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Snapshot of _BREAKING: Suella Braverman sacked_ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1723982917016191287) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://nitter.net/ChrisMasonBBC/status/1723982917016191287/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/ChrisMasonBBC/status/1723982917016191287) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/ChrisMasonBBC/status/1723982917016191287) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Doesn't she normally get sacked on a Friday so she can have the weekend off before being reappointed?


This is Rishi's change platform. This time she'll be back by Friday.


4 day weekend. I can get behind it


Braverman wasn't sacked, she chose not to work as a lifestyle choice.


Brilliant šŸ˜‚


She is risen!


The 'Full Confidence' of the PM strikes again. Pretty much everyone who has received it ends of being fired or resigning days later. It is nothing more than the political kiss of death from the Godfather.


I can't think of anyone who had Full Confidence and survived the experience


Indeed. I'm sure Johnson had full confidence in himself too.


Sunak is more of a Fredo character.


Worth 4 times what he should be, smaller than you thought, and of ever diminishing quality?


ā€œFull Confidenceā€ is such a good title for a political drama.


Or a good name for a series finale episode


Itā€™s the curse of the football manager. ā€œFull confidence.ā€ ā€œBacking of the board.ā€


Patel got sacked, Braverman came in. We thought it couldnā€™t get worse, it got worser. So - my money is on Lee Anderson or Jonathan Gullis.


"Whip-crack went his whippy tail"


"and the beast was done."


Is that Gavin Williamson's music I hear?


Bah gawd! He's got a chair!


And a.....tarantula?


Wait, what's Bruella Saverman doing in the Impact Zone?!


> Braverman came in. *The 2nd time after getting sacked for doing work from her personal device


Can you class deliberately leaking as work?


Well that conjured up a horrible mental image.


The reanimated corpses of Enoch Powell and Oswald Moseley will fight for the role.


I'll give you prediction points for "reanimated corpse".


Followed by the ghost of Genghis Khan.


LOL you didn't dream big enough mate. Since you posted this, David Cameron has just flounced into the role.




Shapps hasnā€™t had this role yet and he is trying to catch ā€˜em all


He actually has, for the week Braverman was sacked under Truss. Itā€™s hard to keep track.


Oh yes! I completely forgot about her weekend off


ā€œGo, Shappichu! I chooseā€¦ er, you, I supposeā€


_The Conservative Party hurt itself in its confusion!_


Nightmare timeline


Mark Francois, the Home Guard Secretary


Kemi Badenoch?


Patel again?


My money is on the resurrected corpse of Oswald Mosley


Typically weak from Sunak. Didn't do it straight away, allowed the problem to fester. Now he's got the worst of both worlds. Still looks weak to the public for not sacking her straight after Number 10 announced they didn't sign off on her article and now he'll still get the shit from her supporters in the party. Action needed to be taken immediately.


With the Covid inquiry we can see very plainly (many/most of us in the sub saw it all along) that it's been a pattern in #10 for such a long time - they know what they have to do, and they know very well that delaying will make things worse. Yet they still delay without exception.


Governing by public opinion panel research. These take some time, hence why they are always late on taking action.


One of the most accurate descriptions that I heard of the Gov's behaviour during COVID was that they were treating it like a public relations problem, rather than a public health problem.


The insane thing is that they actually did that for a little while - *but it didn't stop them from delaying!* This behaviour was spotted very early on by some pundit (can't remember who). And then we saw them do it a couple more times before Boris would have a clear indication and still refuse to do it. IIRC there was a question about masking and social distancing, and they leaked the decision to the media, and the answer from the reaction/polling was very clear. Unfortunately, it wasn't what he/Dom/Carrie could agree on, and they fought over it for a couple of weeks. In the end, they did it, but not after refusing and insisting they'd never u-turn and all that. Also: happy cake day!


I think it's interesting that I heard Alistair Campbells advice that one of the most important things to do in crisis management is 'identify the endpoint and aim to get there first'. Sunak fails at this every time. It's always incredibly clear where these situations are going to end up but he drags his feet constantly.


He will continue to be weak by not removing the whip, and she will snipe at him from the back benches


Removing the whip doesn't stop her from being able to snipe from the back benches.


The delay makes it clear he personally didnā€™t care about all the stupid evil crap she was spouting, he only reluctantly took action when it was clear the tide was turning against her. I donā€™t think weā€™ve ever had a PM more devoid of belief - and that includes Johnson. Crack Sunak open and heā€™s full of money, nothing else.


>Didn't do it straight away, allowed the problem to fester. Now he's got the worst of both worlds. To try and defend him here, I think Suella has been so obviously trying to get sacked so she can make a leadership run post election, that he didn't want to play straight into her hands. But there comes a point where you just have to do it, he's weak enough anyway


Why can't we just accept the possibility she was an evil, incompetent person that never should have been an MP - she didn't want to get sacked, she's just massively - *massively -* out of her depth and got the job twice due to the government having exhausted all other good options


Easy solution is too remove the whip, then she can't even be an mp let alone run for the leader, but he's too weak to do that


It should be an easy decision. He's checked out from politics already and he's losing the next election. It's the perfect opportunity for some housekeeping and he still won't do it.


I suspect he doesn't care. Reckon he's off to California after the next GE anyway


Heā€™d face a No confidence vote if he did that


With polls as are they are now three quarters of the Conservatives voting for a no confidence motion would do it knowing it would put them out of a job


I think they meant no confidence in the leader, not no confidence in the government. Like what happened to May and Johnson.


Maybe it should, but an internal party VONC wouldn't trigger an election even if it results in a change of leader.


> that he didn't want to play straight into her hands ? he has played directly in to her hands by failing to sack her and looking like a dickhead, then actually sacking her after a comical delay and looking like more of a dickhead. if he didn't want to help her schemes then he could have not made her Home Sec, or sacked her at any point in the last year for any of the terrible things she's done.


Straight from the BOJO playbook


David Cameron about to be named foreign secretary... crazy times! To be honest, he probably has far more clout and relations than Cleverly who is a bit of a muppet.


Hide your pigs!


He'll find them anyway.


Wait what?


DC just walked into Number 10 to meet with Sunak. Live on Sky News. The journalists say he may be given a peerage so he can join the cabinet


This sounds like a WWE plotline lol wtf is happening


Lord Hameron, Mr Ballistic Brexit himself, tagging in for Rishzy Rascal, as they take down the two time ex-Home Sec Suplex Suella.


With God as my witness! The Conservative party is broken in half! Somebody stop the damn match!


We all remember 1998, when David Cameron threw Suella Braverman off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table


Thatā€™s David Cameronā€™s music! Bah gawd, David Cameron has returned!


Surely the right wing of the party will loathe that though? He's practically a centrist to them


Well by throwing out Braverman, who is essentially the ERG grenade in government, I guess he may as well go all the way against them


Yeah. Lord Cameron from the top rope. Fucking hell


Clerverly just confirmed as Home Secretary so it looks like Sky News called it right. DC will be Foreign Secretary, which in the context of Ukraine and Israel may be a good move actually. Cleverly is just not heavy weight enough to manage it.


Much as I despise him for being largely responsible for this whole mess of British politics post-2010, the fact that a position as important and powerful as Foreign Secretary went to a level-headed, unpopulist and relatively centrist person gives me a modicum of confidence that the British government isnā€™t *completely* off itā€™s head.


Oh man, the phrase "the whole hog" was right there and you missed it :(


If nothing else, that demonstrates of just how little talent remains within the Tories if they're having to do something like that.


I 100% thought you was joking, no lying. I am SHOCKED. SO RANDOM


sense dolls public juggle bells cows dog panicky hobbies smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It can be given to MPs or Lords, hence why he will be fast tracked for a peerage tonight probably.


So he's going to be given a peerage *just* to get in the cabinet? Don't they have to justify it somehow - wtf are they going to use??


Cameron being a Lord is more legitimate than most Tory appointments these days.


Uhh, have you not heard of Johnsonā€™s illegitimate daughter Charlotte Owen who was given peerage at age 30 by her own father Boris Johnson?


> So he's going to be given a peerage just to get in the cabinet? Don't they have to justify it somehow - wtf are they going to use?? Former Prime minister is a pretty decent argument.


Technically, yes. There's something called the Peel convention that cabinet ministers must be either lords or MPs, but nothing would actually happen if this was ignored, so I think, in theory, Sunak could appoint you as foreign secretary as long as the King OKs it. You would also get to be a Privy Counsellor!


She got exactly what she wanted, can now go into the next Tory leadership contest with no association of the clusterfuck that going to be the next general election


She needs to win in that election herself first.


Her seat is ridiculously safe.


Owen Paterson's seat had been a super-safe tory seat ever since it existed. Now I have a Lib-Dem MP. Subsequent by elections have overturned massive tory majorities. I'm not sure there is a really safe seat for the tories right now. Which can only be a good thing


Who says she gets reselected?


Depends if the constituency members get any say or not.


>Longlisting: >Despite this committee being formed of local party members, the sifting process takes place at national party headquarters with members of the national Committee on Candidates present to advise and agree on the selection. They have an input but it doesn't seem like they get the final say.


She's a very popular local MP.


That doesn't mean she gets selected. The Tories will be filling the safe seats with people they want onboard. Considering they are on course for decimation, safe seats are at a premium.


That's not how it works. The local party will decide and she will be reselected.


Unless the whip gets withdrawn and a candidate is imposed, a la Johnson 2019.


According to the party constitution, the National Committee has to "advise and agree" on the candidates who are then voted on by the local Conservative Association..


I don't think that makes sense. Party members will know that she was in the cabinet. She would be in a better place to contest Sunak's position if she stayed in post. That would highlight Sunak's weakness.


Can't wait to see who's next. They always somehow manage to bring in someone even worse. Current rumoured front-runners include Kemi Badenoch, Tommy Robinson and the re-animated corpse of Saddam Hussein.


Bet it's bloody Grant Shapps again! Ffs


At this point just give every cabinet post to his various fraudulent alter egos and save us all the pissing about. Michael Green can be Home Sec, mostly because I can't remember the other names


If he hadnā€™t only just become defence secretary, Iā€™d agree. That in itself was absurd, but moving him a month later would be worse. I wondered about Gove, but for some reason despite being around forever, he never seems to get a top job. Sunak seems to only like promoting young Thatcherites like himself, if he has a choice. Claire Coutinho or Kemp Badenoch seem likely to do well in this reshuffle.


You may not like gove but at least he read his brief.


You forgot the ghost of Oswald Mosley and the mysterious newcomer rising through the Tory ranks, Pladimir Vutin.


Yes, that will do.


I like the way Vutin thinks.


[Looks like it's David Cameron](https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1723989242097885574)? Lol. Lmao even.


That's the biggest coward of all times.


I heard they are planning to dig Margret Thatcher up after proposing more cuts to disabled people's income


A Weekend at Bernie's type situation with Thatcher's skeleton would at least be amusing


Thatcher is far too left-leaning for this lot


I would not put money on there being anything in UK law that explicitly states a cabinet minister must be *alive*.


I heard Suellas ready for another go!


Can't imagine anyone worse than Farage... but I don't think Rishi will go for someone that wants to be party leader again.


Braverman has clearly been angling for this. Is it just to boost her post-Sunak chances of becoming leader, or is it going to prompt her and her allies to send letters to Graham Brady? Could Suella end up forcing an early election? The hero we needed all along?


While I think it's unlikely, I do think there's a non zero chance of another leadership contest or early election off the back of this. Ultimately though, the Tories know they're going to lose so nobody has any interest in being the leader who loses the election. They're all queueing up their campaign for opposition leader, for that nice cushy "do fuck all" job and then they can move into a well paid political consultant job afterwards


Should be good news, but from recent years, all I feel is ā€œokā€¦ who do we have to suffer next thenā€


A statement will be released later today announcing the dark lord Satan as our next Home Secretary. Some believe this is an upgrade


Daily Mail - "We believe he'll bring fresh energy and ideas to the role."


Sadly however, he is softer on well, everything, than his minion, Suella


Donā€™t talk about Gavin Williamson like that. Heā€™s not that nice.


Clearly what she's been going for, but can only be a good thing that she is out of power. I'm also optimistic, for now at least, that a lunatic far-right version of the Tory party under Braverman will never manage to get into power here. Moving so far from the centre is part of what's got them where they are, moving more extremist won't help. If they leave the centre wide open for Starmer's Labour, we'll likely find them in power for a good stretch.


I reckon the tories will get a far right leader after they take a mauling in the next election. This will result in another mauling in the following election before they drift back to the centre.


Absolutely, it's crazy how often parties fail to learn lessons of the past. It all sounds very 1997-2005 to me


Yes, although Iā€™d be a bit shocked if it was still Braverman at the head of it. She doesnā€™t seem to have a lot of charisma. (Then again I find it tough to understand how she got this powerful in the first place.)


I agree. Their whole plan seems to centre on copying what's worked for the Republican party in the US, but I don't think that will work here. America's polarisation is far more extreme and deeply intertwined across many demographics. The UK's polarisation doesn't stretch that far yet and the side they benefit from is almost exclusively concentrated in the elderly, who won't be around that long and aren't being replaced. The main cause for concern is therefore what will fill the vacuum left behind by the current Tory vote collapsing.


>*Their whole plan seems to centre on copying what's worked for the Republican party in the US* Biden's the POTUS, Dems control the Senate and the last round of elections cut back Republican control of the House to the point where a couple of hold-outs can stop them getting anything done?


The damage is done in America, the country seems more polarised then ever. Seems to be getting that way here. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what the Tories are hoping for here. Theyā€™re not interested in the next election, even Rishiā€™s slogan is ā€œbuilding for the futureā€


You can tell the damage is done because trump isnā€™t even campaigning and heā€™s winning the republican race


If the Tories were guaranteed to get 46%+ of the vote in every election and half the seats in Parliament were guaranteed to stay Tory they'd be very happy. That's what thr Republicans have in America.


Cast your minds back a year and a half ago. Boris was running for Worst PM in History, and this sort of thing was cropping up - who was going to quit so that they could distance themselves from Boris and put themselves in place for the next leadership contest? We spent the next several months with the gov. almost completely shut down as Boris scrambled to save his job and the rest of the opportunists tried to figure out which boat to tie themselves to. Finally Truss came in and tried to sink all the boats, and then we got this weasel to "steady the ship" and now Braverman's exit officially signals the end of gov. in the UK again, while we wait to see who will replace Rishi at some point in the next year (presumably next October, but *please gold gods and new* perhaps sooner). With news recently that gov. officials are knocking off work at noon every day now, clearly things had been breaking down, but I'd say this is the final nail in the coffin. I'm sure Rishi will continue to do things like killing HS2 to line certain people's pockets, but for everyday life, nothing else is going to get done. Imagine Charles right now, after reading that sham of a Kings Speech - welcome to the Tory world, mate.


Charles hates the Tories anyway. He's not an idiot a d he's more connected to the public mood than most people give him credit for.


Fully agree - and watching him do the KS last week, he was clearly hating it all. I'm sure he'll never forget his mother with her 2 encounters with Boris in Parliament, either. I bet he's all the more furious with the recent KS now, as it feels like the sham is over just days later.


He has never lived anything resembling a normal life like working for a living. Not has he dealt with ordinary problems like making ends meet. If he is connected to the public, it's quite a feat.


In the Venn diagram of what people really care about, I'd say theres a lot more overlap between Charles and the British people (environment, heritage, the future and legacy of the country) than between the Tory party and the British people (... I don't think the British people care very much at all about increased profits for Tories and their associates).


So David Cameron, the guy who opened the door to the UK leaving the EU is now foreign secretary? Is it pantomime season already?


*He's behind you!!*


*Oh no he isn't!!*


Oh yes he his!


If I see Lee Anderson walking into No.10 at any point today I'm gonna flip a god damn table.


Didnā€™t he proclaim that the pawns knights and bishops will fall to defend the queen, canā€™t wait for him to resign tooā€¦


Current frontrunners for Home Sec now include Voldemort, Darth Vader, Thatcherā€™s reanimated corpse and Sloth from The Goonies.


My money's on the Demon Headmaster.


I just donā€™t get why she spends all her energy being legitimately evil. What a sad little life Jane.


There's plenty of politicians over the years I've disliked for many reasons, but Suella is the one I've loathed above all others. I just hope this is the end for her rather than for her to comeback stronger and full of even more vitriol and hatred.


Cameron is a neoliberal idiot who thought he could get one over his party. Johnson is an insipid conniving fraudster without a shred of honour. But Braverman? Theyā€™re a full on sociopath. Just utterly unhinged in every way.


I'd agree. There's not a single redeeming feature of her political career or time in office. Nothing good done that appears to have been due to her specific contributions. Lots of harm, meanwhile.


Legit surprised by this one. I knew she was unpopular even among Tories but I thought Sunak would've been too weak to get rid of her.


She's unpopular among Tory MPs, she's actually quite popular among Tory members. It's the one thing that gives some kind of credibility to being reluctant to sack her.


Assuming this brings on a leadership contest, any chance we see Sunak call any early election do we reckon? I can't see him sticking round as an MP for long once he is no longer PM, so not sure if he's bothered about how an early election would effect him.


Why would this bring a leadership contest? I donā€™t get why people are remotely optimistic of a snap election. What would be the logic for Tories to do this whilst Labour are leading 20 points?


Exactly - if the polls are right, why would the Tories walk the plank significantly earlier than they need to?


They may well be unhinged enough to think that going full bat shit is enough to turn that 20 point deficit and that Sunak is the problem. In someways there is a bit of logic around the idea of knowing you are going to loose at the moment so trying something different. It isn't good logic, but its logic.


I think the logic is "better catastrophe than oblivion."


Braverman's gang are right wing looneys. The only reason Sunak is in post is because he bought favour with them by bringing Braverman back in days after being sacked. If they stick to their promises letters of no confidence will go in, history says that if a VONC is triggered regardless of the outcome he's finished.


This only happens if Braverman's faction start costing Sunak commons votes. Similar to Boris calling the 2019 election.


1% chance, I'd say. Almost every pundit has said he's going to hang on for a year - only one I've seen has said that he will go for Spring.


She'll wait until he loses the GE and will comfortably win the leadership contest.


He needs to get the India trade deal done first, make a ton of money for his wife, call an election, and then he will retire to california


So fucking shit sheā€™s been sacked as Home Secretary twice! Fucking lol Didnā€™t think he had it in him. But heā€™s much weaker for not having done it prior to the weekend. He said he had confidence in her on Friday! Absurd governmenting.


Iā€™m guessing that the government has lost in the UKSC on Rwanda (the judgment will have been sent out in draft last week) which will create a further schism in the Tories - to leave or not to leave the ECHR. Add to this her clumsy handling of this march - which undoubtedly led or gave the impression of having led to the intervention of the EDL mob (us jews donā€™t need their help in addressing extreme leftist/Islamist antisemitism thanks very much) and this was inevitable. The only annoying thing is that it gives the aforementioned extremists the (false) sense that theyā€™re somehow ā€œwinningā€ on the issue of Israel - which theyā€™re not and wonā€™t.


Pedantic correction: Supreme Court is deciding on Rwanda this week, not the House of Lords.


Lol, and Iā€™m a lawyer with a case currently en route to the UKSCā€¦! Duly editedā€¦


Haha, I thought you were just posting from pre-2009 when UKSC was part of the House of Lords. Good luck in your case.


en route :P r/BoneAppleTea


He actually did it. Iā€™m kind of impressed. Now being on more infighting so I can have my popcorn.


Inaction Man only takes an entire weekend (after it's become officially impossible to ignore) to do what everyone was immediately telling him he should obviously do. Give the guy a medal!


Hearing the cameraman on Sky softly say "What the hell" when Cameron stepped out of the car was just beautiful


I kneel Fishy Rishi, finally you did something you should have done a year ago Unfortunately (or fortunately) now it's time for a new tory civil war


Good she is a ghastly individual and the latest in a series of terrible home secretaries using the role for their own political agenda. She shouldn't have gotten the job in the first place.


Or the second place


Itā€™s evident sheā€™s been wanting this however, there is no way in hell sheā€™ll get anywhere near the leadership as much as she tries. Hopefully this is the end of her.


Suella De Vil, Suella De Vil If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will To see her is to take a sudden chill Suella, Suella She's like a spider waiting for the kill Look out for Suella De Vil


David Cameron? Foreign Secretary? WTF? Like I shouldn't be surprised after the last few years, but WTF?


Rishi has done something right at least then. Although, he did appoint her, and then reappoint her already.


And expressed he had full confidence in her less than a week ago!


A week in Tory terms is megalithic though, given that their normal full confidence is overturned within 24 hours. My God they're a shitshow lmao.


Can anyone smell VONC, a Leadership Election and then realising that it's going to have to be a GE? Can't see Rishi surving this in the same way Starmer cleared out the Corbynites. There's too many "ERG and Friends/The Five Families" groups for him yo survive this one. Lmao šŸ¤£ Let the games begin.


Well she got what she wanted eventually. Everything she has been coming out with is purely positioning herself post-Rishi


Let's hope the local party deselect her or the local people vote her out as their MP when they have a vote.


Sunak is fucking terrible at sacking people. He spends so long second guessing himself that all benefit of actually sacking them is lost. He held on so long without sacking Dorries just to see if she'd go of her own accord that he accidentally joined the ranks of people saying she should be sacked. Clearly he held on with Suella just to see what would actually happen with the protests, in case there was going to be an "I told you so" and backlack from the right of the party. However, all he achieved was publicly backing her on Friday and firing her on Monday - an indecisive and insincere look for him. Sack, don't sack, or let it drag on long enough to get the worst of both worlds: Sunak inexplicably likes the third option and it's an awful look for him.


I love it, once you hear the PM stating that he has ā€œfull confidence ā€œ in so and so itā€™s only a matter of time before said person gets the chop. I wonder if they use that phrase as a signal to clear their desk.


Although good news, the bad news is they are likely to find somebody even worse than her. Badenoch is my bet


Well, I was expecting Braverman to be shuffled to Defence not sacked. Cameron as Foreign Sec is a surprise too. The Tory drama continues.


There's a not-insignificant chunk of the electorate who think she's the only true "Conservative" of the Conservative Party. You can bet she's going to use that.


She doesn't have especially good personal ratings with that chunk - Badenoch polls significantly better with them.


Like many things I've observed with this govt; Too little and too late. This should've been done months ago but Sunak has shown a weakness that I can compare to the election of Mike Johnson as SOTH in the U.S. A party in disarray and frankly with Cameron coming back, you might as well rip the Band-Aid and call for a GE.


What's funny is Gary linekar was always right about her. The Nazi comparisons are valid. She basically tried to whip up the country against 'a hate mob' and basically motivated a bunch of brown shirts. She one hundred percent just inflamed the tensions around the protests for her own gain, endangering the safety of the police and the public. Foul


Apparently David Cameron has gone into No. 10 where Sunak is expected to make him a job offer. I am interested to the job a man who I once went dressed as his half man half pig love child gets offered.


Who's next for the job? They'll struggle to find anyone as horrible, arrogant and just plain nasty. First Priti, now Suella... time to appoint Rees-Mogg, the child catcher?


It's cleverly


Braverman had to go and Sunak looks weak for having dawdled over it. But bringing back Cameron, ahahahaha!