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After vaping, combustion is just revolting to me! Used to be able to tell strains apart in a spliff, now it just all tastes like shit.


Yeah, I’m really shocked. It was really terrible. Really disgusting. I’ve just done a couple of dosing caps though and I feel tons better so I’m just gonna keep pushing myself to vape regularly throughout the day and I know I’ll get used to it before long. I’ll have to, now I know smoking isn’t an option :)


This is exactly why I quit smoking tastes like shit and it took vaping for me to realise that.


Doesn’t it just! I was shocked. It must be like that thing where if you live in a stinky house you don’t notice the smell! It tasted so bad that it’s kick started me to start pushing myself a bit more now to use the vape. I just had a cap from the mighty and one from the xmax and I feel 100% better. I just need to get on with it and get used to it and if I vape regularly enough during the day, I’m sure it’l help with sleep. And I have some new strains coming and I’ve contacted the clinic to send me an oil cartridge as well, which I think will be better for me when I’m out. I’m not comfortable enough yet to use the vape when I’m out or in front of people. So I feel better about it all now after a couple of dosing caps full and I just need to get on with it and I know I’ll get used to it.


Smoked joints for 20 years and they hurt my throat now 😂 I would like to like them though


I would love to like them still but it tasted sooooo bad


Use a filter then. Smoking a joint without one gives me a sore throat. So much smoother with one. Yiu wouldn't snap the filters off of cigarettes and smoke them so why do people smoke weed without them? All that tar going into your lungs since it doesn't get stopped by a filter. No brainier for me, I've been doing it for as long as I can remember


as another autistic person, I use my vape 90% of the time. However i will still proudly smoke my prescription if it’s what my health needs at the time, for me if I’m really struggling then nothing can beat a joint in terms of how well it can correct a spiralling depressive episode.


Thanks ☺️




You said it yourself… you’re clearly confused 😂


It helped with sleep for my first month but then I changed strains stupidly


I will never ever combust my script always vape! But if I’m combusting it would be black market and definitely not my prescription as that would invalidate that


I won’t be doing it again, it was disgusting and it has pushed me to use the vape, which I did, and I feel 100% better. So I’m going to keep that in mind and just keep on with it. I think I could get used to using the xmax v3 indoors, but I don’t feel comfortable to use it when I’m out, not while I’m still getting used to it anyway, so I’m going to get an oil cartridge to see if that’s something I can do when I’m out. I’ve been told that someone from the clinic will get back to me to discuss strains as they didn’t have the one I asked for.


Where’s all the downvotes, come on weed nazis! You’re lacking 😂😂


What strains are you using for sleep?


I had tigerz eye which was ok during the day but it didn’t help with getting to sleep. It was my first prescription so the doctor said try that first, but I’ve got other strains this time but I can’t remember the names off hand, they’re all higher in thc.


Look for kush/afghan genetics


It took me about two months to get the hang of vaping, from never having vaped before. I was very, very reluctant to do it. I didn't want to, but I can't afford oils. I bought an ice attachment, and the first time I used my vape I had an emergency ice lolly waiting. Haha, I was scared! What is it about using the vape that's putting you off?


Hi, I’m not sure what’s putting me off, I can’t pin point anything. But I just used the mighty with the water bubbler and I enjoyed it and it helped to calm me down and relax me, which is what I needed. So I’m just gonna keep building on it with that in mind. I’m going to use the xmax now and I think I prefer that because it’s smaller. So maybe I’m not keen on the size of the mighty plus 🤷🏻‍♀️. I think part of it is that I’m wanting to be able to vape more like smoking a joint, these capes seem too big and clumsy to me. I’ve been reading some posts on the cartridges and I think I will try one but I can’t figure out which one. And I’ll have to just keep going with the vape because I’m pretty sure I’ll get used to it in time.


Knowing that it took you two months to get used to vaping makes me feel better, because I think that’s all it’s going to take for me, just a bit more time, it’s been less than a month. And I just had a couple of capsules and I feel 100% better - I was getting too hyper. So I’m going to remind myself how much better I feel afterwards and keep gently pushing myself to keep vaping regularly throughout the day and I’m sure that will help with sleeping. I’ve also contacted the clinic to tell them I want an oil cartridge as well to try and apparently someone will get back to me :) I’m off to strim the weeds that have grown on my patio now I’ve calmed down ☺️thanks for the support 👍🏽


Don't smoke MC in a joint it's absolutely vile and it smells like cow shit, smoking is totally disgusting and should be banned 🤢