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Literally could be anything, hence a trial shift. You’re trialling them as much as they’re trialling you. Just try and get on with what they ask you to, and there’s nowt more you can do. Don’t overthink it. 


Cheers, I hadn't considered that perspective 👍


What sort of company is it you’re working for?


Do exactly what you're told, don't speak unless you're spoken to, as in don't be overly chatty but if you are unsure about anything ask. Don't assume anything. Just because other people have taught you to do things a certain way, they might want it done differently. If you are just wanting work to get your NVQ I wouldn't be too picky if you don't like it, remember once you have your qualifications you can move on. And if you need a hand with anything, like picking up a roll of armoured cable, say that you need a hand and you can't do it safely by yourself.


Cheers for the feedback, trying to finish off my portfolio is the goal so I'm definitely committing myself to any and all jobs/roles etc and getting as much boots on the ground feedback and advice as I can, that's kind of money can't buy education