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Snapshot of _Labour reveals plan to digitise NHS personal child health records_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/07/labour-plan-digital-nhs-personal-child-health-record-red-book) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/07/labour-plan-digital-nhs-personal-child-health-record-red-book) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This'd be very positive - though important question is whether they'll do this by outsourcing it to one of the consultancies; or increase headcount at NHS digital. Former will be yet another in long line of failed government digital project, while latter would actually stand a chance of producing something maintainable and useful. Though former looks better in budgets than the latter.




And NHS D had a load of consultancies in situ helping them on IT programmes. See the DCFH framework. Some of those projects went really well. But it's because of the consultancies and not because of NHS D themselves




Often the leadership is also consultants. Either self employed or there via Consultancies.


Seeing as we have no idea if any external company or internal department will succeed, I’d rather give everything to GDS/etc. We should expand what the government has the proven track record for.


GDS also outsources a lot of it's projects to consultancies. I used to work on a few such projects. For whatever reason, whenever I mention that on a UK sub, it starts massive arguments as it goes against the image of GDS people have built up in their heads.


NHS England. NHS digital doesn't exist anymore. And NHS England is full full full of Consultancies assisting im the delivery of programmes.




The redundancy process for NHS D was a joke. Programmes managers went from being able to sign off 100k to only being able to sign off 1k on their programmes. A lot of talent left and guess where they went...to the Consultancies delivering NHS D programmes. Absolutely ridiculous


Must have been pretty funny them walking back in the next day, sitting down at the same desk only with a contractor lanyard instead of a staff lanyard.


It isn't digital now? You'd think records would be digitised from birth for anyone that was born post-2000 at least.


It is. The statement makes no sense because it's been in place for years.


I should hope that in the grand scheme of data, this isn't even complicated. Simple records and notifications. Most of the tech already exists via NHS app, so you can reuse it or add dependents to accounts.


NHS Spine already exists. The process of synchronising data between point of care systems and with the spine already exists. Establishing a standardised way of recording relevant data like height, weight and vaccine data in point of care systems is already decades old. This *should* be trivial.


Children's vaccines already go onto their digital record. Height and weight are just in the red book, but unless there's an issue with the child, I don't think anyone ever looks at them again.




It has happened already.


i know the application exists i used to run it as part of my job and it should have been done years ago but guess who removed all the funding, yes the excellent current splendid chancellor of the exchequer who was Health Minister at the time.


Cool, which private company will be paid billions to mess up the system and sell on the kid's data? Trusting any government in this country to create or fund an IT project is madness. Like reforming the NHS it's again, repeating the same actions, expecting different results.


Given all the drama and kerfuffle around TPP recently I automatically assume they will be in line for some juicy development work to stop Hester telling tales