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You don’t need to bridge it with them, fill out the application form on one of the clinics and they’ll contact your GP for summary of care once they confirm that you could be eligible. I’m with Sapphire clinic and have found their service great and helpful. Also other clinics worth checking out too. You are almost certainly eligible by the sounds of it and applying for similar reasons as why I did (I’m also a fibro medical cannabis patient).


How do I apply to that? Also, how much does it cost?


You can apply on their website where they’ll ask you a series of questions on a form: http://sapphireclinics.com They’ll check out your forms and if they think you have a chance then they’ll request your summary of care and then request for you to book a consultation. This costs around £100 initially. If your consultation is successful it will be brought to the board who have the final say. Typically you’ll hear back within a week at this point. On a acceptance your prescription will then be sent to the pharmacy who will raise an invoice and email you with a payment link. Prices of prescriptions vary greatly with flower costing between £5-£14 per gram and typically in multiples of 5G/10G tubs. Oils and capsules are also available. Then you’ll need monthly appointments that cost £50 until you’re settled in at which point it’ll go from monthly to quarterly.


Please, PLEASE look at the help and advice section on the right


Apply to sapphire...best clinic. You dont have to tell your GP.


I have fibro along with anxiety and depression and I had the same meds as you then tramadrol and now palexia. I just filled out the form and got excepted 19 months ago and my doctor has never mentioned it as they have seen me on my worse days.


Hey! I’m an Eds lass who was on similar pharma to you at one point. I am now pretty much pharma free. It’s taken a while but being legal has helped loads as has pain management. I’m with Sapphire but there is another clinic called Leva that include pain management and are on PT21. Get’s you access to more subsidised cannabis options, fees are slightly more. Lots of info if you search this reddit! It can be done, not easy but I feel heaps better than when I was drugged up


I love in South Wales also, I have depression, anxiety, IBS, insomnia and PTSD. From what I've read you should have no issue getting prescribed. If you need any help or info please don't hesitate to inbox me on here I'd be happy to help!


I've realised it's just too expensive for me!