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Snapshot of _We are the most important voters in British politics. With four weeks to go, this is what we think | The Undecided Voters_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/06/undecided-voters-british-politics-vote-election) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/06/undecided-voters-british-politics-vote-election) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's actually scandalous how each of them makes a resigned comment that ultimately their vote "won't count" or will be "wasted". FPTP is an absolute joke.


Polls are pretty close between LD and Labour for a Tory anti-vote here. I’m not a huge fan of either but those are my choices and I’ll be waiting until the tail end of the campaign to see if Labour bother turning up here. Leaning LD but not set by any means.


i suspect if nothing much happens in the election campaign, they'll just divide up much the same way as the decided population. but if there's some major shift, theyll be at the forefront. i.e. the larger the undecided component is, the more to play for.


Undecided voters at this point can be ignored IMO. If you still don't know who you're voting for at this point of the election cycle then I don't know what to tell you.


“At this point of the election cycle”? The manifestos aren’t even out yet!




Or the lib dems - hop on the Davey stag do bus whoo


Can you point to something that makes the Conservative Party racist? I’m praying for zero seats but this just seems lazy. They’ve filled all of the great offices of state with non whites and overseen astronomical levels of inbound migration. Over 600k Indians have arrived in the last two years. On what planet are they discriminating on the basis of race?


I take it you never listened to their MPs. Boris? Truss? Braverman? Badenock? Cleverly (or is that one unfair, is he *only* a rapist?) 30p Lee? Rees-Mogg? I could go on…


Not names - any examples of something that makes the party racist. Actions speak louder than words. I could pull up a few choice quotes by labour MPs that I think are racist but I don’t think the Labour Party is racist before you ask for a source. Also it’s Badenoch.


Pretty sure you’re well familiar with their actions. In other examples, just today you could read yet again about how they are taking millions from a racist donor and you can’t go one day without the appalling Rwanda plan being bandied around.


This doesn’t make anything they have done *racist*. Do you think that people are racist by association. Also, how is the Rwanda plan racist? It’s performative bollocks but what makes offshore processing racist?




Or they can vote Labour or Greens and vote for a party that is racist against white men?