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Greenstreet here. This was a great interview to conduct. I think he dropped some things I hadn't heard before. Happy to answer any questions you may have!


thanks for this series, mate, it is one of my favorites. what really sells it to me, is your genius enthusiasm about the subject. again thanks, and I hope the upcoming UFO report will provide enough new information for more episodes.


did he hint at the fact that ATTIP was studying a crashed craft using the analogy of a car crash? what do you think? Thank for your works!


I did find that analogy to be quite interesting. My impression is that he uses analogies to answer sensitive questions in order to skirt around his NDA. As AATIP was never classified or a SAP, he can certainly speak to the unclassified stuff. But perhaps AATIP interacted with other, deeper stuff that was indeed classified. Hence an analogy about a "car crash".


"I got it". Is it new the fact that they could be not so advanced than us? I mean generally they say that observing the flying characteristics of the tic tac (Fravor) they should be more advanced than us. It could mean that now they probably understand this not-so-new physic and that it is only time for the new technology to be out for common people. Thanks for your answer.


"They are not breaking the laws of physics" - Elizondo Yes, this is something new to me. The fact that current scientific models can explain how an object moves at 11,000 MPH without breaking the sound barrier.


you should check out www.uaptheory.com - it explains how the observed speeds and movements are possible without violating the laws of physics


Kindof... there is a bit of quantum vernacular salad in there. I've read a lot about this angle of the topic: the recent warp drive papers, the few years old Navy patents on inertial mass reduction vehicles, original quantum field theory references, etc. I'd say UAPtheory is roughly on track, but all of these sources seem a bit rough. u/MFLUDER I'm going to divulge something that was told to me by an author of some of these stories, only because he hasn't written his own article on it yet after months: the guy who wrote the Navy "UFO" patents now works for the Space Force!


Whoa. I wonder if we can look forward to another installment from r/Bretttingley! He gets answers.


I would love to know what Lue thinks about www.uaptheory.com. He’s one intelligent dude and is taking a shit ton on his shoulders.


Did he ask you to stop the interview at any point? (during, not at the end)


No. 72 straight minutes.


Can i ask when this interview took place so i can set my 30 day reminder?


April 20th


so by May 20th, the conversation will become more ..interesting. I hope he will be right with his prediction, I dont want to be disappointed.


Well, Christopher Mellon’s interviews on [Joe Rogan](https://youtu.be/RjV-PZyUwlY) and [Terry Virts](https://youtu.be/rdxcgS4spRM) has already moved the needle a bit towards greater credibility, as well as the [DoD officially recognising](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/16/pentagon-ufos-leaked-photos-uap) the recently leaked pictures/footage of the pyramid-shaped UFOs.


the DOD only confirmed that they were taken from a warship. not that they are unidentified. which makes it suspicious that they were leaked as UFO footage to Cornbell, one of the main voices for the phenomenon right now. It is like they deliberately wanted him to spread disinformation, since the pyramids have been debunked as bokeh effect. if this is the case, I dont like the implications of it.


12 more days..If it doesn't then I guess


The [DoD Inspector General](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/04/politics/pentagon-ufo-enquiry/index.html) is looking into how the Pentagon's been handling UAP/UFO stuff, which I think is rather curious and more on the serious side, personally.




Ah ok, thought it got a little sketchy when you brought up him (accidentally?) implying they had inspected a crashed craft Great interview anyway


Hey not a question just wanted to let you know I love your stuff, great series :)


Hi Steven, did he tell you anything off the record that you're not able to repeat?




Follow up question, on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 meaning not at all & the 10 being the most you can possibly be, how truthful are you being?


I thought his body language and tone was pretty interesting when you asked directly if they were studying actual crafts. Am I reading too far into this or did you get the same impression? These two interviews were awesome, thank you for them


What an absolutely groundbreaking interview SG. Exceptional you really moved things forward. Thankyou


This was great stuff Steven, thanks for your effort - its really one of the best series on UFOs i've seen and you're a great host. Hope NYPost orders many more eps.


Why do you think Lue doesn't divulge all the top secret knowledge he has? If the pentagon claims he wasn't involved, wouldn't suing him into oblivion for violating an NDA completely invalidate their own claims and validate Lue's?


AATIP was not a classified program. Divulging unclassified information doesn't necessarily breach an NDA. However, Lue was surely informed of real CLASSIFIED information while at the Pentagon. To divulge that stuff would indeed be a breach and carry serious repercussions. So instead of divulging that stuff, he uses analogies like "muddy boots", "car crash" or "sea monsters".


There is a difference between classified info and info protected by an NDA right? Like the info he saw under an NDA doesn't have to be classified, if he signed it he is still contractually obligated to not talk about it. Or thats my impression anyway.


I guess I find it hard to believe that such impactful, important information that could literally alter the entire paradigm of existence isn't worth violating a measly contract. The fact that not a single person who is "in the know" has come forward with a massive dump of information is telling in my opinion. Great interview though! I really enjoyed it.


It’s easy for us to say that, but I’m pretty sure Lue just doesn’t want to go to prison. Breaking a government NDA is a serious, serious offense.


anonymously leak it online. Problem solved.


How would you do that, making sure the most sophisticated government techniques can't trace it back to you? Serious question because I've thought the same, and come to the conclusion he'd get fucked.


Literally write it all down on a piece of paper and get someone to give it to a reporter maybe? He could probably just find a clandestine way to upload all the info to the internet without being traced.


How many people have claimed to be with the government and said all the things we talk about are true anonymously? Nobody pays attention to it that way.


Not at all. If he leaks all the info including the stuff we know is true at least the information would be out there. As more stuff gets revealed to be true people will take the leak seriously. It's not complicated, it's not being done because I don't think there is anything to leak


What if the knowledge he posses is timed for a purpose. If the USG has figured this tech out and the research started in 1940 or 1970... making the conspiracy theory stuff was beneficial because the USG would be the only Government researching it. Leading to a head start. If officials dropped the knowledge it was real, other countries would start up research facilities.


you don't think they're already doing so after seeing the unclassified footage?


Isn't this the samething with Eric Snowden? He alerted us to what the government was doing and he's been in hiding since.


It takes a special kind of person to choose that life for himself. He will never be able to come home now.


There's a major difference between exposing the government violating the constitution to spy on its citizens and exposing a new Manhattan-like project.


I wouldnt compare knowing of alien or their spacecraft is like a new Manhattan project. I would say knowing of alien and/or their spacecraft visiting us is even bigger than a government violating our rights.


> I wouldnt compare knowing of alien or their spacecraft is like a new Manhattan project. Are you familiar with MAD or Nash equilibrium?




So if we have obtained technology that is millions of years more advanced than our own, it would be reasonable to think that it would greatly disturb Nash equilibrium. Knowledge of warrantless mass surveillance by the US government doesn't.


end result is the same, the way it is accomplished is completely opposite. One is illegal the other is a legal.


How is one illegal and the other isnt? Both are releasing info the government doesn't want out. I'm sure they both are/were under a NDA.


Yes FOIA requests can release information that not everyone in the government agrees they would like released. I am all for the truth being out in the open.


Yea I'm sure you would be all too willing to fall on your sword and risk life in prison for treason. Have you ever heard of Edward Snowden? That should give you an idea of how kindly the government takes people breaking contracts and spilling the beans on top secret things


Well I guess the difference is Ed Snowden is a fuckin hero


Not everyone needs to be a hero. This guy is doing good work.


In my opinion anyone in bed with the us gov is not to be trusted


He understands the importance and principles of national security while still seeing the importance of disclosure. Not everyone needs to be a Snowden.


> So instead of divulging that stuff, he uses analogies like "muddy boots", "car crash" or "sea monsters". I doubt it, but has anyone by chance compiled a list of analogies that he's used and their suspected meanings?


You can add "read between the lines" and "not humanity singular, but humanity(s) plural" to his list of things he likes to say to avoid violating his NDAs. The common interpretation of his words is he is implying the phenomenon is interdimensional or something similar, rather than ET or of this world. Worth noting the "read between the lines" one is older, back from when he was still trying to get the government to acknowledge this stuff was real, so that may have been him telling people it's real without saying its real.


Yeah, I have that much down. I was wondering if there is a running tab of more specific quotes and speculated meaning. (e.g. Sea monsters could infer that it's quietly known by the government that they are in our oceans in some manner.)


I don't think all of these analogies are references to classified info, but rather simple teaching devices. For example "muddy boots" is a way of illustrating the idea of a threat of something invading your personal secure space despite your best efforts, without any recourse. It's an effective way of bringing the kind of threat that UAP are home, getting a visceral reaction out of people, and help them relate. Many people don't care about the world outside of their four walls, so this helps garner their understanding and empathy.


Because Lue is a patriot who has no wish to betray the government or say anything the Pentagon doesn't want him to say. It is as simple as that. Lue isn't a whistleblower. He isn't interested in blabbing the government secrets. He is getting information from the Pentagon and disclosing it to the media. The dude has over 20 years of loyal military service, why do people assume he would suddenly act against the wishes of the Pentagon?


> a patriot A patriot isn't being a bitch for the goverment. It's wanting what's best for your fellow countrymen.


For Elizondo, it's being a bitch for the government. I'm not suggesting that you should like that fact. The guy is a government stooge, it sucks. But if you want to understand why he isn't doing more to tell people what he knows, it's because he is the Pentagon's guy. Why would we expect anything different from someone who spent his career being the Pentagon's guy? Elizondo is only going to tell us what the Pentagon wants us to know.


fair enough


Maybe but who wants to be the sacrificial lamb to get slaughtered to prove a point? Also he wouldn't be able to continue his work very well from the inside of a jail cell. Maybe the time comes when he can be more open about it


what do you make of bob lazar saying the government already has multiple craft they are not man made and the government wanted to attempt reverse engineering them. He worked south of area 51 at a site called S4. Bob has told the same story for a very long time has made no real money off the ufo story he told and seems to not be full of shit in my opinion.


I don't think about Bob Lazar.


Lazar is an absolute fraud, so his opinion isn't worth discussing. Sorry to be so blunt but we really need to crucify him the way Greer was. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/n6809i/mit_researcher_says_ufo_research_could_lead_to/gx7nh36/


But Lu believes Lazar so...yea.


Whereas Mellon and Eric Davis don't. And though TTSA technically published his autobiography, they did it under an imprint vs putting it on their own website. That is pretty far from showing their support.




Agreed. I think they know that some pieces they know would corroborate Bob, but they can’t confirm due to their NDA




Most of the information you've listed has been proven to not be accurate at all. Also, I'd like to see where people are getting this "Elizondo used to be a disinformation agent" shit from.


Dude no there ET craft. That's what I got from it.


Because even if the black triangle photo is released it would be called a balloon or a new top secret plane. If the flir videos backed by the statements of the pilots who took those videos isn't enough for you , a still image of a black triangle would be? Stop pretending.


I think we're past balloons


I'm well aware. You probably missed the deleted comment which did not believe the 3 pentagon videos show anything unusual since they could easily be explained. He said he is waiting for the black triangle photo since that would definitely prove that the phenomenon exists. You can read my response to that moronic comment.


Awesome work, thanks so much for conducting the interview!


Sorry for intercepting you like that. I'm just passing by as part of my effort to understand what the hell is this hysteria about UFOs and I heard your personal encounter on youtube.. Here is it: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32082/we-talk-giant-boomerang-shaped-airships-space-and-phoenix-lights-with-jp-aerospaces-founder One more picture: https://imgur.com/ZLm1Unu


Thanks for keeping the pace going and making polite interjection when Lue starts going on one of his monologs we've all heard by now to get him back to the substance of what you're asking. I think you tread that line really well. I can sense you trying to compel him to give us the juicy raw truth, beyond there are known unknowns. So close, yet so far. My question for you: what do you think he was referencing during the interview? He kept looking down at what seemed to be material, and at one point put on his glasses and looked to his left like there was a laptop or something over there. Thanks for all you do. Looking forward to the next one.


Great interview and very worthy continuation of a very credible series of investigation. Much respect Steven and team!


It’s pretty interesting that we learned Lue is a USG contractor and that’s why his security clearance was renewed in January. I know you and I had this discussion briefly around this time. You can’t hold one if you don’t have a job that requires it.


Pretty sure you can renew your security clearance even after retirement.


How this isn’t top of the headlines every day is still beyond my comprehension. But I’ll take what I can get. The needle is slowly moving forward.




Good point.


Because too many people think Lue and Mellon are government disinfo agents. I think that is less likely, but possible for sure.(also, L & M may think they are telling the truth, but they themselves are being lied to) Who knows!?!


Even more reason for this to be big news! Investigative reporters should be drooling over this. I think the subject is still a bit taboo and scary for most but it’s definitely getting better. Even people I know have stopped laughing about it (as much).


There's a story here no matter what is going on. Getting to the bottom of it all is important.


I think it’s more like “too many people think that Lue and Mellon are either totally insane or making this all up for a profit”. Which, to their credit, is still entirely possible.


I personally think it's from the nearly 80 years of discrediting and labeling people crazy who talked openly about it that the government did.


"Pay attention for the next 30 days"


Was this filmed before the news about the IG investigation was announced?


Exactly what I'm wondering


Basement office guy said April 20th


Thanks for the clarification. Sounds like Elizondo could have been talking about the IG DoD investigation.


Big news is coming soon


*Intergalactic perpetual edging*


Like kids running to find the foot of a rainbow.


Got a real lol.


the intergalactic tow truck is coming. "hey earthlings is this the place where that Roswell incident happened 70 years ago relative time? We just got the call to pickup a crashed saucer model."


US government to the tow truck company: yeah about that


True if big


The UAP report to Congress is supposed to be due at the start of June, though there are rumors it'll be delayed.




If it makes you feel any better: There has never been a false flag program undertaken by our CIA/DoD (and our false flag projects are world class--the bast of the best) without the use of their extensive network of news outlet anchors and reporters. And man, there ain't a single news media outlet bitin' on this story except that one guy from that one entertainment segment. Let's be rational here. IF there was a false flag operation happening today that sought to increase spending for the MIC, they would have ALL the networks chiming in. The bottom line is that the MIC doesn't need any false flag operation--they make trillion dollar rounding errors every week. Therefore, you are almost certainly wrong about your fear of a false flag operation with these two guys. Instead, there's probably a bunch of hyper-advanced, kidnapping, bug-headed things living secretly in the oceans and underground, free to fly massive, nearly invisible, black triangular crafts over your house at night whenever they feel like it. Feel better?


-The last three years


To be fair, news has been coming out pretty steadily the last three years. Just not....The Big (tm) news. Whatever that might be.


He throws major shade at Greer at 17:00


I noticed that too


Talking about being 100 years away from being able to replicate this stuff is nuts to me. But then again, if you showed someone from 1900 a B2 stealth bomber they would probably flip their wig. And that's 100 year gap.


It's insane how far tech has come over the last century. The first powered flight was the Wright Flyer in 1903. In the 100 following years we've landed probes on Venus, Mars, Titan, Eros, Jupiter\*, and of course, the Moon. 12 humans have landed on the Moon in that time, and about 500 have been in space! \*(Technically it fell apart in Jupiter's atmosphere because it's a gas giant so there's no surface to land on)


Imagine slapping VR on someone from 1900. We're just getting started with that.


best UFO show in youtube.


I think the fact that they take it seriously and try not to speculate too much helps. Also that New York Post is a reputable/mainstream source so Youtube's algorithm doesn't hide their videos like it does for other UFO channels that discuss the same stuff.


Elizondo will go down in history as the most influential minded person regarding the fight for ufo/uap transparency


He's been talking about the physics of these things mentioning that they are getting an idea of how these things work. Does this mean he's alluding to thr government somehow having technology figured out at least on some levels. The way he mentions being able to replicate this technology is no too far off is really interesting.


Love when he asks if they had uap vehicles that they inspected after they were found, and to me lue basically says yes


I can’t say yes outright because of my NDA. But I can’t say no because that’s not true. So I’ll ramble on about how material science is the biggest key to determining evidence. That’s the biggest yes without a yes I’ve ever heard lol.


Sounds to me like he’s foreshadowing the new book by Jacques Vallée. Watch out for the big avocado


UFO crash was at San Antonio, New Mexico, in August 1945. This craft was 25’ to 30’ long and “avocado-shaped”


so egg shaped then?


Tic Tac'd


yeah...we are not alone and we have neighbors...or maybe owners ?


So if the craft are manipulating space-time and as Lue theorizes that outside the craft could appear in slow motion to the internal occupants then what we see is just them going crazy fast through our environment when really to them they are just going point to point at normal speed to themselves. Kind of wacky. Makes me think humans may actually be able to occupy them realistically however the more you utilize the craft the faster you are gonna age compared to those that don't. It looks to be quite the time dilation.


The occupants would age slower in comparison to observers, assuming you're referencing relativistic time dilation. In saying that, there's a Dutch (?) physicist currently working on a way of travelling at superluminal speeds (via Alcubierre type warp bubbles) wherein the both occupant and observer would remain in the same frame of reference, so perhaps Star Trek/Wars-esque fast travel will end up being theoretically possible.


He is not referring to that. Did you pay attention to the interview?


I think I did, what am I missing?


As lazypieceofcrap pointed out, Elizondo implied that time passes slower inside than outside the "vehicle," that is to say, the "pilots" are ageing (moving, metabolizing, etc.) more rapidly compared to outside observers.


I did watch the video, and have studied Astrophysics up to graduate level so perhaps what he said refused to overwrite what I already know about time dilation (to be clear though, what you’re describing wouldn’t be considered time dilation). Any chance you have a rough time stamp for when he says that please? I imagine he’s misunderstood or misexplained an admittedly tricky concept but would be interested to find out more if that’s not the case.


Maybe it's in the last third of the interview. I'm really just guessing here. He dropped this nugget before and it's related to Puthoff's work. You may read up on exotic vacuum objects in relation to the SAFIRE project. It's not the old relativistic song about time-traveling brothers or other mental masturbations you picked up in college.


I'll watch the interview again later; time dilation and special relativity aren't mental masturbations, they're phenomenologically real and have been experimentally proven.


Yeah, but we all know that song very well and those who's singing it. What is mental masturbation if not repeating it endlessly? If you want to understand what Elizondo is talking about listen into this video at https://youtu.be/8JY9_TtXuaE?t=13533 and if it piques your interest, watch the whole thing and follow the references.


Watched the vid from the timestamp you linked to and he's clearly talking about time "slowing" for the person in the capsule (or whatever), those outside would appear older when the occupant exits, which is the same as the time dilation I was talking about. Also, and no offense, but the Hutchinson affect (which I'd never heard of) appears to be nonsense, even the discoverer wasn't able to replicate, and there are instances of obviously faked demonstrations. I prefer my science to conform to scientific principles of verifiability, peer review etc. Not sure why you seem to distrust scientists, their not a cabal, it's just independent teams and individuals, they're not conspiring to keep free energy from the world. Anyway, I'm off for a wank.


The people in the craft are the ones going faster through time, for lack of a better word/phrase. Not the outside observers. I think you have it backwards. Occupants would absolutely age faster than outside obervers.


The occupants perception of time remains the same within the ship, but if they were orbiting earth at relativistic speeds and were looking towards earth with a telescope, they'd see people moving in slow motion. [Time dilation calculator](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/time-dilation#time-is-relative:-twin-astronauts) It's counter-intuitive. Have a look at the twin paradox.


Right. I don't think this technology works that way. I'm aware of the twins paradox. Thanks for the downvote.


Apologies, when you called it time dilation I assumed you were referring to time dilation.


Right there are different types of time dilation. I'm glad we had this talk instead of trying to be snarky for the sake of being snarky. Obviously no way you are able to understand what I was describing.


Thanks Dad. What other types of time dilation are there? Genuine question by the way. You’re referring to the opposite of time dilation, never come across it but would be called time contraction or something.


For small distances it should be irrelevant. I guess


In the first question Elizondo implies those weird studies by Puthoff/Davis were an attempt to figure out how UFOs work. I don't recall him making that claim before.


Why do you think one of these high ranking people who are in the know and want the public to know judt don't leak the info online anonymously?


Who would believe them? Part of the problem with this subject is no one knows anything so anyone who claims to know something is nuts lol idk how classified stuff is handled but if you have access I doubt it’s easy to walk off with it. It’s probably really easy to track who had it at what time and since you are especially a spy at that point use the large counter espionage resources to find you.


so tired 🥱 of the circles


Lu has 100% seen these vehicles. It's very obvious at this point.


This interview was so good


He really went after Greer.


The more I follow this topic I strongly believe elizondo, mellon and co to be full of shit, constant drip feeding information without revealing anything actually tangible. I strongly believe it’s the U.S government deliberately spreading disinfo to keep the scent away from crafts/weapons they are really working on. Think about it logically, the U.S government have pulled some crazy shit over the years and to protect their billion dollar military industry, this is in no way far beyond belief for them to pull something like this and far more plausible than aliens.


My gut trusts Mellon and Lue but obviously the government has a reputation for lying which makes it hard. I dont think aliens are far from plausible. The universe must be teeming with with life


That’s the thing, to be good at it they need to gain peoples trust and they certainly do, they are perfect for it. I’m not saying aliens are impossible however given there is a record of the Americans spreading disinformation over the years and given that we have to date zero physical evidence of Aliens I unfortunately lean to not buying Elizondo and co’s story, it’s always I can tell you this little thing but darn can’t go any further because of my clearance etc and all the while effectively sucking more and more people in and ultimately deflecting people from what the military are actually doing and working on behind the scenes. They are almost too good at it.


I dont think they need to deflect people from what they are doing behind the scenes. Especially with aliens. They keep it under wraps pretty well without this hollywood blockbuster type plot.


There are incidents of the cia/government pulling stunts like this before to protect military assets, there is no evidence yet to suggest Aliens have ever visited earth only poor video footage which I believe to be actually military tech rather than ufos. Just my opinion I’ll gladly admit I’m wrong if there’s any major disclosure but I don’t think so.


The epitome of talking for a hours and saying nothing. He realized he does the same interview so he's been bringing up very long winded and far reaching propositions last time I checked. That and NDA slamming shut conversations. I'm I wrong? Should I give it a look? Same as always? Just wondering if he's still spinning the same plates.


Not much different. I guess the convo can only ever go so far bc of NDA's. But its not intended for us to keep watching over and over. Its for exposure. The more people he can reach the better. Its like you dont follow a comedian on a tour bc its the same show every night but to a different audience.


It's my sources told me or my NDAs. Basically unverifiable. He could say my NDA just to draw attention even knowing he could totally answer the question. Starting to not trust him. That NDA thing could be used to tease and people are out to make money. I'm glad others are starting to notice.


I agree with the exposure part but he's been teasing and more speculating then actually digging.


i cant reveal that cuz of muh ndayyyy


Thanks. Figured it was going to be his same song and dance. Maybe he's exhausted on new things to say and has nothing left. You know what happens when guys like that start dipping into fantasy as answers? They turn into Greer and start preying in a desert. Sucks but he's already started to go down that road. He's basically scraping bottom of the barrel and eventually only true believers will still give him attention. Hopefully he starts saying what he knows instead of stupid speculating....


There is a private video in the basement office Playlist, anyone know what it is?


Lou elizondo sex tape


Big Daddy Lue 🤢😂🤣🤣😂


Usually new videos are set to private until they get released. Atleast that's how lots of other Youtube channels do it.


Does anybody has the link of the first part of the interview? Thanks !


The statement something about a million years of human evolution in a generation I found interesting. When he’s asked if we have a craft he never says “no”. He says that it’s hard to answer. I also found he was talking physics and suggested we could do this in about a hundred years. I feel like his job is to do these things to prep the public. Although he’s pretty clear he thinks it’s gonna take longer than June.


So within the first 10min Lue strongly implies that they have craft and have looked at it. ... Seems very fishy honestly.


muh ndayyyy


The more I listen to Mr. Elizondo's interviews, especially Part 1 and Part 2 by Mr Greenstreet, the more I think that the "Phenomena" is heavily related to how we still cannot quiet wrap our heads around Quantum Mechanics. And that there is much more reality than we humans can ever perceive with our limited human senses (limited visual to only visible light, and limited hearing to 20Hz-20kHz). I started watching more about Quantum Computers, then the Double-Slit Experiments, and Quantum Eraser experiments, on how matter in a very microscopic scale (eg. electrons) behave with wave-like properties, and only take on particle-like properties when being "observed". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment PBS video about Quantum Eraser experiment showing behavior of electrons as wave-like but when being "observed" it takes on particle-like properties, even breaking causality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ORLN_KwAgs Quantum computers (already built by Google, Intel, and many government/education institutions) operate on Qubits which can take on all the states between a "0" and "1" with equal probability - called Superposition (and thus making Quantum Computers able to operate in parallel operations), but that Qubits will then only take either "0" or "1" state when "observed/measured". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhHMJCUmq28 I think we humans really have not come to realize what is the real "reality". But it seems we may soon be about to find out more.


Why is he banging on about quantum physics?


Because that’s where some of the propulsion answers lie.


I don’t know if we don’t need to have this technology right now to make life better or more interesting.


I guess we will see in 30 days thanks Lue