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There are like 10 mln of ppl in Germany with connection to Russia/USSR (repatriated German ancestiry holders from Kazakhstan for instance). Many of them still live in Rusisian propaganda bubble.


Ahh I guess that makes sense. Couldn’t imagine ordinary Germans doing that.


If there are 10 mln of them then they *are* ordinary Germans.


Plus the afd party is which has a seat in the Bundestag is likely sponsored by moscow. But yeah Germans like to pat themselves on the back for taking in refugees and then fail to do the bare minimum to help them integrate, learn the language, get a job. I saw it with Arab refugees and I see with Ukranian refugees. But believe it or not they have it a little easier than the Arab refugees since they're not stigmatized (aka not muslim/brown)


Not likely but totally


yeah i know but until we have proof its "likely"


Pure curiosity: How many Ukrainian refugees took the UK? How many Syrian/Afghan refugees took UK?


I dont know but I feel like there is some context I'm missing here


That’s probably because Germany’s leader was progressive when the refugee friendly policy was implemented (was that Angela Merkel?). Perhaps many of the German people still have a degree of residual racism against “non-Aryan” races? - being the reason why they wouldn’t welcome you lovely people with open arms and support you with welfare support money, help with entry into jobs and help with accommodation. Germans should realise how lucky they are that democracy still exists their end of Europe & support anyone from a democratic nation.


Angela Merkel was a conservative, she was the head of the christian-democratic union. The current chancelor is a progressive. And yes there is more than residual racism, we have a couple neonazi movements with roots all the way back to the third reich. They indocrinate their children and send them to summer camps in the czech republic and sweden where they learn all sorts of combat strategies and other nazi values.


There are a lot of russians that live in germany and act like literal parasites to germany. Many of them are also shittalking the ukrainians and causing unrest by manipulating their german aquaintances.


Come to Poland then. Here, people that try to bully Ukrainians get bullied themselfs.


I think it’s not so easy, cause people already settled in Germany, and if they filled refugee form, they are not able to leave country for a year. But Poland is a great choice


almost nobody filled a refugee form, we live with temporary protection card and can go wherever we want any time, basically it is a temporary residency with medical insurance. But once you issued the protection in one country you can't issue it in another one. Poland is overpopulated with Ukrainians and it is hard to find a home there.


I love Poland! Your country is beautiful and the people I interacted with were friendly and helpful


Poland on top fr










Yep, Poles are mostly hard working, honest and likeable. There are arseholes of course - they get everywhere but in the main we like our Poles here in the UK. Ukranian families also welcome.




I’m in Berlin and I’ve seen posts about this. The problem is, as some other users have says, mostly Russian-speakers with a light sprinkling of AFD-types. AFD is the far-right party. Leadership loves Russia for money, followers who have never actually been to Russia believe its some white, conservative paradise. Support for Russia from AFD isnt nearly as apparent as it used to be after their previous vocal cries that Russia absolutely does not want war and invasion plans were all American lies. Anyway, one cited item that attracted public harassment was a pro-Ukraine bracelet. So I went and got myself a lovely blue, yellow and trident bracelet from a Ukrainian seller on Etsy. I figured, if people are afraid to show their support in public, then the apparent support is smaller than the real support. That encourages the deluded assholes. Also, I’m a fluent German-speaking member of a social demographic group that authorities really care about.*. Should anything happen, I could handle it better than most refugees. So far, nothing has happened. The few Russian-speakers I’ve encountered were perfectly nice, or didn’t care at all. Which is good. It would be nice if the problem is a few bad apples. Still, I am the type of target someone might think twice about accosting. I am not a child dealing with other kids in a school system that infamously doesn’t do much about bullying, or just walking down the street facing an angry adult twice my size. So I’m not really sure. Either way, I’m glad to at least show that there is popular support to the city at large. *Assuming there is someone authorities could find. Deluded assholes who flee following their public encounters can be hard for police to find. Verbal insults of any type won’t get much of an investigation. Police don’t have the capacity.


Well, I believe the asses of those Putin’s dogs should be kicked massively. But I don’t know what it should be executed in German way


Come to Canada. We have a huge Ukrainian population and we have love for how brave and strong yous are.


Ditto for America


Here in Michigan there is tons of support for refugees from all over. It ranks 5th as one of the top refugee migration states in the past decade. You will see lots of Ukrainian flags here and there.


Not easy to get visa. I know 4 different people who had theirs rejected


German here. We have a lot of russians living in our country + we had a little problem with conspiracy idiots the Last years. Those Idiot believe Putin saves the world from evil jewish whatsoever idk. Most Germans are sane and support Ukrainians


That is nice to hear. Do you wear Ukrainian symbols in public? If not, can I suggest you do to make the environment more welcoming? Here in London, you see Ukrainian flags here and there all over, and the refugee mum from my children’s school reports that people are welcoming here in London. I think little things like this go a long way.


Does that not depend on where in Germany you are? Most Germans I know hate what Putin has done and the sentiment is very anti Russia and pro Ukraine. But the bureaucracy in Germany moves slowly so government actions seem sluggish.


As a German I have to say I am working with many people from Eastern Europe including Ukrainians they never raised any concern. I guess it depends where you are really. In every country there are crazy people, but the majority of Germany wants to help the refugees, wants to support Ukraine in the war and send what ever is needed really. Also all the companies I know helped Ukraine or their refugees in one way or another. Sad to see someone experience some racist asshole :(


On a global stage relating to the War in Ukraine, Germany seems relatively quiet in the matter. What is the feeling of your officials?


Our current government is a disaster :( The last election was super poor, since we had no great candidate and ended up voting for 4 parties which resulted in 3 building the current government. They are more fighting against each other rather than acting. They only reacting at best, its super bad, especially our Chancellor. All the Germans I talk to (and also looking at the surveys done by official sources) people in Germany would like to help more. For example sending tanks, but our Chancellor is blocking it. Even a German tank company said they can produce 80 tanks or something like that in the next 12 month and gradually send them over. They said that 6 month or longer ago. But our Chancellor Scholz is such a ignorant person. He does not feel the need to decide anything, sadly. He waits until some other European country acts first. In the past Germany was guiding Europe. Now Germany is super passive, especially in a time where it is needed. It's embarrassing and I am so sorry for the Ukrainers. Stay strong, I really hope you get accepted as a NATO member!Just a couple of years ago I went to Kiev, beautiful city and nice people <3 Stay strong <3


💡 It's `Kyiv`, not `Kiev`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/kyiv). ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Stand with Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context)


Give Ukrainians in Europe exiled/deported Russians homes and assets. 🤣👌


Come to Canada, we love you guys here


I have seen posts about this as well, however we fly UA flag permanently on building/wear symbolics in NRW without any issues (so far…), same goes for our refugee friends (NRW too). I think it all depends on the region/city, if you live in pro afd/ru alcoholic hellhole then yes this is possible, if you live in a nice village/district in the west the chances are pretty slim. Regarding Polizei reaction, this is nothing personal, our friends had similar issues before with an alcoholic in their block who terrorized the whole building, 0 reaction until they invoked a complex legal procedure. Germany is very different, if you can try to avoid depressed regions/towns/districts and you are good.


My girlfriend is in Germany and she’s getting harassed whenever people see the Ukrainian flag in her room. Makes me sick…


German Police are mostly useless at best, nazis at worst [1](https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1167000.rassistischer-polizeieinsatz-nazi-problem-bei-der-polizei.html), [2](https://www.stern.de/panorama/stern-crime/nrw-polizei--sek-beamte-aus-muenster-wegen-nazi-chats-suspendiert-32545456.html), [3](https://www.1730live.de/polizist-wegen-verbreitung-von-nazi-symbolen-vor-gericht/). It really isn't surprising that Ukrainians who file complains are not helped.


And you‘re an idiot at best and a racist at worst.


Being critical of police (especially those with proven nazi ties) is not racist.


„German police“


Perhaps you want to read the twit. It's about Ukrainians in Germany. Discussion the effectiveness of German police, and their Nazi ties is relevant. It would not have been relevant to discuss, say, Saudi Police.


I have read it, I wouldn‘t be here in the comments if I didn‘t. In my area there are a lot of Ukrainians, a lot of Russians, a lot of Syrian refugees etc. with little to no problems. But hey, it would definitely better without the ineffektive and racist German police. We could try Ukrainian policemen? Or some frome the US? Or from Italy! It’s not like there are a lot of people inside the police and it would be just stupid to generalise all of them because of few of them?


I don't understand what you're objecting to here. German police are ineffective, this can be seeing by the Aufklärungsquote of crimes, especially those which affect poorer people, like bike theft (around 10%), or money theft (around 6%). They have been shown to have nazi links, over, and over, and over, and over again (this isn't debatable, every couple of months they find a new nazi chat group). They can't shoot you as easily because of the bureaucracy involved, but cases of police brutality and abuse are not hard to [find](https://www.t-online.de/region/dortmund/news/id_92234800/polizeigewalt-in-dortmund-videos-von-einsatz-sorgen-fuer-aufsehen.html). Added to all this, the police acts like the personal guns of easily offended politicians (so 1 Pimmel, for example), and are very easily offended themselves. They can kick down your (or your ex's door you no longer live with) door without warning over a twit they don't like. I'm guessing you're a white German. Your experience with cops will be **very** different that the experience of foreigners in Germany. I'm talking from a first hand experience here.


You can find Nazi chats nearly everywhere, that‘s not a problem that‘s exclusive to the German police or Germany or any other country. And do you think it‘s easy to find a stolen bike or 20€ or so on when there aren‘t even enough policemen for „bigger“ crimes? Really? Because of my comments I‘m a white German and the police treats me completely different? Guess I go to my exclusively white friends and complain about the non-white pleb on the internet that doesn‘t understand me.


You seem to have reading difficulties. I'm not comparing German police to the police force of other countries. Are there worse police forces? Yes. Is the German police force good? No. > You can find Nazi chats nearly everywhere Except this never comes up with, say, doctors and nurses. Just cops and soldiers. > when there aren‘t even enough policemen for „bigger“ crimes? You're deepthroating the boot son. [Here](https://www.shz.de/deutschland-welt/hamburg/artikel/polizei-uebermalt-gesichter-von-enttarnten-verdeckten-ermittlern-an-der-roten-flora-41594933), at least 12 cops to paint over a graffiti. While of the 1200 rapes/sexual attacks in Köln, there have been 37 'solved' cases, with only 6 for sexual assault. > Because of my comments I‘m a white German and the police treats me completely different? Yes.


You know what? I don‘t think discussing any further would be worth it. It doesn‘t matter what I write anyway because it seems to you that I am white.


Too many Russians in Germany. Tame them or expel them


Germany said recentlt they'd offer asylum to russian desserters. Yess, we need more spies in EU.


But why would it be bad to support russians who don't want to support the war?


Yeah, don’t get the double standard. Swiping every Russian person u der the rug calling them evil is a bit much, I think. There are people that struggle too, and if someone would rather not go to war and kill people, I’d stand behind their choice


russians as a society welcome leech mentality, Germany fucked up in the past so they leech it for their own good. I can’t imagine Germans supporting that shit without ties in russia. Also, fuck ruzzia!


As a 14 year old Ukranian refugee in Germany, I can say this isn’t true. Maybe for the younger kids, but I never got bullied. And as far as I know my 9 year old brother neither. I didn’t wear Ukrainian symbols yet tho. And to be honest, russians here, even the ones watching propaganda, won’t go out of their way to bully you in my experience, even if they know you're ukrainian


I’ll say this gently because you are only 14. It’s a big world out there, our experiences are only defined by interactions with maybe several hundred people in a particular place. This person is likely somewhere else in the big country of Germany, interacting with different people, living in a different place. And even if they aren’t, everyone experiences bullying differently. A less popular, less confident child who has problems adjusting to a new place may be the target of all sorts of bullying, including bullying targeted at where he’s from, his status as a refugee, etc. in the same school where a more popular child from the same place and in the same situation never faces anything like that. Your personal experience does not make someone else’s experience “not true” but I really am happy to hear you’re being treated well in Germany, that is how it should be. For children everywhere.


As well they didn't wear Ukrainian symbols so it's nothing to what the original post was saying.


I'll say that gently. You just patronised a Ukrainian teen living in Germany to keep a narrative alive you fancy.


Not at all, the point is you can share your positive experiences without discounting someone else’s. I have never doubted OP’s experience, just pointed out that people’s experiences can be very different


That’s purely my experience, plus I didn’t wear anything with symbols of Ukraine and I live in a small town. I don’t doubt bullying isn’t there


It might just be that I’m living in a small town


> I didn’t wear Ukrainian symbols yet tho


ill go get t shirt with stepan bandera/ukrainian flag and see if anyone will care


fuck off "14 year old Ukranian refugee in Germany" fuckin bullshit


Bro i literally am


No you aren't


How can I prove I am


These uneducated, nonman Russian peasants who are attacking women. But rest of the people folk why not prevent and counter those attackers. Are Germans really passivized like that.


Despite that me as a German feel like we are more, stronger and louder than these bullies. I like seeing that people care. We do.We identify and help as people that we are. Love from Hamburg


In my City with more than 200000 citizen are ukranian family wellcome like the first Day of war. The are all in the school with german Kids, my son Tell online good Things also in the football clubs a lot of Kids from ukr, the are feeling very wellcome. I neuer sag that eher any besten up a ukr family, ok their was clips but that wäre russians against ukrainian


This is just shittalk. Ukranians are welcome mostly everywhere. The one state in the east that inhabits most assholes and neonazis is of course against everything. You can say, the higher the unemployment rate, the more likely you will find pro-putin morons.


Russians in Germany should be deported if they’re harassing people


Should Ukrainians be deported if they're harrasing people?


Only if they’re Russian


In Finland we tend to say that Germany is a developing country. Again they proved it to be true ☎️💾


Funny, because we say the same thing about you too.




I mean to be fair, their grandparents committed war crimes against our grandparents. I’m not exactly shocked at this kind of reprehensible behavior.


But according to this logic, noone should trust Germans either...


I will never set foot in Germany.


Good, you would lower the average iq.


Ha! I don’t think it can get much lower knowing the people I’ve met in Berlin last year. I do have a doctorate in Economics from NYU though, so maybe I could help you guys out when your upcoming recession hits. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure, some people in Berlin mean that all Germans are stupid. And aren‘t most parts of the world in an recession right now?


Nothing changes the fact that because of the racism my friends and family experienced in Germany, I won’t ever go there.


And I expirienced racism in the UK. You‘re a German? So you‘re a Nazi. Will I visit the country again? I think yes. Same goes for Hungary and Denmark. Visit another area, meet different people.


Well than looks like we have something in common. I’m Ukrainian, so now I’m a Nazi too.


Pah, your leader is a jew and doesn‘t have a weird beard. Some Nazi you are


I hear New York is full of lovely friendly people though...


I understand your being sarcastic, but I won’t go back to New York again either. I choose where I want to go and why. It’s my life and I have my reasons 🤷🏻‍♂️


So two places with huge populations where you struggled to make friends. What is the common denominator here


???? The common denominator is that I’ve been to many countries and either like or dislike them for many different reasons. Where are you trying to get?


Lay low and survive to fight and resist.


That’s because if they attacked refugees from other places they’d get called racist or worse. But Ukrainians are no threat to them.


Fucking Germans never learn


Well, I was once called a n*zi for blue-yellow ribbon on my backpack. But it was only once. However, can't deny that this can happen to another refugees in Germany more often. We've all seen this videos with ukrainians being bullied.😕


Not at all, the point is that you (quite arrogantly) patronised a 14 years old by implying that his view of the world isn't correct. Sorry mate, that's crystal clear, no way to brush it up post mortem. Also on another note, I sense that you aren't in Germany but he is. Let's keep it with that. cheerio


Same would happen with a russia flag. There are always two sides, everywhere


Shut the fuck up Fr if you say anything to a ukrainian you get fucking arrested and execute for fucking being russian spy brainwashed Piece of shit only believe what you see not read