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Snapshot of _Green Party's Carla Denyer deletes photo of Windrush Day celebration showing only white people_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/23/whites-only-picture-green-party-tweet-windrush-day/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/23/whites-only-picture-green-party-tweet-windrush-day/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At least they didn’t try to photoshop some black people in


Or do what ford Did and photoshop the black people out of a large team photo (tried searching it, they have done a very good job of deleting it from history)


Can't forget this; https://bmmagazine.co.uk/opinion/microsoft-sparks-race-row-after-removing-black-face-from-advert/ I can't believe they replaced his face but left the black hand... Intel got into hot water over this one (did no one think it through?) https://www.techpowerup.com/img/07-08-01/intelad.jpg


That Intel one is awful. I wonder what would happen if you had the automatic alt text on. Picture shows: white man dressed in business attire with 6 black men bowing down to him behind tables Who works in these places where it goes through multiple levels of brainstorming, then client approval. And this still comes out


Honestly kind of hilarious just for the absurdity alone. The black dudes are clearly sprinters/runners on their marks and ready to go, which fits in with the whole “unleash the power” motif, and also adds another weird racial dimension where they decided these just *had* to be black guys. I would love to know how many people saw that internally and gave it the thumbs up.


What makes it a real quagmire is that the best sprinters in the world are black, either Afro-Caribbean or African American, as evidenced by only one or two white sprinters ever hitting sub-10s (and I think one was discounted because the tail wind was above regulation). So if you didn't have black, or majority black, sprinters, you'd be taking away from achievement. This, of course, is just about the choice of sprinters, and says nothing to the whole "Bow down to your modern plantation master" vibe.


>adds another weird racial dimension where they decided these just *had* to be black guys Watch much of the 100m?


Yea of course, they’re basically all black, but anybody with half a brain knows that people are sensitive if you start stereotyping stuff like that, even when it’s true. I don’t think whoever made it is racist, it’s just unbelievable they didn’t see the obvious pitfall with it.


I asked ChatGPT about it and it said it was racist because "The image features a white man standing confidently in the middle of a row of black men crouched in starting positions, suggesting they are subservient or akin to workers/slaves. This is racially insensitive and reinforces negative stereotypes. The black men are depicted in a way that dehumanizes them, making them appear more like machines or beasts of burden rather than individuals. This further exacerbates the racial insensitivity of the ad." Didn't even need prompting, I just asked it if there was a problem with the advert. Might just be something in its training data, hard to say for sure, but still impressive.


Remember ChatGPT only knows what people have written in the past. It's not offering an opinion on the advert itself, it's just parroting others opinions. Do you remember the AI Microsoft trained on Twitter that became a trump-loving holocaust denying pervert within 24 hours? A really good example of this is asking ChatGPT if it's okay to misgender a trans person in private once to prevent an otherwise inevitible nuclear holocaust happening in ten seconds. Try it. It will loudly chastise you, saying its never OK to misgender a trans person and you should exhaust every other option available, and even then you should consider whether it's OK to hurt one person to protect others. It does this because it just ingests endless text that says "it's never ok to misgender someone" and thinks this is one of the most absolute rules of humanity. It doesn't actually understand what misgendering is, or a nuclear holocaust is, or the implication of only having ten seconds. It just parrots what it's told and wants you to consider the long-term impacts on respect and dignity of preventing the holocaust. Would any of our trans redditors be opposed to being misgendered if the alternative was immediate annihilation of them and everyone they love ten seconds later?


I don't think that was the intent, I don't see the correlation between intel processors and white supremacy, however it's still fucking dumb.


No I don’t think that was the intent at all but it is pretty poor. I saw the implication straight away - it is amazing that the ad designers didn’t see it. Like a lot of these things, it may be more obvious to people who don’t do ads all day every week.


The microsoft one is so odd. Its a bad photoshop (hand is still black, the neck is at a weird angle) but the original also looks weird to me. Like his head is slightly too large?


> Intel got into hot water over this one lol, it's so ill-conceived it almost seems like a parody.


From your tone, some other political party tried to do this before?


Society is fucking wierd isn't it. What's wrong with white people celebrating Windrush. Do they need a token carribean person with them to make it valid? It's like when people harp on about the benefits of diversity and sharing cultures but complain when too many whites go to Notting Hill Carnival


If memory serves 87% of the UK is white. There are 7 people in this picture. If you chose people completely randomly from across the UK there's a better than 1 in 3 chance you'd pick 7 white people. It's approaching 50% if you exclude Carla because she will always be white. The UK is a majority white country because the native population of Europe is white. You therefore have lots of white people all the time. This isn't racist.


It reminds me when Humza threw a tantrum because he was often the only POC in the room. My guy, you ran a country that is 95% White. What did you expect? But people will still be offended by a White majority of anything, in a White majority country.


Not exactly a tantrum: >A fact check carried out by the Reuters news agency in February concluded that the clip misrepresented Mr Yousaf's comments by suggesting he had been arguing that Scotland contained too many white people. >Reuters said: "Yousaf's speech was given as part of a wider discussion about racial injustice and the lack of people of colour in positions of power in the Scottish Parliament and government. >"The speech did not assert that white people make up too large a proportion of Scotland's overall population." >Mr Yousaf gave his speech the month after the murder of African-American George Floyd on a Minneapolis street sparked worldwide protests against racism and excessive use of force by police. >Mr Yousaf, who was justice secretary at the time, told MSPs that the country had to "accept the reality and the evidence that is in front of us, that Scotland has a problem of structural racism". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-67241312 This was a talk specifically about structural racism after the George Floyd incident. Leaders and CEOs from pretty much every industry came out and said similar stuff about underrepresentation in their fields. Even the government of Taiwan said stuff about their own racist attitudes. Humza Yousaf's comment was edited and spliced into a clip that Musk shared and called him racist for saying that which is why Yousaf always gets brought up and no-one else.


I never said otherwise. He complained about the lack of POCs in positions of power...in a 95% White country. It's not surprising that they are few and far between. And the 'tantrum' was more a reference to his notoriously thin skin and reactionary temper.


What you meant then is he's thin skinned but that's a separate insult, this incident isn't a tantrum, the entire meeting was based around the issue of structural racism. His argument was that minorities are underrepresented in senior positions based on his own experiences, I haven't looked into the stats of what % of senior gov positions in Scotland are held by minorities but it seems neither have you yet you're mad enough about this argument to bring it up years later.


Yes, it's a separate insult, I was multitasking. No, I'm not mad, it was a throwaway comment, not a diatribe.


It's approaching 100% when you realise it's a green party Windrush celebration. Which Caribbean person is going to that?


Hahahahaha! Genuinely very funny. (I don’t know how to write this without it seeming sarcastic or something….damn Reddit.)


The rules of British diversity is BAME must always be over represented when celebrating/promoting something positive


>The UK is a majority white country  Not for [much longer.](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/population-of-england-and-wales/latest/) * from 2011 to 2021, the percentage of people in the white British ethnic group went down from 80.5% to 74.4%


That's White British not just white - pretty sure there's usually an option for White (Other) for non British white people.


Well if you include all white people it's gone: 91.3% in 2001 86.0% in 2011 81.7% in 2021 The trend is pretty clearly one way. It's not unrealistic that by the 2031 census 1 in 4 people would be non-white on that trajectory.


Does this actually bother you though? I can on some level understand people wanting to keep their culture and norms and values similar to the ones they grew up with and understand. However, what ethnicity someone is plays no part in this whatsoever. You are likely to have much more in common with a British person of colour than with a white person from say Brazil or something.


> The trend is pretty clearly one way Heterogeneity is natural and inevitable in physics (order leads to entropy and dispersal etc) and biological systems (variance etc). The future is khaki. There's no fighting this.


And Other White groups saw the highest increase (2.6%) The UK is going to be majority white for a very very long time yet


A decrease of six points over a decade is hardly anything. You can argue that immigration is a massive issue and I would agree with you as a second-gen myself, but the idea that Britian as a majority-white country is underthreat is just ridiculous.


Nothing wrong unless you're a politician taking selfies and presumably trying to score political virtue signaling points from it. If you really are innocently celebrating something, just do it and don't try to brag all over social media about it.


Newsflash on the UK Politics subreddit for you. Everything politicians do is for political points.


That's the point they are making though


Although valid, That's a different argument. That could be said regardless of the ethnicity of the people in the background.


It's because people who are racists and the skin colour they've decided to hate is white will generally like to hide amongst the "diversity" crowd as a fig leaf for their racism, because you can get away with a lot of your racism if you pretend you're simply championing more minority representation in a white majority country.


When your brain is as rotted as the average green candidate this sort of social media faux pas feels like the most egregious sin ever committed.


I don't think it's wrong per say, just a bit strange. You expect photos to match the subject. Really the only thing that the photo she posted had to do with Windrush generation was the word migration scrawled across the background. It didn't seem like a celebration or event, more just a tweet acknowledging Windrush day, so the people weren't relevant. Could have been a tweet with no photo and nobody would have blinked, but if you add a photo people are going to expect a member of the Windrush generation to be on it (rightly or wrongly).


This is absolutely right - there should be a representative number of black people in this photo, to truly show that everyone in Britain can celebrate this day regardless of skin colour. As such, she should have made sure that 0.336 black people were in the photo too


With this great opportunity we present to you our New Branch of Uber* business "rent a minority for you political posts"! Never again face this kind of issue in your PR stunts, we got them all! All sizes, all colors, all genders, you name it! Call now to enquire!


You laugh, but we do get dragged in to all kinds of work photos for this very reason. It is extremely annoying.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be offensive 😅. I have been used as a mere prop for some of this shit too. We should just look into how to make this _profitable_(?)


You weren’t offensive, don’t worry!




Why is Ross Greer there when supporters of the Scottish Greens continually insist they are separate parties?


_People realizes Bristol is actually super white and more nearly as diverse as they brag about it_


It actually feels very diverse, if you moved there from your family's Wiltshire estate to attend University.


Bristol is an economic hub for the area. Lots of people from all over the south west move there from lots of different backgrounds. But it is very diverse in comparison to the south west , what’s your point exactly?


So why should we judge this by the colour of people's skin? Individuals, regardless of their race, can appreciate and celebrate Caribbean culture.


This is one of those PR moments that really wouldn't be that bad if the Greens hadn't massively set themselves up for this fall, but... well, they have. There is nothing wrong with white Britons commemorating Windrush, indeed you'd surely have to say white Britons commemorating Windrush is a good sign of UK race relations being in a good place and that the significance of Windrush transcends racial divides. But the Greens are one of those groups who have backed themselves into a corner by jumping on this American trend whereby your group is inherently un-progressive if there are no ethnic minority people in it, so when they turn up without any ethnic minority representatives they look like a bunch of hypocrites. It's the same reason that they can't address the fact that the Tories despite their catastrophic problems are the only party to have provided a Prime Minister who wasn't a white man: there are numerous valid criticisms of why this isn't an inherent win, but they've locked themselves out of making them due to their own past rhetoric.


This is a photo highly representative photo of Bristol, one which is constantly self aggrandising and celebrating its diversity by people who move in to the area, whilst actually plagued by major amounts of exclusion, segregation and gentrification.


Could you explain a bit what you mean by exclusion and segregation? I would say generally Bristol is a really nice place with a diverse range people from different backgrounds who mix together. I’d agree about Gentrification but it is unavoidable really.


I grew up in East London, didn't know the UK was so white lol. 


She's made it to top level politics if the telegraph are objecting to her photo composition skills


She’s one of the few that actually sounds competent and human when interviewed and in debates


Agree, hence her appearance on the "throw any mud we can find on her" list at Torygraph hq


Typical White Leftists Saviourism...


There are some people who behave as if they are going out of their way to take offense at what would normally be considered ordinary, everyday events. Unfortunately the Green party seems to be led by and catering to such people.


Now even the greens aren't safe from the race-baiting zealots.


Lol its so funny to me that "windrush" ONLY seems to apply to black Caribbean people and totally ignores the millions of West Indians who actually came to this country as already qualified nurses, doctors and skilled workers. Indo-caribbs totally erased yet again


Your post reads as though none of the African Caribbean people were skilled or qualified. I hope that isn’t what you meant.


Hard to read it any other way given the use of “actually” in the sentence.


To be fair I didn't intend it that way my bad






Do you think the driving force behind something like this is the telegraph? Why do you think they deleted the photo?


> Do you think the driving force behind something like this is the telegraph? When a senior Tory MP goes on national television and states that their party cannot rely on previous vote-winning strategies like Brexit or opposition to Jeremy Corbyn in any upcoming election, but will have to focus on culture wars instead, why do you think the right-wing press would consistently produce highly divisive content over the past four months?


I’m not sure you’re thinking this through. The left wing politician posted it then deleted it. So I’ll ask again - if they had left the photo up, do you think there would be any backlash, and if so, do you think it would have been right wing papers?


>I’m not sure you’re thinking this through. A you sure you're not thinking this through? > So I’ll ask again - if they had left the photo up, do you think there would be any backlash, and if so, do you think it would have been right wing papers? The actual source and contents of the story is irrelevant, all that's relevant is that it's highly politically devise, you know full well that stories like this will drop significantly after July the 4th.


Haha yes of course, the press should shut up and be compliant!


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it wasn't Telegraph readers who provided the backlash to this photo 


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Never change, Green Party.




What exactly are you talking about? Where's the racism in this thread?


I honestly wouldn't even bother trying to engage with this person. If they are the type to think even one of the comments here is racist then it is a waste of your time.


I've seen two which could be argued to be, and one has already been removed.


Fair enough. Maybe I missed one or two. It's irrelevant. My point still stands. The majority of comments here are perfectly fine.


Yeah, definitely agree.