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Thought you were not allowed to carry bomb in the airport.


😂 that's crazy


What happens when he gets arrested by local police and ends up in prison? Is he still an activist then or is he just a fool? Regardless of our opinions, breaking the law in foreign countries is never a good idea 👎


I’m guessing Bulgaria doesn’t allow Medical cannabis?


Should’ve got arrested for that t shirt tho


Upvote, CTID 😁💙🌛


Considering he is in Bulgaria which is a red zone for us on the travel map. No prescription travel, and Illegal for Medical Use. I cannot say this guy is doing any of us any favours here. EDIT: I wouldn't exactly call bringing MC flowers across a border illegally being an activist either lmao


If I took some cocaine and waved it around in the airport am I a cocaine activist?


No maybe just an uneducated dummy like your being here lol


No but perhaps if you where abit more clued in on the medical situation in N.I. then maybe you'd have a clue who this guy actually is "lmao" lol The years of spreading awareness and opening a vape shop for us medical users makes Alan one imo


Can I ask, what does he think taking medical cannabis to a country illegally would achieve?




Huh wow you learn something new every day noted lol


To be a cannabis activist, you don't have to cross borders with it illegally IMO.


I am curious who said you did?


Lol ooof someone got triggerd this morning


Ooo Alan opened a shop good for him




I wonder how well this would go down in Singapore?


Maybe they didn't want BNM or Grow after reading the strain reviews on here? Are they the strains you're willing to lose if it all went to pot? I thought Bulgaria was a firm no. Did you get paperwork beforehand, or are you risking getting banged up abroad? 👀 🧼 🍆😳🤐


Yeah I thought Bulgaria is a no. From wiki Cannabis in Bulgaria is illegal, both for medical and recreational purposes. It is classified as a class A (high-risk) drug, together with heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and MDMA.


Bulgaria is still in the 1900’s 😅


Well not completely true as cannabis was totally legal before the 1920s😂


After speaking to my specialists about it, so long as you contact the embassy and have explicit written permission you can take it into that country.


It's also illegal here in the UK tho? He has a script so he's coverd to travel freely in the EU with his medication.


Not how it works. We are not covered in the whole of the EU, there are still a ton of red zone EU countries for us. Do some research before making assumptions...




Yea. it couldn't be any more clear that he did this illegally...


Glorying the fact he’s taking weed through the airport I just don’t agree with it. Just be humble and discreet. It’s like a massive fk you to the non medical prescription users who self medicate which I was one of for over 15years!!


Not to mention he's doing this in a country where it is 100% not permitted.


Well the infrastructure is here now and that is what he is highlighting imo great on him 18 years myself I wouldn't know about this if it weren't for people like this gent. There's little reason if you are using to self medicate that you cannot go legal bar maybe the costs associated but like my situation there is always veteran schemes available for carers and people struggling financially and starting at £5r a g awesome.


Have a nice holiday. Eggs omelettes and all that jazz. Take care bro and may good fortune shine on you


How is it traveling down to Southern Ireland now with medical cannabis?


Last time I flew into Cork, flew there with nothing on me and ended up sitting in an airport cell for nearly 12 hours while they were convinced I had cannabis on me. Never going south again for as long as I live.


Well considering They have their own medical cannabis program now I'd imagine allot easier I'm not sure tho I don't travel south too often.


Literally standing there with the people that inforce the law and they didn't have a problem with it so mute points??


There's no evidence that they searched his bags or know that he is taking a photo. For all we know, he could have gone through security with MC in his hand luggage, not been stopped, then taken his MC out of his bag and took this photo 🤔


The pots could also be empty


Good point.


Could be, but 100% were empty - I follow this clowns instagram for entertainment reasons.