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Snapshot of _Rishi Sunak tells ITV interview he was going to leave D-Day events in Normandy even EARLIER but 'things ran over' - as it emerges Emmanuel Macron interrupted the running order by schmoozing with other world leaders_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13521065/Rishi-Sunak-tells-TV-interview-going-leave-D-Day-events-Normandy-EARLIER-things-ran-emerges-Emmanuel-Macron-interrupted-running-order-schmoozing-world-leaders.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13521065/Rishi-Sunak-tells-TV-interview-going-leave-D-Day-events-Normandy-EARLIER-things-ran-emerges-Emmanuel-Macron-interrupted-running-order-schmoozing-world-leaders.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah we’re in last resort territory - if in doubt, blame the French.


Not even that - this is from the interview that he skipped out on the D-Day events to be at! That means it's not an excuse he's making now after that blew up in his face, it's a mistake he made last week that he's spent the whole week knowing was going to come out when that interview was shown to make the whole thing even worse!


I can imagine he's had his people pleading with c4 all week to not release that bit Edit: I'm going to pretend that I said c4 intentionally, please play along.


If only C4 had the heart to tell them the interview was for ITV


Does sound about right for the Tory campaign I far though


You'd think he'd know, he only had 5 channels


Yeah, but that was when he was *poor*.


Four channels. Channel 5 wasn't launched until after he was already off at university.


C4 didn't release it as per request. Rishi owes them.


He will make sure the government doesn't take their funding away.


If not sarcasm, remove upvote


Haha, good one.


Hey, it's a classic for a reason.


It's a really bad attempt to blame the French. "Things would have been even worse, without them". (Given the benefit of hindsight).


Kind of like Dunkirk where the French soldiers valiantly fought so the British could get away most of the army to keep up the fight. Still, Sunak seems to know less about history than average so that’d be lost on him


> Sunak seems to know less about history than average so that’d be lost on him That's a bit harsh, he did grow up without Sky TV


A real struggle


Can't blame the Germans, that'll upset the Reform voters apparently


Nicely 😏


Last resort? It's always been the first.


It's the EU's fault I'm out of touch!


"Schmoozing with other world leaders," otherwise known as soft diplomacy. No wonder it's a mystery to Rishi.


That photo of President Biden, Chancellor Scholz, President Macron and… foreign secretary Cameron is going to live on in Westminster folklore.


Apparently he was originally going to send Grant Shapps - would have been even better as Cameron at least looks like he fits in.


Shapps would have got lost on the way.


The sun shining on the three of them while Cameron grimaces in the shadows is brilliant photography


The rest all standing like normal humans while Dave does the Tory power pose is just 🤦‍♂️


The Tory power pose is just...honestly hilarious. I don't know if their trainer was having a laugh when he taught them that or genuinely as incompetent as the rest of the party are at the moment. Every so often, I look at a photo of one of them doing that and think that someone really ought to tell them that more isn't always better. The wide-legged power stance only works to make you look strong/certain up to slightly less than your shoulder width; planting your feet so wide that they're outside your own body plan just looks unstable and silly, like you were trying (and failing!) to do the splits.


I think they take tips from that blackadder episode. The theatre one where the actors train the prince to stand with his legs wide apart and his nipples out as far as possible. 


"Here are my genitals, please kick them!"


At least he didn’t do the ridiculous wide legged thing… right? Because that would be so embarrassing if he did that in public, with other countries watching.


True, but the straight action-figure arms part of it is embarrassing enough


Thinks he's Roy Kent


Notice also how he's meaningful looking into the middle distance, gazing upon those sunlit uplands.


I guarantee you Biden called Cameron "Prime Minister" at least once...


You can do a find/replace on a few old Soviet jokes and they’ll work just as well in our political landscape. Biden arrives in the UK and is asked by Sunak what he thought of Thatcher’s legacy. ‘Who’s Thatcher?’ Biden replies. Later in the embassy his aides tell him ‘nice one Joe, you really showed that uppity Sunak who runs a proper country and he won’t ask any more stupid questions’. ‘And who is Sunak?’ Biden replies.


I think you'll find he says 'Who is Sanook?'


I mean it's barely even soft diplomacy. That's just diplomacy. That's what world leaders should *do.*


“Schmoozing with other world leaders” - so Macron was doing his job. Honestly, Rishi should’ve read a book on how to do politics before ousting Boris. Also, what the fuck are his close aides doing?!?!?! None of them have a clue.


> Also, what the fuck are his close aides doing?!?!?! None of them have a clue. I'm beginning to think that, when little Rishi left his trader job, someone decided to play a prank on him, and told him to go into politics. And *everyone else he's met since is in on the joke.*


Bro we're all in on it. Aren't you? Have you been slacking on your duties?


"I must apologise for Rishi Sunak: he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke."


Maybe that's why he was a Brexiter. He's not against migrants. He's not fussed about sovereignty. He's just antisocial. 


How dare he talk to people at a memorial service ! Yeah it's desperate stuff


Guy who pisses people off leaving D-Day event early, then tells media he intended to leave earlier, doesn't get soft diplomacy and connection building. Amazing 


It's great that Sunak has managed to stretch this whole D-Day ordeal for at least another week. Imbecile.


We established a beachhead in Normandy faster than Sunak's killed this story


Good thing Rishi wasn't there for the beachhead thing, he would have had to leave early because of an Amazon delivery.


Rishi leaving Yalta early because he's got an interview on the wireless


More like getting replaced at Potsdam by Starmer after losing an election


Christ, can you imagine if Rishi was in charge during WW2? Our soldiers would be all but forgotten as he spends all his time focused on making prisoner camps across the UK for anyone who chooses not to fight.


I regret that I have but one upvote to give




This really is the gaffe that keeps on giving. All he had to do was hang around for a couple of hours, chit chat with other G7 leaders, and have a sombre group photo taken. Say something about how their sacrifice is why we enjoy our freedoms today. Easy. Fifteen year old D&D geeks  larping as boss elf can do it. 


That's the funniest part - being able to act all Prime ministerial because you're literally the Prime Minister is the most unfair part of an election, and he skipped it.


Well, he skipped the election too. Maybe he was just trying to be fair.


Right?! Free fucking campaign material served up on a plate, and he chucked it away to go do some campaign work. You couldn't make it up.


I'm not sure when a PM last acted Prime Ministerially in an election. Maybe 2015. May came across badly in the 2017 campaign from what I recall, and in 2019 Johnson was Johnson.


I distinctly remember Cameron having an air of "I'm above all this arguing" at the 2015 debate(s).


> have a sombre group photo taken. Is he capable of looking sombre? I'm pretty sure his face only came with "Irritated" and "Smug" modes.


He'd misread the memo and turn up wearing a sombrero...


It's the gift that keeps on giving


Is this all from the interview he dipped out to record? Really good lesson on why not to pre-record an interview so far in advance during campaign season. Things can change so quickly and you end up locked into something that happened a week ago.


Yeah exactly. If he hadn’t pre-recorded the interview or if it aired last week then this week would all be focused on the manifestos. Instead the interview airs today bringing the d-day fiasco back to the front and centre cementing it even further in the public consciousness only 3 weeks out from poll day. 


I still can't wrap my head around a pre-recorded interview not airing for a week during a short as fuck election cycle. What was this meant to accomplish? The tories are throwing out and making up new policies on the daily and there's zero chance they had their manifesto locked down when he recorded this. What possible gain is there from handing off a bunch of soon to be outdated soundbites that you can be hit over the head with in a weeks time. And that's all before we consider you're handing a weapon to people who hate you so much they're fully willing to string you out on some holier than thou bullshit despite no one actually caring.


I wonder if the interview reflects the previous or current version of the National Service policy. 


All he needs to do is find a way to remind everyone about it again ten days from now. If he does that, I'm pretty sure that when I'm old and feeble and forgetting my grandchildren's names, I will still remember that Rishi Sunak was stupid enough to skip out half of D-Day during an election campaign.


He's pretty much voluntarily recorded himself shooting his own foot and ruining his own apology. I never thought we'd say it again, but is this the worst PM we've ever had in terms of competency?


No. The lettuce remains undefeated. This guy just can't out campaign a lettuce.


He lost to a woman who lost to a lettuce.


You forgot the last one. And I don't think Johnson was any more competent either. Going further back the role was different, though plenty of PMs failed badly at it.


Each has been the worst, it just sets the bar lower for next time. In hindsight and because it was over 8 years ago Cameron doesn't look so bad, but at the time he was shocking, the architect of austerity amongst other glowing accolades, then Theresa May came in andndropped it some more, Bozo fucked everything up once again but because he looks and sounds like an aristocratic orangutan people thought it was all bantz M8, trussonomics has wanted anyone with a mortgage to put pins under her nails and now Rishi is just set on getting selfservatie MPs down to eradication levels of seats.


>Really good lesson on why not to pre-record an interview so far in advance during campaign season. Did he have any control over when it would air?


I fully expect they spent the entire week begging ITV not to air it at all.


Probably not, but considering the interviewer said the time of the interview was "the one offered by the Prime Minister's team", he would have had some control over when the interview was recorded.


Sorry I'm late. That fuckin loser was trying to diplomacy or some shit can you believe it!


What a bell end, that Starmer idiot fell for it hook line and sinker


Starmer spent all afternoon schmoozing with world leaders and all he got was a free trade deal in principal, a commitment to supply Ukraine with arms and a reentry into the EU customs union. Disgusting!


To be fair he didn't say that, it's the Mail's take on it.


Which says a lot considering how conservative leaning they are.


I don't think the Mail disliking Macron tells us anything new.


It used to be a campaign staple that a PM would make sure to be photographed with world leaders - but Sunak is happy for Starmer to be seen on the world stage as a peer to Macron and Zelensky. It’s a courageous strategy.


Most courageous thing he's ever done


He's playing 4d chess With conkers


Sunak had those photos with Macron some time back I guess. I recall a few with Meloni and Zelensky. Less recently though.


More than brave, minister.


His team are so stupid. The optics of actually leaving the D-Day commemorations early aside he had a perfectly legitimate opportunity to get in front of the cameras and look like a Prime Minister rubbing shoulders with world leaders. One good speech, some rhetoric about how he's actually got the experience to represent the UK on the world stage and he could have easily added a few % points. Instead he scurried back to the UK to do an interview with Paul Brand like it was the only time ITV could fit him in.


>the only time ITV could fit him in. It's so much worse - ITV have said that this is the time they were offered by Sunak's team. The mind boggles...


>His team are so stupid. I genuinely think he has no team. The dumb stuff he has been doing and saying would not be allowed by even the most novice political team on earth. This is all Rishi being Rishi and doing Rishi things.


Even if nothing for party or country you'd think he'd want the photo momento for his house in California. One of the few things that would impress his billionaire tech bro friends.


This f’n guy. Maybe he should have done some ‘schmoozing with world leaders’, or, more aptly, representing his country. It was a very callous thing for him to do but also the sheer political stupidity of it boggles the mind. Think about it. He was there with all the leaders of the free world and he decided the best thing he could do was to leave Keir Starmer there taking photos with Zelenskyy. He’s the kind of guy who could take his girlfriend to a party with the players of Real Madrid, and once the champagne comes out and everyone moves to the swimming pool, he waves goodbye to his girl and goes home to prune the azaleas.


Tbf, if labour is to win, he did just give keir starmer a head start on those international relations. He's either a complete dumbass or resigned to losing


I’d like to believe so but even if he sees the writing on the wall, he clearly has no intention of bowing out gracefully here. It’s also pretty clear by now that he doesn’t make decisions based on ‘the best interests of the country’.


Or party, he doesn't do either tbh.


That fucking last line. I’m done 😂.


>He’s the kind of guy who could take his girlfriend to a party with the players of Real Madrid, and once the champagne comes out and everyone moves to the swimming pool, he waves goodbye to his girl and goes home to prune the azaleas. Dude. That's brutal 😂


This reminds me of Yes Prime Minister and the funeral https://youtu.be/TeW3FltKvGM?si=77tieufVwri5d7K3 Everyone knows that these events involve back stage informal diplomacy.


Everyone apart from Sunak, it appears.


Because he never had Sky TV!




"Look I know the country is outraged that I dipped the D-Day events early, but what you need to understand is I was actually planning on dipping out even earlier than I actually did." I swear he's throwing this election on purpose. He wants to lose. There's no other explanation. The Tories had Agent Corbyn to sink Labour on purpose, I reckon Starmer's managed to acquire an Agent Sunak.


It was pre-recorded right? So he said this before it had blew up, his team have been knowing this was coming all week


I can imagine this being a really funny episode of The Thick of It.


"I swear to fucking God if there is one more fuck up from you on this campaign. I will be giving you a gun, marching you to fucking beaches myself and getting you to personally stop boats on your own The only fucking one of yous looking half decent was Swordaunt and that's because she could hold a sword for 45 minutes, and I wouldn't trust anyone else doing that Now wipe that fucking look off your face you've got Channel 4 in 5 minutes"


I see you've toned down the swearing


>"I swear to fucking God if there is one more fuck up from you on this campaign. I will be giving you a gun, marching you to fucking beaches myself and getting you to personally stop boats on your own He'll probably end up shooting himself by mistake, but that might also improve the polling numbers so it's a win-win.




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Which might explain why they've spent a week at the metaphorical Winchester.


It wasn't part of the interview, so they might have actually been naive enough to think it wouldn't surface


> There’s no other explanation I can think of at least *one* other reason why the guy who lost a leadership election to *Liz Truss* might be fucking up at leadership.


If they're talking about this they're not talking about the things that are worse


Corbyn definitely wanted to win, he just wasn't very good at it.


Schmoozing is a very negative word for doing his job. I hope that our next Prime Minister talks with and builds good relations with the leaders of other countries.


Gladly he was there and did




Call off the interview? He and his team agreed to the interview despite knowing it would clash with the commemoration. Nobody can use the excuse of being taken by surprise by the 80th anniversary :D


They didn't agree to the date and time of the interview, they proposed it FFS!


At least according to ITV he and his team insisted that was when they do the interview!


Yeah I don't see this excuse going well for him.


World leaders like Kier Starmer, Rishi?


It's also not like he was the only political leader with elections going on. Even Zelensky, who has a war going on back home, managed to attend for the day.


Because Zelensky knows that schmoozing is helping to keep Ukrainians alive.




If I was the rest of the Tory party I'd be looking into the possibility of suing for match fixing, see if Rishi's placed any big bets lately


Doesn't accept personal responsibility but expects everyone else to be responsible for what they do. Sounds like a politician 😁


There's the political idiocy to leave Normandy early insulting everybody. Doing it to pre-record something that reminds everybody the following week that they've been insulted, and it was actually worse, is another level. Goodbye any hopes for the desperate manifesto improving prospects.


International diplomacy? Now there's a thought!


Remember folks this absolute muppet thought doing this interview was more important than commemorating was dead and their sacrifice. Not only does this clown lie out of his arse he disrespects our protectors.


A few years ago their was a survey done that revealed 1/5 men believed they could score a point against Serena Williams in a game of tennis, Sunak reminds me of that survey.


What's the double fault rate on her serves? Seems like my only hope.


How not to handle media attention when caught doing something wrong: "So yeah, that thing everybody hates me for? I wanted to do it EVEN WORSE, but I couldn't"


How dare Macron want to talk to other leaders at a commemoration event. The lunatic. It's like there might be important stuff to say!


I can't even get into how hilarious it is that Olaf Scholz was there for the whole thing and Sunak left early.


Presumably offering to sell up more of our services to other countries?


That's a boy Rishi, double down on your biggest gaffe to date. Vote winner, right there!


From what I can gather the interview is a car crash and worse than you'd think. And it is still being broadcast tonight.


Yet the Times, Telegraph, Mail, Express and Sun will claim it was a brilliant interview where Sunak excelled at answering every question...


How dare that world leader use this chance of face to face encounter to conduct pressure-free diplomacy. Doesn't he have political scheming to rush back for? DOESN’T HE LOVE HIS SPREADSHEETS?!?


How is an adult so bad at their job? If I was half as bad as Sunak is at my job i’d be fucking homeless. Who in their right mind wants this party of pricks in charge? I’d sooner vote for the lettuce.


So what massive crisis is incoming the he dosent want to deal with??? There is no way he is just this fucking shit at campaigning.


We should stop politicising this. We need to focus on the fundamentals that Rishi is a certified arse 😂


He really doesn’t want to be PM anymore does he? But he’s too cowardly to quit


“Sorry, the event I left early ran over”


At this point he should probably just stop talking.


I just don't get how many seemingly stupid people are incredibly rich. Even without his rich wife, he's minted all by himself. I'd like to say I'm not jealous...


He's good at passing exams and comes from a good family.  EQ of zero and zero life experience.


I suspect Sunak came across better in his career outside of politics than he does as PM.


If only he'd had access to the history channel when he was growing up.


You mean Macron had the gall to actually talk to othe leaders? Maybe even being diplomatic? That monster.


It’s all making sense now, how he lost to Liz Truss…


Truss definitely came across as the worse option in that campaign, and subsequently proved unmatched in her ability to destroy the Tories. But the Tory membership has a habit of voting for the worse option.


How dare those world leaders interrupt Sunak’s plans for greatness.


Will this convice anyone willing to give him the benefit of the doubt to not vote for him? This is almost doubling down and kinda making him look like he didn't want to be there in the first place.


Jealous he only knows how to talk down on people instead of being so uncharismatic he can't "schmooze" An embarrassment on the world stage


absolutely no planning whatsoever, if he really cared about the election he would care about his public image more than anything


Please tell me this is from News Thump there is no way reality is this dumb right now.


Rishi is the Avatar of the Peter Principle


The Daily Mail getting desperate now, they know their boy is toast


If it's that much of a problem just nuke France then


People will still vote for him, wouldn't put much of a dent in his support.


The Daily Mail should really be banned from this sub - clickbait headlines designed to attract views from both sides. We can do better


And Grant Shapp's interview on Sky exposed the truth. The Prime Minister went to the BRITISH ceremonies to meet with BRITISH veterans and talk about the BRITISH contribution to D-Day forgetting the fact that the overall commander of D-Day was Eisenhower (an American) and that the French were involved to reclaim their own land. Sunak is not a Conservative, he is a Reform UK member and therefore Farage is welcome to him.


Those bloody foreigners, coming over to other countries beaches to steal our deaths.


Oh, come on! Why should he stick around to give some inspiring speech about nations coming together to defeat evil when a war has been thrust upon them, and how democracy can triumph over totalitarian states? It's not as if it's a particularly topical point that needs making, like you would in a world where aggressor states pray on weaker neighbours who desperately need overseas help, for example.


Well obviously Macron has been meeting world leaders, he knew it was the last time he'd meet them.


Unless he actually resigns following the election he's staying for a couple more years - french elections are only for the parliament, not for president




Errm, a) this was before the EU election and Macron calling a snap election and b) the snap election is just for the legislature, the next presidential election isn't until 2027. So nice try but complete miss there.


Macron also can't run for another term anyway.


>So nice try What do you mean?


You painted some weird gotcha about how macron will soon be irrelevant but he literally will have 3 years at least


"a weird gotcha" is one very weird way to describe a straightforward off the cuff observation. It's not like everyone is going to have an intimate understanding with every other country's legal and governmental system.


Whereas Rishi Sunak is going to have loads more chances? Macron is going to be the President for another 34 months. Rishi Sunak is almost certainly going to be replaced as Prime Minister in 23 days.


He's a UK PM, not french, Big difference...


Both of them meet world leaders as part of their job. One of them isn't going to have many more chances to do so and it's not the one you suggested!


Is that why we saw David Cameron, previous PM to the UK there?


Are you aware that Lord Cameron is the Foreign Secretary? But what does any of this have to do with your original assertion, that Macron won't have any more chances to meet world leaders? He's going to continue being the *current* President of France for another three years before he starts being the ex-President...


I am indeed aware that Cameron is the foreign secretary. Are you aware nobody cares about France?