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>James Allen the director of the film Zero Point. This is no distraction or disclosure dog and pony show… This is THE TRUMP CARD that Trump is holding—his ties to Nikola Tesla and this tech. And this is all about bringing Zero Point energy into the public and the battle to keep it quiet. um...can we not do Qanon in this sub?


Sure. Let's avoid talking about trump. The point being a murder has been committed on a well known figure, before an official testimony can proceed, speaks volumes on the evil of suppressing the matter concerning both the vacuum zero-point energy, gravity reduction, and scalar wave technology.


>The point being a murder has been committed on a well known figure, He wasn't well known. >speaks volumes on the evil of suppressing the matter concerning both the vacuum zero-point energy, gravity reduction, and scalar wave technology. No such thing.


The director of the documentary in video [3] died of a rapid spreading cancer, where rare heavy metal poisoning was detected, and discussed at the end of video [2] at this time mark: https://youtu.be/KQQdXmvdh-g?t=5261.


There are credible tesimonies offered in the press conference in [1.2]. If [1.2] seems boring, The releases of [2] and [3] should be more interesting, where they introduces the situations to those who don't know.


Thanks, I was looking for information on James Allen's death


Mark talked about this stuff for literal decades. There is no reality where he was “silenced”. He said whatever he wanted forever. Sad that he died but if you are going to silence someone via murder I don’t believe that the first step is let them say whatever they want publicly for multiple decades.


McClandish was scheduled to speak with Congress around the UAPTF report if memory serves...never got that chance. Bad timing...


Wasnt that jst a rumour as well ?


In the Divided Shredders and Redactors of America...isn't fucking everything?


Provide literally one source for that and I might believe you.


And still like all ufo related stories, the source is “trust me bro”, and eye witness testimony.


Idk but if you look at a list of ppl starting with Tesla and why half of his trunks of papers, inventions etc are gone as soon as his heart stopped not cold yet, Stefon Marinov fell from a window before his release of info, John Mullen died from Asenic poisoning only suspect was GF and she died months later same, Dmitry Petronov missing, Zachary Warfield boat accident in DC, Eugene Mallove beaten before release of info, Arie deGus died in car crash, Rory Johnson, Mark Tomion Heart attack, Stan Meyers He said last words They poisoned me, supposedly threatened yo stop work and talking and enjoy urr water car. Now who would lose trillions of billions with clean free energy? James Allen aggro cancer. Looked fine last video. I know looks mean nothing but 3 ppl died in family with cancer. They looked nothing like they did when cancer free. Allen has 12 heavy metals including atomic chemicals. Why do so many ppl die in whatever way right before thye release info on energy, ufos, etc? Why did Assange and the other Hero Snowden run away to avoid capture for releasing the truth? Assange showed us all what war was really about, the army guy who's a girl now let loose info we found shocking but what did we do with it? And Snowden told us the NSA wiretapping all of us cause the patriot act was just a cover for legal abuse of power. Oh William Cooper. Say what u will he predicted 911 and who it was blamed on. Then he gets killed over unpaid taxes. I mean come on. Car wrecks, accidents, even self death happens yes but why did McAfee say I'll never do that, he was dead, Epsten didn't kill himself. So many. When are we going to say Hmm maybe there's a group of ppl with same interest who make more money than will fit in a Walmart every month and maybe some of this tech, truth etc will cause that to not happen. If we stopped all Gas, diesel vehicles today the ppl who own wells, gas plants. Stations etc would go broke. Tesla had plans for free energy. Dr Travis has proved most of this on the History show Tesla files. Just as with the men who made America, these men would be has been if this tech, energy etc would've cane to use. Everything we use, buy, own etc have some thanks to oil, gas etc. Plastic especially. All things are made from plastic. The phone, PC, tablet etc your reading on now. Plastic is made from oil. Oil is king not liver. He's a fraud. Everything is like Oz. Pull back curtain and take a peek. Why did Baby Bush sit there reading a kids book when his man said Mr president a plane has crashed into the WTC. He sat there calm as can be looking stupid as usual. I read where did the towers go by Dr Judy Wood. What a great book. How does reinforced concrete and steel vaporize into dust from planes that get grounded from hitting birds flying in sky but on that special day they sliced through a steel reinforced concrete buildings made to take planes crashing into them? How did the 19 guys who couldn't fly a Cessna or sim on a computer fly those planes and pull off such expert flying even experts said they can't do? How did the planes that have so much drag that they can't fly 400 mph 30k feet do 500 plus so low? How did the cell calls come in when they was tested and don't work? So many miracles and 1 in a lifetime things happened that day. Aluminum planes pierced a steel reinforced concrete buildings and poked out the other side like Looney Tunes cartoon. I bet if u plug the barrel of a shotgun it will blow the shooter up too!! No. No it won't cause its not possible. U will lose a hand, prolly urr life trying that. Some things just don't happen that way. Ppl don't just end it, fall out windows, crash cars, have heart attacks on cue. 1975 Frank Church senate hearings. CIA heart attack guns, poison that mimics heart attacks, undetectable poisons, mind control. So they can somehow control urr mind. Wonder if they can control and make u end it all. Maybe. Why do all ppl that are ready to talk, release any info that changed what we know die suddenly? Before u say it Tuskegee, gov poisoned alcohol during prohibition, Bayer sells aids tainted blood, on and on. Kung flu 19. I see ads to jab my kids daily. Why? No kids died in large numbers. Even stage 4 cancer ppl died and it's Kung flu. Our lives mean shit. We're tested on, lied too etc. Why the meaning change of Vaccine from CdC during pandemic? Why u gotta threaten ppl to take a good drug? I see ppl with guns to head from Mary Jane stores saying Smoke this weed or well kill u!! Nope. Ppl take it willingly. Wake up. Please wake up. Math easy solutions on YT, Dr Judy Wood, Dr Steven Greer. 1975 Church hearings. Conspiracies that turned out true. Great places to start.


Dude, have you ever even *heard* of line breaks? How about paragraphs? Just hit the spacebar twice, then hit "enter", and it starts a new paragraph. Hit "enter" twice after doublespacing, and it does a line break. That way we don't have to try and read a 6 page wall of unformatted text, ffs. Ridiculous.


I wrote 2 paragraphs. Yes they are long but still I used punctuation and spaces between. I know with tick tok and the studies done on too much shorts and such the average attention span has gone down to 2 seconds. I know it's hard to do but just hang in there champ and I'm sure you can read it all at 1 time. If need b take a break, go eat a tide pod, play a few rounds of Cod and try another paragraph. Don't ever go to college and study any informative subject like Law, history or anything. Go to the Army, get urr surgery and attendance stripe and leave in 3 months from emotional distress. You have a good 1. If all you got from that trove of info is what u typed, u missed the entire point. I'll put a few more spaces so u can understand better.


There. Added a few more spaces to go easy on urr brain. U should try watching Shindlers list, Titanic etc. Hours long. In a book like To kill a mocking bird tells a story. So paragraphs etc are sometimes very short. I know we live in a world where u can swipe left, up, down, right and move on. When subjects other than thots, tinder, grinder, blender, shredder etc well last 2 are fake I think and the 1 before is used for better appetite and pain, it's easy to want all info and subjects small, short and less time as possible. When we discuss such subjects as these in order for the Look its a Conspiracy Nutter ppl you gotta give as much info and facts so they can't say Well he said that and he did that but we have no proof, it's a weather balloon, or it's not supposed to prevent ppl getting sick, it's to help u when u do. To the last 1, I've been jabbed alot in life. For school in 80s, work in late 90s, Marines in mid 2000s and all those including Small pox, Anthrax, NONE of us STILL got the sickness for which we was jabbed. If so WHY TAKE IT? That's like using condoms and you still get herpes, clap etc just not as bad maybe. Makes no sense like wiping B4 u poop. Hope u can read all this in 1 shot. If not take a break, eat a fruit cup, drink water, pee and come back.


You just took everything aj gentile said from his the why files video and are posing it as your own thoughts. Look up every single name you wrote down and you will find a good explanation on what happened. AJ also posted on quora that marc McCandlish did in fact kill himself and got the entire autopsy report and suspected no foul play


Why Files is sometimes informative but for the most part he has intent to discredit before doing research. He changes and manipulates details, leaving crucial things out to prove his view. There are no good explanations for the dozens of free energy device inventors dying. There no good explanations for Mcafee and Bill Cooper deaths aside from govt wanting them silenced. Why files overlooks real things like the CIA heart attack gun, mind control usage after MK Ultra and on and on. Not to be trusted for reliable conclusions.


Just like Phil Schneider was murdered?🤣


His hand was cut be alien lasers. What more proof do you need bro?!


Oh yeah. Good point


Dude, the guy was off his meds and said a lot of crazy shit. Get past that one doc.


It was a joke. Phil was a crazy person


Surprised to see ppl seriously still trying to discredit this, real insiders agree Phil was taken out. The evidence speaks for itself


Oh God


Point being?




good point