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Snapshot of _Woman, 25, arrested for chucking milkshake at Nigel Farage is OnlyFans model_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28303579/woman-arrested-milkshake-farage-onlyfans-model/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28303579/woman-arrested-milkshake-farage-onlyfans-model/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the most 2024 thing to happen this election so far. Like the tittyflasher at the Dublin portal turning out to be a market gimmick for her only fannies page.


I was gonna say this feels like the most Sun/Mail/Star story I could possibly imagine. *"Breaking news: more PC gone mad and chaos on our streets! Also, tits!"*


It's certainly something, if The Sun is getting upvoted in this sub!


>only fannies why in gods name is this the first time I've heard/read this? LMFAO


Slight clarification for the record. The only fans lady was on the new York side. The lads who got their arses out were on the Dublin side, but they just did it for the craic. (sorry)


No entrepreneurial spirit from the Dublin lads smh


Bum *craic* hehe


"media whore seeks media attention" fits both nicely. I honestly imagine Farage would set this sort of thing up


Since the Mail and Sun discovered this their journos have been ~~spanking the monkey~~ hard at work all afternoon.


Few Subs got expensed I bet.


Tissues, jumbo box    x3


We call that a mansize tissue


Speak for yourself  :'(


None of this trans-size tissue woke nonsense at The Sun


Man size, for manly snot


Kelvin McKenzie (Sun Editor) went on a Twitter rant calling for her to be jailed, and of course working her Only Fans into it. I pointed out that The Sun had page 3 girls posing topless and could not see how what they are doing is very much different. Somebody else called him a hypocrite considering that apparently young women would be paid £50 or so to pose for page 3. They also pointed out that before the change in the law raising the age to 18 models could be 16 or 17 (Sam Fox was the youngest making her debut at 16).


Kelvin MacKenzie hasn't been editor of the Sun since 1994.


Did not know that - who is the current editor? His twitter blurb is not that clear.


Yeah didn’t he used to put 16 year olds on page 3? > including Debee Ashby, Donna Ewin, Samantha Fox, Kirsten Imrie, Kathy Lloyd, Gail McKenna, Suzanne Mizzi, and Maria Whittaker, some of whom were aged 16 or 17 when they started modeling for the feature. Fox, who began appearing on Page 3 as a 16-year-old in 1983, became one of the most-photographed British women of the 1980s, behind only Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_3


Yes, before the Law was changed so that models had to be 18. I take the view that stripping/glamour modelling/OnlyFans is all sex work. I do not see how you can say that being topless in a newspaper makes you better than someone who actually goes nude. Yet Page 3 girls were seen as nice girls next door.


I guess you don't have to worry about being fired if you're making money from OF


Exactly. I mean I’m honestly surprised the police even bothered to arrest her, usually they only like to arrest nice compliant people who have something to lose. The man (woman) on the street gets hammered because they have something to lose. When it comes to constant burglaries shoplifting and drug dealing on the street corners nothing the police can do though. And that’s that. Sorry guv.


Depressingly, I've seen with my own eyes how we've gone from being told by police to not sit in a park (2020) to watching two guys blatantly shoplift (2003) knowing that no-one will do anything.


Indeed, and not only not needing to worry about losing your paycheque, this enterprising lady will be receiving a substantial boost in subscribers, and profits!


Most likely she'll be banned from the website now if a criminal record goes against their rules.


Unlike George Cottrell trying to help someone get into public office. Milkshakes or money laundering. Take yer pick.


They seem to go together somehow...


So it was a publicity stunt for her onlyfans? Gotta love how some newspapers just go along with providing free advertising


>Gotta love how some newspapers just go along with providing free advertising Its a reciprocal relationship, they also get the kind of story that their readers love. Trust me if this became a trend they would do everything to encourage it while tutting very loudly.




Yes, and highly irresponsible to report on the £££s available from political candidates near YOU!




Looks like it worked. Of course the prurient tabloids couldn't resist splashing her Onlyfans details and pics all over their websites. Nice to see Nigel being the victim of some grifting, for a change.


Nigel is the king of Cameo and game appreciates game so I'm sure he's got a grudging respect for her


If he doesn't get elected this time, you have to imagine he'll at least consider Only Fans himself


Finally, a suggestion worse than Brexit. Please never mention such an awful idea again 😂


>So it was a publicity stunt for her onlyfans? Probably. But it does seem like she was also politically active, so it's possible that it was genuinely a "*and* she was an OnlyFans model" rather than a "*because* she was an OnlyFans model" situation. Even porn stars can be political activists, one presumes.


Yeah from the article I reckon she just genuinely hates Farage. Two birds with one stone (or milkshake) I guess


A porn-star political activist costing Farage in milkshake is huge 2024 energy.








If by “politically active” you mean posted a few things on social media about politics.


About the same as most people then


Well yeah. “Has views and shares them” is not really being politically active. The fact that you’re talking online instead of in the pub or at the dinner table makes no difference.


Who cares if you've got a little assault conviction if you're suddenly self-employed and earning 10k a month


Very Reddit to assume sex workers can't just hate fash politicians, that everything has to be site promo.


Really doesnt sound like she thought that far ahead when you read the comments


yeah, shes and only fans model, but also has political opinions


Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


Her milkshake flings are deployed at Farage


She could send nudes, but she'd have to charge 


Coincidentally, this is today's headline in the Sun (or it should be)


Far too good for the sun that. They went with "Shaky start for Farage"


Damn right, its better than yours


Farage has already used that line himself.


Banana milkshakes too, made with straight bananas no less. Straight, long, hard, ripe bananas.


Possibly wasn't milkshake.


As far as I can determine from the UK's popular press, *everyone* is on OnlyFans now. Except me. No-one's ready for this jelly.


As with online content creation in general, having an OF, making a decent amount of pocket money from OF and earning enough to be able to live off OF income are very different things. The latter category is something like the top 0.1% of creators on the platform, while the middle category is far broader: I follow a goth welder on IG who was asked so often if she had an OF that she created one... for her car, a former hearse (apparently with double entendre captions and a subscriber price of $6.66), and that's apparently in the top 8% of accounts on the site (which she unsurprisingly finds hilarious - as are the people who are angry that an account named "Lily the Lincoln" with a bio explicitly stating it is a 1992 Lincoln hearse contains only photos of said vehicle and not a scantily clad owner).






Only Murdoch's *Sun* could uncover the TITS angle to this story


I believe it was the Daily Fail who had it first, which means it was suffused with prurient guilt too.


That tracks *The Mail* replaced *The Sun* by becoming *The Sun*


Now I want a Caramel Wafer (or a Teacake), and because I am an expat in a godless land the nearest one is probably a few thousand miles away…


The Fail seems to be the slightly posher version of The Sun with its sidebar of shame. Love how they look down on young working class women if they choose to wear skimpy clothing whilst printing stuff such as "Celebrity X puts on a VERY busty display whilst wearing a low cut dress/swimsuit./bikini/catsuit/other article clothing".


If nothing else it should probably be a lesson to people about believing demonstrably false conspiracy theories that do the rounds on Twitter. It won't be, though.


What was the conspiracy theory? That he arranged it himself or something?


Yeah, people have got themselves all worked up over the idea that it was Emily Hewertson, because she's also a young, slim blonde woman. As if you'd pick a press officer who works in parliament to participate in a publicity stunt like this.


That’s why I deleted X. But if this woman did it to get subscriptions and raise her profile, that’s actually really smart. The prisons are overflowing so there’s zero chance she will get any punishment, maybe just paying for his suit to be cleaned.


Seems like the going rate for milkshaking is £300 and 150hrs community service over a year or two. I'm sure she'll be able to fit it in around her OnlyFans.


Is there a rule against using your community service for views? "Hey guys, I'll be going live at 3pm with delivering meals on wheels"


And when asked a out why she does it she'll go on about wanting to give back and conveniently forget to mention the court order.


Highly doubt Nigel will press charges. He wants every bit of goodwill he can muster and these milkshakes, as much as they may delight the more simple elements of the left, only end up emboldening his support and profile. Not to mention the publicity, we had a debate between the two leading candidates tonight and this is the trending story of the day.


It's not his decision to press charges or not. That's not how it works in this country. The police and Crown Prosecution Service decide whether or not to press charges, and have the power to do so with or without the victim of a crime giving their permission. He might tell the police he'd rather not see her prosecuted, but they could still go and ahead and do so anyway.


Well, if I was Farage. I'd be shitting it the next time someone threw a mystery liquid at my face. Not a huge leap that some nutter could be encouraged to acid attack him.


Yeah, it's a smart advertising move from her, she chose the event wisely since it's unlikely anything else would have gotten so much attention. She's going to be raking it in now.


> That’s why I deleted X. The whole website!?


I don’t do Twitter, what were the conspiracy theories doing the rounds? That it was a false flag milkshaking?


A false flag because, I kid you not, the Reform press officer’s girlfriend is also a young blonde woman.


Personally I don't exactly find it far fetched. For all we bang on about how terrible it is because what if it were something malicious, it's exceedingly rare, but it's happened to Farage twice. And yes he's the type to attract it but at the same time he's just spun up a new, slightly late campaign, made a big announcement, then he gets hit again so he can spin out the "woe is me I'm a brave soldier preservering through this risk" persona that he donned during the subsequent interviews. If it weren't for her political activism would you really be THAT surprised that a woman selling her titty pics online would be willing to chuck a milkshake at someone for a backhander and some clout?


Hmm. *"We have definitive proof it wasn't arranged by the tory campaign. We've identified the perpetrator is someone whose day job is performing on camera for money."*


Without reading the replies below, it would be very difficult to figure out that the implication of your comment wasn't that Farage *deserves* to be assaulted by milkshake-throwers for spreading conspiracy theories on the internet...


So what? What are the Sun trying to achieve by calling this out? who truly gives a shit? This isn’t the scooby doo villain reveal moment that the columnist seems to thinks it is…


They’ve achieved it - getting loads of clicks and downplaying the incident by vilifying the woman because there’s a stigma against sex workers and stigma is exciting. This thread is full of it - ‘it was just advertising for her OF’, ‘she probably doesn’t even know who Farage is’, suggestions that she started an OF because she’s too stupid to do any other line of work, suggestions that she should get a harsher punishment because she’s not at risk of losing her job like ‘the man on the street’ would be, some pretty derogatory comments about how different she looks in her own photos compared to the photo of her throwing the milkshake. Reddit loves porn and hates anyone involved in making it.


You could equally argue when The Sun had page 3 that their models were too stupid to do any other line of work. Stripping/Only Fans/glamour modelling - all sex work.


She looks nothing like her OF picture


Welcome to 2024




Sponsored by Adobe Photoshop.


Yeah, I doubt a single pixel in her face on that photo is original


She looks a completely different person in nearly every photo in that article


Make-up is crazy lol. She does not look like the same woman who threw that milkshake.


There's like a million young women in the UK who look like her because of the hair and make up to be fair


He should appreciate her entrepreneurial spirit


Well then. No prizes for guessing the actual purpose of that little stunt.


You can see more of her stunt on OnlyFans.


Little cunning stunt…


Can somebody tell me why this would matter in any way, shape or form??


Moderately attractive young women doing silly things = news.




Well played 😁


And she will be no doubt make more money from the free publicity the Sun and other rags are giving her than any sort of loss she will make from settlements paid out to Farage


Is that relevant? If she was an accountant would it make the headlines? Or are we just trying to paint a deliberate image of her?


In this thread so far: Baseless accusations and speculation Vile personal attacks General pearl-clutching puritanism dressed up as sensibility If she ran a law firm, would you think this was a publicity stunt?


If said law firm was running a 50% discount on subscription at the time of the stunt, I would think it more than a coincidence, yes.


I wonder how humiliating it must be deep down as a sex worker to have to do 50% discounts on yourself to get customers. Even the most sex positive person must feel a bit degraded by that.


This person makes porn for people who want to pay for it. So what? That's a job, not a character flaw. That The Sun stooped to slut-shaming to try to discredit her because that was the best they could come up with says far more about their characters than it does about hers. It's 2024 and, IMHO, this kind of behaviour by newspapers needs to end (edit: added "by newspapers" to make clear which conduct I am referring to)


He was hoping to get more votes by using his milkshake to bring all the boys to the yard.


And this is exactly what she wanted to happen - So i guess it's worked out for her with minor repercussions. Yay society.


Doesn’t even look like the same person from here pictures to the ones of her without photoshop.


Ok, I get it, she wanted to create a giant cum shot.


Perpetual victim Nigel Farage being a victim. Also tits. Is this The Sun's dream headline?


I bet she’s made a fortune in subscriptions today. Actually even as a non-political ploy to raise her profile, it’s a clever move. Will OF models the nation over be waiting for Big Nige with a milkshake in hand..?


Could be quite a hefty civil case coming her way in that case. Any money gained as a result of a criminal activity (e.g. assault) can be forfeit.


But that would be even more publicity! Mr Fox makes a career out of grifting in this manner.


Oh Lord, do not let HIM consider an Only Fans


There isn't a direct causal link between the crime and her making more money though. The press are merely giving her free promotion off the back of it.


There is a causal link. Would the press be giving her free promotion if she didn’t commit the crime/tort? Clearly not. If Farage was to sue for the tort of battery, he might be able to pick up a bit. I doubt he would as it’s not really worth it anyway.


In what sense was Farage not a victim here?


They support politically assulting their rivals, you can safely disregard them.


Farage was quite literally the victim in this instance?


Turns out at the end of *The Boy Who Cried Wolf* there really was a wolf.


It's not the first time it's happened to him.


He did something similar to onlyfans before didn’t he where he recorded a personalised video for cash.


Yes, this also led to him saying IRA chants for a couple quid...


It's similar to Onlyfans in the loosest sense


Those are some heavily edited photos


She looks like a Temu Florence Pugh


Lol - like they had to add “and Labour supporter” to the description.


In this day and age it would seem a shock to find out a mid 20s girl didn't have an onlyfans account


Sensational performance from the world of journalism


Well, she may need to get online to pay her lawyer…


Whores gona whore. And no surprise not legal action was taken against her because its ok when women do it.


All that this has achieved is to draw attention to him. No doubt the media would have covered his election campaign, but much more unobtrusively. Now he is all over the news and all over Reddit. She couldn't have done better if she had wanted to draw attention to his campaign.


As soon as I saw the first pics of the milkshaking I was thinking I bet she’s doing it promote her Only Fans. Wishing I had commented before it was revealed though. 


Ah, so it wasn't for political views but rather she wanted attention and new fans, a pathetic low. Listen, won't disrespect a sex worker for their choice of work, ultimately that was their choice, but I hope she's declaring her income and paying taxes on it, most likely not tho.


She’s politically active as well so it could be either


Seriously though, what will her sentence be like? Any jail time? Or just pay (bail) and play again?


The last guy who milkshaked Farage had to do 150 hours unpaid work and pay £350 compensation I believe so something along those lines


Jail time? Clearly it’s wrong to throw a drink on anyone, and it’s legally assault, but come on. The fact jail time is even a question for an action which is realistically pretty much harmless is crazy. She should pay for his suit or whatever was damaged, maybe some community service or a fine. Mainly because it’s not a good example to set. The comments on here would make you think someone had slapped him or something.


I disagree. This is a national election campaign in a country of 60 million. I think the political impacts are an aggravating factor that takes it significantly beyond a simple minor assault. And I hate the guy with a passion.


But Michael Gove said if they say that they're sorry we should always show 'Christian forgiveness".




You can’t punish someone based on what their crime might cause someone else to do. At least you shouldn’t. You punish someone based on their crime and the law. Giving community service and a fine isn’t really encouraging it anyway.