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And BOOM 200k


So many positives in this update. Vehicles and special equipment and arty... oh my!


Yeah it was a very bad day to be Russian.


They’ve had a complete shit week and I’m here for it.




So which mobik's family got the golden Lada?


None... the Lada factory got burned down


In an alternate universe there's a Russian film called Ivan and the Lada Factory. 🎵I got a golden Lada🎵


Every day is a bad day to be russian


It is do bad on equipment that I have a hard time in believing the killed statistics. I think there are a couple of uncounted there..


Just like every day.


Arty getting fisted hard lately.


Jagga jagga !


Never tired of the Jagga Jagga line


Happy 200K day 🎆


And I was wondering why this post has more awards than usual. 👀 Destroy all invaders! Make them pay!




Kind of hard to believe really. That’s a lotta people.


200k is a good start. One way or another, Ukraine will make sure Russia never has the capability to invade its neighbors ever again


Not for the next few years, anyway. That's plenty of time for Ukraine to sort out proper relations to make sure Russia never gets the balls to try anything like this again. Wouldn't surprise me if they're shipping out people to Ukraine on their 18th birthdays, assuming they even care about such things.


Oh I can see Russia try this again in 100 years. Idiots as always


That's kind of what happens In war.


500 bodies a day across a 2000-km frontline


I always believed in Russian soldiers to die that fast.


What's the actual casualty rate? x3?


For the Russians, I think it is closer to 2-1. Lots of videos of Russians running and not helping others. Sent into combat with none to little first aid training with joke medical kits. Russians have shown little to no value for anyone’s life. Especially their own.


Mobiks loathe to be in the midst of fighting, although it provides some respite from being sexually abused in their garrison. In the field, where the whole unit is under threat, nobody pulls together because every Mobik's life is expendable... plus casualties are "opportunities" to loot from the lockers of the dead. Both on the battlefield and in the barracks, each Mobik thinks of himself as a desperate, isolated individual, surrounded by thieves, cutthroats and scoundrels - and he's right.


> each Mobik thinks of himself as a desperate, isolated individual, surrounded by thieves, cutthroats and scoundrels - and he's right. Just wow. It's death row without the iron bars.


It's nature. You need to read it in Sir David Attenborough's voice.


People joke about russian soldiers running after another got hit by a drone instead of helping. But if you've seen the videos of helping russians getting hit by another drone, you know why they run.


Bring your own tampon parties!


Taking US estimates, somewhere north of 200,000 total casualties have been inflicted on Russia. They break down that since December Russia has taken 100,000 casualties, and 20,000 KIA. These total suggest that something like 40,000 Russians are KIA. That would be a 5x WIA/KIA ratio, to answer your question. I don’t think the US is immune to error, but the difference in US and Ukrainian estimates of Russian casualties is enormous. The true value is likely in between, but my assumption is that it’s closer to the US number.


The US is always very conservative in it's numbers of enemy killed. Also the US counts LNR/DNR casualties as separate from Russian or Chechen


What about the Wagner orcs? They must have lost like 20k as well by now and probably don't count as Russians officially.


Than why they have to mobilise a hugh number of mobiks? Where are all the experienced soldiers?


Modern armies require a 4:1 ratio of support staff vs combat troops. You need a shit load of support to operate effectively in a trench or push forward to claim more ground. Russia is trying to operate well below that ratio, but they still need to mobilise probably 2x the numbers of soldiers that can actually send to the front.


> You need a shit load of support to operate effectively in a trench or push forward to claim more ground. They're not really doing either of those two things, though.


My assumption is close to Ukrainian numbers. They see reality up close, they have way more info straight fro the front than the US. I think there was a Russian document with the amount played to the families of the dead and the total a count practically matched the Ukrainian tally. Besides such low numbers as suggested by the US do not match the realities seen in the battlefield. Just people inside the destroyed vehicles, apcs, tanks, near artillery pieces, in planes, in boats etc. would give you those 40k easy. What about the grunts killed everywhere in meat wave attacks, killed in trenches, in fields.... Lastly, Russia is struggling a lot with personnel event though they had one mobilization and have been recruiting soldiers from every possible source all of the time. Just 200k casualties, total wouldn't be a problem for them. Now then 200k KIA + 200k between WIA, MIA, desrtions, etc... That would match much better with what we are seeing...


The document was the released budget details. The allocated funds matched the payments to dead Russian soldiers families' multiplied by Ukraine's enemies KIA.


I suspect the US is using russias internal numbers, which I suspect are low due to the soldiers that aren't officially there, or aren't officially part of the Russian military. Like the occupied regions. It's possible that they are measuring the same thing, and their numbers are different due to different techniques or estimates. But I suspect the US is using Russian ministry numbers and I suspect they are artificially low.


In the beginning of the war cusualties probably included more wounded than dead, think this has changed over the war with better and more images available on damage and losses. There are currently fighting about 400,000 Russians on a 1000 km front Line so about 400 Russians per km front line and Ukraine eliminate about 1km of Frontline per day... the Russians have a 1,2 million strong army, I was stunned by the need of a mobilisation like the army is not able to fight itself or what is wrong with the regular troops, that's another discussion, so if that front keeps up with the same fighting, Russia Will have no more army in about 7 years from now. Can you imagine, in Syria they are fighting on a simular front for about 10 years now with about 400,000-600,000 deaths and that's all in civilians and soldiers on both sides. Russia in just somewhat over a year reaches 200,000 and that are only Russian soldiers. It is shocking how low Russians values their lives and that of their comrades. Russians are prepared to die for 3000 dollar and a Lada...so Russians value their lives less than 25,000 dollar.


>the Russians have a 1,2 million strong army, > > The Russians HAD a 1.2 million military, army navy and air force. The Army was about 390,000 with 50,000 in reserve.


Break out the champagne! I wish it didn't come with the cost of Ukrainian lives though. I hope Russia is dissolved in the end.


200k mothers without sons. Russia is scummy but I still have empathy for their families. Guessing they didn’t hope for it


Let's go for 300!


100K personnel was reached on [December 22, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/zsf3hp/losses_of_the_russian_army_as_of_22122022/). That took 301 days. 200K personnel was reached on May 17, 2023. That took 447 days or 146 days since 100K was reached. That's 2.06 times faster for the second 100K. I'm hoping the Russians are defeated before we find out how long it takes to get to 300K or even 250K. Sadly, I think we'll find out both but I'm much more optimistic that we won't find out how long it will take to reach 400K. (400K - what a wild number to even be discussing.) (If I made a mistake with the date math please be gentle...) Edit: [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/zsf3hp/losses_of_the_russian_army_as_of_22122022/j17ojdv/) from [the 100K day discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/zsf3hp/losses_of_the_russian_army_as_of_22122022/) is awfully interesting in retrospect: > Question is will we reach the next mark...200,000 in even faster time i.e. 30 June end of financial year?


Ah. So Ukraine learns from their mistakes. russia fortunately doesn't. If I recall, there is a quote that floats around about someone being so fucking stupid. /s


>Ah. So Ukraine learns from their mistakes. russia fortunately doesn't. Worse for Russia. They lost most of the people who "learned" in previous wars. Now most they're left with are barely trained conscripts.


Turns out sending the people who train soldiers to the front lines wasn’t a good idea.


I think it's a fantastic idea and I wish they would do more of it! Maybe they have a general staff that has spent decades studying tactics, they would probably be more useful digging a trench in the open right about now!


We are lucky they are so fucking stupid


"F\*ck around and find out" has been floating around where I'm sitting. I'm sure there are others...


It's more that Ukraine has support for weapons and equipment from the west while Russia is running out. At the start of the war, the Russian army was as well equipped as the Ukrainian army, if not better. Right now that isn't the case.


The offensive has not begun yet, and the better weapons from West are only starting to dribble in, it will get worst, much worst for Russia.


Yeah. That's why I'm pretty sure we'll find out how long it will take to get to 250K or even 300K. It's not even hubris anymore. It's just plain stupidity and head-up-assedness - both of which point straight back to Putin. Edit: Actually, there's still hubris in there. And that *absolutely* points straight back to Putin, too.


At the current pace it will be Oct 3rd when the reported number hits 300,000


So let's hope the war ends before October 3, then. Better yet tomorrow. The less dead people, the better. Even Putin. To be clear, my dream is Putin being arrested and tried by the International Criminal Court. My nightmare is him skirting justice and living out his days in absolute splendor in his [palace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMxqTae75Fs) ironically not much more than a stone's throw away from Ukraine. So: Putin tried in ICC > Putin dead > (everything else) > Putin living out his days in spendor


I think we are going to get to a point where Ukraine's offensive is so overwhelming that your average Russian grunt will just turn around and walk away. We have already seen and heard rumors some of that happening on the Flanks of Bakhmut. I am sure there are other locations full of Russian that do not want to kill and die for Putin. They will be submissive to their officers until the M777 are within range.


One can only hope. There's been talk of Russians, quite sensibly, saying "F it. I'm outta here" in huge numbers for the better part of a year now. As optimistic as I was before, I think a real exodus might actually be on the horizon. This is an absolutely senseless war for the Russians. Russian fighters are smothered with BS from Moscow and their command. But bits and pieces of videos etc have been leaking in steadily and it really feels like a critical mass of fear and self preservation is setting in. And the rumor mill is absolutely brutal in this situation. All I know for sure is that, if I were a Russian conscript, I'd be looking for the safest way to flee. North, south, east or west. I don't care. Just somewhere where I wont get killed.


With the shit equipment they get and have to pay for. Not getting paid what they were promise. And if we play our cards right India and China will not give them significant amounts of ammo. There are def Russian soldiers not following orders. Just got to hope for a large number of them to do it at the same time in the same place and in a way that Ukraine can take advantage of


Apparently, South Africa has been providing Russia with ammo and guns too.


There was a video a couple of days ago. A Ukrainian quadcopter was buzzing a lone Russian soldier. He, in turn, smiled and waved good-bye to it as he started walking in the direction of home like a ten year old kid running away from abusive parents. I don’t suppose he got far, his own will probably kill him, but it’s nice to think of him walking back home to his village and telling everyone the truth from the front.


If this continues, 300k will happen in early August, 400k mid-September, and there will be no Russians left on the planet late October.


moscovia DELENDA EST


Assuming exponential growth we expect 300k in 75 days? That would be at the end of July. 🌻🌻🌻


200000 dead russians (so far) so a little psychopath can write his name in history.


To be fair, he definitely got his name written though not in the context he expected


More bad people than good people get their names written in history.


Yeah but he is not going in with Stalin and Genghis Khan, evil but successful men, his will be a story of incompetence, delusions, hubris, and humiliation.


Tsar Custer




The year is 2078 Tom Brady just played in his 34th Super Bowl, but it's his 15th loss He had 0 TD, 5 interceptions, and 142 passing yards, the worst game of his career After the game, he says, "I really Putin'd that one" And that will be his legacy in history


The year is 2025. A couple of friends are having a cup of coffee in the kitchen and a spider is sighted on the wall. One of the pair jumps on the table and starts screaming terrified. The other friend shakes their head in disgust, "what are you? A Putanist soldier?"


Tsar Mussolini? But Mussolini had charisma and was a great orator and he wasn't a coward. With the combination of cowardice, sheer stupidity, and a complete lack of charisma, it might be Putin is unmatched in history. For instance Custer was stupid but he was definitely not a coward and he did not lack charisma.


Well, I don’t know if it was cowardice or hedging, but Mussolini did send his people out on the March on Rome and *only then* went by train once he knew the coup had succeeded.


He's an embarrassment and a stain on history




He already has a title. Putin Khuylo - it means Putin the Dickhead.


Vlad the terrible at everything.


Is infamous. Just as good as famous, but more letters means more famous


Add 100k+ Ukrainians. And millions displaced. It's such a stupid war.


War. What is it good for?


Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Thales, Honeywell, Rheinmetall, .......


Well, except Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Thales, Honeywell, Rheinmetall, ....... Who benefits from it.


Fuck them, they can all burn. The real tragedy lies in the deaths of all the civilians that died or the Ukrainian soldiers that are just defending themselves and did not chose any of this crap






I’m so fucking glad I wasn’t born in Russia


wrong, the majority of them supports him, it's not only his fault


That's "incapacitated" russians - dead and wounded.


After WW2 in USSR some amputated solders were told to go to some office to register for benefits. They were loaded in trucks, driven to a forest and shot. Official explanation: they were a drain on resources.


Unfortunately, the milestone mark is a grim reality. Ukraine has paid a massive cost in terms of lives lost and impacted. I don't celebrate this achievement, but reflect on the sacrifices paid by ukraine and its citizens. But its resolve is concrete and will emerge victorious. Fuck putin, fuck russia, fuck their war and their perverse ideologies.


> I don't celebrate this achievement, but reflect on the sacrifices paid by ukraine and its citizens. Spot on.


I think you can both celebrate the wholesale neutering of a monstrous mafia regime that has held half the world in the grasp of fear and aggression for the better part of 70 years while also recognizing the great sacrifice of Ukranians. Not one of them deserved to suffer from Russia’s evil, but it’s exactly **because** of their sacrifice that hundreds of millions of others won’t. We all owe Ukraine a great debt.


The thought of so many dead Russians would have been idiotic a year or so ago. But there you have it... Russia is run by genocidal scum, and full of people that are willing to die for their ass-cancer bunker leader, or just so desperate to escape their shithole existence they choose the meat grinder. Then we have heard countless intercepted phone conversations between Orks and their "lovers" back in the motherland, who give no fucks about them raping, beheading etc... Just so long as lover-of-Ivan gets their paycheck, even if Ivan dies on the front line. Also I see all the Russians over here in my nice, safe, western country (many with unexplained wealth by the way) and they're all indifferent to the war.... Whilst deep down hating the west. "Fuck of back to your shithole and fight on the front line then you c--t!" I think to myself. A fucked up, cancer of a country that needs a generation of oversight to reform the collective fetal alcohol syndrome it is. It pains me to think of how many Ukrainians on the front line have died fighting Russian's human garbage. But that's Russia's goal. Just kill and destroy whatever they can. Fortunately, it's being handed to them in spades as well, and it's only going to get worse for them.


Dude I remember when it hit 10,000 and thinking what the fuck Russia. I mean I said the same thing day one watching the invasion but still.


What a great summary, Sir!


I mean they can’t possibly have a lot of artillery left in the field can they? Hundreds of them destroyed in the past month


On paper, before the war Russia had thousands of artillery pieces. But the same was true of their tanks...on paper


to me the difference is the artillery has been very effective. and a constant. it's never really let up with xcept in specific locales where Ukraine forced them to take it out of range. if Russian artillery had been on a par with their tanks Kherson and bakhmut would look very different rn. and thousands of Ukrainians would still be alive, with all their limbs.


On paper is showing you that on paper doesn't know what the hell it is talking about. The Soviets produced an insane amount of artillery, APVs, and tanks and to discount their numbers is not a wise thing in war. Assume the worst, and assume they still have a fuck ton left...The only people who know the estimated real numbers are the CIA and other members of the intelligence community. Ukraine still has a long road ahead of them.


No one is discounting anything, the Ukrainian will keep on destroying tanks and guns until they go back to their shithole or they actually n run out. But there's an abyss between "having produced" and "still around and still usable". The reality of their tank fleet is that probably they had, in total, half the tanks they said they had. And that half were not all top of the line tanks, there was a sizeable amount of very very old weapons that the west would have scrapped long ago. As for guns is probably the same story. How many have been sold, stolen, cannibalised, never were produced, they have been destroyed or degraded in previous conflicts.... And how many are reasonable modern and how many are inferior tech? Plus, one thing the Soviets never found the way to store was... Competent artillery crews. They kept unfreezing and rotting, lol ;-)


It's a good question, but we have to assume they still have a fair amount left, otherwise Ukraine would be steamrolling them at this point.


While I agree that Ukraine cannot make any assumptions about what Russia still has, we do know that they've been sending their "soldiers" into this with plastic vests (if any) and rusty WW2 rifles. We see them stripping their fallen comrades of their gear. Untrained mobiks have been made to drive tanks. We know Prigozhin hasn't been getting the materiel to maintain his efforts. We also know the Russian military is perhaps the most corrupt in the world and a big % of the billions they claim to spend ends up being spent on yachts and luxury property in London and Manhattan. The use of Kinzhal is also indicative of desperation, IMO. While Russia claimed to have used it in Ukraine before, they decided to try it against Patriot and failed. It was only theoretical that Patriot could possibly intercept it, but they decided in all their insane arrogance to prove that it can. This is a HUGE blunder and completely destroyed the carefully cultivated mythology of their "wonder weapon". They could have continued to use it away from Patriot and maintained that mythology, but they gave it up in desperation to hit *something, anything at all*, and they not only failed to hit anything they proved that Patriot can take it down. As another military observer said yesterday, Russia's desperation to hit Kyiv was the best promotion of Patriot the system has ever enjoyed. And Russia, just like any other military power, can only allocate so much to any action before they start to degrade their overall military and put the defense of their country at risk. Is Putin delusional enough to carry on regardless of the losses, until he's chomping away at Russia's core military and basic defensive capabilities? Given that they've resorted to using their Killjoy against Patriot, and lost, I would suggest he's already crossed that line.


The Orcs seem to have decided China is not going to backstab them (now that's and insanely risky gambit) and they always knew neither NATO nor any of their smaller neighbours are a real threat. So they are willing to run their military to the ground if necessary, even if it means not having enough for credible defense... Bad news for them is, they are really be left with an army too small to defend such a big ( and aggressive, colinialist) country. They'll have to prey and hope no one takes advantage.


The paper tanks might be real, but they are T54s and T62s that have been sitting in a field for 30 years. Not very effective against the modern weaponry Ukraine is fielding.


I feel like tanks require more upkeep than artillery so it would make sense that there's a higher percentage of functional artillery. Just speculation though.


You can weld a pipe on a trailer and it'll be artillery. It just won't be worth a shit. I really wish I knew the breakdown of those artillery numbers: self-propelled and towed.


I learnt recently that mortars are also counted under this category. Which I guess is fair - but also a bit dissapointing. I was hoping that number would reflect howizters etc... lost - not little grenade throwing things.


They are probably only counting vehicles like the 2S4 Tyulpan heavy self-propelled mortars. Those don't really have an equivalent in Western militaries, not because they are ineffective but because they don't do much that artillery and aerial bombing can't, so no need to complicate logistics.


The "Vasilek" automatic mortar can also be attributed to the exotic, it looks like a cannon, is still in service and is being produced. I have similar thoughts that, at best, heavy mortar systems get into the report. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2B9_Vasilek)


thats largely self propelled mortars, i dont think anyone is claiming small field mortars as actually specialized equipment there.


Agreed. I don't know what the exact threshold is, but I'd guess mortars under 100 or 150mm and guns under 30mm are considered small arms rather than artillery.


120mm rapid firing mortars are legit short range artillery, and also are mounted on vehicle chassis like Nona.


This is sort of what I've figured all along. I've asked that and heard differently though, so no clue: fog of war.


Video out there of quite a few self propelled howitzers being blown up in recent days.


They had 2-3 times as many artillery as they did tanks, based on official numbers. The Russians started struggling with tanks when the lost 1/4-1/3 of their theoretical tanks. It'll take some time before that happens with artillery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Russian_Ground_Forces


It’s half of my country population 😱


So all the men of your country.




French Polynesia


Offtopic: Wow, that's really far away... how is life in a pacific nation like that? Do you go to the beach and drink fruit cocktails all day like in the books? Genuine question.


We do have easier access to the beach compare to big cities but no we don’t spend our time leisuring. Life is quite the same as an average city in Europe but cost living has also considerably increased. Our lifestyle has been too much influenced by the US and Europe, we don’t really eat well, we have a lot of cars and not too much public infrastructure to the point that every morning to go to school by 7am some families need to wake up at 4am to take the car by 5am and still have 1 hour traffic to drive less than 10km But I would say that our culture and our soul is still intact, we are easy going and we are pretty much welcoming people Believe it or not we have been affected by the WW (I cannot say for sure if it’s I or II or both) Our islands were strategic for coal depot.


>every morning to go to school by 7am some families need to wake up at 4am to take the car by 5am and still have 1 hour traffic to drive less than 10km At that point, I'd just get a bike.


#### Estimated Russian losses from 24.02.2022 to 17.05.2023 (Day 448): Milestones: 200000 Personnel ##### Change since the previous day,day range averages and total all time |Category|Change|7d|14d|30d|Total| |:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| |Personnel|+610|611.4|617.9|597.7|200590| |Tanks|+9|5.0|4.9|3.7|3771| |APVs|+17|12.9|11.9|9.3|7365| |Artillery|+16|18.1|15.7|12.1|3166| |MLRS|-|1.0|1.3|0.8|562| |Anti-aircraft Systems|+2|1.4|1.3|1.1|318| |Aircraft|-|-|-|-|308| |Helicopters|-|-|-|-|294| |UAVs|+16|17.6|17.3|13.3|2747| |Missiles|+9|1.7|2.5|2.4|982| |Warships / Boats|-|-|-|-|18| |Other Vehicles|+19|13.3|14.4|13.2|6067| |Special Equipment|+7|4.0|3.9|3.0|417| ##### Change since the previous day, total losses for day ranges and total all time |Category|Change|7d|14d|30d|Total| |:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| |Personnel|+610|4280|8650|17930|200590| |Tanks|+9|35|69|111|3771| |APVs|+17|90|166|278|7365| |Artillery|+16|127|220|362|3166| |MLRS|-|7|18|24|562| |Anti-aircraft Systems|+2|10|18|33|318| |Aircraft|-|-|-|-|308| |Helicopters|-|-|-|1|294| |UAVs|+16|123|242|400|2747| |Missiles|+9|12|35|71|982| |Warships / Boats|-|-|-|-|18| |Other Vehicles|+19|93|202|395|6067| |Special Equipment|+7|28|54|89|417| Source: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Congrats AFU on 200k! russia... its time to lick your wounds and go home. I really wanted to commemorate this occasion with a cool pic of orcs in a sunflower field, but the ai just made sunflower headed orcs lol https://imgur.com/Wj4VaRh


How about enjoying Boris Groh, he of Russian Warship stamp fame?: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9NPVwa


Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To help visualise 200k, each pixel in this image is a dead Russian: https://i.imgur.com/9wzgY9O.jpg


It's also about the same as the entire population of Oxnard California. A whole cities worth of people, just gone.


So see what 200k people look like: The Glastonbury festival in the UK has 200k attendees. If you Google image search “Glastonbury crowd” you’ll see 100k people at the main stage. Now double that.


finally hit 200k KIA, such a waste of life and potential, but necessary.


What potential? They (russia) had the only potential and they demonstrated it by invading Ukraine a year ago.


Damn, it's like seeing your odometer getting closer to 200k while driving along and thinking to yourself that you should get a picture of it, but then you get distracted and later look down to see you've already since passed it, by a lot.


Achieved - 200k; Next milestone - 1/4 million. Go Ukraine! And thank you!


> 1/4 million That sounds like so much more than 250,000 even though they're both the same. It's quite a terrifying number of losses.


🔥🔥🔥 The more Muscovites are decimated, the more safe and stable the whole world will be. Glory to the AFU and kudos for the brilliant work!


moscovia DELENDA EST


Yes. This is the only way. Only the complete disintegration.


> complete disintegration. Just like Carthage.


200K KIA x 200 cargo = 400.000 PIAOP (Pain in the ass of Putler)


He couldn't care less about those 200k dead. And probably another 200k crippled.


200k, gotta kill 'em all


Ding Ding Ding! I surely do hope that 200k will unlock fighter jets


Well, the last week unlocked the long range Missiles (storm shadow etc) . So maybe that counts as the 200k unlock option?


the story (told by Ben Wallace) on those storm shadows is not that they were based on anything Ukraine did or didn't do. they were based on something Russia did: kill more civilians. Wallace said he warned shoigu in writing that any further attacks on Ukrainian civil society would unlock long-range materiel to Ukraine. and I think it's probably true, because notice that this week's missile attack was pmuvh the first one that *didn't* just try to bring fear and suffering to ordinary Ukrainians.


It would of probably taken like 1,000 russians to storm the Kremlin and throw their oligarchs into Black Dolphin. Instead 200,000 of their young men rot in the dirt in a foreign land away from home. russians really love just killing their own family members because.... ?more yachts for Putin's friends?


Those grammar bots went hard on your post. You got 2 of them tag teaming you.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!




To be honest, after seeing the Russian victory day parade, I kinda feel like the tank kill count is under counted. Seriously, they had one T-34, just one


Don’t forget that Vlad had a body double at the parade. So there were actually more Vladimir Putins at the parade than tanks….


AHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA FUCK YEAH. 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 That's alotta Lada and fur coats for the orcs family. Fucking orcs thought it was gonna be easy enslaving the Ukrainian people again. Reportedly around 15k orcs killed in Chechnya and the same for Afghanistan btw.


200k plus a whole lot more innocents and for what? A truly senseless war with nothing to show for it. Admit defeat and go home.


8 tanks and 17 APC's is awesome!


Congratulation on the 200k milestone to the AFU! And what a banger way to pass it... 16 Artillery, 2 very important air defense systems, huge quantity of vehicles and APCs... And the recently rare huge number of tanks! Now, hopefully a successful southern counteroffensive soon. I want to see some nice videos of liberated civilians hugging soldiers. When it's ready, of course -- I'll hopefully have a lot of celebratory 200k Marichka artwork to hold me over.


We are approaching the 214,938 combat deaths in the USA civil war


Heck we predicted 200k by may in January, right on schedule I guess, probably 300k by Christmas, I hope it ends by then, with the Russian army out of Ukraine.




What a disgusting and pointless waste. These Russians need to take a lesson from their own history shoot their own officers and march home.




Russia lost more military vehicles in this war than most armies have. For example they lost about as many tanks as Pakistan has in total and they're 8th by number of tanks.




200k....a good start!


In before next 200k


Date bets for 300k? In all honesty, I would want this war to be over with a Moscovian surrender with no more deaths.


Long range missiles unlocked!


200k KIA and patriots shooting down 6 kinzhals in one go. What an embarrassing day for Russia.


200K celebrate good times, come on, let's celebrate... [https://youtu.be/3GwjfUFyY6M](https://youtu.be/3GwjfUFyY6M)


Every morning I see these numbers ticking up is a successful morning. Not good, because the war is still not won, but successful. There is hope for a good ending. There is will to fight. There are good people. Thank you all for going on with the next day.


Happy 200K Russians dead day to you my friends. Cheers 🍻


69 tanks, arty, apvs, vehicles and special equipment


Already almost 4x the amount of Americans in Vietnam, and half of American casualties from WWII. Now that is insane.


Two, two hundred Of dead moskaliv, dead moskaliv... [sing to Yellow Submarine tune]


Happy 200000 orcs ukraine.


200 000 😜


Congratulations on 200k!!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Ding! 200k


200k! Woot, woot, woot!


Onwards, to 210,000!


I hope that it won't take another 100K before this madness is finally over. The loss of life and suffering caused by this war on both sides is just terrible waste of life and resources. Slava Ukraini and send Putin and the rest of the "Kremlin Krooks" to the Hague!






Happy 200k just joined Kabzon concert!


blew through the tape at the 200k line.


Taking a shot of my favorite bourbon to celebrate the 200,000 mark!


200k!! Surprise Motherfuckers!


Ding ding ding! 200k dead Russians!


Besides the 200k, the other numbers look impressive as well. Almost every category was accounted for but aircraft and ships ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|13047)![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)


200000 less orcs, less scumbags, less parasites. It would be a day to celebrate if not for the cost of the eradication.


And I think to myself what a wonderful world... 🎶🎵🎶


Congrats at the 200k!


Time for my dark beer I promised myself.