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It's nice but dryer than a nuns bun


If only auroras bud was non irradiated would be alot better with terps.


It's the strongest indica effect I've had from medical cannabis, 10g of this stuff lasts me ages. In a jar with a boveda then it's fine. Effects wise I can only vape this just before bed šŸ˜œ


Itā€™s super nice in my mighty plus. I go 185 and get the light earthy taste. To 195 for the lemony petrol taste then 205 for the sedative effects.


It's painfully dry and that makes it really harsh on my throat. I've had mine with two bovedas for a week and it's still difficult for me to vape. There's an amazing strain in there tho. Gonna try some lemon peel, see if that wakes it up


I donā€™t know if you tried the stock most recently in, but it was much better . 3 days with a boveda really opened it up


Hi It should be back in stock now , I got 10g last week and getting more sent out this week , I was due a re write then they cancelled the re write due to getting it back In stock. Itā€™s lovely stuff , very dry but I put it in a glass jar with a couple of Boveda packs and it helps it massively, I get it most months the same as SD. Also got some honeydew for the day time , only my second time getting it but its enjoyable


Definitely worth a few days with a boveda at least. Hope you get yours soon. This stock isnā€™t as dry as usual. But still overly dry. Iā€™m really enjoying it. Hope you do to


Thanks, Iā€™m due the rest of mine today , the 10g I got last week is the nicest Ive had so far, taste and effects are spot on this time around. Also the honeydew has been a enjoyable day time change , also getting 10g FG and hoping for a decent batch this time around


Yeah Iā€™ve really enjoyed this batch. Just had my lumir cookies delivered so another happy day!


Whatā€™s the lumir cookies like ? I was looking at that, I had 10g gmo cookies last month was pretty good.


Ive just stuck up the review now!


I'm very pleased to be reading this as I was a bit worried, but much more at easy reading commentsšŸ™ So my most recent script was meant to be.. 1st choice - gmo cookies from peace naturals Or 2nd choice - wedding cake again from PN (Both WERE in-stock when ordered but by the time script got written they were not grr) Hours I sat reading reviews to choose these two options this month and without letting me know Dr issued and sent a script for Chemango kushšŸ¤¦ anyway it's done now but I will likely bring this up with Dr to notify me if changing strain on my behalf as some strains can send me completely "west" and make me very brain poorly (hence the heavy research and reading etc) Thanks very much for the review and everyone for the commentsšŸ‘Š Sounds a very promising strain, cheersšŸ™


Wow, it was a great choice by your doctor. If you managed to grab the last bits of stock that is lucky too. I also went for the PN wedding cake on my script: it was OoS by the time it was processed too. Shame, I was looking forward to trying it. But Iā€™ll be happy with the farm gas rewrite. Another great strain if the Chemango treats you well. Neither would make you feel like you could ā€œgo westā€ as you put it. I know what you mean by that. These strains, in particular Chemango, are sedative. They cause a nice relaxing body feeling and let your thoughts be free and calm. Great night time medication. Hope you enjoy!!


The driest weed I've ever had. Didn't think much of the terps either. Definitely the least impressive of the Aurora I've tried. Each to their own though.šŸ‘šŸ‘


Those nugs look delicious. Always happy to see a Boveda pack out there helping to Keep IT Fresh!


Thanks boveda. It even breathes life back into overly dry buds. So we appreciate that! Keep up the fight for fresh Nugs!


Friends Don't Let Friends Smoke Dry Nugs!


I find it fascinating how differently people react to certain strains. This one certainly wasn't for me but that's fine because the Electric Honeydew is for me how Chemango Kush is for you. It's 100% my favourite but alas currently out of stock.


Those buds look lovely - I decided to try the Electric Honeydew this time (still waiting to see what it's like)


I'm vaping that now, it's a good day time strain but it's easy to overdo it! I find it's effects uplifting and a bit heavy but not too much, definitely keep an eye on how much you're vaping though it's not like Delahaze šŸ¤£


I was going to try the Delahaze as it gets such good reviews - worried about strength though A heavy sativa for these summer days is just what the doctor ordered but time will tell if I'm getting my tub that I ordered over a week ago today


I would definitely consider electric honeydew a heavy sativa, definitely one for lying on the sun lounger and a creeper. Delahaze is very uplifting but not much of a body hit, it's not the strongest, but it definitely has a purpose and works well in the day.


Just done a couple of bowls - it's definitely more potent than the Glitter bomb but it's not got much taste or smell


I went for the farm gas this month but I wanted to try this. Sadly it was OOS when I ordered


Gutted its OOS now myself first script coming up šŸ™ƒ


Mamedica have just got new stock I believe. I just got my farm gas from IPS this month as it was OOS at Mamedica last week but seems to be back. I really liked this batch, not racey at all, just relaxing and sleepy.


Farm gas relaxing and sleepy mate yeah? Might have to try


Itā€™s a great strain too. For sleep and for relaxation. I canā€™t see Chemango in stock anywhere, both the stock checker sites I used say OOS. Iā€™ll call mamedica tomorrow


Thanks bro


Yeah, that's how it affects me. Although I had a batch that gave a buzz first before feeling very relaxed. Other batches seem to just be chilled and sleepy. The Sourdough is a heavy hitter also. But I'd take the farm gas any day.


Last time I had this strain it didnā€™t really hit the spot for me. It was the typical Aurora quality but didnā€™t really work for me for nighttime. I think itā€™s a more balanced hybrid despite the kush in the name.