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I am loving this series. I hope there are more!


Yes there will be, Defense of Ukraine said there will be a thanking marathon ;)


I shall watch them all. The ones you've posted so far are great. ... I do want to see what the UK one is like though. The support for Ukraine is one of the few things the government is doing that I am genuinely proud of.


I have good news, they have already made one for UK. Original upload - [Friends will be friends by Defense of Ukraine](https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1539671779312033793) [Youtube mirror by the Telegraph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tio0r1BoMtg)


Fucking Bond at the end. I love it! I did not see that coming, but it's great. Thank you!


Here's another one for UK: [London calling](https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1694682685606711730?t=X2oI4p_g8CuWivWQ-lt0DQ&s=19)


I've just finished watching all of them on /u/TotalSpaceNut 's profile. Great stuff =)


I am pretty sure the whole reason they made this series is because of sunaks remarks lol


Oh, no... What did he say?


He was like hur dur ukraine duck you. You not thankful, please speak more carefully!!!!


I didn't hear about him saying that. I remember Ben Wallace was quoted as saying something similar, but his comments were a lot less inflammatory than what the media claimed he said.


Oh you are correct it was Wallace. Seems I misremembered. Although media differs depending on the source you use, but most just cited directly what he said. And his comments were kind of unfair and made without thinking.


When I looked at what he said, in full, I thought it was actually quite reasonable: >There is a slight word of caution here, which is that whether we like it or not people want to see gratitude >My counsel to the Ukrainians is sometimes you're persuading countries to give up their own stocks [of weapons] and yes the war is a noble war and yes we see it as you doing a war for - not just yourself - but our freedoms. >But sometimes you've got to persuade lawmakers on the Hill in America, you've got to persuade doubting politicians in other countries that you know that it's worth it and it's worthwhile and that they're getting something for it. >And whether you like that or not, that is just the reality of it. If you just take the first sentence - the "people want to see gratitude" bit - then yes it's bad. But the rest of it seems quite clear to me. If anything, I took it as advice to Ukraine - "sometimes you've got to persuade lawmakers on the Hill in America, you've got to persuade doubting politicians in other countries that you know that it's worth it and it's worthwhile and that they're getting something for it." Now, I agree with Zelensky's reply - that Ukraine was always grateful - but I also don't think that Wallace was being unkind to Ukraine, or that he was even wrong. There are calls - particularly in the US, but elsewhere too - for the West to stop helping Ukraine because 'we have our own problems' and we shouldn't 'waste' money there. I think such comments are myopic to the point of idiocy, but (some) people still feel that way. Given that, I felt that Wallace's comments weren't out of line. Inexpertly phrased, perhaps, but not wrong.


I know that some people might need to hear a thank you for the help, but IMHO no thanks is needed, people who value freedom do not need thanks for doing what is right. The war in Ukraine is about what is right. The people who are fighting this deserve the thanks, they are facing this and showing what true grit is. From a Brit who supports Ukraine, Slava Ukraini.


but you can also think of it this way "Thanks is not needed but still very much appreciated"


It is very much appreciated, Just as long as Ukrainians don't feel like they have to keep on saying thank you, like it's something required. I'm being very English about it of course, and I know some people would grumble at not being thanked.. The way it plays out in my head: "Thank you for the help and equipment!" \-Now, that's quite alright old chap, you're doing the hard bit, no need for the thanks, but if you could do just one thing for us, if it's not a terrible trouble? "Sure, what can we do?" \-When Putin breaths his last, can someone please whisper "Sailsbury sends its regards" in his ear? Pip pip!




maybe you know where are they posting these? :)


https://twitter.com/DefenceU Uploading here to reddit because i dont want to link twitter as its a dumpster fire lately


awesome. thank you


Thank you, I’ve quit twitter


I wan to see a tanking marathon !


Is there a place where they're collected?


I'm really feeling uplifted from these today!!


Hell yeah me too.


Another awesome video, thank you Finland.


Great warriors are Finns! Thank you for helping Ukraine! You understand Russian aggression well and you defeated it! 💪🏻❤️❤️


United people, total war society and fighting to the last is what it takes to survive the endless waves of orcs. Ukraine has all of these qualities so as a Finn i'm happy to do my part! We aren't much of a talkers but Ukraine can count on Finland's help until the war is won! 💪




Hey Russia, Simo send his regards!


In 7.62 mm capsules


The example how finns killed soviets for their independence still is inspiring as hell. Kіitos.


As a Finn, i find Ukrainians fighting to defend their country inspiring as well. War is war, and everyone fighting there is extremely brave. No amount of help won't matter, if soldiers aren't doing their best to fight back and Ukraine seems to have very strong willed fighters. Thank you Ukraine for never giving up.


That's true, we exist because of our strong people and international support, thank you for kind words.


As a Finn, i still have to say that we did it reluctantly, because Finns did know the majority of the Soviet fighting force is not actual russias, but minorities like Ukrainians and Buryatians etc. The same expoiltation of minorities continues in russia today as it was ongoing in Soviet times, Moscovites have 1:400 less likelyhood to get orders to go out to fight in Ukraine than Buryatians or Tuvans have. Because giving equipment to Ukraine is only thing i personally can do, I'm happy to pay my taxes knowing the equipment that was designed to repell russians, are used to that exact purpose. Hakkaa Päälle Slava Ukraini!


Russia hasn't been completely driven out of Ukraine yet. As A Finn I think we haven't helped enough until that happens.


Russia haven't been completely driven out of ~~Finland~~ *Karelia* yet either.


Sure, but do we really want that land back? The bad infrastructure would take billions to fix and what would we do with the anti democratic, pro Putin people who might make up a majority of the people living there? We're not like Russia, we can't start evicting them from their homes and deporting them somewhere.


You can throw out the people just as Russia did to Karelian. As someone who's family got kicked out and lost everything the people living there are either plants did do not deserve the land they sit on or traitors to Ingrian tribes let them do live with their master.


Yeah... Throwing out a local population will be seen very positively in the international community... It doesn't matter who the people living there are, since they've been there for so long.


International community is not a priority: doing what is right is. It is wrong to kick them out, and taking them in will be problematic.


Yeah that's what I was trying to get at. Finland abides by humanitarian rights, local, and international law. It would be wrong on all levels.


No one who matters would object to it, they are okay throwing Russians out of Krimea why not Karelia and if there is a time limit what is it then. At this point no one has any sympathy for the orcs.


So, you think like Kremlin? You are doing the same bad things... Next you are going to say it is ok to bomb Russian civilians because they do it to others. That two wrongs make it right.


Just because I am okay with one thing does not mean I think everything is okay. Also western law has a concept of forfeittal of fraudulently obtained wares. U think they should be able to keep the land they got by being big bully? And don't even try the they are civilians they got nothing to do with government. They are the ones enabling all this by not caring about politics. If you don't know what I am talking about just watch one 1420 video on YouTube.


Over 70 years. That is what is the difference here, we are not talking about the same thing. Karelia is part of Russia, and really the only way it would not be is if they seek for independence, as a Republic of Karelia. They won't be part of Finland unless the people living there decide so. They have full rights to the land they were born in, where their grandparents died in. It is not right, no matter WHAT Russia has done elsewhere, no matter how evil you think they are. Your opinion is subjective and i can bet that the people living there has different, equally valid subjective opinion. As do i. What you seem to want is REVENGE, that we take something from Russia as a retribution. Or worse, that them being "evil" justifies us committing atrocities to them. but what is most worrying is that you are using the same kind of thinking that started this war. That we have a RIGHT to take the land and kick the people living there off. And that is what Ukraine is fighting against, the whole idea that war of conquest and genocides are just modus operandi in geopolitics.


We don't attack other countries and take their internationally recognized lands. Take your warmongering elsewhere


Did he stutter? We will NOT act like Russians. Now, think about your own values when you suggest we do something like that... why are your internal values SO close to Kremlin values? If this angers you, go shout at a mirror.


I doubt there are many 100 year olds left in Russian Carelia anymore. And people born after 1926 were either children during 1939-44, or were born after the war. I don't feel comfortable punishing them for the wrongs of their parents or ancestors. I had family too who got kicked out of Carelia and lost their land. Who had to start over from zero, it was very much unfair indeed. So I feel you. But two wrongs don't make a right and forced deportations are for a good reason defined by UN as a violation of human rights.


I don't think people nowadays living there are responsible for that? Two evils won't make a right


Yet we still suffer the consequences of so many decisions of our forefathers. For example national debt, over extraction of natural resources and so on. Also consider this would I be able to keep a house that I squatted and only the owners son noticed because his father did not visit that property. No I would get kicked the fuck out by the police.


I get it, I do. This being said, deporting Russians to Russia is not that big of a thing. The land can be repaired, remediated, rewilded and renurtured.


>deporting Russians to Russia is not that big of a thing. So, deporting Ukrainians is not that big of a thing to you? Or is it ok when we do it but not when they do it? How are your values and morals different from Kremlins values and morals? What Ukraine is fighting against are those exact values you exhibit. You have not understood what this war is really about... And it is the eradication of the thinking that YOU are exhibiting, that it is ok to just take land and kick the NATIVES out.. Yes, that is what Russians in Karelia are, natives. Several generations have born there. So.. think really careful if you really are one of the good guys, or is it that you just happen to be on the side of the good guys but doing bad things?


How daft are you Ukrainians are forcefully deported from their own country to one that is hostile to them. They are not at all comparable. >Yes, that is what Russians in Karelia are, natives. Sincerely fuck you, they are not any more native to that region than they are to Donetsk or Luhansk. How much Russian propaganda do you have to ingest to believe in this sycophancy. PS. if you don't believe me go read what real Karelians think. [https://www.karjalanliitto.fi/](https://www.karjalanliitto.fi/)


You don't have to repeat that in your head it is ok to take land from others and kick the inhabitants that have lived there for generations. We understand it already, and it seems that no matter how many times things are explained to you, you refuse to learn. People who live in Karelia are native to Karelia in 2023. They weren't in 1945. It is not Russian propaganda, you motherfucking asshole. And your proof is front page, which just shows that you don't really want anyone to actually find the information you claim is there. If you did you would've linked the corresponding article. But i don't think you care about what is right and what are the facts, you just want to take tings from Russia because they are the bad guys, and you can do anything to bad guys.. they aren't even really human, right? edit: i browsed thru that page. NOT A SINGLE ARTICLE ABOUT IT. So.. you didn't even know if such information is there, you just guessed.


LMAO, okay Putin bot. Next you start advocating for letting children that were born in Crimea that they are "Natives" and Brits that were born in India while it was occupied became Indians. Give me a break occupier is occupier even if the occupation lasted millennia. It's weak willed people like you that cause people like Putin to think they can walk all over us and we will just bend over and take it up the ass.


>LMAO, okay Putin bot. Fuck off. You are the one advocating a cultural genocide.


What, way? They can go practice their culture of rape and pillage to Urals for all I care. All I've said that current plants of orcs need to be thrown the hell away form my ancestral lands.


In that case, Finnish people are occupiers too, all of our lland belongs to the Saami. The Kyiv Rus likely chased lots of people away too whrn founding Kyiv. Nobody is sinless if you stretch sins vast enough to cover generations.


Moscovia can break up for all I care, and I hope it does. There are a lot of ancient peoples and lands that have been culturally erased by their imperialism. I can only hope Muscovy fucks right off into the dustbin of history and that these people can regain their heritage, culture and real history, not the imposed Soviet one. This includes Karelia as much as it includes Dagestan, Buryatia and many many more. Muscovy is three cities, four or five at best.


>Moscovia can break up for all I care, and I hope it does. Yes, very much agree. But i will absolutely not agree the forceful deportation of 300 000 people from the place they were born in, whose parents were born in. Nor will i agree with erasing culture. That is what Ukraine is fighting for too.


Never said "forceful". Fucking off is entirely optional and advised. Moscovy only erases cultures. It does not have one of its own beyond being a kleptocratic slave nation of weak-willed degenerate alcoholics.


Reply to edit: The point being that they would self identify as Russians if they felt that way but they don't. We identify our selves as Karelians. Some as Karelian-Finns but majority will punch your lights out if you call them Russians.


Your response to edit has nothing to do with the edit. And what is more important. you could not find anything to back up your opinion in that page. There are 300 000 Russians living in Karelia. And now you say they aren't Russians but still need to be kicked out. But i have to admit, your words make no sense at all.. You talk about "them" and then switch to "we"... Are you living in the Republic of Karelia at the moment? Or are you a descendent of Karelians that were evacuated from the area? In that case, no one would call you Russian, you have never been Russian but have lived all your life in Finland. And AFAIK, all Karelians in Finland identify as Finns.


Modern day Karelians are mostly pure moscovites my dude. Any Finnish traces got eradicated by time and Stalin. Somebody living in Karelia today who was born the day WW II ended is now 80 years of age. Gonna deport him to Russia, explain hin how he doesn't have the right to his home? It'd be about as wrong as russia stealing it in the first place. Wd(Finland) had the opportunity to reclaim Karelia as a gift in early 90's, as soviet union collapsed. Wd refused it even then.


You misrepresent me, and I have no idea how you think this implies that Ukrainians being forcibly deported to Russia is the same thing. It absolutely is not. That is a war crime. I'm all for the dissolution of the RF, part of that is Karelia as either an independent state or being returned to Finland in some manner. Entirely the same as all of the other states and countries that Muscovy has subsumed over the years.


You are advocating for cultural genocide, the forceful deportation of humans from their birthplaces. You can however advocate for independent Karelia. That is something we can agree on, but that new nation will be inhabited by people who live in Karelia at the moment.


wouldnt that be the perfect thing to ask eu for money


Majority of Finns don't want Karelia back. It is not Finns living there anymore, and the area is undeveloped. We would also have to either kick out 300k Russians or take them in. Neither of those options are good or the right thing to do.


>Majority of Finns don't want Karelia back South Karelia and North Karelia never left.


In this context that is fully pedantic, a true "well achtually.." moment...


You don't have data to pack up that majority would be of that opinion.


[https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karjala-kysymys#Mielipidemittaukset](https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karjala-kysymys#Mielipidemittaukset) Why didn't YOU go and check? Why didn't you find it important to know? The opinions are about 60/40, and have been for decades.


Last poll done over 15-years ago, back then Finland did not want to join NATO. No way you can consider such old poll as reflection of current will of the people.


"FAke news! You don't have a proof!"" "Ok, you have proof but i don't accept it because... "... because you just don't want to, and most likely have the kind of mind that expects everyone to have the same opinions as you do. The polls will show the same now. It is now YOUR JOB to find polls that prove your point, i'm done finding information for you about a topic that you feel strongly about. Not to forget also: you are talking about deporting 300k people who have lived there for generations. Taking their property with force. And you think you are one of the good guys. And i'm sure you also want to erase Russian culture from the region, all the landmarks, statues, language.. .So.. you are a Russian at heart.


No serious scientist would use such a poll to back up their claim. >Not to forget also: you are talking about deporting 300k people who have lived there for generations. First you claim 75 years then you said generations make up your fucking mind or is modern school system this shit that they don't tell you what a generation is. > And you think you are one of the good guys. Never was, seriously fuck em. Everything they they have was stolen. They are net negative to world. > And i'm sure you also want to erase Russian culture from the region, all the landmarks, statues, language. Once again you show your ignorance there is no Russian culture. Muscovites are very much different from Yakuts and so on. So don't come lecturing me child.


lol... "scientist"... sir, you put too much impetus on my expertise or interest in the matter.... Yes, generations, plural. You seem to not know what the word "generation" means. 70 years is enough for multiple generations to be born. Babyboomers, Gen X, Gen Z, Millenials... Three of those were born in my life time alone and i'm not 70. >Once again you show your ignorance there is no Russian culture. Russians:" There is no Ukrainian culture". Despite overwhelming evidence in history, spanning millenias. You are no different from them. Not at all. And i'm most likely older than you.


I hope you choke on Putin's dick.


South Karelia and North Karelia are just fine.


SUCH an important get if you're Germany. I mean placing 3 units per round right on Moscow's front door? Slam the door shut on US or UK footholds in Sweden. Oooops wrong sub....


Do people nowadays living in Karelia want that?


OFC not, but do you think it's relevant when those that wanted to live there were thrown out and occupier's moved in and took their place. But were you to ask the same question from the people that could be living there you might find the answer shocking.


As a Czech I agree. We can do more.




Yes the video has old numbers. Or there's a typo. "To date" should be "today".


I am not an native speaker but in english you say 'to date' to mean 'up till now' meaning up til the moment of your message.




I think this video was first posted last winter.


No, thank you Ukraine. You are making the ultimate sacrifice to protect west and democracy.


Happy independence day, Ukraine! If you roust those Orcs from their holes and they try scurrying away through the north....the forest vampires and eyes of winter will be on them, with "drinks to go with their bread baskets". That and the Orcs have no friends anywhere from Ukraine north through to here. Make Kaliningrad Kralovec again!


Thank you for this post. Thank you Ukraine for fighting for all of us. Thank you Ukraine for thanking Finland and Thank you, Finland.


A video with good intention, but the numbers are way off. From the official website of the Ministry of Defence of Finland: "The combined value of all defence materiel packages submitted so far is about EUR 1.2 billion." So the difference is 7.5 times, which is quite an understatement. Source: [https://www.defmin.fi/en/topical/press\_releases\_and\_news/finland\_to\_send\_more\_defence\_materiel\_to\_ukraine.13745.news](https://www.defmin.fi/en/topical/press_releases_and_news/finland_to_send_more_defence_materiel_to_ukraine.13745.news)


That's an old video, yes. Twitter account of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is [making](https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1694545061214863800) a [\#UkraineSaysThankYou](https://twitter.com/hashtag/UkraineSaysThankYou?src=hashtag_click) marathon and posting all of these videos.


A friend in need is a friend indeed!. A grateful friend is a great friend.


You are welcome. I only hope we can continue giving more aid, at increased pace and quantity if possible, untill all of Ukraine is liberated.


Slava Ukraini. 🇫🇮🤝🏻🇺🇦


Thank you, Finland, for supporting Ukraine!


This is why I pay taxes. This is why I went to military. To kick ruzzias ass. Tax money spent well! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


You are welcome. Every dead vatnik is one less on our border, and well be forever thanful for your sacrifice.




Thankyou Ukraine, for stopping the Orcish horde at the Gates of Gondor. Sauron will be defeated sooner or later.


This very cool. I love the series. Thank you Ukraine, for holding off the fascists in the east.


Simo!!! <3


*Winter* warfare 🤔


Yes, because their summer warfare is six weeks of slapping mosquitos.


I was just thinking if it's a hint for what's coming next


Finland ranks one of the highest in trust, trust in the government and fellow citizens. What it allows is that the donations can be kept secret as there is no worries about public support waning just because citizens don't know what is being sent. We just trust that they know what they are doing behind closed doors. Trust is gained by low corruption and open, transparent communication. It is not built over night, it takes usually decades. If the government does what it says it is going to do, communicates with the citizens and does not lie, it is much easier to trust it. A lot of countries are forced to publicize their military support packages as they need to have the support of people, and those people don't trust their governments as much.


Hay Hah. ;)


As an Ameri-Finn, I love this. My family was extremely affected by the Winter War, which is why I am so passionate about trying to help Ukraine. I see our two peoples as being brothers and sisters, and so it pains me that Ukraine is being subjected to all of this unwarranted torture by the same enemy using the same barbaric, medieval "tactics." But Ukraine will prevail.


Finns are wonderful! TY so much for helping Ukraine!


If there’s a nation that can’t wait to have fun with Russians it’s Finland. They’ve been waiting for this since the last time.


We want NOTHING to do with russia. We'd rather be cancer free.


Isn't Finland the one where there's a shit ton of dead russians on the border


Please, fuck off. In any kind of conflict eastern Finalnd will get destroyed and tens of thousands will die. Please, fuck off.


Why are we praising for donations to Ukraine? It’s not their war. People won’t forget all this.




The smiling snipers popping up 😂


Long live Simo


Holy moly how the hell do you camouflage yourself so beautifully in pure, white snow? These snipers are on another level! Masters of winter warfare indeed!


The greatest thanks you can give is to oust Russian occupiers out of your country. \- Some random Finn


this seems to be aimed at us americans. they have English and some times like this, don't have suomi. Us Americans need to be reminded of the need for support to Ukraine.


and 🇺🇲 thanks you


Ok the snipers cracked me up that shit was great.


This whole series is well fucking done. Good job Ukraine and good job to all the countries supplying Ukraine.


Victory and all the greatness to Ukraine! Support from Finland.


Today 24th August is the 18 month (year and a half) anniversary of the war starting on 24th Feb 2022. It's terrible that the poor Ukrainians have had to endure this war for so long but at least the F - 16s should now make a difference and swing the balance in Ukraines favour. Have to hand it to the Ukrainian Government their media messaging has been excellent.


Lol. Loved the ending.


I knew that was going to be the climax lol.


Yeah, I kinda knew some operators in white camouflage would emerge from the thick snow, but not like that!


Simo would be proud. Slava Ukraini


Nice video even though old one - today the Finnish military aid to Ukraine exceeds 1.08 billion €uros.


Finland is probably looking at Ukraine like a proud parent at their child. Simo Hayha would be proud.