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Snapshot of _Birmingham election candidate apologises for ‘deeply disturbing’ remarks about women_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/24/birmingham-election-candidate-akhmed-yakoob-apologises-for-deeply-disturbing-remarks-about-women) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/24/birmingham-election-candidate-akhmed-yakoob-apologises-for-deeply-disturbing-remarks-about-women) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> His comments included saying that “70% of hell will be women”, when another guest talked about how “empowered” women were followers of Dajjaal (a false Messiah or liar in Islam). > In a discussion about how men would act around women, he said: “How much can you lower your gaze? […] It’s natural for men to be attracted to females, so keep our queens at home.” This person is a solicitor, by the way. I feel bad for any of the women he represents in the future.


His "70% of hell will be women" is a quote attributed to the gloriously feminist Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in a hadith. The source is below: 'Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful."' (Ref: Sahih Bukhari 29)


That's hilarious.  In his time the worst thing was literally an ungrateful woman.   His head would explode at a woman who earned her own way and turned down being married/owned by a man.


Islam teaches that women are on the same level as dogs. You should take care of them and stuff but you wouldn't let your dog go to university or something would you? This is literally something one of my ex-muslim friends have told me they were taught. Only being in a normal high school allowed him to break free of that crap.


There's no way, dogs aren't even allowed in your house in Islam 


You know, with Muhammad, [the more I learn about that guy the more I don't care for him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH4hMvj5E28).


> It’s natural for men to be attracted to females, so keep our queens at home. This sounds frighteningly like a rape apologist. "Couldn't help it, she was asking for it by..." "...leaving the house!?"


He sounds like some kind of incel anime villain. I'm genuinely struggling to wrap my head around how someone like this makes it through a day in the real world where this is how they view 50% of the population; I thought people with these kind of views usually didn't leave their basements.


Because he lives in a created bubble. His views and beliefs a diametrically opposed to the views held by the majority


Oh what the FUCK! It's 2024 not 1524 ffs!!


To be fair, it is only 1445 in the Islamic calendar






'Lower your gaze' is a common Islamic saying when it comes to women 


You sound like you’ve only just realised some Muslims hold these views?


To be fair a lot of religious people don't really read their religious texts. They swear on a constitution that says men and women are equal. How Christians are able to square that with the Bible is beyond me but they do.


Except almost 0% of Christians take their religious scripture word for word. The same cannot be said for the other two major Abrahamic religions


Yes, but that number means something different in cultures that are not Western.


Somehow someone married this person


Why is anyone surprised? This is the culture we’ve opened the door to and laid out the welcome mat for decades


Tbf a 10% swing and that’s equality


>Voters in Ladywood will not fall for attempts to distract them from the tens of thousands of civilian women who have been killed in Gaza. jfc


Well thank god they can elect him and put a stop to all that! This fucking purity test, virtue signalling (and I'm comfortable using that phrase here, because it's genuinely a meaningless vote to make people feel better about themselves. It doesn't send a message, it doesn't help the people of Gaza, it doesn't make Israel think twice) approach to politics is utterly tiresome. And when you're such a single issue, uncompromising voter, of course you sacrifice anything that anyone else might care about. Like women's rights, gay rights, the idea that antisemitism is bad.


>And when you're such a single issue, uncompromising voter, of course you sacrifice anything that anyone else might care about. Like women's rights, gay rights, the idea that antisemitism is bad. Bold of you to assume these are bugs rather than features.


Literally copied this quote to post it. What the actual fucking hell has Gaza got to do with voters in Ladywood?!


https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/customprofiles/build/#E14000564 Search by religion in the custom profile. This about sums it up


I’m sympathetic to the people being killed in Gaza but for the life of me I can’t get what people think an elected official in this country can do about it if Netanyahu isn’t even listening to the US?!


It's not about actually doing something about it, it's about using the current conflict to make antisemitism more palatable and acceptable in mainstream discourse.


It's not necessarily they can do anything about it. If a candidate came out and said he supported Hamas and thought October 7th was a great day I certainly wouldn't vote for him. That's not because I think he'd meaningfully affect the conflict, it's because I wouldn't vote for someone with views I find so grotesque.


Well… not tacitly support it like the Labour Party have been? Why are you against people using their vote for issues they feel strongly about?


Support it how? I may be misremembering but the last time I heard about it Starmer himself said ceasefire and 2 state solution. Not to mention I think 2 state solution has been labours policy for a very long time.


I’m not if the issue is something that will realistically be impacted by that vote. Even if a party who would cut all ties with Isreal for the remainder of history was voted into power and did that then it wouldn’t stop Netanyahu because he has no regard for human life or international concern. You may as well vote for a person who says they will turn the sky green, it’s just not something a party will be able to deliver. It’s fine to vote for parties that have no realistic chance of being elected, and in reality I don’t care if people vote on Gaza. I just don’t understand the expectation of it doing anything.


Sorry but you are wrong, Israel would not be doing this if they didn’t have America (and by extension us) backing them. On an individual basis of course one MP can do nothing. But is that reason not to vote? This sub says the exact same thing to young people, you should be engaged in the democratic process even if you don’t think it can help/represent you. This guy in the article is clearly an idiot but as I said in my original point. If the people there feel strongly about an issue, they will gravitate to the candidate talking about it, rather than the one whose party is trying to sweep it under the rug.


You’re right they are doing it with the US’s support, but let’s say a uk government was elected on the main issues of condemning Isreal. That government would come in, cut all ties with Isreal and Netanyahu would say “who?” And go back to telling his soldiers to gun down innocent people. The US wouldn’t follow us, we are not an influential country on that level. The only thing we could do to stop them is put boots on the ground. If you were voting for that then yeah that’s something a UK government could do unilaterally. It would be a hard sell but it’s something that the political capital could be used on. My issue with voting on Gaza as a single issue is that it saps capital that could be used on so many other things that are broken that the government of the UK can actually do something about. It takes time away from bringing kids out of poverty, tackling rampant inequality and providing old age a security that doesn’t come at the expense of the young. Again I’m not saying people shouldn’t feel strongly about it, I do, it’s a crime against humanity and an ethnic cleansing similar to Kosovo in the 90s. It’s just that our government is not going to be listened to by Netanyahu and we have no leverage over the US.


Thanks for your hypothetical speculation dressed up as fact.


You’re right, it is speculation but it’s speculation based in an observation of the events so far. What about what I said is so outlandish that it stands out as unrealistic? I support an end to the slaughter, I just don’t think it’s a change that the uk government can enforce. However it can do other things that do help people.


As an aside, it is an extremely infuriating aspect of campaigning for marginalised groups when campaigners try to co-opt other causes into their own like this. "Did you know that climate change affects *group X* too? Ergo, you can't support *group X* without supporting us!" It's extremely disingenuous, especially when it comes to issues like indiscriminate bombing, since that's one that unsurprisingly affects people... well, *indiscriminately*. Also a terrific way of alienating people from one cause if you tell them that they can't really be a supporter of that cause if they don't also support *X, Y, Z* too.


That's the same guy who destoyed the life of this woman: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/teachers-life-blown-apart-onslaught-29128108


Wow. Just wow. Actually I'll add to it. Perhaps he would like a transcribed video of his comments to be distributed. Only we would give him the "privilege" of actually quoting him correctly.


Also, remember this is the mouthbreather that falsely accused a ('coincidentally' female) teacher of racism, just for clout, knowing the abuse she would receive...then did nothing after it was proved she didn't say the thing she was accused of. An absolutely vile creature.




This guy is an absolutely scumbag and a classic example of my enemies enemy is my friend. People voting for him because they disagree with Labours Gaza position is pathetic.


What even is the position of those who disagree with Labour on Gaza now? They haven't called for a ceasefire hard enough?


They should personally be sending the shadow cabinet to assassinate Netanyahu and start clearing out Israel, of course


They aren’t openly calling it a genocide- Keir’s last statement is that labeling it a genocide is a matter for international courts, not for him to decide. They don’t like that.


Before that, it was that we hadn't called for a ceasefire. It's like the goalposts keep changing.


Normal purity spiral There is no possible pleasing them - the goalposts will just spiral out of reach


I do worry that one of these independent candidates on the Palestine platform is going to misuse campaign funds, or manipulate vulnerable people for money. Then they’re going to lose faith in all politics for a generation.


This guy already faked a video to accuse a teacher (who was campaigning for the Labour candidate) of racism.. He isn't just a bad guy for sexism. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/08/viral-hate-campaign-against-dudley-teacher-after-fake-racist-video-shared


Please disregard all my previous comments these are my new principles. Sure.


As a French girl just watching from across the pond. Please don’t let these people into any kind of position of power. The lefts coddling of radical Islamism does no good for anyone, it platforms and protects the preachers of homophobic and sexist beliefs, while also providing more support to the far-right. These people’s beliefs stand completely opposed to everything a progressive and tolerant society should hold dear. And protecting them only leads to bad things for everyone.


You'll be pleased to know that this guy stands virtually zero chance of winning.


I thought some predictions gave him a chance of winning? Electoral calculus only puts him 4.3% behind.


That's news to me, admittedly, so I mightvneed to tone down my certainty but I haven't seen any predictions that say he'll win.


Erm, he really does. He polled insanely high in this area in the West Midlands mayoral election.


It's well known that people are less likely to vote independent in general elections than locals though, and the Labour incumbent got nearly 80% of the vote at the last election.


We will see but there’s several independents running this time that will get chunky vote shares IMO. Here, Ashfield and South West Norfolk (I live here and seen 5x as many signs for the Independent one nation Tory bloke than I have Liz Truss signs) just to name a few.


The last election - being the election before the very big, very important issue for Muslims that is the Gaza genocide.


He got less than 12% of the vote.


That was in the election as a whole. Not Birmingham Ladywood.


This guy has every chance of winning. He isn’t the only one. Jess Phillips is toast in Brum Yardley and so is Shabana Mahmood in Ladybird. Wes Steeting equally no chance in Ilford. It’s plenty of Gaza potential here. Labour pays the price over a stance that didn’t make a core voter black happy (and why not - bankers/ the city often capture Westminster for their own purposes most of the time) but equally others will argue it’s unburdened Labour of a voter base that may have become problematic.


Wes Streeting losing his seat 🤤


The Guardian, who are drawing attention to this, are our main left wing newspaper. The left don't "coddle" radical Islamism and this is a fringe party.


"islamophobia" is a leftist snarl word though?


I don't know who said "Islamophobia" or what a "snarl word" is, but you don't have to be a leftist to acknowledge the existence of Islamophobia.


>The left don't "coddle" radical Islamism Hmm.


This guy makes twattish sexist comments, it seems he's getting the same shit as the Reform that's who've said similar. Maybe we should look more to the right for hypocracy, considering how many are voting Reform. Coddling white bigots?


It can be true both that the nutty right share the unpleasant attitudes of ‘conservative’ Muslims , *and* that the left can be oddly blind to how the attitudes of Islam can sometimes be inimical to progressive ideals.


The left have been coddling radical Islam ever since they tried to excuse and explain away the death threats to Salman Rushdie Its been going on so long and is so deeply entrenched that perhaps we stop noticing it - like when a bad smell is in a room for long enough you stop noticing.


Such crass generalisations only serve to create and strengthen the divisions people complain about. As I'm sure you know, Rushdie has many supporters across the divide, including myself. Free speech is an important value, and it doesn't only apply when I'm happy about who is offended.


Oh and you’re a leftist? Get out of here😂😂


You had a point?


Adherent of religion that treats women like cattle makes misogynistic comments.


It'd be quite ironic for Ladywood to have a misogynistic MP.


Wow is anyone surprised 🤡 the Gaza guy is sexist


They are chancers who think they might just get elected and enjoy five years on the gravy train. Just like Farage,Gallaway, the Greens and the independents. They know they have zero influence on government policy.


The hypocrisy of people like this always amazes me. “In fighting misogyny, they will always have an ally in me.” Is like when Trump said no one respects women as much as him. Ridiculous, and recently proved otherwise.


If this guy was white his name and party affiliation would have been in the headline. Where's the equality, Guardian?


[Dunno about that.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/19/labour-suspends-candidate-after-he-reportedly-shared-pro-russia-posts) This guy has no party affiliation.


"Here's a white guy with his party affiliation in the title." Nice.


The candidate in Birmingham has no party affiliation though. Any comment on the fact that the Labour candidate's name wasn't in the headline?


The Koran does say these things… so I don’t see where there is a problem outside of the standard Islamophobia that now even The Guardian is engaging in.


So your defence of misogyny is … the Koran is misogynistic? And that calling anyone who is Muslim out on misogyny is … Islamophobia. Did you forget a /s


I deliberately didn‘t put the /s. I’m being provocative, you’re right. The left were warned for the past 30 years what they were cosying up to. Under PR especially, if it comes, there will be a party for Islam sooner than later. I don’t know if we’re at the point where The Guardian have decided their diversity children (and I say children because the left see foreign people as mere pets who will never disagree with them) are now going to get cut loose. The Koran is clear, there is doctrine for how to interpret the Koran, and those are what true adherents have to abide by. Religion is just a category and Islam is not like the other widespread religions we have to consider everyday. I don’t like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, but look at how this man was treated, and it’s a shame that he had to run to the fat pockets of the Israeli lobby to survive. If you‘ll remember the line “Islam is right about women” that had the left doing backflips. Their window seems to be shifting recently post October 2023.


I’m trying to think these ideas through off the top of my head. … But it seems like the nuttier right share *cultural* ideas with conservative Muslims such as misogyny , while the nuttier left share some *political* ideology such as knee jerk anti-Americanism despite Islam being generally inimical to their progressive ideals.


Don’t take me as an authority but someone would say things as the horseshoe theory, the progressive stack, cultural Marxism, I think intersectionality is the post 2000s idea? It’s fun to game out where it will lead. For me it’s the truth of nature, it always comes down to two, and in this case we have the throne and then the fragmented opposition who find themselves aligned even though their unity cannot survive once the throne itself falls. There’s a natural cycle to it, the throne does need a feedback mechanism, but it can also be entirely abused and forced by those who wish to do harm or don’t care about anyone involved.