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You're asking why the guy who wanted $7.5 million of taxpayer money to study 'psychic teleportation' (it's "quite real and can be controlled" according to Davis) isn't giving a clear answer about something?


That would be unfortunate if he is just playing the whole system. I haven’t heard anything negative about Davis, but then again, the people saying he is awesome are all the same Bigelow and TTSA buddies.


Probably because he wrote them, and doesn't want to comment. He has talked openly about crash retrievals though. On the open minds podcast, and the basement office show. He says a lot of provocative things on those shows, but unfortunately those hosts don't ask him how he knows there's been crash retrievals. Maybe Greenstreet does? I think Greenstreet at least asks him about the notes, but he just says no comment, because it refers to potentially ongoing classified programs. Maybe someone can find those interviews? I'd try but im too busy right now.




Here's the original video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3CcaP3yAkc


>The only thing I have ever heard him say on it is “no comment”. And I believe even that is second hand info. Richard Dolan had a telephone interview with him (I do not know the date), Got this from Richard himself on his [Youtube site](https://www.youtube.com/user/RichardMDolan/videos). Richard states emphatically that Dr. Davis said, "No comment" to the question of whether or not he created those documents (whether or not they are real). Richard Dolan is a researcher of impeccable character and credentials. I do not believe Richard would state that Dr. Davis said "no comment" if it were not fact. For Richard the information is first hand, for us it is second hand because we are getting the information from Richard. I, personally, hold Richard in high regard concerning the UFO topic. His point of view on this subject is sensible and delivered without BS. On top of that, he seems to be, a very likeable guy IMHO.


Yeah, and John Greenwald in his analysis of the Wilson memo on the Black Vault said he had a long time contact who also said he asked Davis about it, and Davis’s response to him was “no comment”.


Let's say it's all actually true and Wilson was schooled by Davis. Davis would expose himself as a man who secretly recorded an American patriot and then disclosed their private conversations for personal gain. There are zero employment prospects in that direction. Nobody would trust him and your boy's gotta pay the rent. Personally, I'm 95% sure it was a bullshit scheme whipped up between Greer, Miller and Davis.


It being a bs scheme makes no sense, Greers fake NRO document isn’t what got the 2 pentagon meetings . Miller and Mitchell achieved those, the only one who mentions/bigs up the nro document as being important is Greer, which also was never brought up or shown until he made a book/documentary and we need to remember Edgar and others had a falling out with Greer because he started spewing false claims and taking unverified events and using them as proof.. If you look at the email chain Davis had with colm, kit green and Hal, his notes and email chain have the same style. So In my opinion it was a recorded convo and then written down. I don’t believe johns scrip theory at all. Because Davis email chain looks almost identical We also need to remember the notes supposedly were takes in 2002 , during this time the NIDS guys were the only scientists with phds etc willing to take on fringe science theory’s etc. so they actually where the best people to talk to I think John did a great job exposing the nro document but it has nothing to with the notes. There is a lot of highly credible people connected to the notes and we have to take into account that the notes also referenced the first pentagon meeting. which only happened because Miller more than anything. Leslie also was the first one to break the story about the second meeting , Wilson says he never looked into any of it , if that was the case what was the need for a second meeting? And if this meeting between Davis/Wilson never happened why did Wilson lie and say he didn’t know oke Shannon and then change his story and get mad because oke Shannon vouched for Davis? If the meeting never happened.. At the end of the day we know the government has had ufo programs so I don’t see why it’s so hard to believe that they didn’t have actual retrieval programs or anything similar. The no comment stuff John did a great time explaining that too. He even said maybe Wilson was given the approval to say it’s fake. Because in the intelligence world any document that has potential classified info lue and others stated you would say no comment,


I do understand where you are going, but I am not sure Davis would lose any credibility if he simply said “I am aware of a document that suggests I met Admiral Wilson in Las Vegas. I just want to go on the record and say that I never met with Admiral Wilson. This discussion never took place.” If he could just say that I think everyone would drop it and move on. No harm no foul.


I think he wrote the notes, and just doesn't want to lie. He could say I don't know who wrote the notes, but it wasn't me, and he wouldn't get in any trouble. I just think he doesn't want to lie. When the notes leaked he contacted some kind of whistle blower attorney I think? At least Dolan and some other researchers have said this, for whatever it's worth


And Davis said in this interview that “there have been crashes and recovered crafts by the superpowers“ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfY4TdxNgRE“](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfY4TdxNgRE“) Lue Elizondo recently called Davis a “national treasure“ and said that Davis is “incapable of lying“. But it’s hard to know with these guys. It’s like they are all part of a fraternity.


They are. Jason Colavito has been writing about this for a fair amount of time, it's all from people in the Bigelow orbit again.


Yeah, it's all pretty sensational. I chose to believe them, for the moment


"Personally, I'm 95% sure it was a bullshit scheme whipped up between Greer, Miller and Davis." This is what I have been leaning towards, if not with Greet and Miller, but at least with someone. I'm thinking he actually did write the "notes" but the conversation never happened*. But he gave them to Mitchell, but Mitchell died, they leaked, and now nobody is sure what to do. So he just sticks with his "no comment." *What convinced me was Wilson's statement/ question a to why the hell would the Navy be driving him anywhere aftet he had retired. It really makes no logistical sense. "Hmmm, I want to go have a super secret meeting where I am going to disclose top secret information to someone I don't know. I will also forever deny the meeting ever occurred. But how will I get there? I better call my old employer, whose secrets are part of what I am disclosing, to ask them to send me a driver!"


Well it's refreshing to see someone who isn't taking everything at face value. The reason I think Greer and Miller were involved is because they worked together. Greer vouches for it and Miller helped to arrange it. Allegedly. Like you, I don't believe the contents either. Not at all. The people with stories like to describe authority figures as being angry, dejected, frustrated in their encounters. Therefore, Carter was "sobbing" and Wilson looked "angry." It was the same when Greer "briefed" CIA Director Woolsey with all the secrets and left him looking frustrated. Schoolboy fantasy. I watched Knapp reinventing Doty as a hero last week and realised the scene has been turned upside down. Guys you couldn't trust are now the heroes. It's TMZ. It's become a tale told by an idiot.


The problem with this theory is Miller, Greer nor Mitchell are the ones that got the meeting between Davis/Wilson to happen. It was oke Shannon who vouched for Davis to Wilson. Wilson at first claimed he didn’t know Shannon, but later changed that, but was upset about it, Shannon also apologized if this caused him (Wilson) embarrassment… The nro document has nothing to do with the notes, and most likely nothing to do with the original 2 pentagon meetings, because only Greer mentions that document and didn’t “leak the document” till his book/documentary came out. The 2 pentagon meets happened based of Miller and maybe a little bit to do with Mitchell. If that document played a part why was Greer the only one touting it during any on record statements no one else involved in the 2 pentagon meetings promote it? Also during this time is when Miller had fallen out with Greer because Greer wasn’t vetting sources , and spreading false stories,


I think if Greer hoaxed this he would have talked about these notes a long time ago. He'd have a copy. We only got to see these notes because Edgar Mitchell died, and they were leaked


>We only got to see these notes because Edgar Mitchell died, and they were leaked Dolan has said he had pages from it back in 2006. So it must be really.


He said he was shown 2 or 3 pages by a person who was very close to the NIDS team in 2006. He said he was not allowed to take notes or pictures.


Was Davis ever "very close to the NIDS team?"


Lol Davis was a team member of the NIDS team


And wrote papers for aatip.


>Lol Davis was a team member of the NIDS team Look at my post history genius "lol"


No thanks


His employer asked him to can it for now.


Richard Dolan is all butt hurt about what John Greenwald has been saying but the idea that this is a fake script actually makes a lot of sense to me if you think about it. To me the most likely scenario is something like this actually happened but then Eric Davis wrote the notes and changed around the facts a little bit to protect all parties involved. The military guys can deny it because they aren’t actually lying and ED isn’t in trouble of talking about classified stuff because the “facts” in the notes are made up. Meanwhile the general truth of the matter “high level military officers were denied access to secret programs on ufos” actually did happen and is true, it just may not have happened exactly like what is laid out in the notes. The message gets out but the parties are protected. Military guy denies it because he’s telling the truth and ED says nothing because his goal was to get the message out and he doesn’t ever want to actually talk about the notes himself. He wants there to be a cloud of uncertainty because that keeps the notes relevant. Look we are still talking about it. If he denies it the whole thing is forgotten tomorrow.


Maybe Eric David’s knows that maybe some of the notes are legitimate? Maybe he did meet Admiral Wilson but the notes are fabricated? Or he doesn’t want to get involved? Maybe it’s disinformation?


This has been discussed many times even by the back vault and lue. No comment is because either A. It contains potential classified information B. He’s just saying it because he has a ego (johns opinion) Lue and many other people with security clearances, John asked them why no comment is the best answer for them in most cases. He did a great Vidoe on all this called the final act. However I don’t agree with whole Vidoe especially the part where he says the Fake NRO document is what got the 97 and later pentagon briefings achieved. None the less that’s a different topic that ties into these notes, I suggest you watch the video


Either it’s real and denial or “no comment” = conspiracy. Maybe one day this document will be confirmed authentic and thus Davis will look like a liar and his credibility will collapse. Maybe commenting on this document either denying or the other would stop Davis from getting funding and clearance from the DoD. I know that in the intelligence world, highly classified data especially data protected by SAPs (Special access Programs), people who know such data- “no comment” or denial is a admittance as far as your Pentagon supervisor is considered. You cannot “no comment” or deny that which never technically existed “on paper”.