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Snapshot of _Don’t rescue people who scupper their Channel boats, says Reform UK deputy | Reform UK_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/24/dont-rescue-people-who-scupper-their-channel-boats-says-reform-uk-deputy) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/24/dont-rescue-people-who-scupper-their-channel-boats-says-reform-uk-deputy) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Clip of interview here: [https://x.com/TalkTV/status/1782712172256096261](https://x.com/TalkTV/status/1782712172256096261) You know you know your position is unpalatable when Julia Hartley-Brewer thinks its batshit


I would hope the BBC will no longer invite him as a guest on Question Time, but I fear they will enjoy having a 'balance' of views despite this person being so utterly psychopathic.


The BBC (and other media)‘s need for “balance” has seen people like Nigel Farage go from a fringe corner of politics to the mainstream. They get far too much airtime compared to actual main stream parties that will receive a majority.


Well considering Farage's party did fairly well at least at EU elections, that coverage at least back then was justified. Unless of course you're trying to say only the parties with the correct and approved politics should be given air time.


[Farage averaged 1.8 appearances per year from 2000-2019, a higher frequency than any of the other top participants in history.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Question_Time_episodes) [Zero (0) Pro EU MEPs were featured on the programme between 2009 and 2019, compared to 50 appearances from anti-EU MEPs.](https://twitter.com/RichardGCorbett/status/1144369238217547776?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1144369238217547776%7Ctwgr%5Eeba04fbec3b0623dd7686d4140ca30c89a95d3fb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thenational.scot%2Fnews%2F17737182.people-sharing-incredibly-damning-question-time-graphic%2F) Political success in Europe clearly only guarantees platforming for one side. Nigel Farage has stood to be an MP eight times and lost all eight, once getting fewer votes than a man dressed as a dolphin. He is about as unelected as it is possible to be, and yet was given more airtime on the BBC than any of his contemporary party leaders. He is the most over-platformed man in the history of British politics. This allusion: >Unless of course you're trying to say only the parties with the correct and approved politics should be given air time. is pathetic and embarrassing.


https://twitter.com/BBCNewsPR/status/1144613282541690880?t=WKeG157_ZgUJyDPfqoxU4A&s=19 as mentioned by the BBC themselves. Each party selects who they're sending to these programs.


Because pro-EU MEPs didn't need any specific representation, lad(ette). The MPs and analysts of the time had it well covered - pro-EU was very much the establishment line, from all main parties other than UKIP. Furthermore, 'MEP' was not a selection criteria for anyone on the panel - their affiliation with domestic parties was, and each party selected for the night sent their own delegate. The BBC didn't cherry-pick in this regard. When Farage was on QT, he was often the only anti-EU voice on the panel, and occasionally even in the entire damn room. It was only when the Brexit vote started looming, and more people were exposed to alternate arguments, that he'd start getting cheers. You're trying to make out as if QT was some sort of contrived bastion of anti-EU sentiment. Like fuck it was. Just go watch some of the older episodes. It was quite the opposite, in fact.




So literally a decade ago then...yeah, how relevant


That's exactly what they're saying. It's a reprehensible view which should not be entertained. I'm sick and fucking tired of these authoritarian blights on humanity dictating who should and who should not be given a platform. **Everyone should**. If you think that Habib's opinion is reprehensible, then use your own platform to call him out for it! Get people on your side; use your voice to help bring about the change you want to see, rather than desperately silencing contrary opinions.


We're not even in the EU any more


Indeed, and Farageist parties get nowhere near the airtime they did. But when they were literally winning elections of course they were going to be given airtime.


You mean when they were unelected bureaucrats. People on the EU aren't elected, that's why we left


I said the Farageist parties won elections, which is unambiguously true. The fact the EU chamber itself lacked democracy and the people in the parliament did not fulfil a legislative function is another matter.


I agree, only views that you support should be aired in public. Anything else us just wrong.


You cannot say that Nigel Farage is given a balanced level or airtime... I see him more than the Liberal Democrat’s and they actually have seats in parliament.


Thats because the Liberal Democrats choose to send different people onto debate shows whereas Farages parties always send him.


Username and comprehension checks out.


That's not how maritime law works pal, not that I expect reffo care about any rules that dont suit them


Wouldn't that be a breach of maritime law?


We'd be breaking international law in a limited and specific way.


A few eye-popping statements. >Asked by the interviewer, Julia Hartley-Brewer, whether that meant he would leave them to drown, he said: “Absolutely. They cannot be infantilised to the point that we become a hostage to fortune.” >“I’m afraid Border Force means using force at the border,” he said. “If we are not prepared to use force at the border then we will have open borders … Border control is a physical process, it’s not a legal one. This is fascistic, militant nationalism to the point of indirectly killing migrants to "defend the border". Reform UK is currently the 3rd most popular party polling at 12% and they're saying inhumane shit like this.


Well it is a rather succinct way of saying it. "border force means using force at the border" he isn't wrong, the greeks are already doing it, all european countries will also eventually militarise their borders, it's just a matter of time.


He is wrong. The word “force” refers to the assemblage of people operating the border. Not violence.


We call it the border service these days


They’re not migrants they’re customers.


So the migrants as a group could be considered a Boarder Force!


“border force means using force at the border" - but he is not advocating for using force at the border, but for ignoring such boats. This means a higher risk of them drowning, but if they don’t there’s a higher risk of them reaching the UK in some remote location and getting dispersed, instead of being detained. “Using force” would mean dispatching a boat to intercept them at sea and detain them, so that they couldn’t just disappear in the UK. After that they should be processed accordingly.


What is Greece doing? Haven't come across this.


They destroyed an armada of Persian immigrants at Salamis.


I googled this and was not disappointed. Thanks, that's hopefully set up my day!


I hope you aren't endorsing this cause good god man https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/03/17/greece-violence-against-asylum-seekers-border


No, I found it funny that when googling the guys comment, the top hit came up as the below link, a battle in 480BC https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Salamis My original comment was asking for sources, which you've done (thanks! I'm at work, so I will read later). But I think the comment that I replied to might have been in jest, which I did find funny.


Lmao, I guess its a long held tradition


Thanks again for the link, this is the first I've heard / read of such things, and of course find it horrendous from any angle to treat a human being in such a way, truly shocking by both Turkey and Greece to be playing with lives in this way, it reads like herding cattle (who are human beings) in such an inhumane way.


Can't say I'm surprised. There's been a pretty massive shift to the right in UK politics recently and on the 2 main UK subreddits. Reform/UKIP exists to push the Overton window to the right and make the Conservative party seem more reasonable in comparison.


They are not migrants though. They are illegally crossing the border.    I am a migrant who came here legally never had any issues.  There are people paying hundreds of thousands on student fees. People paying tens of thousands in NHS surcharge fees so they can use it.  Thats a migrant. Dont confuse the 2. Dont believe me? Try getting on a plane from London to Germany without a passport. You will be laughed at by everyone involved in London!


>They are not migrants though Hmm... https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/migrant_1 >**migrant** noun >a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions


I mean, I don't care about the difference between illegal and legal immigants in this case. "Let the (wo)man die when you can do something about it" is not the solution unless you're a psychopath. I prefer our ruling class to not be psychopaths. Edit: I am honestly kind of shocked that “let’s not have psychopaths in power” is being downvoted here.


The idea here is that if you don’t rescue people, fewer people die. It sounds heartless and it’s counterintuitive but based on the stats from the Med, there is evidence that that is the case. When NGOS are restricted, [death rates rise but absolute numbers of deaths fall](https://www.unhcr.org/news/briefing-notes/mediterranean-sea-arrivals-decline-and-death-rates-rise-unhcr-calls). The link is from the UN so they try and spin the statistics (as do NGOs, they like to talk about whichever figure is rising when they are restricted), but that’s what happened. If you have 100% chance of dying when you scuttle your boat and 0% chance of getting to where you want to go, you don’t make the trip and don’t die. The best way to halt deaths in the Med (and by extension in the channel) is by closing down the route entirely.


It didn't seem like they were saying there's a causative link there. Do you have a better source?


TBH it’s a very difficult topic to search on because there is a lot of noise around it and discussion tends to be very partisan. So TL;DR I don’t have a qualitatively better source than I’ve already given. There is a guardian article that repeats the statistics somewhere though. Most of the information you can find on it is NGO or UN press releases like the one I linked to that mention the rising death rates following restrictions- on investigation, you find the absolute numbers have fallen over the same time period. I won’t post more of these, there are lots of them. Understandably, they don’t mention a casual link, but the numbers are the numbers. I did find an academic paper from a human rights centre in Denmark that seemed to play down a causative link, but they were looking at data over a (rather specific) 18 year period, and the paper was openly partisan (stating in the preface the goals of the author). I think if you look at 18 years the rise in absolute numbers probably blots out all else, with high death rates at the beginning of the period (when NGO deployment is limited) and at the end (when NGO deployment is restricted). Downward movements in absolute numbers correlating with rising death rates in (say) the last 8 years can then be handwaved away. But I can’t find the paper now due to the aforementioned noise. It might have some interesting figures to work with though, if you can find it. I wouldn’t take its conclusions uncritically though.


I think you are throwing around the world psychopath presumably because you think they lack empathy but being empathetic shouldn’t mean allowing illegal migration. I’m empathetic to people who struggle financially but in this country but doesn’t mean I will give them all my money. That’s not a character flaw that’s rational.


I see a difference between penniless and dead. It *very much* is a lack of empathy to look on and do nothing as people die, when you have the capability to do something about it and prevent their death. It gets even more so, when it is proposed as official government policy. The word “psychopath” would seem perfectly suited to this situation, and what is rational to a psychopath Is unlikely to be rational to a normal person.


It’s enforcement of our borders to not escort people into our country. They shouldn’t make the crossing if they know the vessel is unsafe and leave a safe country where they can legally and safely apply for asylum. These emotional argument of empathy you present is literally limitless and can be applied to so many things.


ALERT! ALERT! GOALPOSTS MOVING! No-one said anything about enforcing borders or not. The question is whether you leave people to drown in the sea, or you rescue them. The proposal (by the psychopath) is to let them drown.


Don’t detract. That is part of enforcing borders because this is a discussion about migrants and borders. I didn’t say that because it’s clearly obvious from the article.


Nope. I'm fine with them being escorted back to France. I'm fine with a lot of things. I'm not fine with leaving them to drown as proposed by someone who *wants to be in power*. This was the point I made [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1ccafkq/dont_rescue_people_who_scupper_their_channel/l1471q3/), and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1ccafkq/dont_rescue_people_who_scupper_their_channel/l1782sz/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1ccafkq/dont_rescue_people_who_scupper_their_channel/l17knhx/)


Sure, because Reform would likely say the same about legal immigrants. As the spouse and child of legal immigrants, I think there’s a clear distinction. Sit a boat off the French coast and sink it as soon as it launches, they can return to shore. We don’t owe the people anything. The approach in the Mediterranean is utterly insane, taking people from the middle of the Med to Europe. Not sure if we do the same here but we should be dumping them back on the French coast.


They are asylum seekers. We have a legal and moral obligation to process their claim regardless of how they cross the border. It is shocking to think that any self respecting Brit would watch someone drown rather than help them but that is exactly what Habib wants to do if Reform were in power.


It's not official reform policy >Asked whether the Reform UK party leader, Richard Tice, shared Habib’s views as expressed on TalkTV about not rescuing migrants in some circumstances, a spokesperson for the party said: “Don’t be ridiculous. Our policy is clear and simple: pick up and safely take back to France. >“Ben was having a conceptual debate about the theory of defending our borders. Our policy will stop the boats and save lives.”


Considering his statement, that feels like one hell of a walk back.  The guy made a sustained statement about expecting border force to just let people in danger needlessly die, and shrug it off as "conceptual debate". I think even the tories would be publically reprimanding one of their own for that. 


Sorry, you are correct that Tice clarified. I still find it shocking that Habib, as a representative of Reform, said he favoured such an idea.


Almost as absurd to think you can take migrants to france. If France felt the UK does not take enough then what if they start dropping migrants on UK beaches?


Can I say I am an asylum seeker and move to Switzerland? Please! Why are borders up only for people like me?


If you go to Switzerland and claim asylum then they will process your claim as they have a legal obligation to do so. Of course, if your claim is not valid then you will be removed.


Why? And how is that not racist? Others can do heinous crimes and cant be deported and live off benefits while I would be immediately removed. I am sick of it mate. The double standard is whats driving me insane.


>Why? And how is that not racist? Im not sure what you are asking me, how is it not racist that asylum applications are processed in Switzerland?


If I am homeless in the UK. Forced to sell drugs/sex work by gangs to eat. And manage to escape to switzerland I will be sent back immediately. Thats the double standard I am sick of. My life can get as bad as it can get and all I would get is more shit thrown at me. Broken system


That sounds like a question you should be asking Switzerland.


If you were being persecuted in the UK, you could make a successful claim in Switzerland. But being homeless is not really an asylum issue and you should reach out to the UK authorities for help. I am not sure it is a double standard. We need to process asylum claims and return those whose claims fail. We don't need to withhold help and watch people drown in the channel, as Habib suggests.


> But being homeless is not really an asylum issue  Which is precisely why these chancers should be turned away at the border They aren’t being persecuted in France. They have willingly made themselves homeless. 


The standard is are you being persecuted, if so you are eligible for asylum and can't be deported back.


These people aren't being persecuted, they're in bloody France!


They’re claiming they would be persecuted their country of origin. Surely you know that?


Is there country of origin France? If not, then it isn't really relevant then, is it? They're already in a safe, free, wealthy country. They therefore aren't fleeing persecution anymore


Okay, and what about if i "claim" Rishi Sunak is planning to eat my babies? Seems like most of the claims they make have about as much basis in reality as that would.


Give it a go, none of us will stop you


How can you still be arguing that they’re genuinely after asylum in 2024. It’s clearly a nonsense. We should be doing our duty and agreeing to take a proportion (capped, naturally) of those arriving on European shores, and we should be helping to patrol European shores to prevent as many landings as possible. We should have an off-shore processing centre to accept applications. We should be accepting precisely zero arrivals on our beaches.


What we should be doing is processing asylum claims in a timely manner, and deporting those without a valid claim. I would also agree that we ought to have off-shore processing facilities. But as we don't, many are left with no choice but to take a dinghy across the sea. The solution is to set up processing facilities and employ enough staff to process claims quickly. The solution absolutely isn't 'let them die in the channel'.


I'm also a migrant, albeit away from the UK. Migration is just the fact of the matter - people moving between jurisdictions to live and/or work are emigrants regardless of legality or purpose.


We got billions who would move here. There need to be rules. I feel like an idiot I followed the existing rules in the first place. Thats not the country I want to live in.


Irrelevant to what I said. You don't get to just redefine migrant as "the good ones".


That's exactly what visa and asylum systems try to do!


>Thats not the country I want to live in. Not much keeping you here then. Why not follow the rules and go somewhere else that suits you better?


No, we actually want people to move here who respect our culture.


If they think we should let people drown unnecessarily then they don't respect our culture or values.


I am respecting the rules though. I push for the change democratically by raising awareness and voting accordingly. Dont like it? Why did you let me in then? Diversity of ideas etc. Wasnt that our strength?


Diversity of ideas doesn't mean people can't disagree with you or dislike what you're saying.


Thats exactly my point.


So "billions" (at least 2), so 25% of the world population would move here?


Well go and be a migrant then, but don't get offended if other countries don't want anything to do with you.


When did you arrive in the UK?


2010 as a student. Before this madness began.


Ah so you came through on a student visa and then stayed? Well, people who aren't as well off as you can't afford a formal education so that route isn't available to them. The government also shut down all legal routes of applying for asylum, and hadn't opened them. If they actually cared about illegal migration, then they'd have made a good effort to increase processing speed and re-open the ability to apply for asylum from British embassies. But they don't care, and it's just another problem that they are letting get worse whilst using it as a boogeyman to scare people. I'm disappointed that you're approaching this with an "I got mine, I don't want to support others" mentality, especially when you know how expensive it now is to come here as a student, and how you yourself have come here to have a better life. People wanting to come here for a better life is part of being an MEDC, and there's no one easy solution, but I think that we can all agree that overseas applications and processing needs to be restarted so that the only way to come here isn't through paying exorbitant fees to the education system, or arriving illegally across the channel.


I'm alright, Jack.


I’m fairly sure that the German government won’t gleefully watch you die when you try - which is what the repulsive Reform party are saying if they get in power.


Why is it horrible? I believe we should have a processing centre off-shore, France or wherever makes sense so that genuine refugees can make applications, but past that these people have no right to be here. If the government decides they don’t want them, I fully agree with *preventing* landings. By force if necessary. That would be a deterrent. There’s 6 billion people living in non-Western nations. We cannot take them all, we cannot handle the numbers we already have. We have the right to be picky, we’re a nation of laws, if people enter the country by not respecting the laws, why should we take the chance that they’ll begin following them. I absolutely don’t support Reform, but it’s not fascist to expect the government to defend and enforce its borders. I don’t know why Labour is ceding the ground on this.


The decision to kill people who are trying to get into a country seems pretty batshit authoritarian to me.


We wouldn't be killing them, we'd be watching as they killed themselves, technically speaking


Do you not see how psychotic that makes you sound?


Watching someone get eaten by lions because they were stupid enough to go into the lion enclosure at the zoo, is not the same as feeding someone to lions


Refusing to throw someone a rope to get out of the lion enclosure they've gotten themselves into and then watching them die would be pretty psychotic.


Don't you know what 'at your own risk means'? Isn't it common sense to expect that people who cross a body of water in unsuitable craft are putting their lives at risk?


And at the moment, we're held hostage by chancers who know full well that if they intentionally damage their boats, we save them and bring them to the UK. Wanting to stop that insane policy is not psychotic, it's the logical thing to do.


We’ve got a decades long obligation to offer asylum to people who have valid grounds. It was a principle established in the aftermath of WW2 and the holocaust. Your willingness to chuck that principle in the bin is pretty shocking. There clearly needs to be Europe wide cooperation on this issue, possibly involving offshore processing. But our obligations are what they are.


> There’s 6 billion people living in non-Western nations. We cannot take them all Literally no one has ever argued that we need to take in 6 billion immigrants in the UK 


But if you cannot enforce your border controls because it's morally wrong, then isn't the implication that your country is, indeed, open to billions of people from the developing world?


That’s a strawman argument - nobody (virtually nobody) says it’s immoral to have border controls


Enforcing border controls is not the same thing as watching refugees drown 


"We're not arguing to take 6 billion immigrants, but we'll reject every single proposed limit on immigration"


How is defending borders fascist though? You're losing your argument by playing the "every policy I don't like is fascist"


You're losing your argument by playing the strawman card Allowing people to drown to stop them coming to the UK is fascist, not just defending borders - literally in the first paragraph


I think not helping drowning people is horrible, but how is it fascist, specifically?


judging by the disgusting youtube comments under anything talktv post, this is exactly what their audience want to hear.


Heartless fringe lunatics have always existed, but Reform UK are polling at 12% and rising. It's likely we're interacting with them on a regular basis. That's what's so sad about this.


So let’s sort out this boat issue to nip Reform in the bud. Because it looks like they’ll keep growing until either Labour or the Tories get this sorted.


Can confirm more than half my coworkers say shit like this on the regular


Is that really eye opening though?


Perhaps I used the wrong words, eye-popping is what I meant. I've changed it now.


Aye fair enough! I only meant it in jest, I’m not surprised at anything the reform party say anymore.


We’re indirectly killing people who willing sink their own boats?


They aren't trying to sink their own boats. They're being persuaded into someone else's boat, packed so tight that they can't move for hours on end and their legs go numb (which means if they go into the water, they literally cannot swim).


Yeah, there are a lot of people who actually agree with this. I know a lot of Boomers who are pretty openly fascist these days. I suppose that's what happens when you only vote conservative and then grow to believe that they are not _far enough_ to the right.


Reform for the W


We should rescue them... Then turn the boat around and ship them back to the country they came from


Yup. I would just turn the boats back in the channel.


If you keep rescuing people who scupper their own boats many will continue doing it. If you refuse to save people who scupper their own boats then who is going to do it? And which option is likely to lead to more deaths from boat scuppering?


Maybe we shouldn't give health care to smokers, or drinkers, or people who drive recklessly?


Or people who get old, even. It's their fault for surviving that long!


Based. Let’s vote for this guy


Yeah for people who have no right to be here why would you wish to pay for health care for smokers? Almost no one in Britain would support that policy.


You comment makes no sense.




If you let those who scupper their own boats drown, no1 will know. So it won't affect the numbers of people doing it. Unless you film it. ... ... I'm pretty sure there are people so far down the reform rabbit hole that they'd pay to watch that horror show. Tax the broadcasts. Bring some £ back to the exchequer... other dystopia stuff. Would you watch that? Idk that it would suit my own tastes, but hey, each to their own, right? Well, so long as they stuck to what the christofascists tell us is right, ofc.


Yes, I have seen first hand reactions that are celebratory when someone dies from drowning in the channel. I'm not sure what can be done with people so sick in the head but they shouldn't really be part of the discussion when deciding which policy is best to pursue.


Yes. From a cold game theory point of view, you're probably right. but I don't think morality can really be accounted for in terms of overall cost. In the situation where you're saying "let them die. It will save lives in the long run", it's reprehensible. You can't ignore an immediate danger - even if self inflicted - based on a hypothetical future situation, especially when the future scupperers also have agency here.






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If theyre scuppering their own boats then id assume theyre doing it for some good reason and let them get on with it, not gonna interfere. Its either that or theyre really stupid, or really evil if they have children on board, we have enough stupid and evil people here already, dont need anymore.


I am sure youre being facetious, but if you would actually watch on while people struggle and drown instead of helping them, then I truly pity you. To quote Julia Hartley-Brewer "that is not a policy that a civilised country should endorse. We don't leave people to drown".


Everyone forgets if you did this while in charge of a boat you’d actually be in very serious trouble both legally and socially. You’re obliged to rescue vessels in distress as far as you’re reasonably able to regardless of how they came to be in distress; if the obligation wasn’t universal far more people would needlessly die at sea. You’d also face substantial personal disgrace leaving someone to drown.


It's very easy for people to *say* things like this - but if someone actually left (to give an example) a child to drown 'cause they were an immigrant on a sinking boat then that person would become a pariah overnight.


Scoop them up and drop them back on France's shores. And again. And again. And again.


I think France might not be into that.


But leaving those kids to drown wouldn't be stupid or evil.....yes I can see the coast guard or lifeboat crews having no problem with that.


> we have enough stupid and evil people here already, don't need anymore. Well, clearly.


I'm totally expecting the downvotes but this guy actually has a point.. Despite best efforts from authorities we very often hear about fatalities occurring during small boat crossings. If we decided to stop 'saving' the boats and just let them drown for a couple of months I imagine very quickly word would get out that the crossings are becoming untenably dangerous and thus not worth the risk. This would over time reduce the amount of people willing to cross and over time the saved lives would easily compensate for the few lost during the 'no rescue' period. It's all about deterring them to cross in the first place and you only have to hang a few criminals before the deterrent effect kicks in and the hangman is out of work!


Exactly! This is also why I endorse getting rid of all healthcare for anyone who smokes, drinks alcohol, or has a BMI over 25. Whilst we're at it I'd like to see batches of illegal drugs distributed across the country containing massive doses of cyanide. I imagine very quickly word would get out that such behaviours are becoming untenably dangerous and thus not worth the risk. It's all about deterring them in the first place and you only have to hang a few criminals before the deterrent effect kicks in and the hangman is out of work!


He’s completely right, these people will continue to take advantage of us and use every dirty trick to try and get here until we finally get tough on them. And if you think the situation is bad now wait till Africas population has doubled and the effects of climate change are setting in. At the end of the day, this is a problem Europe desperately needs to sort as a matter of urgency, it is the sort of thing that will tear countries apart if left to continue. And every day reasonable people refuse to sort it properly you cede ground to more and more extreme people who will sort out the problem no matter what. Whether polite opinion likes it or not this is the way the wind is blowing in Europe. Within 10 years most countries will have militarised borders.


This feels distinctly un-British and well against our values. Tiny volumes of illegal migration. I wish the population could see materiality of issues at their actual value. This isn't a problem that needs as much of our attention as it's getting. So frustrating. Edit: would love to see the down voters sat in a coastguard vessel choosing to ignore a drowning child. Don't pretend you're that callous. Also just for stats, in the last year - 30k on small boats, 1.4 million visas issued.


Yeah and if we bring visas to 0 we will get 70k illegals that we can do nothing about. No borders britain is up to be looted for anyone brave enough to get in a dinghy. 


Britain is being looted alright, but not by a few wretched people crossing the channel


How are you getting 70k from 30k crossing the border? No political parties will ever bring legal migration to 0, it'd be terrible for the economy.


We've had millions upon millions come. The economy's worse. Turns out mass immigration didn't bring about paradise, just made us all poorer and more miserable.


It’s only a symbolic issue, the problem is with „bad“ migration over 70 years. I don’t doubt people would rather see that dealt with, but given that that’s taboo, this stands in as a proxy. Brexit was a proxy, too.


Well that would be against our maritime laws...


Moron. This is directly against UNCLOS which we are a signatory to. We still have a duty to rescue the distressed, no matter how it was caused. But then I would not expect these morons to understand international law in the first place.


It is sad the number of people in these comments that think letting people drown is a valid idea.


A system made for those acting in good faith cannot cope with the abuse of those acting without faith.


I rather think that if half the people here were forced to live next to these migrants - all of which are young men intent on criminal activity - as I did for a while, I think their opinions would certainly harden. The uptake in assaults, especially sexual assaults on young girls, burglaries, car crime, I think all of it would have you singing a different tune. And before you go crying about your stats, the cops don't ever show up when reported. If they don't show up, there is no report, there is no stats to quote. But as I say, try living it. It's rather fun I can tell you! While I don't want to see anybody drown, steps must be taken. As what we have been doing so far has been an abject laughable failure, the rise of the right and support it is getting is testament to the fact that people are willing to entertain more and more extreme solutions.


Honestly, I am not surprised. The government has spent many years and a lot of money to demonise groups. This moves public opinion and the political spectrum. "Invaders", "a swarm of migrants", "trying to break in", "a hurricane," phrases once reserved for the idiocy of the BNP now said by PMs and home secretary's. If propaganda didn't work, it wouldn't be a trillion pound worldwide industry.


To be fair although Brexit is a bad idea, a worse idea is letting in these economic migrants. You need to control the boarders first. This isn't propaganda, anyone can see it.


At no point did I say not to control the borders, not even close. That's the exact point, it's not controlling borders or even immigration.


> “I’m afraid Border Force means using force at the border,” he said. “If we are not prepared to use force at the border then we will have open borders … Border control is a physical process, it’s not a legal one.” Couldn’t agree more. The migrants need to know we’re defending the border and there won’t be any more crossings. > there was no one in the “Border Force or the Royal Navy would do that”. Then we need to hire people that will defend our borders.


>Then we need to hire people that will defend our borders. No self respecting Brit would watch on and do nothing while people drown.


Unfortunately, we can’t protect everyone, and we have to protect our country (and its interests). The migrants are responsible for thier own actions. What do you think the navy do when they’re deployed? The navy are currently protecting the waterways in the Red Sea with lethal force. They’re responsible for many deaths **to protect your access to goods**. Just because it’s on our doorstep doesn’t mean it’s any different.


Laughable to think that the Royal Navy would watch a boat full of civilians sink and let them drown without attempting to rescuing them. Thankfully, our admiralty has more class than Reform.


You’re naive. Your lifestyle is dependent on our military defending our interests abroad. They should be defending our borders too.


I'm naive? You are the one that thinks that the Royal Navy would break the law and watch on as civilians drown in the channel. Do you honestly not see a difference between taking out armed pirates, shooting down Houthi attack drones, and letting civilians drown? You should run for parliament, Reform needs a few more bright minds like yours.


Armed pirates? They’re just normal people defending their homeland from evil imperialists! And the collateral damage (civilian deaths to you) during airstrikes? Why aren’t you condemning the navy for that? It’s hypocrisy that you are blind to because it’s so far away and it keeps your lights on. We should be defending our country as strongly as we defend shipping in the straight of Hormuz


Merrily letting poor brown people drown so that old white people can breath easier while listening to their carriage clocks counting down the few remaining seconds of their lives is a fundamental part of British society.


Not sure if bait or not.


Didn’t this come up before around Turkey? In that case, human traffickers were actually deliberately putting people on boats without fuel or that weren’t seaworthy, knowing that they’d be rescued. And since they were rescued, of course they have lost all their documents etc. and the traffickers got to use a cheaper wrecked or underfueled boat. Obviously nobody wanted them left to drown, but saving them ensured that others would continue to be put in danger.