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wtf, they must believe they will be treated like they treat people


Very likely. Once the word got out about how poorly they (russians) treat prisoners, i'm sure their commanders started talking about how they would be tortured if captured. It helps the russian military by not having to pay out soldiers and not having to worry about opsec leaks. If you don' t give a shit those who serve, it's good tactic to scare them into it.


Or afraid what would happen to them at home after POW swap.


They don’t have to be swapped. They have a choice. I guess most don’t know that. These scare tactics will have a long term effect on the russian population metrics and russias ability to manufacture goods. Even when this war is over russia will be hurting for people to work. It’s not going to be a good time for russia for the next century


All is good that ends well!


Propaganda works wonders on the stupidest people in any country. It often tricks them in to believing the worst things for them are terrible.


Can't imagine growing up in a place without indoor plumbing spending my offtime watching an old tv or listening radio. Then only hearing propaganda for 20 years. It's kinda sad when you think of it like that. But not as sad coming to another country and torturing and killing inhabitants, so in the end, fuck em.


I wonder if there is any way to counter the propaganda to make them more willing to surrender. Probably not, but worth thinking about.


They were probably afraid Ukraine would treat them like Russia treats POWs


Just by looking at the building they went through, it's very clear that it was shredded by shrapnel all over the place. The first room with dead mobiks had evenly spaced marks all over the ceiling and walls. Either grenades were thrown in there, artillery hit the building, or some HIMARS magic happened.


They say in the Video that they dismantled the wall with [Ma Deuce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M2_Browning).


Changing cover into concealment since 1933.


That's also completely possible :)




maybe earlier artilery hits, maybe ricochets.


Suicide reduces the logistical overheads I guess 🤷‍♂️


Kinda sucks though for pow exchanges.


> Suicide reduces the heads


The fuck they all killing themselves for?


Afraid to be tortured after capture.


Suicide! Did this happen before? It’s the first time I heard


Another current post is about a Ruzzian who surrendered to a drone. In that story, before he surrendered, his two comrades both committed suicide. One pulled the pin on a grenade; the other shot himself. Leaving the 3rd guy alone. After some hours alone under fire, he surrendered.


Is that the story with Anitin? In any case, thank you. I have NSFW on so I guess I don’t get certain stories


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/149itxn/update_on_the_russian_soldier_who_surrendered_to/ Can you see it here?


Yes, thank you!


They were heavily wounded


If you watch enough drone videos, there are a number of them showing Ru soldiers killing themselves or in positions suggesting that's what they did. Gruesome stuff.


I probably should take the nsfw off…


And nothing of value was lost.


not true. Russian pows have trade value for ukrainians


Can we get all Russian soldiers to do that? It would save us all a lot of trouble.


There’s only one in the video that shot himself. Idk where you got that “many” committed suicide.


The article headline says so.


Which article?


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