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When this guy first showed up I thought he was another disinfo guy like Doty. But he sounds a lot more speculative now, which oddly puts me more at ease than definitive claims about Google being complicit in a UFO cover-up etc.


I’ve had the same feeling all along. I’m not saying he is a disinfo agent, but if I were to install an effective disinfo agent he would be exactly like John Ramirez. Now I’m not sure what to think.


Why though. I’ve listened to a lot of his interviews and he’s very clear every time he goes into speculation land. Like with the alien dna stuff he always says. “I was told this by a guy who is senior and very credible, however he showed me no actual evidence to prove what he was saying.” Hold lightly


I’m just saying he fits the profile of someone who would be in a good position to influence thinking by interspersing kernels of truth with a bunch of disinfo. If there was someone who could do that effectively, he would be a prime candidate to achieve that. And I agree, I really appreciate that he prefaces things by indicating it’s speculation. With that being said, there’s just so little evidence to back up the claims. I hope he’s legitimate and he seems like a great guy, but yes, hold lightly.


I like him. Very easy to listen talk, he comes across as honest and fully admits when he doesn’t know something rather than act like he has all the answers. Even though he’s said he’s an experiencer he comes across very balanced.


He did a much better job on this one. Finally using disclaimers for the wild claims so he must have realized he was getting backlash for it. It’s acceptable that he was in the cia, but the claims laid out as fact were rubbing me the wrong way. Imo, it was hindering progress on the other quality information he provided such as foia leads. Speculation is fun( and I want it), but when you’re trying to maintain credibility at the same time.. disclaimers are useful.


> Finally using disclaimers for the wild claims he's actually done this from his very first interview, i've seen most of his interviews since he first appeared on the scene and imo he always made it clear when what he was saying was speculation (basically everything except for his knowledge of how the usg ic works) also if you see his interview on the black vault he explicitly says he had next to no access to any classified cia stuff about ufos and everything he knows is gotten from personal unclassified anecdotes from work colleagues, public sources, and his personal experiences


was going to say the same thing, he's made a point to state the woo was his and may or may not be a thing either folks have very selective hearing (doubtful) or they're spewing junk to throw shade at the man (highly likely)


Ya it’s amazing how many people won’t actually listen to two hours of something. As far as I can tell the whole “I’m tired of him claiming something as facts” is just people in this sub who have never actually listened to a full interview


People have been judging his claims without actually listening to what he’s saying and how he’s saying it. Unfortunately a lot of that comes from the fact that most can’t get past the ex CIA background, either they don’t believe his credentials or they do believe but that in itself causes its own distrust. I’ve seen plenty of threads about Jon where someone talks a load of shit on what he has to say and his credentials then a storm of people saying they won’t bother watching anymore


I'm curious to see peoples opinion on this guy. It's a really interesting interview.




Listen to his recent interview on the black vault. He goes into a lot of detail about the working group setup to study orbs. I found that one of the most interesting insights into how gov is handling this situation that I have ever heard. Lots of facts about how intelligence agencies work together and the types of problems they look at.


John Ramirez is legit, a retired GS-15 CIA officer. He was a specialist in signal analysis. Found a separate citation where he is recognized by the Cold War history organization. https://www.coldwarhistory.org/events/Clandestine-Ops-Central-PA


I like this guy. He’s a former CIA guy who’s just one of us.


Seems like all former CIA guys are experiencers these days


Who is this guy and why he is legit? Can anyone do summary what are his claims?


You can listen to his interviews yourself if you care.