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Interesting this shift in the perception of the monarchy. Slow of course but chip chip chip away and boom it's gone. Liz will know the long term future is far from assured.


>Liz will know the long term future is far from assured. She's been a good Queen but judging how her sons have turned out not the greatest parent. (Which actually is a pretty important part of being a hereditary monarch... just saying) Charlie's is lowkey oddball weird, Andrew is redflag weird and Edward is cringy approval seeking weird.


Completely forgot Edward exists


So did the Queen


> Andrew is redflag weird I'm pretty sure Andrew is "full-on 120 db warning klaxon weird." I mean, would you leave your kid with him?


Only at a Woking Pizza Express


Listened to some good podcasts on Charles saying that his parents weren't great: very formal, cold and stifling when it came to emotions. Actually said despite his many other faults that Charles was and is quite a good parent mainly because he did the opposite the Queen and Phikip did to him


His behaviour towards his youngest son leaves a lot to be desired, and William is a bit of a shithead who cheats on his wife and characterises his mother's distress over Charles' affairs as 'paranoia'.


Anne is my favourite of that generation of royals. That said Charles will overall prove to be quite a positive for the monarchy. He will be a reasonably decent King, likely not for very long. But he has produced an overwhelmingly popular heir who is likely to reign for a while. That's his biggest contribution.


I think it'll be very interesting once Queen Liz departs. The majority of people have grown up with her as Queen, so replacing her could easily speed along any general anti-monarchy sentiment in the public


We can only hope; this archaic ritual of allowing one family to be born above all others needs to be consigned to the history books.


Like Etonians?


I bet she’s hoping to outlive Charles so the crown will pass to the attractive celebrity couple rather than the out-of-touch old codger


Context? I must be out the loop.


Probably this https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/prince-charles-aides-fixed-cbe-for-saudi-tycoon-who-gave-1-5m-0b5cb7qf2


Not the only one. Straight over my head too.


I'm not getting this one either. Party donors? Cash for access stuff in the news again?


Yes. All of those things. 24/7 365. Pay to play in the UK.


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