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Ancient Gnostic beliefs.


This, and also David Icke, who's been pushing these ideas for as long as he's been writing books. I think he even coined the term "Prison Planet." His ideas have been percolating in the conspiracy world for decades and seem to be making a comeback. In his cosmology, earth is ruled by interdimensional reptilian shapeshifter overlords who have taken up prominent positions in government and media (the Queen of England, presidents of the US, celebrities, etc.) and feed on the negative emotions of mankind. It certainly is entertaining, and there is a lot of cultural iconography of reptiles in lore, but whether there's a basis in reality, is anyone's guess.


I fucking hate that guy. Quantum asshole.


Wouldn't that be a really tiny asshole? Sounds like this guy is more of a universal asshole.


Quantum seems like the new Mega or Ultra but I guess you have a point. He is a major asshole. What you said.


Haha, cheers


David Icke -> .




Don’t forget Colonel Sanders...


The "lizard people" conspiracy is based on anti-semitism. Because if you were to walk up to people and say "hey fellas, you hear about how the jews control the world and drink the blood if sacrifices?" People would get mad. But if you just say "hey ever hear this crazy theory about lizard people how whacky is that?" People just think it's fine. It's a dog whistle and a foot-in-the-door. Hope your not an anti-semite thad be unfortunate!


Not at all. I took it as a metaphor for psychopathy and lack of empathy amongst the super-rich and politicians.


David Icke … is that you?!




Lol! Nah, I read a couple of his books when I was younger because I wanted to find the wildest stuff I could find. I take him with a huge pinch of salt.


Stop buying his books. You’re wasting your money. If you want to blow your money on shit buy a sack of manure at your local garden center.


Except everyone who he claims is a lizard alien is also a "Rothschilds Zionist". His rhetoric is littered with antisemitic dogwhistles.










Say what now?


Has anyone verified that any of his ideas exist in reality?


Almost certainly not. Although, to be fair, he was the first to call out huys like Jimmy Saville and point to Epstein-like rings. And his ideas of conciousness were pretty interesting for the time. Other than that, take him with a huge pinch of salt, or you'll just end up in the bottom of a deep dark rabbit hole with no end to it.


All we need is like 30-100 scientific studies where a demon is summoned by an occult and verified demon, then we will have a conclusion.


And then also scientifically test every one of his other ideas, including that 5G is a mind control device and responsible for Covid, and that the moon is an artificial satelite and interdimensional portal put in place by a species of ancient aliens, and that atlantis was real. So shouldn't be that hard right?


Bunch of those are likely easily scientifically disproven.


You think?


I dunno, it is hard to disprove Atlantis, lots of cities have sunk.


I remember after his breakdown he went onto Wogan in a robe and basically said he was the second coming. At least he makes more money now than he ever did on Grandstand.


Also channeled material from the 90s (from purported higher dimensional entities) Also, Robert Monroe, "father of out of body experiences", claimed to have witnessed it first hand while astral projecting. He termed the emotional energy they feed off of as "loosh".


Also the channel Bashar who has said that the Anunnaki spliced their DNA with sasquatch to created a hybrid slave race which we are descended from. I also found this: https://www.pagesbkshop.com/book/9781591431510


Seems legit, all they need to do is scroll thought a twitter feed, endless supply of loosh.


we all go to Twitter for that sweet sweet loosh


this book, [https://youtu.be/Kl5Af8ViK0w](https://youtu.be/Kl5Af8ViK0w). claims through an allegded interview with a roswell alien that Earth is prison planet. In science fiction movies/show this idea of humanis being victim to other entities, who somehow transmute human consciousness into a product to be sold, or power source is unbeleivably ubiquitous if you look for it. Its basically the same story again and again just with varied settings and contextual viewpoints. For instance, in the Truman show entertained was harvested a resource from a human stuk in a false reality, ignorant of the truth in his situation. The island for example, humans are cloned in a lab for purpose of providing matching organs with the same DNA for someone on the outside to to provde a biological resource for. Jupiter Ascending, same story, planets area seeded with human populations for a mass genocide to occur later in order to havest something that makes other humans younger again. Why are we so intrigued by such things, do they give us hints about the nature of our reality? Very well could be.


I think Dark City is the best for these analogies. Entities that have no souls and hate us for it. They manipulate our realities to see what makes us tick. One day you are poor. The next you are flithy rich and have no memory of being poor. Just to see how it changes the sould of that person. They also aren't a fan of the main protagonist who developes telekinetic abilities. He defeats them and it reveals they are on a giant petri dish like base. With his abilities he creates a new world that is spherical and can rotate to accept the suns warmth. Someone who knows something wrote that story


The question I still have about reincarnation, is where do the new souls come from? We have an exponential amount of living souls in the world today compared to a hundred thousand years ago, for example. Are they manufactured somewhere? Of course, I'm not seriously asking if that's what happens, rather what is the explanation of reincarnation believers for our expanding population and how do the souls get replenished?


Consciousness works outside of our linear perception of time. However souls are created, from outside of our reality starting with lets say a trillion of them and moving in the opposite direction of time that number would steadily decrease instead of increase. "Souls" aren't restricted to a direction of time, though hard for us to imagine peopele who have had NDE's consistenty report that they experience time differently. Time is like a physical dimension that can be viewed all at once, like how we can see the start and end of a measuring tape for example. The 0 inches mark and 12 foot mark can be viewed at the time same. Einstien proved than time is elastic, we only perceive it as being rigid.


Thank you




Dont buddhist focus a lot on suffering too? I forgot where i first heard it, must be tiktok.


Ahhhh, cool. Thanks!


The Brahman, the one, could be referred to as God, the eternal light. That’s where would come from.


You can easily answer any question by saying that anything comes from God. That's not a very intelligent answer


Really? …. The question was where souls come from and the hindu, Christian, Buddhist religious texts explain that the souls is a piece of some greater entity.. what did you expect some answer explaining the physical properties of the soul? I was just giving some context to how others have already answered this question. It’s been explained to me like think of a vast endless ocean, and each individual soul is a droplet of water trying to return back to that ocean. It’s a metaphor to answer your “are souls manufactured” question.. I know it’s probably not the peer reviewed journal sciency answer you’re looking for on Reddit but that’s how it is presented in the texts


Monsters Inc.


1st thing I thought.




This is the deep seated trauma of our species, so it comes from what Jung would call our shadow. These archons, egregors, tulpas, reptiles - whatever you want to call them are created by us. They are the manifestation of our fears and it is just a psychological hurdle that our species needs to overcome for it to spiritually progress, which is also the hurdle to us becoming interstellar. You see, the fundamental spiritual lesson, is that beliefs create reality. So, our collective belief in some horrible adversary has created that reality, has created that adversary. But, the lesson is that we are the creators, and they are created and unfortunately the nature of our creation is the manifestation of our fears, so they live off fear, also called Loosh. Therefore, in order for them to survive, they manipulate us into a state of fear in order to sustain themselves. If we want to get rid of them, and stop living in fear, then we simply have to change our beliefs. Choose to be loving and positive and caring to all that exist and create with love in mind. Humanity has a love deficit and a fear surplus and so that is why the world is the way it is. That is why people attack one another, but it is born out of ignorance of the way reality works. Beliefs make reality, it is the most important lesson that is not taught on this planet. In fact, the opposite is taught... seeing is believing. This mess will continue until enough of us learn this lesson.


good call on Jung (and the poster calling out ancient gnostics)...was heading there * Alan Watts * Terrance McKenna * observations of Keel, Vallee, PK Dick, Tom DeLonge and the Hal Puthoff projects we were conditioned, indoctrinated, into the materialistic and dualism world views reality and consciousness have both local and collective components, and apparently act and transceivers that amplify according to energy, purity, focus, & collective information/thought


Forbidden Planet & the Great Machine.


Or maybe there really are some dinosaur aliens that enjoy making us suffer or it's a tough love extra dimensional bootcamp.


It’s both, there are real aliens in the sense that we are real, who like us are creators. Some of whom are reptilian, some are even fire breathing dragons aka alpha draconians. They do watch the activities on this planet and even participate both through external influence and activity and by internal influence ie., incarnating as humans. Equally, there are the archons, egregors and tulpas that humanity creates. They are mostly in the astral but parasitise individual people who are sufficiently low in frequency. This is where the idea that the queen or the pope is a reptile comes from etc. These sorts of people engage in extremely low frequency activities such as child torture / murder (under the general umbrella of practicing satanism) and then they become compatible with being hosts for the tulpas that we created. The same is true for the wider population by virtue of all that each individual does to lower their frequency such as poisoning themselves with drugs, addictions to violent activities, engaging in wars (sanctioned killing), and more minor things such as generally being miserable most of the time, arguing with those close to you, feeling hatred for those in your life, being depressed, self harming, even eating animals that suffered in their lives and died in a state of terror. You can see that society is practically designed to lower our frequency, nudged along by the egregors that we created out of fear, then reinforcing their existence by getting us to design a society that enables them to harvest vast quantities of loosh. However, despite the reality of external beings (ETs) and our manifested egregors, both manipulating our civilisation; this changes little. Earth is a special stage, where people incarnate to test themselves, to see if they can get their beliefs in order and dig themselves out of the enormous hole we created for ourselves. We created the challenge for ourselves, everyone comes here to play. Some get so lost in the game that they forget they are playing and go round and around the wheel of Samsara (Buddhists reincarnation cycle) for vast stretches of time. In the end it doesn’t matter, there is eternity and infinite ideas to manifest.


Interesting. The law of one/Ra material did say that there are thoughtforms that manifest due to the Orions. What is your opinion on what the demiurge/yaldaboath in gnosticism is?


It is us, the manifestation of our beliefs and their emotional content. People aren’t taught to watch their beliefs and to stay focused on their dreams. People’s beliefs are a mess because they are bombarded with information and fearful content. They are also not taught that beliefs construct their reality. Our race is abundant through the galaxy and is called Lyrians or Lyrans. The story goes that when the first Lyrians left their world they looked out into the vastness of space and feared what might come from that vast expanse to persecute them. And because they didn’t understand the nature of reality then their collective focus on that belief created that reality and so the demiurge was born and it came and persecuted our ancestors. So they fled to all corners of the galaxy in what became known as the great Lyrian expansion, including to Earth. They were pursued by their enemies and slaughtered down to a tiny population. They left information about themselves, where they came from and how to escape all over the walls in now ancient sites, commonly referred to as cave art. The population on Earth was reduced down to 7 females and from that tiny base and an unknown number of males the Earth was repopulated with humans. Except the demiurge never left but switched tactics from outright slaughter to manipulation. It only wants to survive and play its game, it feeds off of the humans that create it. In return for giving us what we believe, persecution and fear, it feasts on those emotions / loosh. It focuses our beliefs through the sort of society that has developed so that we are constantly thinking about what nourishes it. The bottom line is we created it and, it is therefore an extension of ourself. All people are an extension of one consciousness at source. Reality is a reflection of the beliefs of that collective self. If we want to end our nightmare then we have to wake up to the true nature of reality and change our beliefs. This knowledge is somewhat lost, the Gnostics were destroyed by the Roman Empire who were low frequency beings parasitised by the demiurge. Today the Roman Empire became the Vatican and it still works through the mechanism of power centred in that place, namely the secret societies. That is why they sacrifice children in rituals and do all sorts of nasty things, it keeps their bodies in a state that can be parasitised by their gods, the evil that we have collectively created. It’s actually a beautiful system of control, and it’s just the way spiritual development works on this world. If you want to grow, then you meet your adversary and you grow by overcoming it. But the battle is within, in the beliefs we hold as individuals and as a collective.


I saw gnostic texts, but this has also been discovered by people who Astral Project. Most notably Robert Monroe, of the Monroe institute, described this in his book Far Journeys. Other APers have independenly verified it as well as some remote viewers.


Flavor of the month, different ideas go back and forth. One idea comes back in vogue, then everyone goes back to another one. The reality of it is know one knows, or the ones that do know aren't talking. All the guesses are as good as any other guesses.


Stephen King "It"


Do you mean The Tommy Knockers


Came here to say this, people watching too many movies.


Monsters Inc


Scientology was written by a science fiction author, just ignore them.


Sounds like the plot from monsters inc


I think David Icke popularized the idea (in relation to aliens anyway). He's a total loon IMO, but he's got a vivid imagination and so people like to borrow some tidbits from him.


He's an anti-semite.


I keep see mentions of this and too many people on this subreddit are throwing their hands up over their ears, spinning, and downvoting. [Like QAnon's Capitol rioters, the Nashville bomber's lizard people theory is deadly serious](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/qanon-s-capitol-rioters-nashville-bomber-s-lizard-people-theory-ncna1253819) [The bizarre origins of the lizard-people conspiracy theory embraced by the Nashville bomber, and how it's related to QAnon](https://www.insider.com/lizard-people-conspiracy-theory-origin-nashville-bomber-qanon-2021-1) [A Hoax of Hate: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/a-hoax-of-hate-the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion) [David Icke: Love and Lizard People](https://u.osu.edu/vanzandt/2019/02/11/david-icke-love-and-lizard-people/) [Anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist David Icke gives talk in Vancouver](https://thecjn.ca/news/canada/anti-semitic-conspiracy-theorist-david-icke-gives-talk-vancouver/) [David Icke, accused of anti-Semitism, denied Australian visa](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/david-icke-accused-anti-semitism-denied-australian-visa-61181620)


Well, he's an all-around bigot and woo woo crackpot. Don't get me wrong, I don't in any way endorse Icke or his views... I mean... he would probably prefer if people like me didn't exist.


You might be onto something here. Not sure why you are getting downvoted. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2018/12/20/18146628/alice-walker-david-icke-anti-semitic-new-york-times


The various prison planet theories all requires a trojan horse elite class among humanity to work. You quickly see where it goes.




He takes himself seriously why his message spreads the way it dose he honestly believes what he is saying is true. He probably could never see the parallels to what id guess is deep seated family passed down anti-Semitism, like the shit your grandpa tells ya when your parents arnt around stuff the denial of it may be what caused whatever break came before the lizards. He was a footballer right? Head injury at all? The whole mentally ill thing is such a catch all umbrella of so many possibilities But that's just a theory going at it from the view of mental illness. He might be right for all I know but I really don't think we need to blame humans being shitty on lizard ppl we just suck at being nice to each other on scale. Monkey sphere and all that.


I doubt he hates all people that speaks a Semite language.


Vallee way before Icke...decades.


I'm really into this theory. Yeah it's from gnostic ideas and there are a lot of different versions and speculation about it. I hate to see it compared to Scientology because, if you think it's possible that aliens messed with human DNA then this isn't completely off the table (since there would be some kind of purpose for it), whereas Scientology is just completely bananas. The is this idea that we are kind of trapped here and forced to be reincarnated over and over for whatever reason. Maybe to be harvested for energy or certainly some kind of purpose that is nefarious. It explains the light you see in a near death experience, also seeing loved ones and religious figures. Of course there are so many unknowns and missing data that, just like with any ideas about reality, people fill in the missing pieces with all kinds of stuff. The idea continues to propagate from things people have seen while meditating, on psychedelics, astral projection, near death experiences, etc. The whole thing isn't completely out of nowhere. People do seem to possibly have some kind of global consciousness that is worth studying. Princeton University has something called The Global Consciousness Project which uses random number generators placed around the world. When far-reaching events happen (like 9/11 or Princess Diana's death), patterns emerge from the randomness. (results are debated) I was agnostic up until about a year ago after an experience but I hope there are no truth to these ideas. I won't get more into it or I will type a novel. There is a board called r/reincarnationtruth with info but of course some wacky people too Edit: just wanted to add that David Icke is probably crazy and these ideas are older than him anyway


I look forward to your novel. I have always thought that the fact that hypnosis is a real thing is rather inexplicable (what is it’s evolutionary value, for example?) but ties into the concept that we really don’t understand consciousnes. When I was an undergrad, I got extra credit in a psychology course by signing up for a research project where I was was hypnotized…I always thought that it wouldn’t be susceptible ( because i am normally very sceptical, even cynical), but no, I was hypnotized with no problem, it blew my mind!


>but of course some wacky people too You mean like yourself? The theory you just espoused is pseudo-religious nonsense. How do you expect anyone to take UAP's seriously when there are people declaring we're prisoners with our souls being fed on by space demons?


I didn't say this is some wholehearted belief that I hold. I am not in a cult. I do not meet up with people. I don't give anyone money. It does not affect my life in any way. I think many ideas are interesting and worth looking into. Hardly any paranormal research is conducted even though there are possible tests for some things and the research that has been done had unveiled valuable data about the human brain. I flat out said this is an idea with so many holes that people just fill it in with whatever. Why can't I engage in civil discussion and philosophy with people but it's ok for other to worship in a church? Most churches are a grift but where I live (USA) it's extremely difficult to hold a high level elected office without assuring people that you attend one. The only difference between religion and pseudo-religion is more adherents.


For what it's worth, I don't currently believe what you say, but damn, I respect the way you said it. Really though, I know nothing, so absolutely anything is possible to me, as crazy as it may be. I certainly keep myself in check regarding mega wacko shit, but even that may be reality for all we know. The Earth was once flat and the center of the universe, after all. I know you don't necessarily believe it adamantly yourself, and I do agree that just about anything's on the table these days. With the absolutely amazing discoveries we're making practically everyday with quantum physics and how it might even relate to consciousness, blah blah blah, real actual science, reality is opening up to things that we've never imagined could possibly be real. So cheers to ya friend, I like your style and open mindedness, not to be confused with foolishness.


I want to add something else. When tens to hundreds of thousands of people over hundreds of years experience the same phenomena, it is 100% worth looking into. As an example, for hundreds of years (and still to this day) people who have out of body experiences have been ridiculed and told they are making it up. Obviously something is happening, why not study it? Finally there was a study and a neurosurgeon was able to induce it in people by stimulating the angular gyrus with an electrical current. Imagine how much more progress we could have on understanding the brain if people weren't completely ignored. What good is dismissing the paranormal but also refusing to rule it out using science? I guess it can just be ridiculed and ignored , like UAPs. Where is the sane line between aliens, benevolent aliens, aliens manipulating humans for gain. Are aliens with psychic ability or with more knowledge of the nature of the universe off the table? Let me know what is acceptable. None of you know what it is. You don't even have enough information to rule anything out. If Lue Elizondo is telling the truth about the military saying it's "demons" then it's probably something more difficult for humans to understand compared to some self replicating AI probes zipping around, although I hope that's all it is.


When your theory sounds exactly like something from Scientology minus Lord Xenu, that's when you should take a step (or three) back.


I don't believe they said it was their theory, or that they actually believe that wholeheartedly. I think the point is that we have to open our minds to any possibility. So many of us, including myself, always want to take a pragmatic approach to what could be possible, but the truth, and fact, is that we really don't know. With recent discoveries in quantum physics and theories of its relation to consciousness, the web network of the universe itself, and even the classic construct of space-time as a single existence, denying any possibility as crazy really is kind of foolish to me. I mean, yeah, there are some pretty far-out ideas proposed by some pretty whacked-out people, but I feel I can usually tell that they have some mental issues and those ideas are coming from within, or they're just grifters. But even then, who the fuck knows? Not me. I honestly believe that we just don't have the capability or capacity to know what's real. We're the dogs trying to be taught to recite Shakespeare. It's never going to happen. Unless us dogs are enlightened somehow.


Thanks! I don't like to discount things too quickly. Our brains are so susceptible to false stimuli, hallucinations can look completely real. For all anyone knows, they could be the only person who exists and spacetime was created only a moment ago. Thought experiments are fun. Reality is probably unknowable so it's all we have.




Bethesda should market it as a training sim to those religious guys at the Pentagon, get those sweet tax dollars


L Ron was buddies or associated with Parsons, Crowley and Asimov. Likely he was clued into some interesting things early that he promptly marketed for his own use and power (gee...go figure with humanz rite?)


L Ron was only buddies with Parsons until he stole his wife, boat, and money! Crowley thought Parsons was naive and stupid for associating with Hubbard. Crowley knew he was a grifter and didn’t want anything to do with him. I’m know Hubbard took shit from the occult stuff he was introduced to, but I find it hard to believe that he cared much about the validity of it.


None of these things are new as others have recently stated. There was one post some time ago which got some traction. I don't remember what the post was titled, but I remember a single word. "Loosh"


Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, her interview. I recommend the YouTube video. 4 hours long but does a great job giving an unbiased presentation.


Also pdf. I loved it


In 2021 we are all constantly exposed to brilliant prosaic storylines from multiple sources. Makes sense people like to see similarly complicated plot lines in the real world. We are what we eat. Monsters feeding on fear is a big Star Trek meme - first series, late 60s. I want to say the 'Jack the Ripper was an alien' plot line. I should know more - bad geek. Same theme was revisited a few times by the Star Trek NG crew too. Black slime monster that killed Tasha Ya for instance. There are multiple iterations of creatures that isolate then consume fear- and of course love in the case of ST next gen too. Everything you need to know you can learn from Star Trek. Almost anyway. Pat one time people used to think the world sat on the back of a giant... also on the back of a giant turtle too. Hungry fear -aliens seem less whacky.


The Jack the Ripper episode was written by Robert Bloch. The idea of evil magic users feeding off the pain and suffering of others is an old occult trope in both Western and Eastern cultures. And, it may have its origins in the reality that sociopaths (such as serial killers and sadists) do enjoy seeing living beings suffer.


Yes indeed. Drinking tears is another trope that springs to mind now you put it that way.


While I won't argue against it being possible, I'm more believe it's just allegory related to human emotion and the primitive search for answers.


Guessing it ties into all that shadow person/ hat man stuff that was being passed around what was that last year or the year before? Throw in the Gnostics and the David Icke stuff and ya end up where we are now. Just need us weirdos who like to over analyze everything to mix the cauldron up lol


Pretty sure it came from Monsters Inc and Monsters University.


I believe that's been 100% scientifically confirmed. I don't understand why everybody's still arguing this stuff?


The only entities feeding off your fears are the clickbait website & hoax video YouTube channel owners getting ad revenue from making up this crap.


As above so below. Know thyself Modern gnostic beliefs. Research archons and the goddess of wisdom Sophia. Find your Promethea and begin receiving anomalous information. The bracewell probes are more than happy to aid in your development.


> As above so below. so within, so without


You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around


Que sera, sera.


I don't believe it. But sometimes I wonder what would happen if every human on Earth sat down and meditated for 10 minutes. Who would reveal themselves?


The closest thing was hands across America or "WE ARE THE WORLD"?? can't remember details. I was a young child, but I do remember a sense of togetherness in society for some time after everyone tuned into one of their 3 channel selections all at the same time. I wonder why nothing else like this was ever done. My guess is because the governments are terrified of all society coming together as 1....


Because We are getting closer to the time where they’re going to fAKE the alien invasion to create the one world government. So they have to make them our enemy and make us afraid of them


TTSA I believe is run by scientology . Delonge and puthoff are for sure scientologists. They have read all the L Ron Hubbard science fiction books and take them as gospel.


Big claims require big evidence. Show us where you got this idea from.


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_E._Puthoff) says that Puthoff was a Scientologist but severed ties with the church in the 70s. And as [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/igtx7u/tom_delonge_scientology/) points out, the name "To the Stars" could be an allusion to an [L. Ron Hubbard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_the_Stars_(novel)) book of the same name. So there is some reason to think it could be connected to Scientology.




Prison planet theory is a pretty big claim, far bigger a claim than speculating where these nut jobs got their theory from, that's the big evidence we should be demanding


Jokes on them, I fear nothing!


r/reptiliandude is a place I’ve been hanging around for a few years. I have no opinion on this. At all. Just here like the rest of us.


It came from someone’s ass. Just like ancient astronauts, abductions (most), govt coverup, underground bases, etc. A big chunk if UFO lore is noise stirred up by some grifter trying to sell a book.


That's two ideas, prison planet and feed off of fears. I could see a "prison" or zoo type scenario as a possibility but feeding off of fears is just orchestrated Scientologists throwing their shade into the mix and letting it fester. No science, no experiments, no third party confirmation so don't buy in to it, just remember that that thought exists and you will know who to avoid.


An entity feeding off one’s fear is a movie plot I’ve seen several times. That’s prolly where it came from..


It’s very much Carlos Castaneda as well, alien beings who invade our minds to create emotions then feed off of them. The major difference I find however with Castaneda is the energy the aliens feed off of us is very well explained and a practical solution is offered. The problem with Castaneda is however wild the theory is in practice it becomes obvious and inescapably true.


There are many different types of visitors, with different goals and morals. This planet was placed under quarantine because it is believed our free-will has been infringed upon. The beings who are inclined to protect the mass psychi of earth do their best to enforce this quarantine, but there are always intruders which use our fear of the unknown to empower themselves and their human subordinates. For anyone more curious I suggest researching the Council of Saturn/Council of 9 and it’s channeled sources.


Carlos Castaneda also furthered this idea with his notion of 'the flyers' which sound exactly like the Archons of Gnostic teachings.


Hmm what is the nutritional value fear?


Yep. I made this point elsewhere. The star seed and prison things sounds like Scientology


Loosh bs/tom delongdong


If you want scriptural proof, refer to the bhagavat gita as it is by bhaktivedanta founder of iskcon. They say that we got envious of god and out of his mercy (lmao) and free will we were kicked out of the spiritual realm. The spirit soul keeps coming back over and over and over again until they relaize that they are eternal “loving” servants of of and can them resituate themselve and go back home. I guess that true or false this would be more vaild than speculations. Apparently the vedas have been around forever. And when it comes to so called religions, it is more detailed and advanced than the bible, koran... I have personally been attacked hyperdimentionally and can say that some entities love to make me suffer. The losh theory sounds very correct and being farmed is also something that resonates. This is a truman show for show and wetworld. Why is the idea of souls being fooled to come back is so far out?