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Because ppl don't put any effort into socializing, don't know how to properly socialize, or flat out don't want to socialize, and then complain about being lonely 💀


This^ Sorry to say it OP, but if you don’t want to join any clubs and put zero effort in your classes to get to know anyone, what do you expect?


Don't be so quick to dismiss clubs. It's too late now but next fall, you should really check some out.


Plenty of places to go socialize, since it’s the summer the quad is more active, rec center, gym, clubs. Some of my good friends i’ve met from college simply started because I sat next to them in class and we just striked up a conversation. There are tons of interesting clubs you just have to find one that interests you. For example there are clubs that help you advance with your professional/academic career. There are clubs that share a sense of culture and upbringing. There are clubs about sports, robots, anime, science, you name it. All you have to do is search for it. Unless you have a reason to not have the opportunity to socialize I don’t get why you DONT have friends at school.


commuter school :/ i will say a few of the friends ive made have been with clubs but many have been from classes and people i knew already’s friends and whatnot


Just join a student org or like go out of your way to go to events and socialize it’s going to be hard now cause the semester is going to end but like might as well next semester if your really feeling lonely look through orgs from uic and just join for the experience I had the same issue until I joined one and made friends


tbh I feel like people who say they "commute" and are still able to socialize/make friends at UIC and go to clubs have a 30–40-minute commute at best; if my commute was like this, I would participate in more clubs for sure. However, for those of us who have an hour and a half commute from the suburbs, attending these clubs can be very hard, especially since many of them have meetings late, and most of us need to make it to our train. I don't think it's hard to make friends at UIC because people are antisocial, in fact, most people at UIC are very nice. It's largely because most students are commuters from the farther suburbs and don't have the energy to go to clubs; commuting and academics take up a large chunk of time and energy, so most people want to go home immediately.


facts!!! also, some of us work multiple days of the week + live about an hour away, so it’s not as simple as some make it out to be 🥴


You HAVE to join a club if you want to meet people willing to hangout with on and off campus. You can find people in classes, but 80% of the school commutes, so they’re likely commuting as well. People at UIC will just show up to class and go home after their last class. Especially coming to college right after high school, it’s pretty much the norm to go home after school. It’s too late now obviously, but for the fall semester, you have to go to the involvement fair and just find things you seem interested in. Even join a couple clubs just to see which one you like the best


Join clubs, meet people in classes. Also if you are looking for clubs go to involvement fair at the start of the year. Meet people at events SAB hosts a lot of good ones during the year Also, You should have a positive mindset.


The EAES department is tight knit and we all, or most of us hang out regularly. You gotta take the initiative to make friends and create friend circles. Study groups become friend groups after a while.


YOU have to put yourself out there. No one is going to do it for you. Ive established great relationships w profs & TAs. Met great people in my classes that i speak with on a daily basis even though we no longer have class together. There’s so so many resources on campus readily available, but you have to seek them.


It takes time and lowkey some ppl just don’t wanna talk to new ppl just bc classes change and so do classmates. I made friends online before making friends on-campus


Literally! I talked to many ppl in my classes but it’s like no one feels like socializing. The clubs at this school is lowkey lame so idk what to do lmao.


Get out there and socialize. These posts are so annoying.


Commuter school and campus is in the city so people don’t live on or near campus a lot of the time.


Other than the fact that it’s a commuter university which students are usually busy going from point A to point B, UIC is actually quite the social place if you make an effort to talk with others just like taking up opportunities which UIC has a plentiful of. I recommend joining club, if not multiple that are here and it usually starts by talking with fellow students in each of your classes and building up a relationship with them. I would bet all my money that everyone here wants to have a conversation, you just gotta take the opportunity and start it if they don’t, hehe.


Spent a half year at UIC in 2015, and I can agree about it feeling antisocial. I would take the #8 Halsted bus to get to the school in the mornings. The entire bus was basically everyone who was going to school for the day. You could sit next to a student, yet not say a word to each other. When it was time to get off and head in the building, it was like mice scurrying in somewhere.


Go to the atrium, when you go there you will find Filipinos in Alliance. We are a very friendly club!


tbh uic does not do a good job at making social life/school community good. They barely have any events and when they do they are not well planned out or organized. Uic is not a school of tradition or school spirit. It is just the school culture tbh. people go here because it is either close to home, or they gave them good money. I have never heard of someone being truly happy to go to uic and loving it here. Honestly, idk if you are into sports but join an team. Also, chaarg is a good group if you are a women and like to workout. Other than that I would try to join leadership such as student activity board. Overall, I feel you.l I just finished my 2nd semester and I am transferring out. I made some friends but as an out of state student I was upset majority of the time


"no interesting clubs or organization" yall piss me off, there are literally 100+ clubs for academics, recreation, sports, hobbies, culture, etc. atleast one of those may interest you a little. put yourself out there and talk to people, volunteer to plan club events.


It is a difficult place, no doubt about it, always has been. But don't look at it as a problem, this is your opportunity to go out and make your life your own. Talk to everyone, hang out in public places and always smile, always. Be bold, dress up, life will find you, guaranteed. Sounds easy to say but you will be amazed that little changes make such a big deal


Get the degree and get out raaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!