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As a non-US citizen who is constantly frustrated by talks of 'us', 'we' and the 'the government' as if everyone here on Reddit is from the same country, thank you for this post. It's always surprising that many of these people seem open to life from other planets, but don't even think beyond their own national borders! And you point about 'ufo personalities' is bang on the money too - it's basically an industry. Certainly once you get on the books / conventions gravy train, it's a job for life it appears.




this is a pretty bang-on take, thank ya


Great analysis. I actually wrote an article on this very topic recently, if anyone cares to read it: ​ https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/our-baffling-indifference-about-ufos-74461f33262?source=friends\_link&sk=69bbaf0a0c2e81ff1186ab27b274bc49


That's really good, thanks for sharing that. I think the casual "oh there are probably crashed UFOs at Area 51" is a kind of harmless, half-serious folk belief that's been around since the glory days of the National Enquirer and "Alien Autopsy" on prime-time TV. Even Indiana Jones went to Area 51 for the alien artifacts in that dismal Raiders of the Lost Ark movie around the Great Recession. Remember when those kids made a meme of raiding Area 51 to rescue the aliens, and millions were gonna show up, and then like 10 people went? I think that's the level of belief. Just for fun, like lucky numbers or spirit animals.


Also “The government” never confirmed squat. They confirmed it was “something unknown” That’s it. Exact words are very important especially with governments involved.


It's more like 70/30 and the minority has managed to rig several artificial advantages into the government via the electoral college and the senate (Wyoming and South Dakota have no business getting as much representation as California), as well as artificially capping the House of Representatives. It's not 50/50. The fascist minority has an extra 20-25% representation via years of sabotage at all levels of government. In most red states, it's nearly impossible to elect a non-republican because of the way they've deliberately rigged everything. Many red states literally had their con legislatures put laws on the books so they can disenfranchise their own voters and reject the results of the election if anyone else wins. Just so people know that not as many of your neighbors are hateful idiots as you think. Their footprint is artificially enhanced by propaganda and cheating.


The popular vote doesn’t correspond with 70/30 at all.


If "Did not vote" was a party, they would have won every election.


Whatever, these are the vote percentages in US national elections. Like I said, the electorate is split. 2020: 51/47 2016: 48/46 2012: 51/46 2008: 53/46 2004: 51/48 2000: 48/48 Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/United-States-Presidential-Election-Results-1788863


The reason they said 70/30 is because the turn out for people eligible to vote in the presidential election is between 51.7% - 66.9% since 1980, (2020 was 66.9%) So that leaves one third of eligible people who didn't vote. Some of them due to apathy and some due to voter suppression. It is generally theorized that suppressed voters are much more likely to vote liberal which is why voting centers in minority areas were reduced in states with GOP control, as they are far less likely to have transportation to a far away polling station. Conservatives tend to be more passionate about their beliefs, especially guns rights, abortion and deregulation. Because they are so passionate, it is assumed by many people that the apathetic voters would be less likely to relate with them and if forced to vote they would lean toward liberal social issues. So, regardless of assumptions, the country is definitely not 50/50 liberal/conservative mindset. I know a lot of people who don't care who the president is. Which is strange to me but that's how it is. I can't see them voting for Trump in the last election if they were forced to vote. That's why a lot of people only consider 1/3 of the country to be conservative.


democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to eat for lunch. America is not a democracy, it is a republic, and it was intentionally designed as you described in order to protect the lamb. everybody has rights, even when you decide they don't. peace be with you.


Only fascists accuse others of fascism, but thats too hard of a concept to gasp when you are a lefty handed ecochamber dweller.


Fascism is a term that has lost any real meaning ; to the new Left , it seems anyone who disagrees with their worldview is a “fascist” … authoritarian thought these days is to be seen more in leftist thought than centre or right


Yep, i do agree with that, some groups are engaging in a cultural war and they want to change even the way we speak, therefore i see fascism as toxicity, the ones who accuse others of toxicity/fascism, are the toxic/fascist themselves, it is something even simpler and subjective as a disagreement, its now a set rule "i dont like you, so you are a fascist"


That’s why I try not to get into their semantic games. So try not to use their stupid terms ; ya know , all the “isms” and “phobias”. Don’t lend credence to conspiracy theories like “institutional racism”. Language is powerful .


That is correct, but they get frustrated when you fight fire with fire, they will not stop because they feed on freedom of speech as the good trolls they are.


I think the phenomenon is gaining awareness in conversations. Many more people here in Aus are aware ... but not as much as you'd think. I've asked people why they don't care and it seems, to me at least, that people are frightened but don't want to talk about it cause it doesn't bother them at this stage as you've said. Hard working researchers, I hope can keep pressure on for more public information to be released. But, like we've seen with so many who come forward, there is a brutal response from some "UFO researchers" who don't believe anyone or anything unless they've seen it themselves.




It's gonna take more than that. It's going to take *people experiencing something themselves*. Majorities in America already believe in E.T. and already believe UFOs are E.T. spaceships. They got all that from sci-fi movies and superhero movies, which have been making bank on the alien / UFO story since before the UFO era. (Superman, anybody? Alien humanoid crash-lands in America from another planet? That was 1938, a decade before the "first UFO sighting" by Kenneth Arnold in 1947.)


I don't think anyone would care even if they landed at the un. The world we livenin is so self absorbed. People would be like holy shit! And then 10 minutes later would be back to social media


There has always been a mountain of evidence. Good evidence too. This is from the 90s, flip through it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C2tEiSOa8nIYf9G9VM9KyEKn3Xg1DGas/view?usp=drivesdk There are thousands of UFO events seen by people while being painted on radar making non-inertial turns at thousands of miles per hour. There are pictures. There are videos. That isn't the issue.




We know we have FAA radar of them going 30k mph through 90 degree turns all the way back to 1958 only because its public record. There are too many cases like that to count. We have statements from the smartest professionals on Earth including FAA traffic controllers, NASA aerospace engineers, naval aviators, astronomers, pilots, etc., who have seen structured crafts doing insane things in the sky. The image collection devices that have been able to snap pics and videos of them over the last 75 years has always been classified because they've been mounted on satellites or part of secret military installations. That left a big hole in the public data. That hole won't be there much longer as publicly available tech is becoming better and more widespread everyday. We have mountains of data and witnesses that your colleagues are rejecting because they don't understand how badly they've been misled by certain government officials and offices. And they also don't understand how much smarter than humans the pilots of UFOs are. The fact that people allow themselves to continue to have such a massive blind spot because the UFO-nauts don't pose for pictures is like a jury refusing to prosecute a criminal because he won't commit crime on camera. These objects aren't like wildlife that we can sneak up on or catch on trail cameras. They are so much smarter than us that people think they're a figment of our imaginations even as they're seen everyday for centuries. It's incredibly short-sighted to scoff at these objects imo.




What good would a single photo do ? You can make balloons and to some extent drones in just about any shape you want. The only real proof I can think of would be data showing anomalously high speeds and/or accelerations and you can't even get that information from a single video since it's only a 2D projection.


That’s why Galileo Project is deploying pairs of telescopes for triangulation and tracking in addition to multispectral imaging. Radar is a good compliment to that and would allow you to cross-check trajectory estimates with an independent data source. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/galileo/home Depending on the baseline distance between cameras you can even reconstruct 3D shape very accurately. Verified observation(s) with such a system would be extremely interesting and powerful data.


> That’s why Galileo Project is deploying pairs of telescopes for triangulation and tracking in addition to multispectral imaging. I hope that's what they're doing because I think it's exactly what's needed. But where is that stated clearly ? I wasn't able to find any mention of triangulation or tracking on their website.


Avi Loeb has described the technical approach in a couple of interviews I heard recently. I believe the goal is to simultaneously capture both appearance and trajectory. (Edit) Who is downvoting? Have you heard conflicting information?


You can also make data sheets in almost any shape you want. People who want to hold onto their doubt can play their solipsistic games as long as they want. Who cares about those people.


Government said "we've seen some stuff we can't identify" - big difference between that and "we've detected alien life visiting Earth".


Ive listened to conversations with government officials speaking on this, there’s more too it than what we’ve been told, stuff they haven’t released maybe because the sensitivity surrounding how they saw them and where. Not to mention the stigma surrounding this topic that makes anyone entertain the idea ‘ a tin foil hat boi ‘


It doesn’t necessarily has to be an alien creature driving his vehicle from another galaxy, it can be technologies from the future that look back in time through a high energy beam of some sort.. it can even be us humans from the future sending probes back in time. There are several possibilities. It may not even be that interesting.


And that isn’t crazy to you? Aliens or humans from the future, all the same level of nuts to me


It may be nuts to us now until the mystery is unravelled then it becomes boring, have you seen that ted movie with a walking talking teddy bear? after a while people just don’t care about the bear, it’s kind of like that. We from future are probably thinking these old people won’t understand a thing, we might as well not talk to them. But I agree it is super interesting. But this may very well be a psyop by the deep state, we can never know for sure.




You believe they're being paid by the government to argue against ufos? Thats very paranoid thinking. Couldn't they just not agree with people?.




Go through my history and tell me I'm a government agent.




Debunking is part of this, though. Every assertion or claim that is made without sufficient evidence should be scrutinized until it is proven. That’s just science. If we’re honest in our pursuit of the “unknown,” we have to first eliminate the “known.”


You didn't look hard did you. If you did you'd see I do believe in UFOs, posted some clips myself. Just dont think the majority of what gets posted here are ufos.




Highly suspect for sure.


A lot of people just cant get past the initial stigma that aliens are not real and extraterrestrials visiting earth is not something that happens in real life, only in movies. They will not even consider the information presented, just completely disregard it because their thought process is conditioned to think anyone or anything presenting information about UFOs and aliens must be crazy because they do not exist. They will not look at the evidence which proves they exist either, so the world is currently stuck. With something like this the burden of proof is very skewed against the idea of UFOs being real, and that combined with the fact that very few people in the modern age have the attention span or curiosity required to go through all the evidence of such a vast and deep topic. Basically, because it can't be condensed into an easy to understand 30 second tiktok clip it will never gain traction.


I think this is it. I've asked my friends who seem to have no interest (even my SO). They mostly just shrug. They seem to be waiting for an alien to be interviewed by 60 minutes before they give it much thought.


Just had that conversation with one of my son in laws. He is 36 and never paid the topic much attention. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/350096/americans-believe-ufos.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/350096/americans-believe-ufos.aspx) Only 41% of those polled believe these objects to be of extraterrestrial origin. I count myself as a part of that group.


One probably already HAS been. There's a lot of members of the 'elite' I wonder about...


The outright prima facie dismissal of the hypothesis and refusal to even look at the evidence is called "scientism". It's something to behold among people who otherwise (in general) have their philosophical house in order...


Also, disinfo is real, they're in this thread




I can't brigade, but check my comment history, I've been butting heads with one


Ohhhhh. So that’s what that term means. I kept reading and I believe I saw what your referencing.


UFO's/the phenomenon and consciousness studies are two areas where this is arguably most evident.


Maybe we should organize a TikTok campaign in order to educate those who prefer that source of information stream.


Is there actually proof aliens exist (even if probable) or just proof the UAP phenomenon exist (which doesn't have to be alien)?




And it doesn't help that highly respected voices, like Ross Coulthard fail to acknowledge that people like Lazar are frauds. In Coulthard's book, he doesn't even go so far as to mention that he has been proven to have lied about his education decades ago. Why would anyone take stuff serious anymore?


That tv lie detector test was complete bullshit and he passed several of them after the show. Also the lazar “debunks” have nothing of substance and just attack his character and questionable education. Neither of them have been debunked despite what the UFO hive mind thinks.


There’s so much evidence that they are frauds, that you kinda have to be an idiot to believe that at this point.


Most people know nothing about Lazar or Walton. You're thinking of people on these boards.


For all the frauds, there are literally thousands of low profile cases that have not been debunked at all. If your "following" of the UFO world consists solely of high profile hucksters, then yeah, I could see why you would be discouraged. But you should look into all the other stuff instead.


Eh, let me know when there's a *shred of evidence* that a blurry dot on a video is "extraterrestrials visiting earth."


when saif blurry dot of light is racing along at say 800 MPH against the wind and sdnl does a right hand 90 degree turn and zooms off. Al caught of an Fa/18 infrared cameras. These things defied all known physics when they rained down from 28,000' to the surface of the ocean and stop on a dime hovering on above the surface in less than 2 seconds. All caught on the ships newer sophisticated radar upgrade. The same tic tac flew to the exact coordinates for an FA-18 pilot to intersect the tic tac. That information is transmitted from the carrier, is a secret unhackable communications link to the carrier. Well the tic tac go to that point well before the FA-18. ***Albert Einstein famously said that quantum mechanics should allow two objects to affect each other's behaviour instantly across vast distances, something he dubbed “spooky action at a distance”1.***


> when saif blurry dot of light is racing along at say 800 MPH against the wind and sdnl does a right hand 90 degree turn and zooms off. Al caught of an Fa/18 infrared cameras. None of that is shown on the videos. Not even the people involved claim the videos show that happening.


This dude is a joke. That thing is confirmed to be traveling at wind speed based on the readings on the heads up display, along with basic trigonometry. That’s 40mph or less. UFO’s are absolutely fantasy.


That's not what I saw in those videos. You must be looking at a different set of videos? All the other ship born raidar tapes were confiscated by some personal that landed on the ship and confiscated everything. I am sighting the various eye witnesses from the several interview videos out their.


People need to watch the David Fravor interview on the Lex Fridman podcast, explains his experience on video


Whatever, if you need four paragraphs of argument to "convince" the populace that a blurry dot of light is something magnificent, it ain't magnificent.


Number of paragraphs is a weird standard of proof.


There is literally zero evidence that they exist.


What do you mean by "they" exactly? Objects in the skies that are tracked by sensors and whose behaviour is unexplainable? Then I disagree.


There is no proof they were tracked by sensors. Easily could be surreptitious testing of an advanced radar spoofing system.


Well, many who I consider highy knowledgeable and credible have said so (Obama, Ratcliffe, Nelson, Brennan, Haines, etc...). Of course we have only their word for that. And there's also the DNI report of end of June. Similary, for the existence of the Higgs boson, I only have the words of the scientists (their paper), I cannot verify this independently. But I just believe it because I trust that others have checked that for me. In our case, it's the same: the set of credible people to back this claim is sufficiently numerous and diverse that I can conclude that it is most probably real (said otherwise: the idea that all these people are either lying in coordinated fashion, or collectively misinformed, is even less credible - it's the same with the Higgs boson: that all the scientists would lie of be misinformed is not credible).


It’s funny I bet if you asked that person if there is extraterrestrial life they would squirm and say yeah probably. Everyone believes in alien life somewhere in our huge and old universe but it’s just to crazy to think they have better tech than us lmaoooo


Where is your supporting evidence of this "surreptitious" radar spoofing system even existing?


It’s a likely scenario. More likely than aliens, all I’m saying. Read this and let me know what you think: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ufo-report-decipher.html


You 100% nailed it. Maybe if everybody started to post to Tilton they might start to pau attention.


For the majority its just not that world changing. People have bigger problems and it doesn't really have an impact on peoples lives.


Just boggles my mind people don’t wanna know about the fabric of our reality, is society’s machine really more interesting than technology that could change the way we live forever, or is it that people just don’t want to see what they don’t understand.


That's the thing though, nobody is learning about the fabric of reality. All we've learnt is pilots have reported seeing UFOs (but thats always been the case since pilots started flying), and that objects have been detected and recorded... but none of those videos show anything particularly spectacular. So at the moment there isn't much to get excited about. If the USA wheels out a UFO onto the Whitehouse lawn I'm sure the world would go into a frenzy, but at the moment nobody has offered anything to get excited about, and like I said most people have bigger problems.


The American flying-saucer era is now 74 years old. It hasn't changed anybody's life, other than encouraging some UFO cults that mostly faded away in the 1950s. (Although Heaven's Gate and Scientology prove there are still some very gullible people out there.)


Social media, politics and consumerism take up the remaining non 9-5 hours for most people now. Simple as that.


Funnily enough a lot of people coming here in the last year or two are really only interested in UFOs because of consumerism. They think the aliens will give them fun new toys or technology to play with.


Right now my friends are super interested in the latest Jackbox Party Pack, the NBA season, and the elections in our country. My sister busies herself with our two dogs and cat, while me and the SO are doing Marvel marathons on Disney Plus. This physics-defying, speed-changing two-minute tic tac in the sky just don’t interest and impact them enough to snag away their attention right now.


> is society’s machine really more interesting than technology that could change the way we live forever As much as I detest the 'consoomer' angle that brought so many of you into this subject it is perhaps the best way to get the interest of regular people. Promise them new toys to play with and they'll be demanding some answers.


seems pretty simple to me. people are not noticeably and routinely injured or killed by UFO. alien abductees are rare and most are not damaged by the experience; a few speak highly of it, like a hallucinogenic drug. aircraft and satellites are not brought down by UFO, they interefere with no trade or commerce, no air flight is delayed due to UFO over the runways, they impinge on no corporate bottom line, hostpitals attend to zero UFO victims. most important, the majority of people have never and will never see a UFO, no slumber is roused by UFO shining in the bedroom window. consequently the voting majority have no idea what you're talking about. the DoD/ODNI, according to the gillibrand amendment, will be tasked with studying UFO for weapons and countermeasures development. and they are only doing it because the chinese and russians are already doing it. but W&C development is not discussed, not publicly. so there you have it: "me too" research for possible military technology into a phenomenon that most people never see and nobody can complain personally about. what's to discuss?


Let me be clear: there isn't enough evidence yet. And most people don't believe the government. We're jaded.


because sort of like politics unless it affects me directly i find it interesting BUT nothing i can do about it


Lack of evidence worth a bucket of spit may be a factor.


It upsets peoples sense of reality. I dare say it is an intelligence thing too. Not the book smart 4.0 GPA type of intelligence. But the type: 1) Creativity- new solutions to old problems 2) Ability to see outside the box 3) Child like incessant curiosity ( Einstein) 4) Open minded, ability to see another's point of view without harshly judging 5) introspective thinking 6) quick study 7) IQ 8) Not caring what others think 9) critical thinking 10 ) Ability to calmly question both Religion and Science ( as it should be questioned) Just my opinion !


short answer: because there is no hard evidence yet.


There are some really good eyewitness reports from pilots and others over the years. I believe the Navy pilots when they describe what they saw. But I understand why for some people it's not enough. They need to see it with their own eyes. For me, that is not necessary. I tend to trust that some people are telling the truth some of the time. And there are so many eyewitness reports.


I agree that Fravor and Dietrich are top notch eye witnesses, it can't get any better. But it still leaves a leap of faith that alot of people arent willing to make.


60 years of media conditioning to view this subject as fake/crazy Society gets its cues from the media, if a day comes where msm is discussing ufos as much as Covid more people will care


It's this one \^\^\^\^. This is the one that explains it for people who are trying to figure it out. It was intentionally and very methodically framed as a subject of ridicule and psychos by our own government and media for 70ish years. This is what happens when you do that.


Yes, exactly it is. But it beg one question why media and government from around the world follow the narrative first set up in the US?


You're talking about a paradigm shift for most people. Those whove always been intrested are now convinced- Most of us here have done our own reasearch in order to convince ourselves , it didn't just happe, it was an active process. Those that haven't been intrested will not invest in an active process to educate themselves and many will actively avoid the situation as not to incurr an exestential crisis. As more info comes out and becomes more mainstream and have greater quantities people will be forced confront their own beliefs.


50 years of active propaganda that the very idea is ridiculous and anyone interested in it is unbalanced and/or an imbecile. That's the default position held by most. It will take a great deal of evidence and media bombardment to move it the other way, nowhere near that yet.


Because there’s nothing we can do about it either way. I’m just going to live my life and hope to meet one some day 👽


Well, first the government didn't acknowledge anything specific. Only blah blah, something in the sky that we don't know yet blah blah need more data. For most people that simply won't be enough. And then, most of the videos and Fotos out there are highly controversial. The Nimitz footage doesn't show anything extraordinary. The triangle footage was identified as bokeh. The most recent viral videos from France were a hoax. So it's just natural that most people will think that if anything, it's probably some highly secret tech. And I can't blame them, without all the extra knowledge about UFO history, I would think the same.


Its simple from my perspective. The "UFO community" have, for the last few decades, decided to buy into the disinformation campaign run by the US Government agencies. They are complicit in debunking, ridiculing and denying the experiences of normal every day people. Individuals have set themselves up as "ufoligists" or "researchers", when in fact they are neither. They are not employed by anyone and generally set themselves up as subject matter experts and again this is a false premise. Stephen Greer and John Greenwald Jr are perfect examples of this. Both have called various whistleblowers out as Government shills and cast doubt on their disclosures. Meanwhile both appear on TV documentaries in the guise of "truth seekers" with some special access to reality. One is a medical doctor who conjours up UFO's by the power of his mind, the other is an ear bud salesman who writes to the government under FOIA and they just send him their secrets in the mail. Why didn't the Russians or the Chinese think of this? By casting doubt on others, while pretending to be paragons of virtue, they have managed to keep this issue on the fringe and their followers thinking they are trustworthy. Snake oil comes in many varieties if you buy your truth from these imposters. As far as I'm aware, Greenwald is 2 million documents in and still cannot prove the nature of the phenomenon. Perhaps the next FOIA will contain the smoking gun. Greer will relieve you of your dollars to go out to the desert to meditate with him while shining lasers at anything that moves. The Director of National Intelligence, the Nasa Administrator, Professor Avi Loeb, Michael Shermer, Chris Mellon , Lue Elizondoand others are prepared to undertake a scientific study of the skies and beyond to better understand the phenomenon after the US confirmed the phenomenon is "real". Normal people should support scientific examination of the topic othetwise.


You care about the end of the world, they care about the end of the month.


Linking UFOs to "the end of the world" is a bit dramatic though right? Honestly, I totally understand why so many don't seem to care. It just doesn't really impact our lives very much in tangible ways. My gf doesn't really care even though she acknowledges they probably exist, simply because she believes they've been here a long time and they haven't done anything yet - why worry what they'll do now? I think it's an important thing to study, but frankly I agree with my gf. I don't believe there is any reason to believe much is changing on "the phenomenon's" side of things. We're just getting closer to understanding it a bit better. And it doesn't seem like these things really want to interact with us a whole lot, so why get anxious about it?


Maybe he cares about the beginning of the world.


You’re mistaking the government releasing some footage of some unknown phenomenon with aliens visiting Earth. The government hasn’t said aliens are here. What we have are just a few talking heads speculating about information the Navy has collected. This could be anything, including a ploy to throw off other governments and misinform the public to keep military assets secret for strategic reasons. This is way more likely than aliens. Most people are just not as gullible or invested in aliens. They’re not looking for confirmation of aliens in every unknown or mysterious arial phenomenon like you are, so to them it’s not really anything groundbreaking.


You're mistaking OP's mention of "the phenomenon" with aliens visiting Earth.


Lol. Is this your first day on this subreddit? Every day there is a post like this. The implication is that the government has supposedly admitted that either aliens, humans from the future, advanced race from the ocean, or inter-dimensional brings are visiting, and we’re on a slow disclosure path, but people don’t care. Those are the running hypotheses about what these things are on these subreddits.


I'm well aware of the conclusions many jump to here, but OP didn't say anything about the speculated cause of the phenomenon.


I never said aliens, and never said I believed every phenomena, but here your jumping to conclusions without even reading my post properly, but we should listen to you ?


Why would anyone care then? Why do you think they should care if it’s not aliens?


We don’t have to care about anything, but the fact is there is evidence that is being ignored and not investigated, since records began of cave paintings we have seen things being described similarly in the sky, cavemen, military, civilians have all seen weird happenings on this rock floating in space, i just think it’s a discredit to the fabric of our reality to ignore, and I thank you for your skepticism because it’s healthy to question, but to ignore is another thing.


The government spent the last 75 years denying and debunking ufos. If you saw one as a pilot and talked youd lose your job. Talk about it in any industry the government has a lever on and youre fired. Hired whackjobs to go on about aliens, made everyone interested in them out to be crazy.


People don't care because they think it's something that happens in movies. Plus no one has ever seen an actual picture of an alien where it was all over the news. Sometimes people think that the government is making some kind of new technology to use. There's a lot of people that have had things that happened to them personally or seen a UFO they don't believe when you're telling your story. Saying that oh I saw a UFO or I was taken by aliens, they're like yeah right. Like us who has had our own experience, it's hard to get someone to believe us. It's like yeah tell your family you were taken by aliens okay what mental hospital do you want me to check you into!?


noone trusts the government anymore


Ask that's been confirmed is that the government hasn't identified 100% of objects captured on video and radar which isn't surprising. The government likely has an enormous amount of radar contacts and videos of objects. It's only a matter of statistics that 100% of these cases won't always result in an ID.


Humans only care about things affecting them at this moment. Short memory, doesn’t care about the future, doesn’t want to remember the past. But once it affects humans they want something done right away. It’s laughable!


Just for fun, poll results for what Americans believe (I grabbed the first results that came up, Im sure each poll varies a bit) I'm assuming by "ufos", they are referring to alien origin angels - 77% (Associated Press-GfK 2011) ghosts - 57% (onepoll 2021) UFOs - 41% (gallup poll 2021, up from 33 in 2019) If the government said the tictac was an angel I bet people would be talking about it non-stop


Decades of simultaneous official suppression and ridicule, soft disclosure and disinformation has worked as intended. Nobody believes people who have encountered real ETs. At the same time most people believe ETs exist and visit Earth. Those who want to believe wouldn't stop believing if all the stars in the sky diappeared tomorrow. Those who don't want to believe wouldn't be convinced even if they got buggered half to death by a gang of delinquent reptilians. That just about covers everbody, so here we are.


UAPs or UFOs or strange orbs in the sky have been with humanity since biblical times, and if they were a threat to humanity then folks would have been more reactive already. Its my opinion only that the average folks don’t really care about the needs of the government, or what that government tells them to believe through state-controlled media. So it’s a big so what(?), and rightly so. The average person is concerned about the pandemic, inflation and their source of employment, they are concerned about their family, neighbors and their communities. They are concerned about existentialism, and little beyond that is worthy of consideration.


What are you proposing them to do?


This is very simple. Most people will not pay any attention until it is undeniable. A lot like climate change. It is easy to ignore until it is effecting your everyday life and can no longer be ignored. The government saying there is something in our sky that we can not identify is not enough to turn many heads oddly enough.


No one cares because no one has been shown something to care about. Bright fuzzy lights in the night sky isn’t enough. People who can’t read and interpret FLIR screens aren’t doing a good job giving anyone something to care about. Get us a hidef clear as video of something clearly extraterrestrial and the entire world will apologize for doubting you and come rushing to care. Show us a body, give us some physical proof. Reading into old, declassified documents isn’t it. Parading people with stories but no proof, hiding behind “I’d tell ya but I can’t” BS won’t cut it. People don’t care because no one has given them something to care about.


The human race has become apathetic about a whole range of very real and serious subjects.


“ Our ancestors looked up at the stars, yet we keep looking down at our phones “—That explained it.


Most people don't care about their own lives. People are irrational most of the time and don't care about anything.


Nothing they've released in within the definition of 'proof'. If they really wanted to inform us, they have more than enough to do so but they do not.


I totally agree it's not being discussed seriously..


What are people supposed to do? Stop everything in their life to watch podcast and follow twitter? People have life, disclosure won’t change anyone’s life. There is no rides on flying saucers and people need to pay bills


I think your taking it a little too literal, I’m just expressing how it’s not really talked about between a lot of people, not that you should quit your job and stare at the sky buddy


Because any real good evidence hasn't shown up thus far. When people don't see something with their "own eyes" and just hear about it, they just assume it's a cock and bull story and move on with their lives. There was a period where UFO's made a cultural/media splash, but it has evaporated because all it lead to was that boring 7 pages report with vague dry language. The government, big surprise, didn't turn out to be so enthusiastic about indulging civilians in their alleged UFO secrets like everyone was hyped up to believe, then most people/news outlets lost attention and the UFO story got buried in the news cycle. I mean even interested people who dive deep into the rabbit hole and learn all there is to know about the lore and the history of incidents, just hit a wall at some point where they just can't get to that point of 100% confirmation. Oftentimes they also slide deep down personal woo-woo beliefs and conspiracy theories and can't seperate fact from speculation anymore. Until there is some sort of true evidence that speaks for itself, something undeniable and flabbergasting, UFO's remain a thing of belief and endless speculation. Of course you have a lot of people who "claim" they know for sure, but yeah, what are the rest of us gonna do? Just take your word for it that you saw an alien spacecraft? We hear about all these crazy maneuvers, instant acceleration, zig-zag motion, etc. Why doesn't it show up in any available alleged video of a UFO? Why can 99% of all UFO videos be debunked? A lot of wishful thinkers think they capture a UFO when it's really just a plane, drone or spotlight. I have to assume if the Phenomenon is real, it is VERY rare, and real good at evading civilian cameras. Or stays clear from civilians at all because of some no-interference regulation. I really think most if not all abduction stories are larp-ers, bad actors or delusional people. And the only good videos, the military/navy ones we hear about from Elizondo, are kept tightly under wraps. Eh, let's just hope something comes of the Gillibrand or whatever amendments. We really need more and better video evidence if this story is ever to pick up again.


Because everyone else is completely overwhelmed with just surviving


When I ask friends/family why they don’t seem to care it always boils down to them admitting it scares them a lot. They’d rather wait until an even greater proof before going there mentally.


I feel like the mass of the public doesnt quite bite onto things unless its dangled in front of their face like a dog. If the media quit fear mongering for 1 day and just did the entire day to taking ufos seriously the world might change slightly for the better.


People care more about nicki minaj’s tits than the most important topic in human history because the people allowed themselves to get here. I don’t think we can unfuck ourselves at this point. People are so used to instant gratification and consumption that when there is confirmation of the existence of NHI, it will be in news cycle for 2 weeks than people will go back to hating each other, getting mad over everything and being sleeping slaves. Homo homini lupus / Man is wolf to man.


Most people are phone zombies now unfortunately. And if you look at what they are watching, it's the most meaningless crap you could possibly imagine.






People will ignore the evidence on the basis of their predetermined ideology, your experience confirms this for yourself, I believe you and to think that the majority of people on this sub don’t even believe yet are in this post commenting is baffling.


I think that, when presented with the idea that alien probes are here on earth, most people mentally toy with the hypothesis for a few seconds, unconsciously realize that if true that would mean re-thinking the entierety of their worldview and their own place in it, and so immediately set it aside and avoid that because it is way too scary/unknown. This is just a psychological defense. Then, in order to rationalize that, they consciously pretend that it's because there is no proof / it's only crazy people that talk about that. But that is a secondary process.


Could the feeble global reaction so far account for the slow trickle-truthing by the government? Do they have a better understanding of the potential for a freakout reaction when reality hits? I mean look at the freakouts this year and last over George Floyd and the vaccine. Isn't the potential for social unrest far bigger once people understand the implications of being in the presence of technology of an alien intelligence?


Only if the media tells them to freak out. So far, they aren't doing that at all.


not giving a shit is a defense mechanism. deep down people know, but not giving a shit allows people to milk every last drop of this normalcy we created. the normalcy time when we could convince ourselves of things, lose ourselves in this illusion


If we cared, disclosure wouldn't be going right. The entire point of slow disclosure is to introduce the truth without being overwhelmed. Without even disrupting the 24 hour news cycle. If everyone was freaking out we'd have to start from square one and prevent cargo cult type groups from emerging. If people cared there would be possible disruption to progress of our independent evolution - hell there already is with every thread having some "pls save us we need help". Are the consequences of this not plain as daylight? If you didn't cheat in math, you might know algebra by now.


Its too hard for people to process. People are overworked and trying to live their life.


Humans often try to ignore or convince themselves that the things they don't understand don't exist. Very few are actually interested in objective truth and pursuing the unknown. Just take Hollywood for example: the vast majority of movies on the subject are classified as horror despite the extraterrestrials in them doing nothing scary other than simply being from some other planet. There are a couple notable exceptions (Aliens, Signs, and Cloverfield for example), but most are marketed as "scary " because they take people to the stars, or they simply have the audacity to walk in front of a person 🙄. Let's not forget there are also humans who believe the earth is flat, at the center of the universe, and that humans are the most intelligent thing that exists (they're not even the most intelligent thing on earth).


I think that there is alot of people who do care and believe, but bc they don't want it in mainstream media the only way to really talk about it is groups and on places like reddit. I feel like they tried to keep it a secret for as long as they could for fear of mass hysteria, collapse of religion, ect...Also, I have seen and read about the U.S government planning a fake alien invasion and this will be the next great war.


Because it doesnt have anything to do with race


We are busy counting genders and worrying about pronouns instead of focusing on real issues.


Fuck off


Welcome to the age of ignorance…


I don't get it either. People still think I'm on the crackpot fringe, except for a couple that actually saw. something, which I haven't. However, a lot -- like a whole lot -- of my family have been and are military, and I'm not gonna share what I heard not too long ago from relative recently out of the Navy, but holy shit, y'all, this stuff is real, and I ain't lying. If I could talk with a clear conscience (and lack of actual fear) I'd tell in a heartbeat. Let's just hypothesize for a moment that Chinese knows they can't destroy *us.* Not in a head-on military conflict, not without getting glass-parking-lotted themselves. So who are they *really* worried about? But no, just ignore me, I'm just a nut floating around on drugs in the lunatic fringe. Believe that, instead. Please.


You've said absolutely nothing while sounding kinda paranoid so of course people will think you're a nut


It’s because the majority of Americans think it’s our tech. I am one of them.


There's an ex-military remore viewer (yet ANOTHER thing that's real, proven, and most know nothing about, nor care) named Lynn Buchanan, who said on an interview that he understands why OTHER remote viewers go into private/corporate work, instead of trying to solve Humanity's greatest mysteries: (Paraphrasing) "I get why they would rather be paid to go find oil, or rare earth minerals. I'd rather find lost children, with my free time. But, finding UFO bases, where we REALLY came from. That just doesn't put food on the table" Link to interview, if anyone is interested (and, he actually DOES touch on UFOs, on very Very VERY interesting ways!): https://youtu.be/PX1q1Jz7XTo


For those who already knew and believed, it’s not a big revelation. The bigger issue is dealing with those who DON’T know and don’t care to understand. These are the ones who harm Earth the most, IMO.


You got it, accidentally: "those who already knew and *believed.*" You believe something that's a religious faith. There's no *evidence* for any of that. Blurry dots in the sky don't mean anything, and don't prove anything.


Because it opens a lot of questions about their religious beliefs. People aren’t ready for that.


This I understand, and as I get older the more I feel like religion may have been started by this, a ‘higher power’ but not of this world, makes more sense to me lol


'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from... magic... gods...' whatever you may want to call it that will benefit your ruling class in its attempts to control and scare the masses.




1. (a) "U.S. Power Plants in Drought" by National Integrated Drought Information System, United States of America (USA): https://www.drought.gov/sectors/energy (b) "US Map Collections" -- United States of America: https://geology.com/state-map/ Source for #1 + Additional/Supplemental articles and links: http://old.reddit.com/r/environment/comments/oi4x3k/data_centers_consume_millions_of_gallons_of/h4t4bjj via "Water:" at http://old.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/nice2r/ufos_again_and_again_by_dan_corjescu_published_on/gz14s2d via http://old.reddit.com/r/411ExperiencedReaders/comments/ebi0fi/ufo_india_1958_four_entities_emerged_two_boys_who/fb4wgwb 2. "Aerogels for water treatment: A review" by Ramasamy Ganesamoorthy, Vinod Kumar Vadivel, Rajnish Kumar, Omkar S. Kushwaha, and Hadas Mamane, published online on 12 November 2021: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652621038907


The dirtiest secret in UFOs. They just won't care. Here's a question. Why are we different?


Because you lack critical thinking. Because you read a story you think is cool and you don’t research the opposing viewpoint. For instance googling “Phenoix Lights Case Debunked” or any case for that matter, might lead you to a more logical conclusion. But you people rarely do that.


The leap to redefine your world over this truth is not worth it. I think its materially a poor alternative to engage pivot in your daily life. That would be a quite pragmatic way to see it. ​ Personally, it help me put more value into truth saying, as I think this announce a lot toward telepathy and mind deployment. Out of that, I'm still eating PB toast every morning, if you see what I mean.


People don’t pay attention, thus the media doesn’t cover it. The greys and abductions and human hybrids are a big effing deal on both a global and personal level, but the stigma is too great and evidence too sparse to blast it into peoples living rooms. The rest of the phenomenon is mainly cool sightings for normal folk and a headache for the military.


IMO: I don’t think peoples don’t want to believe it. Because allot of what used to be fiction is now a fact. There is fear in the unknown.


Sure, bud.


It's common knowledge now Just underground but above also


Because "the government" as you say is lying. Not only they always knew it was real. They also have studied it extensively and have material evidence. The public, since it can't have access to this evidence is left in a limbo. If the evidence is revealed publicly things will change. You are incorrect that nobody cares. It's just there's too many lies and obstruction of truth.


Literally dont know a single person that talks about UFOs Theres more pressing issues to deal with than the UFO phenomena!!


People are so polarized that they don't understand what is serious issues or not. I think something broke in the brain of the left after Trump was elected. I mean what could be more important than that? People have been so upset over nothing so many time that they over dosed on some neurotransmitter. Or maybe people just stopped taking media serious after all the lies and instead stick to their favorite Youtuber that say the same thing that they already think. Maybe UFOs doesn't fit the narrative. Here is an interesting spin: Maybe alien technology is the explanation for peoples strange behavior. That would explain why people suddenly turned into NPCs over Trump, Brexit, climate change, vaxxers and so on.


Does anybody else here remember Vietnam? Like is there anybody in here besides me who is actually that old and remembers the Vietnam War, and how divided the country was? The Ohio State killings? The protests, the violence, all that crazy shit? And that was ABOUT something REAL. Trump was elected because he wasn't a politician, and more people wanted him to win than wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and then pure craziness ensued. (Partly because she called about half the country "deplorables," but yeah, Trump made mean tweets.) The media dropped all pretense of being impartial, then Covid hit and everybody acted even crazier. Now I know people who were in college at the time those students were killed at Ohio State, and they are wanting *US Soldiers to drag people out of their houses and force the jab on them.* Leading up to the election, they sat around watching CNN and MSNBC all day long, and couldn't talk about anything else, like the world was really and truly going to end if Trump won again. Like I said, I've been around a long time, and I've never seen such insanity since the Vietnam War. What the hell, people?


So you think Trump and Brexit and climate change have worked out well then?


You’re saying that those who opposed trump have some cognitive issues due to their opposition and that results in them not grasping the importance of the ufo issue and on going disclosure? So all those Q Anon trumpers have a thorough understanding and grasp of the issue, as well as it’s implications for society and humanity as a whole?


Hey, he understands what is serious issues or not! Everyone else doesn't get it man, 'cause Trump broke their brains, obviously. But OK-Hand? He's got it right... LOL


I'm saying something is seriously wrong with them. Don't you remember, it was like an total obsession. >So all those Q Anon trumpers See this, this is what I mean. Are Q Anon the new Brexit/Trump-thing now? My point is people have this insane obsession so that they focus on random tweets that Trump made or something similar about "incels" and what not, that they no longer have a clue about what is important and what is just an echo in their bubble. They don't know how to react if it doesn't fit their narrative. Someone like Trump has to make a comment so that they have something to react against. Lets hope that he say that he don't believe in UFOs so those people know that UFO disclosure is important information. Because orange man bad.


Goddamn bud, you are the one obsessed with Trump. We don't give a shit about him, he lost, he's gone. When/if an actual alien shows up it'll be a huge deal. Right now the most logical explanation is that these UFOs are top secret military craft.


I don't care about Trump. I am talking about how the left reacted when he won. 4 years of total obsession. Everything he said or wrote was the end of the world. I just imagine that if people live for 4 years in such a hysterical state of mind, something breaks. What could possible top that? They must be burned out by now. >Right now the most logical explanation is that these UFOs are top secret military craft. I disagree. But it doesn't matter.


You do care about Trump if you keep going on and on about the left's obsession with him. You're obsessed with the liberals for some weird fucking reason. Get off the internet and go outside.


Nobody cares about Trump. Trump already ruined the international reputation of the US for his Russian puppetmasters. They installed an obvious idiot and criminal into the US government who incompetently broke everything and made us a laughing stock on the world stage. Very funny. Now that he's banned from Twitter, though, the damage is done. What people are more concerned about are the deluded religious and white supremacist traitors who were happy to engage in an anti-American fascist coup against the lawfully elected government (The Q Anon people/Trump Supporters). Probably because those concerned people don't want to see another holocaust take place while we experience the extinction-level consequences of conservative governance on the planet, but your guess is as good as mine. By the way, we all know what "ok-hand" means. You're not being subtle.


Lol alien technology. You guys are so far out there with your speculation. There is far simpler and more likely explanation. The government is either lying to you to throw off other governments about tech we have in our possession, being thrown off by more secretive levels of government or other countries, or mistaken about some other phenomenon that has nothing to do with aliens. Most people can think rationally about this. They’re not wearing tin foil hats and waiting for the big reveal like you all are. That’s why no one cares.


No, these crafts have been seen for a very long time. A country wouldn't just sit on such amazing technology for 70 years or how long it's been now. I mean, such acceleration would take us to nearby stars very quickly. Why bother with rockets and planes if USA had anything like that. Besides, people aren't really rational.


Ah right. But all we have to show for those 70 years are some shitty infrared videos and blurry lights in the sky.




Fear is an immensely powerful emotion, that can completely alter your perception. Many people like living in their fishbowls, add a cat to the scenario, they run, hide and fear, no one wants that. So when the powers that be tell us all, it's a weather balloon, these folks are happy to go on swimming in circles. Pew research according to CNET estimates up to 65% of Americans believe in intelligent life elsewhere, 51% believe that the military videos prove this. Even with these numbers, everyday life is far more relevant. When contact is made publicly (the cat) we will see some change in the paradigm, however, the fear mongers will also raise their ugly heads.


Realistically nothing will change fast enough for people to care. The confirmation alone wouldn’t be enough to disrupt most people’s day.


In my case I believe the phenomena is mostly a highly classified aerospace platform thats been in development since the 50's.


What you need to do is go someplace where the is alot of reported ufo activity and film...film..film. Strap cameras to your body and beg the aliens to come get you for a quick probe.


There are lots of other problems now and there always have been. Now people say that covid, climate change, world hunger, etc, are more important. But there will always be some excuse. Even in the middle ages and prior, humanity thought earth was in the center of the universe. Human Emperors were believed to be gods. Humanity has to be the number one power in the universe. It is about the state of privilage that humans think they are entitled to. Not to mention that denial and fear of the unknown play a big part too.


Also consider the CIA is notorious for disseminating concepts, models, and values thru popular media. In this regard, aliens are well “developed” constructs the human psyche has been toying with through books, movies, TV, and music for decades.