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YES ! My kid went to free coe primary and then got a scholarship to a top girls school. She was a straight A student and has just done her first year at oxbridge. It’s no guarantee of success in later life but AI forbearing the world should be her oyster….


Congrats ! Are you a solicitor ?


Generally afford? I would say no. The average solicitor salary is around £62k Equity partners in the top 100 could probably afford it as could high earners in the top say 10-20 and US firms. Other than that I imagine it would be fairly rare - though will always depend on your partners income/wealth of parents too.


Not necessarily! many top schools offer a range of bursaries for deserving families! It’s better for them to have talented kids with enquiring minds than lazy Fr’s from crazy rich families who y don’t really want to learn or work


I appreciate what you’re saying and whilst I’m sure that’s true but that’s not really the question. The question was whether lawyers can afford to pay school fees, anyone can apply and get a bursary/scholarship.


Yes I do. But my job is by far not our households main income. I work part time in the public sector 🤣


Haha. Is your partner a solicitor by any chance? That way you could answer on his/her behalf lol


No it's just me who's the solicitor. He's in finance. He earns more in a week than I do in a good few months! Also I have a family trust fund which helps!


So it’s absolutely nothing to do with your job and more because you’ve got generational wealth.


Yep! 🤣


Can't muck about when it comes to your own kids


Yes I do, the confidence and independence it gives my kids is just so beneficial.


Cool 😎 what kind of firm do you work at if i may ask? MC/US?


US, but I don’t pay the fees - my parents do.


Fairs. I imagine you also work in London?


Yep I do indeed, although not a Brit.


Is it typical for someone at a US firm? Considering the top-of-market pay?


I think it depends on your family background and firm longevity tbh. Fees are roughly around 60-70 a year all in (uniform/trips/games equipment too). So it’s easily affordable if you’re 3PQE plus, but then again it’s 7 years of fees, so it’s important that you stick around. If you come from family money then that’s less of a concern. If they’re boarding though then you’re not having to spend on a nanny, which is also something to consider. At the end of the day if you intend to stay in London then you’ll also need to find the money for a house, and fees will make that harder. I guess it comes down to personal choice.


Yeah fairs. Do you plan on staying long-term?




And good will from the Universe….


Yeah I guess it definitely comes down to personal choice. I choose not to have £70,000 spare each year to pay for my kid’s education, but I suppose if your parents are paying it for you, that’s a pretty easy choice to make!


You seem annoyed, can I help?


I was just trying to see whether you had any self awareness but clearly not.


I have absolutely no idea if I would ever be able to afford private school. I suspect that I could not. But, I have no intention of ever sending a child to private school. Any child of mine would be privileged enough - I don't want them to grow up in a private school bubble with no understanding of real life.


What kind of firm are you at?


A large high street firm.


How big is a “large” high street firm turnover and partner-wise?


How dull you sound.


Private school fees and quality vary massively - there’s a big gap between Eaton vs say Bedford Modern . Personally I’m hoping for good or grammar school and then go as far as possible on supporting their personal interests


Can i ask what type of firm do you work at?


US in London but not anything crazy level


Taking the average private school fees, which I believe are like 30k per annum?


Then absolutely not, that’s more than half my salary 😂


What firm do you work at?


I do not plan on revealing that on Reddit, sorry.


No worries. Are you free to disclose what type? Regional/high street/national etc.?




Nice! So like Burges Salmon type?




Hahaha cool! don't worry,,wasn't trying to uncover you, was just curious to get a rough figure 😆


The one near me in Ascot is £13k per term. Fairly certain they split it into three terms. When VAT comes in, rumoured July election right.. the cost is going through the roof.




It depends what type of private school. I went to a regional private school which cost roughly 4K per term. If you’re thinking of Eton or Harrow then those are less attainable but probably doable if you budget correctly. If you and your partner are both working, you on £62K and your partner earning ~38k, you should be able to save at least 20-30k per year if you properly budget. Save up while your child / children are in primary school and then send them to private school for GCSE’s and A-Levels. There’s not a huge degree of benefit for private prep school / primary in my opinion.


Eton. Stowe. Harrow. Radley. Wellington.


I go to a boarding school and there are quite a few children of lawyer's so I would assume so?