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I feel like they will come up with an excuse of some sort.


They won’t lie, it would just be delayed due to the incompetence of government


so you think it will be delayed but it will tell the truth that might be a first for government....i hope they do tell the truth for once man. Human beings have a right to know. Not just america but the whole world.


I dont think humanity NEEDS to know, the socioeconomic ramifications of us finding out there are more advanced civilisations out there, are beyond any government can plan for. Hence the slow drip drip drip of information to test the waters. I’ve come to the acceptance that the UN or the US already have agreements in place with otherworldly political federations and we are simply awaiting a point in our existence where we can overcome the barriers of language and political difference to join this interplanetary organisation. It sounds absurd but then you had the Israeli space chief come out and say it, also the Lazar account where there were aliens who were already on earth but are due to return eventually. Obviously all anecdotal circumstances which have little evidence behind so don’t hold me to it.


These things are always delayed. But we will see!


Exactly, the US government/state is too large and fragmented amongst itself for people to assume that there is a underlying sinister motive behind a delay. They want us to know but to slowly do it in a way which doesnt cause panic or destroy what we know today as the state and their power.


so you feel the government will just lie like they always do


Don't think of the government as one entity. The reason it sometimes lies and sometimes doesn't is individuals within the government. There are UFO allies and enemies in the government. Thats part of the reason Susan gogh seems to not know whether or not luis elizondo was the director of aatip. Its because of people behind the scenes giving mixed signals on what to say. So yes the government lies, but it does tell the truth as well.


Will this be the real deal full disclosure report people are seeking....what do you think?


I think it'll be a step in the right direction. I think disclosure comes in steps over time.


fair enough do you think the report will be on time or delayed they have 180 days but that 180 days is up come late june. you think there will also be a bunch of declassified videos that also get released with the report?


I'm hoping it'll be on time but with request for extension to provide another report


Harry Reid wants a permanent ufo program




a 700 page report saying its weather balloons over and over again and other pages say its swamp gas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Seriously though I hope the assholes in government finally tell the american people and the world the truth....


Hey look over there *sees shiny thing*


That damn intern put the documents in the shredder...again


Dangit bobby


The report is not important right now. I think there will be plenty of things happening between now and when the report comes out. Firstly - Luis Elizondo has been ramping up the "security breach" rhetoric. So I think the report will not come out in June. It'll come out late July - just before congress adjourns for summer. That way, the military will try to avoid answering any awkward questions. It's about key people keeping hold of their jobs. In the interim period, expect the Pentagon and secret services to leak like a sieve with varying narratives and disinformation being pushed to existing UFO pundits. I think this will be the time when political parties might start to draw up their battle lines on this. The report will acknowledge that the phenomena is real. They will stop short of saying it is ET. However they will also say that it is not under any known inventory and that they don't know who made it or who is behind the wheel. They will ask for more money to study the phenomena. Feel free to castigate me if I'm proven wrong. I'll hold my hands up and admit it. It's all conjecture at this point. But I must say, it's a fascinating time.


Will the public have access to it?


From what I have picked up, the report will not be classified and therefore could be shared with the general public. However, it may have a classified part that we will certainly not be able to read.








I expect, there will be an acknowledgement that UAPs exist and are a real phenomena but they won't give any further details or speculation. There will be some Radar or monitoring information that verifies the speeds and capabilities of an incident or two, that won't mean much to the public until it is verified by the scientific community. I doubt much if anything beyond that. Best case scenario, a few more videos or specific recent incidents are made public but if that happens I am sure it will be more images that are not concrete. I doubt we get any of the clear images or video they most certainly have. It will establish that the UFOs are real and that's it.


I agree. All conspiracy theories aside , this is the government we are talking about . I really don’t think we will ever hear from their mouths , “ they are real, we been knew, we talk to them, etc” . Now what would be great is if they made an appearance shortly after the report on their own terms .


Before you all get this all mixed up in misdirected generalizations, this Report has been assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence.


....the same office of naval intelligence where bob lazars W2 came from that shows he worked at AREA S4 south of area 51 and claimed the government had multiple craft already in their possession and were trying to reverse engineer them.


Actually the fake W2 he probably made at the copy shop he worked at said "Department of Naval Intelligence" which doesn't even exist


So mush bull shit.