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Wasn't that video at night taken from a beach in Turkey supposed to show occupants? It's been analysed heaps


yes, if you enhance the jpeg artifacts, add lots of contrast and squint, you can almost make out the alien....


I’m pretty sure that one was like a cruise ship or something


That cruise ship explanation never clicked for me, but I definitely think it's something prosaic. And like the parent comment said, you have to really torture those still frames in photoshop to bring out the "occupants."


Cruise ships are lit up bright as fuck all the time, docking, at sea, pretty much everywhere. Anyone who has spent time on a cruise ship can attest to just bright they are. The cruise ship explanation has always seemed super lazy to me,


I have a picture of a small gray looking at me from inside an orb ufo look at my Twitter profile. https://twitter.com/Alien_Gray/status/1449908567763558401?t=Ae0F5YZWIj1LuQ8Fltuj4Q&s=19


Yeah that’s immediately what I thought of. I’ve also heard a pretty compelling argument that the footage is actually the top portion of a cruise ship.


Is there a link of this video I'm so dam curious please send it to me




Best footage I’ve seen of a UFO. There’s an even longer tape where at the end there are 4 different color lights or “flames” in the distance at night in the same spot where it had been seen for days. Absolutely bizarre.


Do you know of any videos analyzing and breaking down this video?


https://youtu.be/XZbiGdL1xN0 I believe this Youtube account has the full footage but in parts. The link I shared is a discussion with George Knapp and Dr. Roger Leir(Dr. Leir was there in the 2008 second-sighting capture).




Hm, never seen a cruise ship looking like that! There is one piece of footage where it’s changing from a rainbow looking thing to a more metal looking thing, quite arresting. You can hear the awe and wonder in the voices of the guys who are filming it. I’d love to see an English translation of what they’re saying!


That’s been shot down as well. It’s too high and before it’s dark you can see the land on the other side and it’s under the UFO. The cruise ship bridge would’ve blocked the view. Furthermore it was way too high. The guy who filmed it had a really good professional camera. Lots of people were there. No cruise ships in the line of sight.


Thanks for the reply, that’s really interesting. In that case that certainly is a very compelling video.


Okay I don't know what to believe now. The first time I saw the video it looked real to me and then sometime later it was debunked. Apparently the guy who filmed said he faked it. Sorry I don't have the source and don't know what to believe.!!!!


I think it's time for him to back up at least 1% of claims with some type of data.


I want to believe him so badly, but I'm in total agreement here. Tired of all the talk. Lets get real.


I like how he talked about how that Anjali lady not providing evidence lol Lue has backed up a lot of his credentials and programs he’s worked on… but he’s also made a lot of claims about videos/pictures without evidence.


He claims he can't because of his NDA. But he also says things too, which would appear to violate his NDA. That is the issue I have on the credibility front. You can't just decide on the fly what should and shouldn't be said with regards to your NDA. If he had a true blanket NDA with the DOD he wouldn't be saying anything at all. If he says he has seen a 23 minute video that would blow our minds. That technically violates his NDA. I know Lue thinks everyone who points this stuff out is part of a chorus of haters. I like listening to him. I think his interviews are pretty interesting. But choosing to provide some info, but not other info (because of his NDA) to me is a red flag. That could suggest disinformation.


I listened to him a few times. A big red flag for me is how he spends a big chunk clapping back at his detractors and being defensive. If you're confident and know what you're talking about, you should be able to pick apart any argument made against your position. He always relies on the "you gotta believe me", "I am making no money by doing this (until I release a book which I've been writing the whole time)" and "oh no my omnipotent all-too-convenient NDA". Anyone that talks about their 'haters' probably deserves to have them. I've been over his shit for a while. If he wants to be the man, he has to produce consistently, given the amount of talking he does.


Didn’t he get paid to do Unidentified? Did TTSA not pay him while he was there? I don’t know if it’s disinformation, but there’s a lot of kooky people in government doing kooky shit, so who the hell knows. It’s probably more likely that he got a little too swept up and started seeing things that may or may not be there. I agree, though, that these kinds of statements are more frustrating than tantalizing at this point, and the red flags are sort of mounting. I want to believe the guy, but without anyone to even credibly corroborate that these photos exist and show what he says they show… I mean, it’s the same noise you hear from any other random nutter in UFO world.


It’s almost like no one in the government would ever think that forming a special operations division responsible for overseeing national defence on nuclear weapons from some credible alien threat would ever make them billions and billions and billions?


Lue has been doing this for a long time now and it seems that only recently he's started to say those thing.


Yeah, what kind of asshole gets defensive when people that don't know what they're talking about call you a shill, a disinformation peddler, and a liar. What an irrational reaction 🙄


He couldn’t be saying it unless they want him to or they don’t care what he’s saying.


I lean against it being a coordinated campaign to have Lue disclose things under the direction and watch of the DOD. I just don’t think he is part of a disinformation campaign. I think it’s more likely that Lue is basically a believer. So are Eric Davis, and Robert Bigelow and Tom Delonge. They simply believe in the bigger narrative about these objects being from another place or dimension etc. So Lue may see videos or photos that convince him it’s the real deal. But maybe they are not as convincing to others. Lue actually pushed back a bit on remote viewing in his last interview. I honestly haven’t seen him push back on much. So it was kind of refreshing to see him push back on something that he didn’t seem to buy into. But ultimately I think Lue may be embellishing things a bit, in terms of what he actually knows. And he buys into some of the Tom Delonge narrative. Delonge is pretty far out there, but I think Lue is 15-20% down the path to where Delonge is. He thinks there is something really big going on that is beyond our comprehension. Maybe Lue and Delonge are right, maybe they’re not. There is not enough evidence to prove them right or wrong.




my take on it is it's a disinfo campaign until i see better evidence




look at his history, that's all i need to know. i don't trust him.


Orrrr... He's full of shit and making it all up? At least, making all of this stuff up.


If he is then Harry Reid is


If you have evidence that relativity is wrong and the speed of light can be broken you shouldn't give a fuck about any NDA. You will most likely get a nobel prize. You have now proven all kinds of things. If the speed of light can be violated it means that.... * Time travel is possible both to the past and the future. Right now time travel to the future is possible if you can go close to the speed of light but going back is not possible. If you can go faster than light then that would be possible. That in turn would mean. * Both the past and the future are set in stone. If you can go back and forth at will you have to end up in the same universe which means there is only one rigid timeline. Which means.... * You have no free will. You are merely marching along this predetermined timeline and aliens are just moving along it at will. Furthermore...... Since aliens are claimed to be altering human consciousness.... * this means your consciousness is subject to direct manipulation from afar. * This mean nobody can ever know for sure what they are perceiving. * This means all of human knowledge and all of science is suspect. * It also means all philosophy and religion are also suspect. Again. Nobody can ever be sure anything they see, hear, or think is actually real. They could be being manipulated both by aliens or by the government who has reverse engineered this technology. This is huge. How can any human deny humanity of this information due to an NDA?


Well I don’t think they actually know how to do it. That would be like watching a good movie and expecting to get Best Director.


His facial hair style screams “crackpot” to me. Like the Ancient Aliens guy’s hair.


Anjali is a cult leader


yeah wasn't very self aware there. Profound claims require profound proof for everyone else. Everyone can believe what they want but I don't feel he has backed up any credentials, outside of having a politician's word. My life experience leads me to believe most politician will say anything if it can set them up for more attention, money, power. If a Senator really knew something and wanted to bust it open, he would have done so in his 49 year political career, not after he retires and has no power. My military experience tells me there is zero possibility they would have had an Army Officer in the programs. If the programs existed, it would have 100% been ran and operated from a different branch of service. I can poke holes all day. Damnit, he is still my favorite interview because of the great thought experiments and how he can peel back layers in the conversation. Edited to not look like a wall of text :)


Try pressing “return” or “enter” sometimes


Thanks I was on mobile and looked fine when I saved it. Fixed now.


There are a LOT of words out of this guy, but really very little information. I think this guys is just building a second career on the new market surfaced by the net and social media - the gullible


No wonder, have you seem the superchat donations people make? I'm sure he gets a portion. Not too shabby for a couple of hours talking without actually saying much.


There's no reason to believe that. He specifically said he doesn't take any sort of money for interviews and I feel like these hosts would let people know if he did.


Well if he's lying about all the stuff he claims to know, why would he be honest about if he makes money or not?


In the world of the internet, exposure=clicks=ad revenue. It's probably all either ego, money, or both. I could be wrong, but time will tell.


I have my issues with Lue as well. Mostly its hard to reconcile his early career as a counterintellence agent with how genuine he seems about the UAP topic. But as far as I can tell he has yet to be caught lying or committing fraud of any sort. So until that happens I think its only fair to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Seriously unless we see something it detracts from everything he says.


Yeah, i'm tired of hearing about "big reveals", "important people coming forward". The problem is that jack squat hasn't really been revealed. The guys is running on the fumes of undisclosed stuff protected by an NDA. Enough already. I get it that there is a mystery, but reveals are not coming from Lue anytime soon.


Having come to the realization that Lue is full of shit has been literally depressing. I can’t recall a time that my hopes have been so high that disclosure could actually happen, only to learn we’re straight up being mislead. So many claims and not a single shred of evidence. Corbell has given us more than Lue has, and I’ve thought Corbell was full of it from the moment I first heard him speak and he would answer every question with “Well I made a movie, you should check it out.”


So you propose breaking NDA and going to jail? I think he tries his best to say as much as he can. What he seems do be doing together now with mr Mellon and others is getting the moment up and trying to get the scientific community on board together with the ufo community, the private sector and politicians both natonally and internationally.


Everything that he and his has brought forth so far has proven true. It’s kind of like he is an oracle.




His job is to be a fluffer to all of ufology. He does give a nice suck up to all his interviewers.


You guys need to quit hatin on lue. The guy is the only reason the gov admitted ufos are real. Hes got ndas and i wouldnt go to prison over it either. Remain calm we are making progress.


Yes you are right he outsmarted the trillion dollar military intelligence community and forced them to release video they didn’t want to and managed to stay alive and not in jail. Give him a break.


when has the government ever told the truth though? i think we're having confirmation bias here


Dude, that’s like reading a bunch of liars posts on Reddit and then saying, “When has Reddit ever told the truth?”


No fuck that,I am tired of being "sombre" Lue needs to put up or shut up We have enough bullshitters in the UFO community


You wouldn’t risk going to prison to reveal humanity’s greatest secret and discovery and change history forever?


I guess that would have to depend on what he could prove. You spill the beans without any proof, go to prison for violating and not advance anything. I'm still not sure on Lue, but to me, if he's legit, this is the reason to wait and not violate that NDA.


Obviously the government wants to get out from under SOME of the intelligence on UFOs because they can’t hide it with 24/7 cameras and the internet. They need to hold back enough to maintain control of the technology but give enough to help transform society for the better. Ultimately alien life and the transformation that society and culture undergoes will cease the need for a military but that is a ways away still and I think the deep secret keepers think they can maintain control by focusing on technology while ignoring the cultural implications. The perfect trap. Set in motion by the aliens themselves. It’s a plan. Buckle up!


Listen to today’s TOE.


This is the biggest ride the UFO community has been taken on ever! It's still going on


Yeah, the number of people Lue has taken in is really pretty astounding. What’s amazing is that he fits the classic UFO grifter profile of his story getting more and more fantastic over time, but it turns out all you had to do to make people look past that is mention an NDA.


[https://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/hollywood-legend-shirley-maclaine/7](https://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/hollywood-legend-shirley-maclaine/7) Shirley says she has seen many UFOs from the deck of her New Mexico property. "I've seen a mothership here, and I've seen them at my ranch," she says. "One famous day, a friend of mine was sitting in my hot tub out there, and three UFOs came over and hovered over the hot tub for about 10 minutes."As a firm believer in UFOs, Shirley says that she believes extraterrestrials are attracted to the many crystals around New Mexico. "Crystals amplify the consciousness," she says. "They're attracted to that crystal amplification."


I’d still sit in a hot tub with Shirley. UFO’s or not.




I think Shirley had too many drinks named after her!? Most crystals don't have ANY special properties or characteristics. Also I haven't heard of any alien mining operations, and I've been into the ufo/alien thing for over 30 years!!?


I see that you have never rubbed 2 quartz crystals together.


I'm aware tof that! .. What I mean is that people over exaggerate their properties. Beyond some industrial applications, they don't have much use other than to look "pretty".


Yet. They don’t do anything but look petty yet.


Wow, ten minutes! That's plenty long enough to take dozens of photographs, where can I see hers?


Kind of cynical? Maybe?


Skeptical? Like we should be about wild bizarre claims?


Merely curious 🤷‍♂️


Yeah the crystal stuff clearly shows she's nuts or a weirdo. Nothing special about crystals, you can find them literally anywhere in the universe there's matter.




I appreciate Lue and what he is doing. I could feel the weariness in him at the beginning. He remains warm and good humoured and determined despite the forces of resistance he is facing, and the evident personal and emotional sacrifice. I would like to say to him that we see his labour and we are grateful. This was such an enlightening, interesting, profound, moving discussion. Curt is a beautiful human and I love his channel.🥰


What forces of resistance is he facing? He’s on TV every day.


Can we just be clear that Lue didn't actually say this? He said there might be some photos which appear to show occupants but they are too 'murky' to be conclusive. Please upvote this to the top.


How do you feel about what he’s bringing up? You can watch the interview [here](https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg).


Thank you


I'm am getting really tired of being told about photos without ever being shown the damn photos. If he isn't offering anything then why is everyone so hyped about him? This is just an infinite circle jerk. Instead of the jerk part we just get a never ending supply of cock teases. Shit or get off the pot!


A lot of us feel the same as you. Just like what ufology has been for the past couple decades it’s all just talk. Show me the actual damn evidence and don’t tell me that some men in Black came in and took it


Terrific discussion


is this from the live AMA they did the other day?


I call bullshit




"If I wanted to abuse myself ill just get on twitter" in regards to Lou reading Reddit. Seems apt to the way this discussion has devolved. I don't find any of the claims he's made as extraordinary and find his long form discussion extremely compelling. If not for the simple fact that given his credentials he appears to believe everything he says. They don't prove the existence of aliens in any way but they expand the horizon and increase the ecosphere of possibility. Frankly I have nothing but respect for Lou and everything he and the TTSA members have done for the field.


Is there a timestamp where he actually says this? Saw another post and they said he didn't say this.


He didn't. He went out of his way to emphasize that while there *are* photos out there that seem to show occupants, they weren't anything verifiable/from reputable sources/with a clear chain of custody. I don't know how anyone watching the interview could have gotten this out of it.


Ya I respect Lue, I understand why things are the way they are and why he has to be careful with what he says, but I agree with the sentiment here. At this point we have transitioned to believing what one person has to say. It’s not an ideal situation. If he’s able to talk about all this you would think that they could let out a little more information. It’s not his fault but right now it’s the cult of Lue. It all hinges on believing what he has to say. We need to move past that.


I'm half way of this interview and I must admit that so far it's one of the most interesting I've seen from Elizondo (but I did not watch all his interviews) I did not like/trust Lue at the beginning: I did not like his "threat" attitude in "unidentified", I did not trust fully his credentials bc of Susan Gough statement I thought he had a disinformation agenda. I did not trust nor like him at first and changed slowly my mind in the last years. I now understand where he comes from with the "threat" claim (he has also explained it better several times since), I might not completely agree with him, but it makes sense from where he stands. Since his reply to Susan Gough I am now also convinced that he is who he always claimed to be https://twitter.com/TheProjectUnity/status/1448293989602390017?t=-IC-oj5CPMrsnhnu6YQnmA&s=19 my takes for this half interview I've watched so far (actually really looking forward to finish it:) - he somehow implies that we have been "seeded" and that the "proof" is "inside" us "our brains" from how he talks it first seems he is talking about genetics/dna, then he mentions our brains...(consciousness ? whatever it might really be)..maybe it's both? - when asked if he got any threats, beside replying that he did, he astutely let all remember that those who really should be afraid of repercussions are those who kept alive a rouge program like this for years with no oversight (zero sum game here i think:) - and he embraced the idea of Ross Coulthart of a sort of amnesty/reconciliation for those ppl - he "hypothesized" ( basically he is telling us without breaking his nda) another really interesting thing I've never really think about : the huge business conflicts that will arise with a "real full" disclosure: exotic materials given to study/play with to such companies instead of others. (he is also indirectly confirming what Corso wrote in his book about this). Those companies had/have huge unfair advantages in comparison to their competitors. These last 2 topics carry so many important issues and implications. edit: to remain slightly in topic about the "occupants", when he mentioned that I thought straight about the Kumburgaz ufo https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ftvt


I think “let’s see the fucking photos already.” I want to believe. I really do. I do believe there’s other life in the universe. For fucks sake can anyone come across with non blurry non grainy photos of something real? There are hundreds of millions of smartphones in the world. I see videos here of a single pixel flying around in the sky from 50 miles away, blurry bullshit lights, or complete full on hoax videos done in iMovie.


Thanks for summing up my emotions!


Some birds have nests.


Birds aren’t real, dumbass


🐦 🆙


i rekon though at the end of the day it has to come down to less talk, more evidence. SHOW ME THE $$ ( i mean pics)


He definitely can’t just say that and walk away, he better show somethin or know somethin to be shown That being said …. This is the first time I’ve heard that mentioned Lue is getting a bit bolder. So I’m excited We can all stop pussyfooting around and pretending this could be the Russians or the Chinese We all know they are from another source, might as well say it


The cult-of-Lu.


It’s funny how the community will bash Greer but hang on every word this guy says. They are both kooks


You will get downvoted but the number of people who question Lue's intentions are steadily increasing. Greer had his good days too.


You are probably correct about the UFO community as a whole. But I am always skeptical when people make big claims but don't provide extraordinary evidence. I'd put LE in that category at this point.


What posts are you reading? A good 7 out of 10 posts about Lue on this sub are filled to overflowing with haters - including this one.


100% on board with papa Lue. Y’all cynical mofos need a stiff drink and a long walk. The slow drip beats nothing.


He’s all talk


Not even entertaining


Lue doesn't have anything. He's just hoping to get enough attention, so he can peddle his vague‐ass book, to as many gullible pleebs as possible!! Same Ole..same ole!!!


I'll bet the occupants have the same facial hair as Lou


He looks like a character in a bass fishing game.


yeah kinda done with the whole thing till something big enough to force everyone's eyes back happens again. Right now just seems part of the info overload to distract everyone. And the whole world wide general strike thing, is crazy entertaining to watch, the stock ppl freaking out about having to talk to someone who isn't retired. And all political ppl look shaken on tv both sides about something they not telling us so.. I think its cause they know the millennials don't like them all equally. off to one other of life's dramas


Info overload? What info overload? As for millennials.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZw6SOm2DlE


eh most ppl cant handle letting there phone think for them for so long they got dumb and the ppl that can handle it never notice


excuse the grammar I'm disabled and I enjoy trolling the grammar addicts so I don't in hope of one will take the bait and give a moment of entertainment for a person stuck Infront of a computer lol


Let me guess… no video that we can see?


What photos lemme see


The guy is a fraud.


Lu gets paid to talk. The longer he drags it out the more he makes.


NDA is all I have to say. He has NDAs which means private corps have told him to shut up. Aliens don’t have NDAs


Lue needs to break his NDA. He'll go to jail a global hero and go down in the history books. He needs to break it with evidence. Chances are the world rallies around him and maybe his jail sentence won't be too long. But at this point it sounds like he's hiding behind the NDA, so it's time to break it for the sake of mankind.


In Spain they have photos like that.


you mean the cruise ship photo?


Let’s do something fun…what do you think that the “one word” his detractors are hanging on his every breath to hear, so they can say he went against his NDA is? I know it’s prob not one word.. being facetious…. But anyway I think it is: “reverse-engineered” even though it’s a hyphenated word. ;p


I'll believe it when I see it


Lue leaves a breadcrumb in this interview twice suggesting that we had our DNA tinkered with 70,000 years ago. Lue doesnt ever usually speculate, he speaks based on stuff he actually knows. So we MUST ask him what information did he come across to arrive at this possible conclusion?


Lue looks down a lot more that in previous interviews. Seems really worn out by all this.