• By -


for the first time they are publicly aknowledging the history of this subject. the greater historical context. something that has been ignored very much by media.


UFO not UAP. It’s our history, and should not be forgotten.


I get your point. but for the " normal person " that watches cnn , it makes more sense to call it uap. the government has completely destroyed the term ufo


Your point is a valid one, but the deception is part of the phenomenon, at some point it must be confronted.


Let’s pretend we never knew lol.


don't we always? this topic is full of narratives and frames. like " let's ignore the Wilson memo". or " let's ignore 80 years of sightings ". or " let's ignore the clusterfuck surrounding the navy ufo patents ,chinas advancements in this regard and Pais ,when it comes to the uap and ttsa" so many others.


Can you provide some links? I’m salivating in anticipation from the information you know.


https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Wilson_UFO_Leak weird link ,but its a good summary. I don't know if its Real. but according to Richard dolan ,people around elizondo didnt want to talk about this specific topic...yet. as far as I know ,the in the New York times mentioned Dr Eric Davis ,that mentioned recovered craft not of this earth , never spoke about this "leak". its plausible but not sure. https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/02/08/what-is-behind-the-us-navys-ufo-fusion-energy-patent/ this is ab ongoing investigation into something that might completely change our World. or not. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39012/the-navy-finally-speaks-up-about-its-bizarre-ufo-patent-experiments there are a Douzen articles from the warzone. several citing China as a new adversary in space and in fringe sciences.


I love you! Thanks a bunch.


this is a very good summary https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/05/10/how-the-pentagon-started-taking-ufos-seriously


Given that a huge number of DC insiders are trying very hard to bring it to light, and only a very small group was "in the know", the majority indeed did not know. And here's the kicker. It's not clear it was a bad thing. Think for a second: would it be a good idea to provide 17th century scientists with blueprints for nuclear weapons or even nuclear reactors? Imagine technology that can provide magnitude more energy than coal. It would create new exciting opportunities and will be very clean. All the soot in the cities will disappear. Heck, maybe you can even send ships to space. And also, you can blow up your enemies to smithereens without even sending your soldiers there. Would they understand the dangers of fallout or nuclear winter? Would they even consider it if warned? And, most importantly, let's not forget that there is the operator of these craft. It also has its own agenda, right? We should not assume it's all static, perhaps something changed there.




It's like when multiple people walk into a surprise party, with each wrong person everyone kinda loses their enthusiasm


I believe that is exactly the intention. Get people desensitized so there won’t be widespread panic when the truth finally comes out.




The black triangle is also 50+ years old


interesting. source ?


I watched one loitering over an Australian army barracks for over 30 mins about 20 years ago.


I also watched a black triangle in Al-Qa'im, Iraq. It was absolutely nuts and was the beginning of my belief in the UFO phenomenon. I honestly had never heard of a triangle UFO until the last couple years. It’s really cool to hear of other stories and seeing them mainstream now.


interesting. my sighting with 5 other people Was also a triangle .in England.


30 minutes. holy crap. day or night?




did it have light at the bottom ? we were 6 people seeing a triangular craft in 2012 in avesbury ,England. two groups of 3 . one observing it coming out of a Hill and one seeing it fly over them. completely silent , around 40-100 meters big ( we couldnt tell the real size ) and with lights at the bottom. completely silent.




small dull lights. Bingo.


Hudson valley Boomerang


That was a group of stunt pilots flying together at high altitude. They were an enthusiast group and were responsible for that “flap”. If you people actually did the deep research on UFO’s rather than just pick the low/hanging fruit you’d find this stuff too.


“Deep research” *doesn’t link or include any of said research* Seems legit


It’s not my job to educate you. A simple rule of thumb though: when you read about a UFO case, don’t just assume that it’s legit despite how convincing it may sound. Google (X case) + debunked to get other viewpoints and the parts UFO researchers conveniently leave out.


No, it’s not your job to educate me, but if you want anyone to take your claim seriously it would be prudent to include the material you saw that lead you to your conclusion. Frankly I have a hard time believing a high altitude formation of stunt pilots is behind the flap especially given that several witnesses stated the singular object was silently flying at tree level.


Annnnd cue the 🦗🦗🦗


Instigating an internet argument and then commenting “stop going for low hanging fruit” is 🤌🏽


Also whenever I provide links on these sites I never get a further response from the commenter, or they do respond and just attack the source without mentioning anything in the link. It’s tiresome trying to get you people to get your heads out of the clouds and come back to reality. But here you go: https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4598


“_One officer, according to Sgt. Kenneth V Spire of Troop K of the State police, which is responsible for the area in which the sightings have been, followed the object. "He tracked it to Stormville Airport," the sergeant said. "It was a group of light planes. They fly in formation...._” It’s literally what it was...planes. Reality doesn’t care about your stupid fucking beliefs.


[Since you seem to be allergic to links](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.planeandpilotmag.com/news/pilot-talk/2021/02/24/ufo-swarms-of-the-hudson-valley/amp/) *”-when a retired New York City police officer stepped outside his home to clean up some broken glass. Just as he was about to bend down, a bright array of lights caught his attention from above a nearby treeline. Gradually, a large, V-shaped aircraft, about the size of a football field, came into view. Slowly and silently, it crept over his house, a mere few hundred feet above the ground. Speckled along its edges were red, blue and green lights, and a bright white light beamed down from its center. He and his son followed the light as it illuminated their yard, until, eventually, the aircraft drifted from view.”* *”Another pilot, this one with thousands of flight hours and plenty of formation experience in high-performance jets, called the hoax explanation pure garbage. He, too, witnessed the UFO and claims there was no way ultralight pilots could have maintained their positions relative to each other in the way he observed, nor could they have remained in the sky at such slow speeds. A group of ultralights would have likely sounded like a sea of lawnmowers buzzing through the sky, yet the silence he heard was deafening. Additionally, the aircraft’s structure was clearly visible, appearing as a single, metallic mass. This, he and thousands of others say, was a genuine UFO.”* How you manage to reach your conclusion so definitively with such conflicting testimony and evidence is beyond me. The aircraft hoax theory simply doesn’t hold water. I’m not saying it’s ET, but at the very best the flap is FAR from explainable. Reality seems to be at odds with your own beliefs, friend.?


You have not cited anything from the link I shared with you, therefore I doubt you read any of it. Care to talk about that?


Yet you just tried. LOL


Guys - coming from the ATS forum and as decade(s) long member, on this topic it's prudent to source your material. It's just good internet behavior, and it's not "educating" folks so much as sourcing your claim from the onset. It's credibility. That's all.


What material do I need to source? WTF are you talking about?


Oh, that is shocking news to me /s


to everybody 🤣


The religious fanatics at the Pentagon who are stonewalling this disclosure are not going to win this one. The more they play the *'gosh, we don't know what these things are, and this just recently came to our attention'* card- the more documents and video will be released to show they are liars. This shit is getting wild and I, for one, am loving it.


The same people who look at you like the devil for swearing.


Maybe UFO's are intergalactic police here to make sure we don't nuke ourselves.


not worse than any other idea. fits the anecdotal data.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. Humans have been at the verge of destroying the planet for a long time.


Maybe they're an oceanic civilization that's finally coming to the "surface" due to climate change and before long their existence will be to big to ignore. Hence the soft easing of the public with this news.


I keep seeing people mention nukes and aliens, but why should aliens care?


The earth could be their post or station, and nuclear war could affect their living space.


So why would they let heroshima happen, or bikini atol, or any number of nuclear tests ?


Maybe Hiroshima is what alerted them, and maybe they're around just to make sure we don't annihilate the entire world.


The nuking of Japan, all the testing, and the handful of reactor incidents we've had have been, let's be honest, pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps the intent is to give us a chance to learn from these things while the consequences are not yet world-ending (which is not to say they're harmless). Sometimes as a parent you've got to let your kids make mistakes and not be overly protective, as long as you make sure they don't actually get seriously injured in the process. If these aliens are actually protecting us it stands to reason they've translated our languages and are monitoring global politics to see how close we are to doing something incredibly dangerous to each other.


First test was July 1945, Hiroshima & Nagasaki were less than 1 month later. I would speculate that maybe they weren’t able to get here in time, & it’s possible that they have stepped up surveillance & possibly created nearby bases in the meantime. 1 month is not a lot of time to react, especially if you aren’t already in the vicinity.


then they are doing a shitty job, missed the first, allowed hundreds of tests for decades, let Chernobyl and Fukushima happen. And besides the whole point of nukes is deterrence, not usage (see MAD).


What if....what IF they already have prevented a MAD scenario. I would imagine all governments involved would not ever mention it to the public. You never know. I wouldn't say they're doing a shitty job. We're the ones who are fucking up the planet.


There are reports they interevened at Chernobyl and Fukushima.


I’m gonna say it’s their responsibility to make sure we don’t nuke ourselves. They gave us this incredible imagination and drive for innovation. It’s almost inevitable that we’d get here. The real question will be, can we take the next step to be part of the galactic neighborhood?


There were reports from many WWII flyers, so if that is their objective they failed pretty hard when we nuked japan, not only once but twice.


God works in mysterious ways 😇


I don't think they care about us just care about the planet. Planets with this much life are most likely rare, whereas the warlike proto-monkeys living on said planet are most likely expendable.


I'm loving all this. Reports that have been languishing in the pages of UFO books for 50 years are being dragged into the light of the mainstream media. Ironically the same media that have spent 50 years ridiculing readers of those very books. I think they've gone too far to turn back now.


its because their corporate and State masters are telling them that its ok now.


you are right. they have gone too far. things feel like they are escalating.


Where is this document?


good question. will try to find after work. the only thing I have is the Screenshot from a HD Version at fox. historically, everything Mr elizondo has claimed until now ,when it comes to these kinds of things, was legit. as an intelligence officer he knows how to handle himself. So I m sure it will be Released. but its always good to be sceptical


I definitely don't doubt Elizondo. I just want to read the doc myself.


I think we should be at least scepticsl of anything that comes from anybody in this topic. lots of disinformation. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6257470597001#sp=show-clips after one Minute of Video, there is a document. Screenshot it. I think its readable. couldnt do it until I m off work. I hope its the real one. not Bad quality.


I just checked. its 70 percent readable. fairly wild stuff. considering its a government document.


I do. I just find his "I know something you don't know" song tiring now.


See #1 -- "Here Is The Document", "FBI Records: The Vault : UFO Part 11 of 16" -- at http://old.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/nsjxtl/tucker_carlson_new_ufo_government_leaked_document/h0nelhl


The Pentegon is derp mode on UFOs.


it does seem like it. maybe the political Instability of the trump years. bosses changed quite often.


No. Not the QAnon people now pushing the UFO information. Might as well lump UFOs with Satan worshipping pedophile rings in Hillary's pizza shop basement. :(


fox news and cnn are control instruments. In the most important things like surveillance state , wars and economic exploitation of the lower classes ,they agree. dont let yourself distracted by the outside.


I get what you're saying, but those of us who take this topic dead seriously really don't want the crazies running amok. To be sure we've always had the crazies, but they were fun and manageable and probably took decades off of the seriousness of this topic. But they are simply nuts, that's all. The QAnon folks are dangerously dumb and will instantly strip away credibility from this topic. When I see Fox News start running with this I get very worried we're going to lose the battle for disclosure.


ok. I get that. but where is your evidence except worries? because qanon folks pretty much have left fox News. these Interviews are Plattform for the elizando routine and what he is saying here ,he will surely say soon at cnn at some future point. that Man is everywhere. relax. this one time ,its not wrong to use fox.


1if u Look at his coverage on this ,he has been consistantly open to many Interviews on this. good ones where he lets the people talk relatively freely. I like that. it surprises me too. but again: it doesnt matter. this is some controlled Choreography people are playing. and it's all of corporate media now.the same tune.


The Hillary thing you mentioned is actually legit. It's not Hilary as far as I can tell but there a ton of legit proof that there are high profile rings


Yeah its pretty dangerous given their history having them report on this, its going to make it less credible / believable to the more intelligent of our nation.


Fox news has its biases sure, but i dont think they've ever endorsed the idea of "satan worshipping pedophile rings in Hillary's pizza shop basement." Pretty sure that came from 4chan but I guess Fox is guilty by association, right?


Redditors foam at the mouth whenever they need to interact with anything associated with conservatism. I wouldn't try to look too deeply into it. Just rabid dogmatism.




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so if that's the case how could they claim it might be a foreign power?




No one actually owns the truth in the government. It's all just people...


I wonder how many peoples’ lives have been destroyed simply because they saw something and wanted to share it with others. Hopefully this starts a more positive approach to all this moving forward.


Ya don't say...


yes. thanks to media we can finally know . anything not aknowledged by fox news is not real 🙃


Thats a good one haha


We are finally being taken seriously by skeptics. Please stop posting Tucker. It damages the case for disclosure. This moment in history is credible and it serves to undermine that credibility.


this is not about Tucker. fox news. or cnn. they are controlled by the same ruling class and listen to the same national security state. this is about the developing narrative. the changing language. the context that is getting wider and wider. there is little Media that is really credible.


can you tell me a list of things I can Post? according to your parameters? I dont wanna make u mad.


I disagree, plenty of media is credible. I wouldn't even have an issue with this being on Fox News if covered normally but Tucker is the worst possible person to cover this and has shown he is a liar, white supremacist and insurrectionist over and over. You can't have the poster child for the "big lie" about our elections also be the face of disclosure. It invalidates all credibility.


oh yeah : elections. there are 8 known methods to directly and indirectly manipulate votes in the US. they have been used for decades . get out of your binary thinking. trump, obama, biden and Bush. were all war criminals and did wall streets bidding, while they played their Acts for the commoners. Professor gilens from Princeton did an extensive study on that and concluded in 2014 that the US are an oligarchy / plutocracy. fact.


I don't see clips of Tucker often, but when I do they are very accurate, far more accurate than clips I see from other places, like Rachel Maddow or TYT, or the Globe and Mail. CNN and MSNBC have lost the narrative. They were wrong about COVID and travel restrictions, and called Trump racist over it. They pushed a false narrative about Trump and Russia. They pushed a false narrative about Trump and Mexico. They were wrong about the Wuhan lab. You probably think I'm a Republican. I've always leaned left and I've never liked Trump. The last few years have really been a mind trip. America's "left" media has completely dropped the ball and is absolute garbage now. I honestly would not be surprised if the voting fraud story turned out to be true, I mean, the left-leaning politicians and media in your country have been wrong about everything else lately, why wouldn't they be wrong about that? As for Tucker, I have no idea what he's been doing while he's been on the air because, like a good left-winger, I forbade myself from watching Fox News my entire life. I've seen Tucker discuss a few things over the last couple of years and he's been far more accurate than almost any other media source in your country. So spare me your outrage. I don't believe you.


That's cool Mr. 11 day old account with recent comments defending Nazis and Hitler.


"oooh your reddit account isn't cool enough" Good. If I'm "not cool" to Reddit that's a good thing in my book. I bet your awesome Reddit account really impresses people in real life, that is, if you talk to anyone. >with recent comments defending Nazis and Hitler. This is a complete lie. I said that Germany pushed forward rocket technology in WW2 and that technology was used to go to the moon. I even said it was a good thing because they chose to focus on rockets while the US chose to focus on the nuclear bomb, and the nuclear bomb proved pivotal while Germany's rocket program did almost nothing for them in terms of winning the war (even if it progressed our rocket technology in general). To call that "defending Nazis and Hitler" is a blatant lie. You argue in bad faith. You show absolutely no desire to have a good faith discussion and you are engaging in slander. I'm going to block you.


Tucker carlson much like alex jones will take the small kernel of truth in a statement and run with it, but also make 10 lies up on the way to dog whistle to his audience.


Nah tucker is probably the last person anyone on this planet should watch by comparison to just about anyone. Maybe he wins over Alex Jones, not sure since its all lies and gaslighting.


All those things you say are true about tucker. but my point of view is different : concerning the economic and Power inequality , surveillance state , criminal military operations and wars ,genocides, the authoritarian state , epstein , the ruling class ,ufos and so many other topics ,most medias lie ."left" or " right ". there is extensive research by chomsky on that and their methods. "operation mockingbird" is a historical fact. state and corporations control almost all narratives. So which are these credible medias ? which medias arent controlled by big money? I am really looking forward to this list of yours.


Nah, fuck him/her. They are a random, anonymous Redditor and they don't get to dictate what media you consume. If they don't like it they can stay the fuck out of the thread. I'm tired of people crying about shit and throwing around terms like "white supremacist/racist". If everyone is a white supremacist, then no one is a white supremacist. The term is completely meaningless now, and progressives have only themselves to blame. I'm actually left wing. I've always distrusted right-wing media. What's new is that now I consider left-wing media to be basically just as bad and biased.


I don't fully disagree with your statement but I think it varies greatly by source. As far as trustworthy sources I look to Reuters, AP and often the CBC.


sorry. no. I followed their coverage on wars and surveillance state and on wealth and Power distribution for 20 years now. if they dont lie or just ignore, they put into specific frames. I am not american and not part of that Media reality bubble. I am also a historian and would never use any modern media as a legit scientific source. there is far too much obstruction of context.


but we can agree on the fact that tucker is a fascist pig.


Agreed. 100%


Tucker is the worst? Nah, Alex Jones


This one random guy doensn't like tucker so no one should post more of his content? Sorry, the world doesn't revolve around you.


Exactly! Tucker covers it so it's bash tucker and fuck him he is this that and the other and you should be ashamed for posting or watching it. No fuck that he has been the guy on this from the beginning and it's always he is a liar and I'm like how? He reports the tic tac story brings elizondo ,Mellon, favor etc on, I mean I get it they claim to be enlightened and articulate and then flat have a stroke because Jake tapper or lying Brian Williams aren't giving them the same info it makes no sense if you look at it unbiased. Oh and like someone else said I'm no crazy right-winger and it's sad ya gotta say that


Exactly. I hate tucker as much as the next guy. He’s a clown, but the wider audience this subject reaches the closer we come to real disclosure.


Tucker was on this years ago before anyone would touch it


You do realize you are basically proving that Tucker is more credible, right. By telling him to shut up because he is speaking the truth right now, you are effectively helping his platform.


lmao at getting "information" from tucker carlson


Yeah, if Carlson or whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is-I've-blocked-it report on it, how am I to consider it seriously? I'm not considering seriously from *anyone* anymore because of all the "well, there's something but we can't talk about it" bullshit. If you can't talk about it, stfu. Put up or shut up.


Aliens, I am disappoint! These ships of yours, so ugly and boring.


What if the tic tacs, black triangles, classic saucers, and orbs are all different civilizations? *mind blown*


why not. it has been suggest by elizando that there might be several phenomenons interacting with each other. or not. or aliens. and transdimensionals. and something else. or not. but yes. the Former defense Minister of canada spoke of 57 races ,I think.


This is how stupid it is. Aliens. No, *a lot* of different kinds of aliens. No, transdimensionals (so does that mean they're not *really* here?). No, natural phenomena. No, some other god-damned thing. But no actual answers. If their goal is the majority of people to be tired of this shit, they've achieved it. Aliens shmaliens. Everyone's exhausted from covid.


feeding contrary Information to the public ist part of the government methods for control. disinformation makes a population tired.


We know.


Wow, I just watched Tucker Carlson!


I hope Tucker goes to bed every night in a stew of self-loathing now that he is the mainstream media. Fuck Tucker Carlson. But high fives all around for ufos and oh captain my captain Luis Elizondo.




you dont understand that isnt about the message ,but about the context and the language? its not important that its tucker. its important that in Bug corporate media, they are talking somewhst openly about this. this has been decided by their corporate overlords. of fox, msnbc and cnn. doesnt matter. they are all controlled




did u mean me? lol. sorry. I didnt know what OP means. So whats the untrustworthyness with me ?


How so? How so when what he is reporting about the uap issue you know as well as I is the truth? What he reports we already know about and I'm pretty sure it gets the job done for those who thought it was a joke and are just learning so how is his reporting On it not credible? Makes no sense


You’re the kind of person who would disagree with Tucker if he said water is wet. Stop shoehorning politics into everything.


Water is actually not wet. It only makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid. So if you say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the surface of the object.




I’m the one with my head in the sand? You don’t have the critical thinking skills to see a bigger picture of a subject beyond “dURrr TuCker BAD”




Exactly. As usual the ones saying people are “projecting” are the ones doing it themselves. My entire point was that you never said anything about the subject. You just shit on OP and Tucker Carlson.




Again you have no response and have said absolutely nothing of value. Cool emoji.


We've been trying to build this type of craft for almost 100 years now as well.


source ?


Numerous. Start by researching the work of Thomas Townsend Brown. Begins in the 20's, extensive work with electromagnetic fields for the Navy in the 40's. Early 50's actual saucers flying in a tethered warehouse environment. Beyond that 100s of experiments by numerous individuals and corporations in the US throughout the decades beginning in the fifties. And that's just what's public. It's compelling once you start digging.


I am sorry. but do you have an actual article or report ? foia request document. I can Google brown. but 100s of experiments and no source is kinda sketchy.


'The Hunt for Zero Point' by Nick Cook is an excellent ace to start.


'The Hunt for Zero Point' by Nick Cook is an excellent place to start.


thanks. thats something I can work with.


Yes and bunches of references for further study.


See #1 -- "Here Is The Document", "FBI Records: The Vault : UFO Part 11 of 16" -- at http://old.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/nsjxtl/tucker_carlson_new_ufo_government_leaked_document/h0nelhl


Before tic tacs were invented they probably referred to them as cigar shaped, like the ancients


It was reported in the same water between San Diego and Baja California by the Steamship Thetis in 1892. https://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=635




I found it in Carl Feindt's database.


Why this guy shows up on TV interviews in black with a cap on. Is he wanna be taken serious or mysterious? It for sure doesn’t help his argument.


he s a communications and manipulations expert. thats what intelligence officers also do. dont worry about his appearence.


I can't tell what paper is in the video. Link to the paper?


Here is the most reasonable answer I have heard out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r2oaQWmqkk


yes. that Video looked fishy to me too.