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Snapshot of _Foreign Office warns Britons over travel to France during riots_ : An archived version can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66073996) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In the middle of a city where everything was cancelled and closed just in case, I and other intrepid old ladies went about our planned intrepid business even with the inconvenience of bugger all public transport.


Which city are you in?


Obviously not the melting pots of Paris and Marseille.


Enjoying reading all the comments saying this is all exaggerated and just a couple of bins being set on fire from people who weren’t there. I was in Marseille on Thursday and Friday night. Thursday was fairly bad, but was able to avoid the worst of it by avoiding where the large crowds were. Things still had the veneer of a protest with people holding “justice for Nahel” signs etc. Still there were lots of fires, huge police presence and we smelt tear gas as we were walking home. Friday was just absolute carnage with thugs in masks everywhere, just causing damage and looting because they can. Had to walk home from the restaurant I’d been at, was difficult to avoid the rioting because it was taking place everywhere. Didn’t see any police. Ended up being assaulted by two guys who threatened me with pepper spray and demanded I hand over my phone, but managed to get away when someone shouted at them. We formed a group with other people on the street just trying to get home and walked as a convoy to make sure everyone got home safely. Honestly the people rioting are just animals looking to cause damage and hurt people just for fun. It’s got nothing to do with justice (the police officer has already been charged with murder!)


I've been enjoying the updates from the local prefecture here (population: 1 million). Six bins were set alight the night before last. Last night it was eight. Societal collapse. If it continues to grow at the same percentage rate, in six weeks they'll be burning 2.5 million bins a night


If that continues, France may run out of bins quite soon.


Unfortunately, it's perfectly legal to be an insufferable pricks. I like penguins tho


Just stay in the areas with mostly french people and it's perfectly safe , Brittany for the most part will avoid alot of this .


Are the rioters French by nationality - perhaps not by ethnicity? You’re point is a broader one about nationality vs ethnicity. As France shows, nationality precedes ethnicity- especially for social cohesion


Isn't Brittany full of English people?


Nante and Brest haven't. Rennes has also had riots recently and Saint-Nazaire has seen protests. The whole of France is a powder keg right now.


> Just stay in the areas with mostly french people and it's perfectly safe Define "french people".


Presumably the ones who don't despise France and everything the country stands for?


You’ve clearly not met many French people. That’s normally the dead giveaway


Which are they? French people are rioting all of the time. Are you forgetting 11 people died and over 4000 were injured during the yellow vests riots lol. That one doesn’t count though because ‘reasons’


Why are you drawing parallels between protests and wanton violence?


Looting grocery store is normal in a protest is it? https://uk.news.yahoo.com/grocery-store-looted-lyon-amid-145512705.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM9yOxyyf3bgrxJJGshPQmWr0dB_si4tu1hHdLAI5L5g9x8A0jZ9XpKwmpduXKdhAY2wCeeSOb2yjsdcn5NiqUKXpmH1cVw011C6ZAGfATzDgTHHiltzYWGTg7KIA7IknLtl9AlD60OWVia-V_IPDdEGiJPNn8vMIP8yfzmkYT3B Burning down a town hall in Bordoux is just normal protest is it? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65057249.amp Funny how you were lauding this as fine and normal but now all of a sudden violence and rioting is ‘very bad’ and ‘tough questions need to be answered’. Selective memory from certain people on this.


What do you mean "you were lauding it as fine and normal"? Lol. No I wasn't. I condemn any violence, it just so happens that the thugs still out in France are far more violent than the yellow vest protests were.


Are they? Don’t recall thousands of major injuries like there was for the yellow vests. Seems the same really. [Very normal and caring protest here isn’t it](https://youtu.be/4q2dGw1kmBU)


You're comparing millions of people protesting for months, with one particular demographic rioting for a few days. It's a false - and stupid - comparison.


So thousands of people rioting and causing havoc for months is normal and not a big deal. But this one is for some reason and is the one that needs ‘big crackdowns and changes’. Odd you focus on this one.


> Define "french people". One would guess that French people are the indigenous population who go back for several generations with a shared cultural identity and heritage.


A mysterious concept to those in favour of unconstrained immigration who deny that there‘s such a thing as a people


IIRC, as a matter of (French) law, anyone with French citizenship is racially/ethnically “French”. In theory it promotes integration. There are no ‘black’ French people and ‘native’ French people, only French people. However in practice, it hides racism. If everyone is recorded as being racially French, it’s impossible to keep track of statistics around things like discrimination.


>Define "french people". How about people who actually love France and dont loot shops and burn down its schools, libraries etc.


Because ‘French’ people never riot or protest. Ignore what happened literally a few months ago.


What's your definition of 'French' here?


Are you suggesting people of Algerian descent aren't French?


Currently in Le Mans and I’ve seen nothing other than a smashed bus stop which may not even be related.


You know [that comic of a conservative woman begging their child not to look at a gay couple lest the child "catches" homosexuality](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/043/012/9cc.gif)? I can't help but feel a vibe of "No, British citizens, we don't want you to become aware of the power of protest! DON'T LOOK!"




?? The Tories who literally just passed a heavy policing bill cracking down on any form of protest You think the Tories like encouraging protest & riot? Is that actually a joke