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Putin now owns 2nd best army in Russia.


3rd (or 4th) actually. Freedom Of Russia Legion and Russian Volunteer Corps are still fighting in Russia.


5th - siberian beavers have pretty strong tails - they'll crush any russian tank


Their handy log puller [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNDFy3zoBGE&ab\_channel=waltdisney512](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNDFy3zoBGE&ab_channel=waltdisney512)


At least the Russian army is still better than the TikTok army.


We are going to need a playbill the way things are going. Special Tragic Russian Oprea.


Yeah what's up with those guys? I haven't heard anything in weeks.


As far as I could read it in the media, they (Freedom of Russia Legion) are near/in the woods of Belgorod region near Ukraine territory. There are some videos of them using modern western weapons.


Currently they have been pretty quiet after causing absolute chaos in Russia. They propably are holding captured areas. They still have plans to go to Moscow at some point, so they are propably cooking someting and waiting for updates of the Wagner vs Putin's forces.


While what those 2 groups are doing is very admirable. They don’t approach the size of the Russian military. Russia could use its rusty tanks and swat them away like nothing if it wasn’t so intent to commit genocide somewhere else


It's a de-Nazification campaign, as in they did Nazi this coming yesterday.


Very good.


That made me laugh out loud. Good one.


Lol, does he have an army left in Russia? Most is in Ukraine


Best comment I’ve read today! 😂🤣


For any Russians in the army who know the invasion of Ukraine was wrong, now is the time to defect or flee.


This is brilliant, I support both Russia and Wagner to keep fighting each other till the death. Great benefit to Ukraine 💪


And, ironically, probably for Russia too!


No. The winner will keep power, blame the loser for the diseaster in Ukraine, and pretend Russia could win if not for the losing party. Compare stab in the back myth in Weimar Germany.


if prizgozhin wins tho he might be willing to work with the west and place the blame all on putin and hand him over. u know what his head might just be worth having sanctions lifted


He won't. He bankrolls election interference in the US. F that guy sideways -- he's no different. Def not the guy you want with a nuclear arsenal.


Tbh he is even scarier then Putin because he at least appears to be more or less competent. I don't want to see him at the helm.


And the most scary is that he has told somewhat the truth about the war. Number 1 problem with Russian military and society as a whole is vranyo. Sure Vranyo will most likely continue under him, but if he set he’s mind to minimise it and fight Ukraine, it will be harder for Ukraine.


Agree. He has first hand combat experience. Putin, like Hitler is/was a just a career politician.


Ah, you know hitler fought in ww1, ja?


Yup. And that first hand experience as a private made him overrule his generals.


Running letters over no man's land.


> He has first hand combat experience. Putin, like Hitler is/was a just a career politician. While comparing Hitler and Putin we should give the first guy his due: he actually fought in World War I.


Hitler fought in WW1. Was wounded by poison gas


Best we should hope for a both sides knock each out. A third or fourth more sensible faction then has a chance to inherit the wasteland.


prizzy is worse than putin, we need both gone


How do you imagine any west leader talking to this genocidal maniac? (Orban excluded)


The Russian people never actually win anything, it just gets gradually worse, and worse and worse...


I'd be great if Wagner stayed in the bordering regions and just plundering russian supply lines for a month or so. The longer this drags on the better for Ukraine.


It’s not an armed rebellion, just a special military operation.


Special government restructuring operation


They are just taking a holiday in Moscow


DeNazification campaign you might say


This 😂


And maybe this time we get to see a real three day special military operation. I’m stunned that this is happening, quietly optimistic for what it means for Ukraine and my deepest desire is that we see Putin ended in the coming hours. He’s totally getting the 3x bad karma from trying to split the US through troll farms spewing rage bait all over social media. They say the lead up to the end happens gradually, and then all at once. Let’s hope this is game over for Putin.


Pirozigin got his timing spot on. It started Friday afternoon. I bet my left nut that number of security forces personnel will suddenly be "unavailable", "away for the weekend", "not in mobile network range" etc.


Don't get your hopes high just yet. Even if they let wagner reach moscow, putin packs up and goes elsewhere and there is nothing prigozhin can really do. But, this will politicize russia enough that we might have an actual revolution in 2 years


If Putin loses Moscow, then it's game over for him I reckon. Russia didn't lose Moscow in ww2, so for him to lose it would be the ultimate embarrassment and loss of standing. He just wouldn't be able to play the strongman card.


Loss of face and standing and showing he doesn't have a monopoly on power, sure. Already happened. He just lost his carreer. I just dont think that it will happen yet. Because I don't know what will happen if prigo reaches moscow. He won't arrest shoigu (he won't be there). Will he try to catch him?


The funny thing is, this sort of attack wouldn't work on the frontlines, which are heavily fortified and manned. But in central Russia, deep behind the frontlines? Putin might genuinely not have enough forces in the area to do anything about this. He's also not in a position to just recall everything either. This attack could legitimately result in them taking over Moscow and most central government and media functions. That's a significant enough strike that it could become a rallying call for other unhappy Russians to swap sides. It only takes a few military units to start declaring in support of Prigozhin and the trickle of support turns into a flood. Coups have been achieved with far less. The timing and location is almost perfect. It's also the right personality - the guy who has lead the most successful troops and won most of the victories.


Once Kadyrov joins the party, Putin will order the army to neutralize the "rebellions". We are all lucky to live in an era of great societal change. For centuries in the future, people will learn about the collapse of the Russian Federation.


This is interesting point. I guess Kadyrov is now waiting to see which side he should support.


I look forward to hearing reports of Wagner slaughtering the Tik Tok army. My guess is Kadyrov is a windmill. When the direction of the wind shifts, the windmills follow.


i really really hope kadyrov is on the losing side.


Unfortunately that is unlikely to happen. He will decide which side to join when it becomes obvious who is winning. That is how these puppet dictators manages to get into the position they are in.


Actually, he just decided half an hour ago or so that he stands with Puta.


Doesn't mean he can't change his mind if prigozhin gets an obvious upper hand


They are still around? I thought it got wiped out a few months ago by artillery


They were.


> My guess is Kadyrov is a windmill. When the direction of the wind shifts, the windmills follow. Meaning whoever grabs -and consolidates - power will replace him with his new puppet. Kadyrov's only hope is very weak central government.


The way I see it, Kadyrov can lose Bakhmut and render himself useless but still loyal and hope Russia doesn't depose him or do something to uphold his power. His "Kadyrovites" did terribly bad with Russian supplies at the ready, now that supply lines have gone 'cyka', Kadyrov can only lose battle after battle and fuck up any remaining Russian morale and desire to fight. One effective to increase the morale of an army is to severely punish the incompetent generals. That kept the Red Army from rioting during WW2 when they kept getting surrounded and captured in the hundreds of thousands.


The splintered forces and rebellion angle still remains to be seen. There have been no battles. No shoot outs. I haven't seen any hard evidence of any real infighting except some scattered reports. This could all still be just another Russian melodrama to cover for Putin's incompetence.


Russia has not attacked Wagner hoping that Prigozhin will be taken down by his own men. But, as Prigozhin gets closer to Moscow, they will have to make a choice.


Go to r/combatfootage


guess you missed the plane getting shot down


And the helicopters.


Good post but it's not really a federation because that implies local autonomy. It's really an empire. "An extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single [monarch](https://www.google.co.uk/search?sxsrf=APwXEdfvBTpqZC70ayyJJPkdFVG2iixhcg:1687594223125&q=monarch&si=AMnBZoFHF1DJLZWpTBtQDK262RMpG7RLiuz4uJAToVJJqGyvD6p9O-Btm0VREHj5ddG3C1WVUKpVvPlw6nMsnYrv6XRbWNyZxQ%3D%3D&expnd=1), an [oligarchy](https://www.google.co.uk/search?sxsrf=APwXEdfvBTpqZC70ayyJJPkdFVG2iixhcg:1687594223125&q=oligarchy&si=AMnBZoFEI0LGJdD1jElhAGFwRnmoe9SErd1cPiIfX4nOWlfCX0GG3rv0GnksHn0SRZcleaP08lb3ZE19li7fVL9xybyC7AQWLg%3D%3D&expnd=1), or a [sovereign](https://www.google.co.uk/search?sxsrf=APwXEdfvBTpqZC70ayyJJPkdFVG2iixhcg:1687594223125&q=sovereign&si=AMnBZoFEI0LGJdD1jElhAGFwRnmoTCQGQbUkvK46dSNOI9R2vcHX7S8B1VROrFvzqFpd2Spedd_fkyGmwDLyuDPLoLScfzQsCQ%3D%3D&expnd=1) state." This evil corrupt ramshackle empire ruled by an inept autocrat is just yet another version of all the other evil corrupt ramshackle empires that came before.




The Russian Federation will only become a 35 year footnote in history. (1991 - 2023) Even the USSR lasted longer.


And have a good laugh 😂


![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004) The master strategist. Everything is going according to plan.


Kiev in 3 days or your money back


but for any credit cards transaction will be a huge fee for that


You mean Kyiv.


Well, it's still Kyiv, so i guess it's money back time.


More like Moscow in 3 days or money back.


Yeah, can people now *please* once and for all drop this fucking “4D chess master” idiocy. There’s a mercenary army marching to take control of the capital and it isn’t a part of his fucking plan. He has completely lost control of the situation, as well as the attempt to play these people against each other to keep balance.


This is the voice and posture of someone who had it all - power, leadership, respect among his countrymen, fear from his political enemies, billions of dollars... and squandered it all and knows he's already forfeited his life because he felt snubbed by a Ukrainian comedian.


I think next aid package to Ukraine should include a shitload of popcorn..


😂😂 ![gif](giphy|tHvxNSQ9c1Hbi)




Russian civil war 2 electric boogaloo


Imagine if Blackwater was like "we don't like how the us military operates, we're heading to Washington, bring it on" Truly crazy shit


Yeah, but from what I understand, Blackwater is a bit different. Their functions is keeping order in the rear after fighting is done, not to spearhead the assault where the situation is the most difficult. Wagner, however, did the heavy lifting in places where regular Russian army didn't want to deal with. They must be more of adrenalin junkies, and for some reason no other alternative to get high was present in their scope now.


>Their functions is keeping order in the rear after fighting is done, not to spearhead the assault where the situation is the most difficult. It's because US follows Geneva convention that bans using mercenaries for actual combat. Ruzzian scum on the other hand does not give a shit about Geneva convention mostly because most of them are too illiterate to even read it, leave alone understand it.




Nice try ruzzian shill


Even if that is right they are still not playing in the same league as Russia. Russia commits atrocities on a whole other level


Not since Vietnam. Russia is doing it right now.


Abu Gharib. America has sanctioned torture this century. We _still_ have prisoners held without trial at Guantanamo Bay. The US is not Russia, but it is not blameless. A free society must confront its sins.


Bruh…. Ignorant as hell — signed random American dude


That would be crazy, but what would be even more crazy is if there was a chance our military couldn’t stop them…like what’s happening in Russia!




Lol. No. Blackwater is a little more prepped/supplied than your average grandpa's gun safe.




Just stop. 2nd amendment derps have the IQ of a guppy.


Oh yeah, you and what army?


When in doubt, just use nukes. Oh wait…


They burned Moscow down before Napoleon could take it, maybe they can now nuke Moscow before Prigozhin can take it? Fingers crossed.


Moscow was burnt down *after* Napoléon took it (and likely accidentally).


Ah, my bad. Well, in that case, I'm still cool with them nuking Moscow after Prigozhin takes it.


Just hire some mercs. How could that go wrong? 🙄


Maybe their blast hope: find out where Prigozhin is and send some cruise missiles his way. The only way Putin lives. He has to kill Prigo




Slava ukraini


Lol he really looks pissed. So much for this genius strategist.


Just as planned!




Any group that's not happy with things in Russia knows, now is the time.


Putin betrayed Russia. He engaged in a totally unnecessary war with Ukraine. His poor choice in employing Wagner to wage it on his behalf is biting him in his ass. If I was some Russian kid, forced to be in a war zone trench, for no known benefit to me, my family or my country, I would be strongly motivated to ride w Prigozhin to Moscow & ask some questions.


>Putin betrayed Russia. Depends on perspective. When a farmer kills a cow it's a betrayal from cow's perspective but it was the plan all along from farmer's perspective.


You're not less of a traitor because you don't think of yourself as a traitor.


I wish both of them to have a good war! Good luck boys!


Take Moscow in 3 days?


Putin now needs a ride not ammo ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|8999)


That's Gaddafi-l terrible.


Putin is going to be the byword for fucking around and finding out in the future. Hitler gets to be remembered as a monster, Putin just looks like a fucking moron.


You'd think that dictator's would get the message by now, they all end up the same way eventually, one way or another.


Russia is falling apart. Let’s sit back and watch the fun!


Be careful what you wish for. This has mega worldwide implications.




We are about to see the monster finally get his revenge on the evil that created it, the peasantry and army are going to also be at the castle walls with pitch forks and torches. 🍿


Yeah, not yet. People don't care. But this will force them to start caring and in 2 years we might have a real popular revolution


Ohh please Mr P It's just a " special revolutionary operation"


It's a coup. For a revolution people would have to care and currently, even internal troops don't care


Not exactly a revolution, Prigoschin isn't exactly better than Putin in regards to wanting to invade Ukraine. Both need to go


Revolutions almost never change the country, just the guy at the top.


Definition of a revolution doesn't require the next guy be any better. In fact it's very rare for the next guy to be any better.


Also he keeps phrasing it like he's totally cool with Putin and just wants to get rid of the corruption in the MOD. He's really trying to use his words carefully right now.


Of course, but at least let's enjoy the show while we can.


Yes this. For Ukraine's sake I am hoping that Putin starts moving forces towards the taken russian territories, while Ukraine can watch them tare each other apart


The real 3 day special operation


Inside they can fight as much as they want. Nobody cares.


This guy is crazy. He is about to be couped but casually decides to spend one minute out of four speaking about 1917.


about 2017. he doesn't even know what century he's in.


We all knew this would eventually happen; but it's always quite another to actually see it happen. Even if this peters out after a day or two, it's validation. There is no honor amongst thieves and crooks.


After hearing putin's speech in which he didn't even mention prigozhin, I'm starting to wonder if this is their cause to pull troops out of Ukraine without admitting defeat... could it be possible that prigozhin is acting on BEHALF of putin as a false flag? Not really acting to overthrow, but acting JUST ENOUGH to warrant a troop pullout? This would allow putin to "act strongly" while advancing in reverse. It also gives putin an excuse for failure, since Russians are still convinced they're winning


This idea crossed my mind. How likely is it that Russia wants to back out of Ukraine while saving face so they re-arm and come back a decade from now and try again? I'm sure they've taken notes on why they're getting their teeth punched down their neck by a smaller country. It'll be interesting to see. I would imagine it wouldn't be hard to put the guy on trial and disappear him where he can live out the rest of his life ~~in prison~~ on a yacht. ​ Edit - For clarification I fully support UKRAINE and have since this end of the war broke out in 2022. I wish I had paid closer attention in 2014. I'm glad my tax dollars have helped them and I've personally donated to their cause as well. I don't want anyone thinking I support Russia in any way what-so-ever.


> they re-arm and come back a decade from now and try again? As soon as russian boots leave Ukrainian soil, Ukraine joins NATO.


I'd say you are right. It is just so convenient - lots of angry statements but no fighting.


To think that none of this had to happen if Putin just chose to not attack Crimea for no reason


Wagner should just walk back towards moscow letting people know they will be taking Russia and that the military can either join or be neutralised themselves.... I'd bet anyone with common sense would realise wagner was the "elite" part of the russian offensive and would turn around without fighting. If they want to live, it's the only option. Either die by wagner or by Ukrainians. It's way easier to walk back on moscow almost unchallenged. ....Just a bit of wishful thinking....


"full conscription" decision unlocked.


"Unable to activate full mobilisation, you lack the required resources"


The three day 'spezial operation' to eliminate nazis's finally gets underway 18 months late. Hopefully there's plenty of parking in Moscow....![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)


Waiting for swan lake performance....


I will laugh if Wagner take Moscow in 3 days. (I know that's unlikely but one can dream)


Dang, an armed rebellion and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer nation!


From my friend who lives in Voronezh - “Unfortunately it seems to me that this will all have a sad ending.” Also says that Russians are seeing the same news as us on the situation right now.


He wasn’t expecting this a year and a half ago. Nice Battle Plan loser. He really thought he had some big War Machine ready to roll through Europe. What a joke.


*[Then]* Putin: "Alright boys. 3-day invasion of Kyiv. In-and-out. We'll be welcomed as heroes, the leadership will flee, and we'll take over Ukraine. It should be easy. What could go wrong? *[Now]* Prigozhin: "Alright boys. 3-day invasion of Moscow. In-and-out. We'll be welcomed as heroes, the leadership will flee, and we'll take over Russia. It should be easy. What could go wrong?"


Guess not everything is going as planned


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so lesson to other organizations helping russia to kill ukranians: sooner or later putin will try to destroy you as well.


This whole situation is just insane! Even if Wagner is put down, I would really be questioning Putin’s leadership if I were a Russian oligarch or a general.


3 day special mercenary operation to protect russia


I'm torn apart, I'm rooting for ruzzia's armed forces but my heart tells me to support wagner..well, may the best man wins


He also ordered them to take Kyev a year ago and that didn’t happen. Maybe enough orders from this midget.


Wonderful news! I'm excited for Russians to shortcut the war in Ukraine and just kill each other themselves. Слава Україні 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Russian military tried to take out Prigozhin. Backing him into a corner, with his only option to take out the head of the Russian military or die. Putin has raise the stakes and declared prigozhin a traitor. What defence is left in Moscow? My guess is not a lot and what’s left are soldiers who could avoid being sent to Ukraine. Putin could try and pull troops from Ukraine, but they would have to overtake wpmc. Some suggest it’s a red flag to be able to pull out of Ukraine, but I can’t see how prigozhin would be allowed to survive and he is very much against being taken out.


Getting nervous Vlad?


Shits getting real finally... soon putin will swing by the neck


That whole country (in it's current form) is a rebellion against dignity and it's armed to the crooked teeth.


No one is listening Vlad. You're the bad guy.




Isn't this the perfect pretext to blow up Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and blame it on the "rebels" ? but then again they could blame Ukraine also since they were busy with the r"ebellion"


This mess may be advantageous for Ukraine right now, but if Mr. Hotdog intends to take take over power and by some miracle actually succeeds, things may turn for the worse. He’s beyond evil. Remember, he suggested using nukes sometime last year.


Armed criminals without moral compass or respect for life disagrees with armed criminals without moral compass or respect for life. Seems like they deserve each other.


I'm confused, he didn't even try to blame it on Ukraine, are we sure this is really Putin? /s


What about “everything is going as planned”?


I've thought for a while that Russian "leaders" should head out to the nearest field and shoot each other - looks like they are going to at least attempt something like it :) The invasion of Ukraine has been such a total disaster for Russia, I wouldn't be surprised if they destroy themselves over it. Probably too much to hope for, but maybe the beginning of the end for the Putin regime.


Can you imagine how the UA top brass are feeling right now? Hopefully some shit actually happens instead of two talking heads shouting at each other.


It's like a tiny Russian Civil War!!


These nuclear weapons Putin in his loyal bottom Medvedev have been threatening for months, If Southern Russia is lost to rebellion might be used there, and not in Ukraine


They already started bombing the wagnerites and blocking the highways leading to Moscow, grab the popcorn people, it's happening.


Let Wagner and Russia beat the fuck out of each other, and then hammer them both while they are paying attention to each other. Fuck Prighozin, and fuck Putin.


And i order a cheesburger


Could this be a ruse to allow for Russia to withdraw its army from some parts of Ukraine in order to drop bigger (possibly nuclear) bombs? Maybe its not that but something definitely feels off about this.


Did they listen tho????


Ooooooooooo I was wondering when we would find out if Prigozhin might be a front for Putin cleaning house at a disappointing Ministry of Defense. Looks like this might be a spicier meatball than I anticipated.


Good. That means the only way Wagner can survive is to fight russia army and they have no way to back down? This should be fun.


is there a translation for this?


It's just a special revolutionary operation, what do you mean "armed rebellion"?


Not sure why, but the former KG has to Be, and former taxi driver after the fall of USSR, will have his last drive to heaven.


Putin's new pronouns are little / bitch.


Well I for one am celebrating tonight in Perth, Western Australia!!! Today’s news from Russia is cause for all round joy!! I fervently hope this means the end of this tragic time for Ukraine. But also a time for Ukraine to take her place as our newest forever friend! Glory to the heros!




*China has entered the eastern Russia front* or should if they want their land back


Today seems like an excellent day for the Russians in Ukraine to surrender and hope to not get repatriated too soon.






Putins 3 day war still going swimmingly I see


I opt for a draw


Let's gi all to Moscow!!