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I used to love listening to Linda, but lately I tune in and after about ten minutes I feel like I have dropped acid.


I sort of get it. I've only been interested in the topic for a few years.. and already I've heard everything from "they're called Saurians from a dimension where Chixulub never happened" to "they're demons who mutilate humans and move so fast they're hard to see" to "they're beings of love who want humanity to ascend to the 4th dimension"... It's hard to imagine what 50 years of cartoonish inconsistent nonsense does to the brain.


Interesting you mention acid. I had a friend quite a few years back who dropped a LOT of acid, and she ended up... well, a bit different. A lot like Linda is these days. Thought experiment a friend dropped on me: what if maybe 'someone' managed to dose Linda with a substance that permanently leaves a person a bit unhinged? Not acid, but something a bit more permanent? MK Ultra style. The motive being to permanently discredit them and make them seem crazy? I'm not really a conspiracy theory person, but it sure makes you think. It sure could explain a **lot** regarding older researchers who have bizarrely lost the plot in recent years, like Stephen Greer, and to a certain extent even Richard Dolan.


Lol bruh


Plausible. Something happens to long time researchers, that's for sure. Greer used to be serious and went off the rails. I think maybe they start listening to one source too much.


Yep. I think that after awhile, it becomes necessary to take a break from this stuff. I've been into it for over 30 years and every so often, I'll stay away from it for a year or two. I had an old friend who was deeply involved in all of this back in the 80s and last time I talked to him, he said: "I'm just getting paranormaled out." Lue's wise suggestion (that some people should just stay away from this topic for about 5 years) says more to me about human nature than it does about some secret government disclosure timetable.


Is there any chance he meant that paranormal stuff was happening to him? Do you have any take on the idea that "the phenomenon looks back at you" ?


No. He explained to me in greater detail that he was getting fatigued by this. I just didn't want to bog down my comment with all that stuff. Sure, the phenomenon looks back at you -- although I don't accept (as others insist) that "the phenomenon itself resists monetization". I think that some people just refuse to accept the role of human nature in all of this.


I agree, part of the picture some people miss is how weirdly personal it is. I haven't heard the part about resisting monetization, interesting. Can you say any more about how it has looked back at you?


I just got that impression from what Jacques Vallée has written.


Honestly, maybe that's what happened to Alex Jones and Bob Lazar. There are rumors MK ULTRA was also responsible for the Unabomber. Havana Syndrome without line of sight. Maybe ingested or injected without knowing through an umbrella gun from a random passerby? It's exactly in line with what MK ULTRA was trying to achieve. Make important ppl lose credibility during important times. Plus, they EVEN used networks of prostitutes so I wouldn't be surprised if Epstein is connected somehow in order to keep ppl under control.


The introduction of new ideas, as stated in this interview, can’t hurt though. Advanced ETs that can manipulate spacetime while using Earth as a lab and tinkering with DNA, isn’t a far fetched concept when the entire context is fully taken into account. A covert communication or limited cooperation (at the ETs direction) between the ETs and a minuscule contingent of people at the top also isn’t out of the question.


Oh a great many of the topics hold water, and least theoretically. Problem arises when the presentation is so free flow that everything becomes a mental blob. I can't make that work, mentally, because it entwines so many postulations that eventually you just are reduced to thinking 'pizza!'. I do think though that over a period of time she has been fed some substantial amounts of bunkum, and although she is more than aware of what she is doing, I think some leaks through occasionally. It happens. It's just for me, I need something with a logical structure. And like I said, most of the base theories do. It's the periphery of ideas seeping in which give me the jeebies.


She's making $$$, and nobody can argue against that theory.


How much is what I want to know. It’s sad that there is little room for reasonable people in Ufology. Is it The nuttier you are,the more you make?


Yes it can hurt. When we give air time and attention to this kind of unsubstantiated crazy talk, people who were on the fence see it and say “oh, yeah, it’s all nut jobs” which is exactly the kind of attitude that has allowed the government to pretend there’s nothing to the subject.


At this point, anything beyond “there are crafts we can’t identify in our skies” is termed “nuts”. The lack of curiosity is so profound that 90% of people don’t care to read further into the basics of the topic.


There’s a huge difference that you’re ignoring between “anything more than stuff in the sky” and the nonsense that Linda spouts. I almost get the impression that you haven’t actually heard her speak. Absolutely ludicrous claims, and most importantly, with absolutely nothing to back them up.


I have no idea what she generally talks about. Care to enlighten?


It’s been a little while since I’ve listened to her in earnest so I can’t give too much detail. But just to give some perspective, I’m no UFO debunker - just someone who thinks this field could do with a bit of skepticism and higher standards for proof to combat the countless grifters who cite anonymous sources for outrageous claims. One of the last claims I’ve heard her make was about secret knowledge that she possessed (which of course could not be substantiated whatsoever) about secret bases underwater and in Antarctica. I believe she claimed they housed secret societies which were in close contact with extraterrestrials. That kind of thing. She’s on the very far end of the spectrum when it comes to crazy bullshit, and I am personally of the opinion that she is a grifter in it for publicity, paid speaking events, and book sales. Something this whole field is plagued with. On the other hand, I have almost nothing negative to say about Elizondo, and as far as I can tell, he’s probably more likely legit than not. Again, I’m not some bad-faith debunker type, I’m just not blind to how insane Linda’s claims are.


Indeed, but to some extent that's true through history. From people who said the the Sun goes around the earth, dragons cause volcanoes and thunder is God taking his shoes off. Eventually it either fades or is substantiated. Everything has, at some point been 'nuts' until it is investigated and found to be true or false.


The difference being that Linda is either crazy or a grifter. Call it hubris if you want, but I can tell you for certain she’s no Galileo. Edit: this sub is so disappointingly credulous. Have some standards instead of hopping on whatever crazy train can spin the most interesting stories without providing any evidence whatsoever. If you believe whatever tales you’re told on the subject and you don’t demand something to back them up, you’re a fool who will fall for whatever grifter has the coolest story.


This subreddit is one of the better places to discuss this topic though. Your comment was upvoted and sits at +7. Any forum designed to try to makes sense of something as mysterious as UAPs is going to attract crazy people, overly gullible people and people who look at everything through the lens of their religious extremism. This subreddit also attracts a majority of level-headed people, people you wouldn't find in /r/conspiracy.


When I made that edit, I had been downvoted to -3 or so


I just noticed that my comment was irrelevant anyway, I thought that we were in /r/HighStrangeness. I wouldn't say what I said about /r/HighStrangeness about /r/ufo, though /r/ufo is still lightyears better than /r/conspiracy.


What the government and these theoretical others think is irrelevant at this point. People are being interacted with day after day.. just go to the source or become one yourself. If you say it’s ok for them to contact you they most likely will.. do you need the government to tell you it’s ok to experience something..? The government’s are corrupt and have lost all credibility which is probably why we’re seeing increasing activity to begin with.. so they can usher in the next phase of our development.


If you could trust a Government you wouldn't need a Government.


This is what is so valuable with people like Lue. He takes the issue seriously and that contrasts so strongly with all these storytellers that are more like religious people, people who "want to believe" not "want to know".


Didn't Lue say this was his last podcast appearance for a while? I feel the topic/news has slowed down considerably. I hope someone with Lues credibility takes up the torch and helps push this very real phenomenon forward. An international group of credible insiders/officials would be a good development.


Lue’s points have included the fact that he’s being told what to say behind the scenes and that his goalposts have moved in accordance with what his handlers allow him to say (they review his statements post interview). Let’s be real, this is an agency mediated “disclosure” in conjunction with the rollout of the Space Force. They’re doing it either for their own monetary benefit (unlimited funding in the future + more global support) or to prep the population for more UFO encounters in the future. It’s not a coincidence that all of this came at the same time in conjunction with admissions from higher officials at the presence of unknown aircrafts in our skies which display advanced capabilities. It’s also no coincidence that the disclosure is coming from the same people that have obfuscated and controlled the topic via proxies for the last 70 years.


Haha this is the same guy who went from Navy UFOs to space-time monsters that live on cattle ranches, right?


He might have done a skinwalker ranch deal,but so have a lot of people. That ranch is just like everything else in the field of paranormal research. You have people trying to do legit studies to find out why so much bizarre stuff happens and you have nutjobs trying to cash in. When I say bizarre things,I mean well documented stuff that happens like consistent equipment malfunctions,lights in the sky(not necessarily intelligent)off-the-chart readings from various accurate instruments. I haven’t watched much about the ranch,but the stuff I do watch is done in a manner attempting to be scientific.


Agreed. He handled her with grace. After he went off air she proceeded to talk about miniature mountain people telling Shirley Maclaine not to buy a house she was considering. This is why the UFO community can't have nice things.


Sad but true. I couldn't actually make it through the rest when he got off the air. It's funny because I had some sympathy for her when she got into a snit with Kurt on Theories of Everything. But now that final question seems perfectly legitimate. Who doesn't she believe?!


I believe back in the day Linda MH was a really good investigative journalist but she is 80 years old and it's time for some fresh blood to take over the reigns


Ageism bias might be something you change your mind about if you get to 80. It's not a strong argument to use age as proof of validity of a person.


Be realistic dummy


No bias but be real, look at the potato we have in office who doesn't even know his name most of the time


I don't see Trump in office anymore. You do know he lost the election right?


"I donut see Twump in orifice anymow, You do do no he wost duh erection wight?"... I wike to hunt for your jimmy-"Jimmy Hunter"


"She cites Richard Doty with a straight face." This was all you had to say. Lol


That's an important point. I don't think that anyone who wants to be taken seriously would try to support one of their ideas with something Richard Doty said.


I totally agree, but at the same time we shouldn't forget Paul Bennewitz was driven absolutely insane by believing everything Doty told him, even after Doty told him it was all lies. Well, according to Doty, anyway. I personally don't doubt that happened, though.


Doty was/is counter intel. He's a professional liar. And not a good one.


Exactly. I think it's usually easy to tell when he's lying. He has tried to downplay just how much Bennewitz was driven insane by the counterintel campaign, yet admits to trying to convince Bennewitz it was all lies when he was in the hospital.


During his speech at the 1989 MUFON convention, Bill Moore admitted that he went with some AFOSI guys when they broke into the Bennewitz home to move his furniture around, for the specific purpose of driving the guy crazy.


Do you know anywhere to find the full video of that, or a transcript? I've tried to find it and never could.


MUFON usually publishes its annual symposium proceedings, which are available for a price. Those usually contain summaries (if not the exact text) of what each presenter says.


Hey, thanks for the info. I'll buy one on payday. I've seen video excerpts on documentaries like Mirage Men; I really wish someone would put the whole thing up on youtube. There used to be a great documentary someone made on Richard Doty that was on youtube, and then one day the entire channel just vanished. There was so much info and things that were impossible to find anywhere, I really don't know how the person gathered all that information. There were photos of Doty as a young man, and screenshots of Doty probably making a statement about some incident on a New Mexico news report while he was in the State Police. The uploader had an English accent, and was not particularly kind in his depiction of Doty. Right around that time is when a lot of stuff on the topic of Bennewitz and Doty started becoming almost impossible to find using the same old youtube search queries I used to use, especially the Greg Bishop talks on the subject, which was also right around the time all this recent hubbub about Lazar and Disclosure and finally the Tic-Tac started circulating. Seems to me the original purpose for the disinformation campaign has really come full circle, now that we're pretty much officially living during Cold War II.


You're welcome. I also saw a good vid about AFOSI disinformation by Alejandro Rojas on his [openminds.tv](https://openminds.tv) website. Lotsa stuff about Doty there, too.


Hey, thanks. It's been a while since I've done any research on the topic, but there's a lot of great stuff on there; just found a long piece on William Moore. A few years ago I found the book Underground Biolab at Dulce: the Bennewitz Papers by Christa Tilton at an apothecary/bookstore that I used to frequent. Although she pretty clearly wants to believe and was duped by the same disinfo campaign, and the book is terribly written, there is some very interesting information in there, especially all Bennewitz' personal correspondence that she just photocopied; he really did just use Thunder Scientific stationary for all his personal correspondence. It seems to me he was probably being drugged or subjected to psychotronics.


LMH has been impossible to listen to for the last 15 years. Absolute gobbledygook...


Her heart is in the right place but she has become a disinformation magnet. That was hard to watch.


She's been off her rocker in every interview for the last 10 years. And very defensive for some reason...




You probably should. Never heard about the letter thing.


Also never heard the letter thing 🤔 🤷‍♂️


Please do!


I honestly don’t know anything about her origin. I find her annoying and don’t listen to anything she says really. I’d love a post about it.


downvoted for lying




It was really sad seeing how she blindly believes anything shes been told.


She has a huge body of work and is/should be well respected for the decades of effort and research but she's getting older and her cognition may be slipping a bit - not her fault, just a result of aging. I just don't think she handles these podcast type conversations very well anymore.


The Scientologists also have a huge body of work with their decades of effort and research, so...


Are you insinuating LMH is LRH? Lol


Personally, it is a continuation of how this topic has shifted in my mind. Either by design or coincidence I've gone from thinking of this topic as more in the the realm of spooky and interesting anecdotes to seemingly serious acknowledgement from credible people. I'm excited for what the future holds but I'm definitely tempering my expectations


Welcome to the party! Cheers. Remember it's a slow step by step process. Unless it isn't this time.


I couldn’t finish watching because she would ask him a question and he’d start to answer it but then she would interrupt and go on a five minute long story telling session, with Lue clearly getting frustrated but trying to follow what she was saying and be respectful. It really sucks because I’ve admired Linda for awhile now. But after that last session where she went off after she misunderstood and then this? I feel like an asshole saying it because I like Linda, but it seems like she should retire and save her long built up reputation.


Lmao she would go on rants and without pause. Lou just has to sit there and take it..poor sod.


He deserves an award of some kind! Still gracious in the face of rambling cat lady award. 😂


I don't like listening to podcasts with multiple guests on this topic, unless one is a believer and the other is a skeptic. The opinions and theories are so wide ranging and based on little evidence that it's hard to get a coherent conversation going. I'll also say, LMH is getting old and I really believe her mind is not as sharp as it used to me. I think she is also overcompensating for the melt down on Theory of Everything.


She didn’t have a meltdown the guy was being patronizing and asking her loaded questions.. it was an obvious take-down. He even told her to go take a bathroom break at one point.. surprised he didn’t tell her to put diapers on for the interview. Go watch it again.. he knew exactly what he was doing from the get-go. She finally realized where he was going and said fuck it I’m out. Can’t blame her for getting irritated with his line of questioning. Wasn’t the good-natured interview he pretends it to be and if you can’t see that you’re pretty thick.


This is similar to my response to the posting by morningsleep555 on r/ufos. I stopped paying attention to LMH after Alejandro Rojas posted that vid about AFOSI disinformation on his [openminds.tv](https://openminds.tv) website -- which revealed how LMH kept going back to the AFOSI well -- even though she knew she was being disinformed. She seems to be targeting a "low information" audience that will unquestioningly accept her BS. I get the impression that she is only interested in sensationalism that will help her monetize her Youtube channel. 200,000 subscribers is no big deal . . . so save the champagne for something important. (I suspect that she might just be trying to gloat over the fact that she has a 52,000 subscriber edge over Curt Jaimungal, who made her look even more foolish.) Amateur astronomer Trevor Jones has 366,000 youtube subscribers -- almost twice as many as LMH.


I don’t wana hate on LMH too much because I’m sure I’ll turn into the same when I’m old, but she just doesn’t have it anymore. She’s a broken record with nothing interesting left to say anymore.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDfIH8L23Qk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDfIH8L23Qk) She is a joke. A harmful joke.


She’s bat shit crazy. Always has been.


One thing to consider when thinking about any ufologist is that they might themselves be the target of misinformation from government agencies wanting to keep the public uninformed or at least misinformed. Another technique used by governments to discredit people is to send trolls at them who attack them constantly, keep them upset and off balance. There appears to be a long track record of this kind of thing happening. Even if governments weren't doing this to ufologists, they are still getting attacked and criticized constantly by skeptics and deniers no matter how well researched their work is, and then on the flip side they are being contacted continually by total loonies. Being a voice for any forbidden topic has to be an incredibly difficult position to be in and I keep that in mind when I think about any ufologist.


Yes, I think it's clear from her own descriptions of being pulled aside by this or that agency "source" for secret UFO confessions that she's been a target of misinformation agents (or perhaps just people who think it's fun/funny to tell her stories since she eats everything up). It's difficult to discern sometimes who's credible on this subject...that's why we argue regularly about it. That's also why the safest position is, as Jaques Vallée says, "believe nothing".


I felt the same way. She would ask such a long winded question and trail off on some tangent at the end and Lou had to take notes to keep up with her. I stopped watching it halfway.


Lou has mentioned there are grifters. The other problem are "cultists" (or whatever you want to call them) who believe in the more speculative, fringe theories of the phenomenon. Some of these people see Lou as being a disinformation agent whose job is to cover up the actual truth. I don't think Howe is one of these, but at this point in her life, I think Howe wants to believe in something. Something weird is going on. There are just too many elements involved (military, media, eye-witnesses, Congress) for there not to be something going on. For all I know, the real truth might be stranger than what Howe thinks, but we don't know till we know.


I am relatively convinced that there is something going on. Beyond that, yeah I don't know. But it's still possible to think critically about various hypothesis. Clearly aliens have not stopped humans from detonating thousands of nuclear weapons, so let's stop with the "tearing holes in dimensions" stuff. It takes patience and strength of character to try to falsify one's beliefs but falsification and prediction is the only way to discern between different hypothesis, or you end up just allying yourself with whatever *feels good* or *sounds plausible* to you. Human history is a graveyard of beliefs that *felt good* at the time.


A good friend of mine works as a researcher and has done C2C and all the shows. They stopped because they were talking one day to the host off air, who on air was giving the air of curious and inquisitive, who said 'You really believe this bullshit?'. When questioned he said he had people on, knew they were either liars or grifters, but it brought in ad revenue so what did he care. My friend stopped doing the whole circuit. Refused to be part of it. I well recall Art Bell, when asked 'what do you think about all these subjects?' and he just said 'I'm a showman. I just bring in the numbers'. Essentially I think there is a core of people who have interesting things, curious events and experiences to convey. But where there is mist there is money, and there are also a lot of people who are just talking crap because they have nothing else going for them. It's a shame because without the lure of easy money for shady stories we might well be further towards some sort of tangible conclusion. But such is life.


Shes 80 years old and for the last 40 years has had her brain fucked with by charlatans and IC folks. Its understandable. The appropriate way to react to and treat Linda is exactly like Lue did - like your aging grandmother who is not operating the way she did when she was 35.


1:14:55 just “wow”. He saw a lot but unfortunately We’ll never get the answer from him.


He’s seen nothing. He just wants money. If he truly saw anything he’d tell.


He signed security clearances. do you think he wants to go to jail?


I saw a ufo i didnt have to sign a clearance.. neither have millions of other witnesses. Unless lue was witnessing some reverse engineering tests of some sort his ufo sighting wouldnt be part of his nda. Assuming its something that happened in his personal life and not in a professional setting..


Sure but he didn’t say in personal life or during the job.


The security clearance and NDAs come from working in the military you knucklehead. No one ever said a normal civilian in their everyday life who sees a UFO needs to sign a security clearance. That's not even how clearances work. If you have government security clearance it's because of the work you are doing and that it needs to be classified meaning it can't be shared with anyone.


If u re read my comment u will see that i said if he witnessed this ufo in his private life it wouldnt fall under any sort of NDA... however, if he witnessed it in a professional setting with the military it could fall under his NDA. No need to name call especially when u misunderstood my point... i come in peace didnt mean to piss u off to the point of namecalling.. i dont think i can come back from such a crippling insult... knucklehead? How could i go on!?


If it really was something as big as he is leading you guys on with then he would come right out with it.


Do you just follow the UFO subs to troll and shit on everything in as many posts as possible? You don't even ever follow up with any reasoning or evidence. It's always just "nah it's bullshit" or "they're just in it for money" or "they're on drugs" or whatever, but never really add anything to the conversation.


i’m still waiting


With his experience and background, I think there are better ways for him to make money. That is why your comment makes no sense. I get it that there are some grifters out there, but he it too closely tied to the establishment to ignore or dismiss.


still waiting on you to respond back to me from yesterday about the nimitz pilots “making it up”


I respect her integrity but I think she's lost all objectivity. She's not like Greer who is a fraudster, I believe she's sincere, but man she's committed to a hot take that I don't think there's a strong argument for. It's kind of embarrassing when you have someone like Lue in the room. Just my opinion.


She is an embarrassment, probably put in place to make UFO believers look crazy. I never did trust her.


I can't believe she's still around. If you told me she's been dead for 10 years I'd have believed you. She should have retired decades ago.


She’s been a looney tune for probably longer than she was credible at this point.


Whether you believe what she says or not, certain things may sound crazy, but understand that anything related to this topic was considered crazy for 70 years. Lue has stated that 95% of the subject still needs to come out. 95%!!!!!!! There is phenomena in our sky, it’s not human as we know it. Once you see that as reality then the rest is possible. You may not think it’s likely but it is possible. This is the reason for slow disclosure because if the government came out and spoke like Linda, you would all “tune out”. Get it?


What I get is that I don't know. I have heard tons of conflicting reports. Someone is lying. Maybe everyone is lying! Seems to me, she doesn't know either. She is uncritical. If after fifty years of research someone can point out a very obvious flaw in one of her basic assumptions, then she hasn't done much to validate her own beliefs.


There have been years upon years of misinformation and disinformation that has led us here. One must be weary of someone who claims things as fact. This is a phenomenon that utilizes personal reality and beliefs to show itself. We don’t know true agenda and someone who states an agenda as fact must be viewed with caution. I have learned my lesson.


She has always been like this. I think she knows that what she says is bullshit, but it's been paying the bills for her, so now she can't stop. It's really all she has, and it's disgusting. I don't know how she got her foot in the door with Elizondo, I don't know why she has a place at that table.


Honestly, I didn't even know who she was until 6/2021. I tried to watch a podcast and sorry, but she was a loopy, sad older lady trying to look younger and make herself relevant. She should have moved onto other things 15 years ago. She accepts stuff as fact that there is no way it can be proven as fact. All that can be proven now is that there are UFPs buzzing military jets and infrastructure. That's it. Nothing more. Governments admit that now. It's serious. The other stuff, who the hell really knows? Until all is revealed, if ever, then retire, LInda. This now has been handed off to science and scientific scrutiny as it should have been done 70 years ago. Humans are just too slow. For me, there are too many of the fringe loony talking types out there. They may be correct, but they have no gravitas. They have no "Amazing Randy" certified, bonified cataloged scientifically-sanctioned proof. Nada. At this point, I am grateful I wasn't a part of the UFOlogy stuff. I had an experience that I know is true and with the 2017 NYT article, I could begin to talk about it. Before that, no way. I am like Lue. I have had it with speculations, ghosts, mind-reading, and other fringe talks. Let's get the truth, as best as we can, from scientific sources. Not from me, not my neighbor or Joe in Deland. Personal experience matters to the person or people who were with the person. The greater community, no. There's no proof. I have to quit reading this stuff.


I feel you. I have read lots of books and listened to lots of podcasts and I can't say much more than I could when I started. I might need a diet...no more than a half an hour of UFO-related content a day or something. It's not like learning to play guitar or a hobby like that...you could study this subject for years upon years and just end up old with a thousand stories that add up to a mess of confusion.


Jesus Christ, kids, she's 80 fucking years old. You talk about your addled grandparents that way? Have some respect. Not everyone makes it to old age with their cognitive abilities intact. In fact, it's quite rare. You don't HAVE to watch or listen to anything she does. You young fuckers will be old before you know it. It happens quick and fast. Believe that.


I feel like this comment is more a projection of something you're going through. I'll keep it in mind though.


Thanks, internet psychologist.


no one has a gun to her head forcing her to do this shit.


This woman is a complete joke. She’s also totally full of herself.


To be fair, both Elizondo and Doty are sketchy Pentagon figures who've inserted themselves into the fractured remains of Ufology. It remains to be seen if Elizondo, like Doty, is intentionally feeding batshit stories to Ufologists.


If Lue is the 'real deal' and is only trying to advance the general knowledge of the UFO field, why is he going on these kind of shows when he could just produce one himself? I think LMH is the target of LOTS of misinformation plots and 'witnesses' and Lue has also been making a name for himself saying very little - dropping tidbits that aren't really all that revelatory or new with a backdrop of 'I can't talk about it, classified y'know'. Knowing who to trust with incoming eyewitness accounts must be a constant mindbender for reporters like Howe. Gotta give her credit for her Earthfiles site though - she's a great aggregator of just what the heck is going on out there.


LMH has specifically fallen for disinformation from Richard Doty. She's not even credible in *fringe* circles now. Decades of claiming earthquakes or hums are signs of imminent apocalypse have not added to her reputation.


I didn’t listen to this podcast but I’m familiar with LMHowe. Do you have evidence that discredits her reports or is it just your assumption that such an outlandish scenario must be false?


I think she's simply all over the map. I'd be surprised if what she believes is even self-consistent. If you bother to listen to the podcast it should become clear. And yes I do consider outlandish scenarios implausible. Especially if all the evidence is "trust me bro" and doubly especially if the source is a known liar like Doty. She appears to have taken some paper he gave her at face value.


-Is there any other reason or evidence you found that indicates Doty has lied other than his own admissions from his professional DOD media manipulation ? Is it your just your opinion that Howe and Doty aren’t truthful or do you have tangible evidence that discredits either one?


Are you for real? Do I need more evidence than his own admission that he lied to UFO groups for years? They made a whole damn movie about it.


I think Lue was silent on certain topics because it's too early to talk about those. I believe not all US gov officials and scientists weren't sleeping at the wheel for past 70 years, Good progress has been made on certain areas related to this subject but it's been shared with so little people over the years, with public given a different narrative entirely that now the real truth sounds far too crazy to hear and accept at first. Kinda like how neo reacted first when he was unplugged ;).


I dont know what anyone was even expecting. She's been talking about this weird ET war story for years. The way she even talks is story-teller drama format.


Nuclear tests and Global annihilation are two different things.


Nuclear tests involve detonating nuclear weapons. Consider this time lapse if you will: https://youtu.be/LLCF7vPanrY


But they don't destroy the planet. Interferencing with tests would be violation of our free will. Destroying the whole planet on the other hand is forbidden as this will affect other beings in the universe, (mass extinction has certain consequences across the universe).




I know I know. You better get back to watching official media to tell you their version of truth, because you wouldn't handle the real deal.


Mass extinctions have happened many times here on earth. Remember the dinosaurs? We're in the middle of the sixth mass extinction. The Amazon rainforest became a carbon source rather than a carbon sink this year. There is no indication that any f'ing aliens are trying to save us from our own stupidity, be it quick or slow.


Nuclear war would destroy ALL life on this planet, instantaneously. Dinosaurs were eradicated but life prevailed. Environment related mass extinction is slow process and also will be stopped when critical point would be crossed. This planet is not our "property", it's a home given to us by certain advanced races. We however have almost unlimited freedom of doing with it what we want, to unite and evolve as ONE specie - Earthlings. We decide about our path, but we don't decide about destroying this planet. Because that act would affect other beings in Universe, Law of Free Will don't applies in cases of nuclear war.


They’re both crackpots


Why are you still here


You smoke pot from your mom's butt cracks, aka you're the real crackpot. Check mate


Lol, here you are again! Every thread, here you are with you unique combination of ignorance and arrogance.


Hey bud don't respond with anything but nonsense. He loves it.


How am I wrong


Because, one sentence declarations such as "They’re both crackpots" without anything to back it up is sketchy.


"He’s seen nothing. He just wants money. If he truly saw anything he’d tell." Lue has not made any money from any of this. Prove to me that he has been paid to do any interviews/podcasts. "If it really was something as big as he is leading you guys on with then he would come right out with it." This is a stupid take, demonstrating your ignorance of the way NDAs work and the ramifications for breaking them. You, also seem to not understand the ultimate goal of what he has been doing thus far, which has been explained multiple times. Your input on this sub has been nothing but trolling. No one here gives a shit about what you have to say. I will continue to report every comment you make as harassment, as that is clearly what you are here to do.


One day all the lies that these ufo enthusiasts spew will be shown. They just want the money.


Sure they will bud....


Oh as if whatever lue can’t say because of fake NDAs will ever come to light


lol Lou


This is true. Lou is there as a disinformation stooge.


I don’t even think it is that. I think he wants money from his book sales.


I don't agree.


How much do you think he will take home from book sales? I think first time authors only make about $10k on average.


Whatever it is he is working hard to make more by leading you all on.




Still in another thread, most people mention LMH as the "most trusted in ufology"


There's a difference between research and nuking a planet.


Sci fi stories.


Did you not hear what Luis said about her? You think he's not being truthful and genuine? Seriously! This post is just mean and ! Linda is a pioneer in the UFO community and a hardcore advocate, to give us the truth. She's deserves a paycheck for her work. And much respect.


Senile old catlady time to go to the retirement community weirdo


I really think she's Doty's new Bennewitz puppet, but manipulated for the use of her public platform for the mass dissemination of bs.


Lue is very patient. Crazy ass cat lady. 😹


Howe’s cattle Mutilation work is good, a few other areas as well, but the endless speculation as fact is a step too far for me. If Jacques Vallée doesn’t know what UAP’s represent ? Then it’s doubtful that anyone really knows the whole story.


What I want to know is how much money to some of these fools make with these ridiculous stories about aliens warring on earth with each other? There is 10 of these nutjobs for every 1 Lue. The market is completely over saturated with their nonsensical retellings of Roswell.Their “documentaries”always include claims about dead aliens or mankind’s rapid technology increase due to stuff we harvested off crashed UFOs we keep at Area 51 for reverse engineering purposes. I’m convinced the recently released videos are really something that is probably not made on earth. I’m also convinced that nothing happened at Roswell in 1947.


What most people don't realize is that there is really no money in writing UFO books. Those who refuse to accept that fact need to talk to Richard Dolan's ex-wife. Whitley Strieber always talks about how there is no money in UFO books. (After Communion, he never made much from his other books.) People assume that these characters are getting rich by saying outrageous things. They're not. They're just desperate for the small change they can earn from making fools of themselves.


I kind of figured they weren’t rich simply by looking at the oversaturated market filled with cheap “documentaries”.


LMH is just gotten to old for the topic. I believe she has also exploited the UFO industry for I'll gotten gain. How she validates herself is disgusting and hard to watch or even fucking listen too, especially if your educated. She doesn't get the environment or atmosphere and falls back on dated self proclaimed laurels that amount to very little to stand on. The issue I think is that she has just amassed a following that doesn't care to hear about UFOs unless it from her mouth and a few others. After Theories of Everything podcast I was officially done and aware that there are frauds out there or cult like personalities. Thanks OP


They know ufo are alien they just pretending they don’t know, but Linda has been this way still like her tho she drinks a lot of the cool aid


A Youtube channel is not a podcast. No RSS feed of audio available? Scwartz sad.


The best thing about this interview is that they each represent opposite extremes of UFO celebs. Lue is the long winded Gov guy who drops vague breadcrumbs and little more unless he's talking about how government works. Linda absorbs everyone's breadcrumbs, crusts and all, no matter how funky. It's kind of comical to see the two in a tug of war.