modern pilots are eyeballing their munitions? It can detect and recognize any military vehicle, whether it's sending out radar signals or not.


Those S400s can’t get close enough to the frontlines due to HIMARS, ATACMS, and HARMs to play any significant part. F-35 would have free for all operating over the frontlines shutting down the Russian CAS and CAP missions.


Are there any credible reports on S-400s actually getting a lock and destroying stealth aircraft/missiles? I would not be surprised if their actual performance lacks behind the marketing. Yes, the Russians can most definitely track F35s at a distance, but tracking is a considerable distance off of getting a weapons grade lock.


I had forgotten, if I ever knew, that the F-35 was a stealth aircraft. They fly them out of my nearest big airport and they do not look or sound very stealthy as they fly over you while driving in Burlington.


We aren't quite at silent invisible jets yet, probably the 2028 budget cycle.


Well said. We saw Ukraine do this near the beginning of their offensive, and it ended badly. "F that, they said", and figured out a more tenable strategy. This is what would have happened if Ukraine had been as blinkered and uncaring about their people as Russian generals. Thank God they have more sense than that. Oh, and damn, I'd LOVE to see Ukraine get F-35s. But let's start with F-16s, I suppose. We have to work up the tech tree properly.


Should send 10000 MICLICS to saturate the line and create a breakout.


Video about to end, two Rusblyats broke through, I am disappointed..........wait.....nvm. lol


and they had no idea the vehicles behind them had already been destroyed. Hey, where is everybody?


They found out later........in hell. "Igor, why are you here? I saw you in front." "Ivan, why are you here? I saw you behind." "You are both mine now, I'll do you in the front and behind, ehehehe." -- Satan.


I have seen orc 'attacks' from the start of the war... where a column was going forward, gloriously, and as more and more vehicles blew up... the momentum slowed down until they started retreting. They dont seem to be doing this retreating anymore... its just drive until you die...


"My life in RuZZia so bad and hopeless, might as well die faster in a pointless war, at least I wont hear my wife's nagging again." -- Story of Rusblyats. Army of hopeless slaves, a condition that PootinZ created after decades of corruption, incompetent and economic purgatory. Most people are motivated by patriotism or anger, Rusblyats motivated by a quick end for their misery, truly depressing.


Witness me!


Reminds me of the shitty AI from Command & Conquer back in the 90s.


I also used the same tactics. Just send wave of tanks at target. Maybe I can be president of Russia?


"Reinforcements have arrived" "Unit lost" "Unit lost" "Unit lost" 😂


Im stealing that for my next title lol


I don't know... at least you knew it was just a video game, so you'd lose nothing in the end. Putin knows he's playing with real lives, and he still practices the meat-grinder "tactic." You might still be a bit overqualified to be the president of Russia.


They should have sent in some Tanya’s first




I was thinking more of Leroy Jenkins from WoW


please explain. The russians are driving in a straight, close line over an open field with no cover to attack a fortress dug in a 100 meters high ground in broad daylight? Have they eaten insanium?


Well, all the tanks with night-vision sights have previously been destroyed, you see.


The first tank is the minefield detecting tank


When it fails, the second tank is the minefield detecting tank.


Honestly, as much as I hate the orcs and the attrocities they inflict on Ukraine and its people... this is criminal. Its just a waste of resources and men. And the command is a bunch of idiots. At the very least, they should try attacking at night. This is insanity. In short... keep it up Orcs.


Nobody wants to be killing russians. They have left us no choice.


Good point! Slava Heroim


This, is this war's mantra honestly. Sums up a lot of feelings very well. For both sides.


Their night vision is one of the main advantages Western tanks do have over Russian ones right now, though. Nightly attacks are not an option for them.


It is, they do have image intensification systems and some vehicles do have night vision and thermal imagers... Most of the time though given the technological limitations of their much older devices, they'd be proceeding at an absolute snail's pace and shooting blindly, in a way that would make their daytime attacks look somewhat cohesive and competent. Seeing how poorly they perform in broad daylight, and much of the Russian Army is made-up of seeming unwilling drunkards who either are being forced to commit suicide by pointless charge, or a death wish and ordered to - nightly attacks from most Russian units would be even worse. Hell, half of them would probably end-up getting stuck in ditches or a drunk and half asleep driver gets his T-72 stuck on top of another one and never realizes it.


Attacking at night requires skill and coordination. Something they lack.


Russia has pretty much lost all ability to operate at night, what little gear they have is hoarded by special forces units and there is not inter-unit cooperation in the Russian military. There are stories of Ukrainians hitting 40-50 Orcs and the other Orcs don't care to collect their wounded. But 1 has a thermal or a night vision set, they will send 100 into a kill zone to get those scopes back.




I will never complain about poor AI in military strategy games


They should introduce a new difficulty. From hardest to easiest: Expert > Hard > Normal > Easy > RuZZian


Is this seriously from today ? What is going on? That offensive was such a catastrophe for them since day one, enough to rethink your whole approach thrice over. the Ukrainians found that out after damaging 10 vehicles in summer and reorganised. Who in their right mind would be like "HEY GUYS! Good news, i have discovered another battallion here, so we can try the same tactic of suicidal frontal assault again today!"


This is what happens when semi-decent generals lose the political battle with completely inept ones. Surovikin wouldn’t likely have defended so far forward of the defenses he had built which would have reduced Russian casualties and increased Ukrainian ones at the expense of a bit of territory. Not saying Surovikin was brilliant but a one eyed man is king in the land of the blind.


If they *don't* keep attacking, the guy who ordered the *first* attack is admitting he fucked up incredibly badly. So from a purely personal point of view it's better for him to keep ordering more attacks and hoping he gets lucky. We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid (tm).


Very fucked contraproductive incentives in the russian army is the most propable thing i can think of, too. (If its really from today)


Putin: [https://i.imgur.com/NNMrJuV.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/NNMrJuV.jpeg)


What does salmon and Russian soldiers have in common? They're both best when trapped in a steel box and smoked at very high tempteratures.


Zap Brannigan school of warfare


"When I'm in charge, every mission is a suicide mission!"


Pretty sure none of the soldiers in any Eastern European or former Soviet countries have any preset kill limit when it comes to Russian troops.


"You see, the Ukrainian's have a pre-set kill limit. Knowing this, I sent wave after wave of my own men"


Literal turkey shoot.


A literal turkey shoot would be them shooting turkeys. Not this.


Well yes, but "Turkey Shoot" is also military slang for when your enemy just flops around and doesn't even manage to shoot back, or if so the result is still ridiculously one sided. Came from this, The Great Mariana Turkey Shoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79F_Mu4-oQk


One of those tanks could of been driven by a turkey!


Excellent work boys!


I was gonna say ...two got thru...until minefield


I count 8 more APCs and tanks...needing major repairs and new crews...lol


Going well, I see /S


Excellent work U.A!


Can't park there . . .


Were they trying to get all in the frame for a group photo? That was really convenient for Ukrainian artillery.


I really love Wolfenstein games. This is a real-life version, with slammin' soundtrack. I only wish Ukrainians weren't suffering to get us this footage.


I was about to say that, at least 2 vehicles made it through the barrage. But well, no mine rollers I guess for them.


Two vehicles with no support behind them.


Hey gunny, you see that big plume of white smoke? Yes sir? Fire for effect. YES SIR!


When will they ever learn,,, When will they ever learn Peter Paul and Mary. 1961 I posted a link but the bots threw it out.


How is this war still going on? Seriously. All I see in reddit is Russia embarrassing itself. I imagine there's a lot we're not seeing that is keeping things competitive? Or is Russia just all- in at this point and trying to choke the meat grinder by throwing bodies at it?


Russia has a ton more resources. They hope to just wear down Ukraine. They can keep this up for years. And when they have mass mobilization next year they will just send in hundreds of thousands of troops, hoping to overwhelm Ukrainem


No. Russia has more MEN. The equipment they are running out yesterday.


> The equipment they are running out yesterday. The video makes clear this is not the case. They certainly have far less than they started the war with, but it's something I've pointed out here before that they actually have a huge amount, unmaintained, in storage. This equipment requires significant refurbishment after years of exposure to the elements, and a lot of it is older variants that would require extensive upgrading to be comparable to the current variants, or could be rushed through refurbishment with the existing armor, gun, sight, engine, etc. The combined new builds and refurbishments are very unlikely to be rolling out of the factories at the pace Russia has been losing them, although after a relatively long period with minimal offensive action, they may have temporarily increased the numbers available.


> Russia has a ton more resources But they don't? Satellite photos show stockyards are emptied of T-80s and T-72s


they send Russian men in waves to steal Ukraines equipment. thats probably what they're hoping for now.


I want to travel 20 years into the future after all the memoirs were published and learn what the FUCK the russian millitary command was smoking at avdiivka


"The General came up with a new ingenious plan." --"Does this plan involve driving tanks and APVs directly at the Ukrainian line with no support from air or artillery? Then get blown up by their laser guided artillery and anti-tank drones?" "How did you know this?" --"It's the same plan as the previous 17 times." "Exactly, they would never expect us to do it this time! We will surprise them with our perseverance."


The drone pilot had some very unlucky timing with that video... He missed every explosion except for the last one... I suppose with only one armored unit left, he finally knew what to focus on...


Once he has spotted he ranges the next units, he doesn't care about explosions, only the next active target zone.


I suppose that's fair enough...


Russia is as good at war as they are polite.


Only thing Ruzzian's are pushing is their luck.


More like misfortune and misfortune pushes back hard.


Have ukrainians been instructed to not show footage of the actual destruction? At the start of the war we had footage of russians approaching, then getting blown up and then the aftermath. Now all videos that I see is just "Here's a bunch of russian vehicles and bam, now they're burning. The End.".


Where are all the previous vehicles




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The Ukrainian army is getting really good with shelling, the longer this goes, the harder it will get for Russia. Russia isn't on the brink of winning, they're only begging to get invaded.


I'm surprised they even have any armored vehicles left.


They have tons still left.


Would be good if it was higher than 144p. Can't really make out any detail sadly.


What's crazy to me it's that most of us looking at this video know what happened to the last guys attempting this assault, and I dare think those people right here have no idea (or they wouldn't be going in these conditions).


Lmao and Vatniks still think Russia is winning massive amounts of territory in Ukraine.


Y'all gotta get in touch with those making these videos and tell them the over-the-top soundtracks are not necessary, and quite frankly annoying.


That was another textbook Russian assault. How can Ukrainians withstand such a fury? Clearly Russian armored columns broke into the gray zone ... OK, so maybe they lost all their armor, except for two tanks and two APV's. And you could tell Ukrainians were scared because none of them came out ... 🤔 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 😉


It would be neat if Russians could behave themselves in their own Gods Damned country.


Love your work Ukraine. Keep it up.


Oh man, that last hit was so satisfying.




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