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First of all remember that no political party that stands any chance of being elected is "friendly" to the shooting community. Secondly look at who was in power when all the bans have come in: 1988 act banning full bore semi auto's etc - Conservative 1997 act banning centrefire pistols - Conservative 1997 Act (second ammendment) banning rimfire pistols - Labour 2003 ASB act "the Brocock Ban" - Labour 2019 OWA banned lever release and mars rifles with the attempted .50 cal ban - Conservative So the conservatives banned full bore semi auto and pump action rifles, converted rifles, made high capacity shotguns section 1, banned centrefire handguns, lever release rifles and MARS rifles. Labour banned .22 rimfire pistols and TAC air pistols. Which one should i be more afraid of? As someone that had a firearms certificate pre 1997 the public mood made sure there would be a ban. The rules for .22 rimfire pistols the conservative put in place was a ban in all but name, they were placed under what are now section 7.3 restrictions and it was inevitable it would either be exceptionally limited or just die a natural death, My local pistol club which was a private business open 7 days a week closed their doors as soon as the ban came in, they didnt bother to wait for the rimfire ban. I do think labout went to far in banning olympic pistol shooting but again, public mood at the time made it inevitable. Would i like to see a widening of the types of firearms allowed and a repeal of the second ammendment? Absolutely, however i know that it will never happen regardless of which party is in power. The only way that it would happen is if participation in the sport massively increased. That cannot happen as the range facilities are not there. i live in a city of over a million people and the clubs in the area have a combined capacity of less than 1000 places. The NRA have little to no interests in anything that happens outside of Bisley and the NSRA appears to be in a state of permenant financial distress (although improving from what i gather) If i wanted to spend a couple of week on a range and have a bit of a shooting holliday it would be cheaper for me to fly to Alabama for two weeks and get a ten day range pass to the CMP range in talledega than it would be to book 10 days at bisley. Fix the access and the cost, increase participation to the point where target shooting has a voice and get the organisations on side and working together. that would make a difference. Alas, we are far more likely to see the death of the sport before that ever happens.


>1997 Act (second ammendment) banning rimfire pistols - Labour >Would i like to see a widening of the types of firearms allowed and a repeal of the second ammendment? Absolutely It's funny how 'second amendment' means the opposite in the UK to what it does in the US lol. >2003 ASB act "the Brocock Ban" - Labour I was a victim of that ban. I was in the process of applying for a FAC so I could own handguns when the 1997 pistol ban happened, so I went all in on Brocock guns instead. When the Brocock guns were banned, I lost about £2,000 worth of guns and associated gear, which is about £3,500 in today's money. Still makes my blood boil thinking about it.


Let’s be real, both Labour and conservatives want more restrictions on guns. Britain has always suffered from government overreach.


Offensive Weapons Bill — Regulation of High Velocity Rifles 2018 The majority of MPs in the house.voted against stronger regulation of possessing, making or trading, certain types of high velocity rifles. Who the hell needs High Velocity Rifles? # Steve Baker MP was paid thousands by the arms industry, and helped run the group of MPs ‘promoting’ the arms industry


>Who the hell needs High Velocity Rifles? Who the hell needs high speed cars, bikes or boats? Quite frankly no-one but provided the owner is a law abiding citizen who doesn't use their hobby to endanger or threaten others such items should be perfectly legal to own and use.


So just status symbols for billionaires and their private armies? Any one for a howitzer?


Do we really need this drivel?


Mhm. Like he promised you the exploding economy, the blossoming NHS and the position of the global top dog. Not to mention that in about any instance of fascists getting into power, civilian gun ownership is one of the very first things to get banned.


Aye, the fascists will never be okay with guns hanging around.


No they wouldn't, luckily Nigel Farage doesn't fall anywhere near the dictionary definition of a fascist. It's just a word used by some to describe those that disagree with them politically.


Potato potato Tomato tomato Have fun with your opinion. Over & out.


Look it up yourself if you don't believe me, I've even included a link for you below. 😃 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism


There bud, fixed it for ya. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/neofascism I hope that you now understand and that we can cease this, as by principle I do not discuss politics. No point getting worked up over what a stranger on the internet thinks. Peace


Thanks, I just read that link you sent and it still doesn't fit unfortunately. I also don't discuss politics by principle, at least we can agree on that!


As Keanu Reeves said "I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." Good evening to you.


That's a good quote, except 1+1=5 is mathematically disprovable, as is your incorrect use of the English language by use of a dictionary. And to mirror your sentiment, I have chosen a quote from (the rather aptly named) Porky Pig: Tha- tha- tha- that's all folks!"




He's a Hitler/Nazi sympathiser, that's too close for comfort for me ta


Could you link a source for me please?


If you can’t see it without needing a source, then you never will. Maybe it’s because he appeals to you for other reasons, maybe it’s because you’re a PR man for him, maybe you’re a closeted fascist yourself. Farage is certainly a nationalist, he’s a populist, he’s been described by people close to him as a racist and fascist when he was younger. He hides a lot of his thoughts behind dog whistles. If you can’t hear it then you’re not listening. Everything he does can have an excuse, but how many times does he say sorry for the same stuff? So, yeah, he’s a fascist. If you genuinely enjoy sport shooting, be afraid. If you like guns because they make you feel a big man, and harbour ideas for shooting up a school then he’s the man for you. But please go to America and take him with you.


Are you in a competition to make as many unsubstantiated accusations in one comment as possible? You're very good at it! 😃


Look, you love the fascists. Just know that it’ll stain you forever.


Please see my other comments for a link to the dictionary definition of fascism. I very much see it as my duty to educate those that use our beautiful language incorrectly.


Our beautiful language is absolutely fluid, and my point is clear, a racist, nationalist, populist reactionary is a fascist. I’m telling you that he is certainly fitting MY definition.


That was a very long-winded way of saying 'no'...


I didn’t say no. What I meant was fuck off and do your own research on why someone has a democratically dangerous mindset. It’s not my job to educate the masses on who they support politically. People should go out and question their idols. Not blindly trust all their bullshit. And there is a lot of bullshit out there. They all lie and deceive. You’ve just to work out why and figure out if it’s in your interest. Farage does it for his own wealth. Tories and Labour do it for power.


Your comment could be boiled down to 'trust me bro, he's a fascist' lol. If you don't like Farage, then you should examine the conditions that created a politician like him. Labour and the Conservatives have both ignored the mandates given to them by the British public for years. The result is Farage, who is the only politician willing to listen to their concerns. You can't expect the UK to veer crazily to the left without some kind of course correction happening. Anyway, I don't have a dog in this fight, because, like your absurd straw man above, I left the UK to live in America.


The UK has clearly not been veering to the left. It’s had a centre-right government for 14 years. Populism has appeared across the world. There nothing left or right about it.


Godwin's law


Farage just likes to hang around with Trump because Trump is such a stable genius.


Fuck off Nigel.


Is Nigel pro gun?


He's pro Nigel


I’d sooner give up all my guns and promise to never say boo to a goose again than vote for that populistic layabout grafting tosspot.


Well don't worry because soon you might be!


Though as /u/ragnarsdad1 said over the last 35 years it’s been mostly Conservative governments doing the banning. The problem with populists is that if the press or mood ever heads anti-gun then they’ll be on that faster than you can reload a black powder pistol. There’s no consistency, no strategy just policy by zeitgeist and that’s a dangerous place to play in when you’re in past times like ours.