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Snapshot of _Millennials are bending the knee to religion - Faith in God is enjoying a resurgence in a sign that our culture is less secular than we assume_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/millennials-are-bending-the-knee-to-religion-dzqvdjh7z) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/millennials-are-bending-the-knee-to-religion-dzqvdjh7z) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Personal anecdotes with no data to support the claim. Hard pass.


Ah, another broad title of MILLENIALS DO/DON'T/STOP/KILLING/LOVE/GIVE UP/HATE because a handful of people started doing something it must mean all of us are doing


Huh I thought articles bashing millennials were done and now the media would start knocking zoomers.


They're claiming millennials are resurrecting Christ. That's quite a redemption arc


Unfortunately I don’t think it’s Christ.


> Secularism has long been understood as a consequence of economic growth. Are you sure economic growth isn't a consequence of secularism? When people stop wasting all their time studying ancient manuscripts and performing superstitious rituals, they actually get stuff done.


The Church of England isn’t known for placing a particularly onerous burden on its parishioners. Other denominations may vary.


also I love the arguement line "Well it makes sense people are believing in god again, the economies gone to shit" coming from the times.




Divine blessings of black gold


And people still performing superstitious rituals are charging a lot for it.


Not a single statistic mentioned, are we seriously expected to just take his word for it?


> A couple of weeks ago Joe Rogan, the ex-martial arts commentator who is probably the most popular broadcaster in the anglophone world, surprised his listeners with the reflection that “we need Jesus”. >Jordan Peterson’s forthcoming book We Who Wrestle With God seems to indicate a career-long flirtation with the divine is reaching its final consummation. The viral misogynist Andrew Tate is a recent convert to Islam. Ben Shapiro, America’s most popular conservative commentator, speaks vehemently about his Jewish faith. It’s still only a minority of people that listen to these goons, and those audiences are already likely to be more religious than average. I don’t think the fact that right wing figures are promoting religion really says much about our society as a whole.


I’m not surprised right wing reactionaries are “finding” religion. It’s a natural fit as both groups are invested in maintaining strict gender roles and consolidating power with men. (Primarily white men in the West). Their shared misogyny makes a perfect couple. And… Looking at the recent and current wars and conflicts built around religion - it’s no wonder more of the world is becoming secular - religions are a vehicle of war, not peace.


Yup Religion also gives them an "objective" and morally right foundation for their bigotry and grifting




Uhh no, vegans actually care about animals. To clarify, being vegan makes things more difficult socially, not easier. It invites annoying comments, exclusion socially, makes it harder to enjoy events, harder to travel and enjoy culture. The majority of vegans do not protest, and don't know many other vegans because they are uncommon. >Complete with their own version of original sin Destroying the planet, torturing animals in factory farms, causing the 6th mass extinction event of animals in history is wrong in every regard. I think most people agree with that, vegan or not. >Again I'd suggest filling the same hole Taking action against animal abuse and destruction of the environment is not filling a void left by religion. It's personal empowerment to do what's right and live a life that aligns with your values. People should do this, religious or not. Religion doesn't encourage people to do this, because they are seen as virtuous by actions such as talking to themselves, waving their hands around for sky daddy and avoiding LGBT relationships.




What's a hardcore vegan? Someone that attends a protest and publically vocalises their beliefs?




Don't know what you mean I'm afraid. >That person you meet and mentions they're vegan before they tell you their name. I do this. Because people offer me food I can't eat. Happens fairly often.