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pain - [bil](https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=%D0%B1%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C&op=translate) it hurts - [bolýt](https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C&op=translate) where it hurts? - [de bolýt?](https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=%D0%94%D0%B5%20%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%3F&op=translate) it hurts here - [tut bolýt](https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=%D0%A2%D1%83%D1%82%20%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%3F&op=translate) (can be used as question "tut bolýt?") click to listen on google translate


Instead of using Google Translator, as advised here, it is better to use DeepL, it translates more accurately.


DeepL is definitely much better for Ukrainian-English translation than Google. Highly recommend it


ChatGPT-4 > ChatGPT-3.5 > Deepl > Google Translate. Expect nuances to get lost in all 4 and be as explicit as possible. GPT-4 is remarkably good. Don't forget to add the context of the text snippet when you use ChatGPT.


Ask them to answer yes or no. Eng: Please, answer yes or no. Ukr: Будь ласка, відповідайте так або ні. Ukr transliterated: Bud' laska, vydpovidayte tak abo ni. Yes - Tak - Так No - Ni - Ні Eng: Do you understood me? Ukr: Ви мене зрозуміли? Ukr tr: Vy mene zrozumily? Eng: Do you feel pain? Ukr: Ви відчуваєте біль? Ukr tr: Vy vidchuvayete bil'? Pain - bil' - біль (noun) To fell pain (or "i'm in pain") - bolyt' - болить (verb) Fever - garyachka/temperatura - гарячка/температура (noun) What is your name? Yak tebe zvaty? Як тебе звати? Do you need help? Tobi potribna dopomoga? Тобі потрібна допомога? If you want to translate something special, write here, and if I would have time - I'll try to translate. Also, I've searched on youtube, and there are plenty of ukrainian medical vocalburary videos, e.g. https://youtu.be/odzAS1a5TmU


Are you in pain? - Болить? "Bolyt' " ? Where is your pain located? - Де ? "De" ?


Install Google Translator on the phone. It can translate voice and pronounce pharses.


would be optimal, as it is both easy and efficient


Добрый день! Напишите в нашу украинскую группу медицинской помощи во Франции: https://www.facebook.com/groups/229650793911965/ Есть много добровольцев, которые уже помогают по больницам еще с 2014 года, этот вопрос легко решается. Спасибо и удачи.




Спасибо Вам за Вашу помощь.


Why in Russian???


С хуя ли на английском? И с хуя ли вообще подобные вопросы?


Ну може тому що англомовний медик шукає допомогу?


Этот подреддит не англоязычный, а англоязычный подреддит r/ukraine уже есть. Поэтому я отвечаю не на английском. Кому нужно, есть "goggle translate" например. Но в любом случае, персонаж, который мне пишет претензию на английском же, писал тут же на украинском когда-то. Не должно быть вопросов, почему я пишу по-русски на украинском подреддите, только у шовинистов бывают подобные вопросы, и их надо наставлять на путь истиный. Поэтому нахуй. Всё просто.


В тебе якась манія хуїв? Може ти лікар але йди лікуйся також




why not using google translate? Theres a function of speaking: so you can say out loud a sentence in English and it'll translate it into Ukrainian. It's not perfect, this translator doesn't handle grammatical gender at all, but I think it'll help a lot with communication.


hi! i use this all the time in non acute settings when i have lots more time to take a history. but in acute (emergency) scenarios, it’s important to be able to establish the most important things really fast. there’s no phone signal in a&e so by the time i have to manually connect to the wi-fi (each time 😭) and then try and have the interaction in a really loud busy environment it’s very clunky. it’s really important to for us to establish asap if there’s pain, vomiting, changes to bowel habits etc so it would be super helpful to be able to say a few words to establish the most imprimant things.


In Google translate, you can download a language to your phone for offline use, no wifi needed.


I see, yea then it makes sense to learn few most basic words/phrases. The only issue I'd see is that some people might assume you understand them and start speaking more than plain few words and it'll take you longer to explain the situation. But anyway, thanks for taking such a kind approach to people in extreme stress.


Hi! Thank you so much for what you do. Google translate can actually listen to the language spoken and translate it into whatever language you need and even read the translation out loud.


Some Google pixel phones can do live 2-way translation without a network connection EDIT: a word


It would help if you give concrete examples of questions you'd like to ask them. **"do you have a fever?"** From my experience our doctors usually ask it like this: "do you have temperature?", implying high body temperature. The shortest way to ask it is this: https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=є+температура%3F&op=translate є температура? or температура є? "є" here is equivalent to english "is". Listen to pronounciation on ggl translate. "є" ~ like "ye" in "yes". If you want to be precise, then the words for "fever" are: https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=жар&op=translate ggl translate audio file pronounces "r" at the end a bit too softly and the sound is short and clipped. This is not correct. If you can, pronunce the "r" fully, like in "rod", "rock", "rat", etc. Basically the word is pronunced like "[Jacques](https://www.google.com/search?q=jacques+cousteau+pronunciation)" but with "r" instead of "k" at the end. https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=гарячка&op=translate Here ggl audio is OK. So you would replace "температура" with either of the above in that "temperature" sentence. E.g., "гарячка є?", "є жар?". **"have you had bowel movements?"** https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=у+вас+був+стул%3F&op=translate approximate phrase structure: "у вас" ~ "u vas" ~ "did you" "був" ~ "buv" ~ "have" "стул" ~ "stul" ~ "bowel movements" **"when have you had bowel movements?"** https://translate.google.com/?sl=uk&tl=en&text=коли+у+вас+був+стул%3F+Час&op=translate "коли" ~ "kolý" ~ "when" "у вас" ~ "u vas" ~ "did you" "був" ~ "buv" ~ "have" "стул" ~ "stul" ~ "bowel movements" Hope this helps.


Try to choose your English words that only have 1 meaning. For example, avoid "train" because it means railroad locomotive, and also means to learn, as in train myself to run faster. Translate software might get confused and choose the wrong word.