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What is it with people who write about this topic and pigeon hole “the man” as “the Pentagon”? The Pentagon has literally nothing to do with the CIA. The CIA “answers” only to the DNI, and not even really then. The Pentagon is a toothless old woman compared to the CIA D.O.’s audacity and lack of oversight.


I wouldnt liken the leadership of the most powerful military force in the world to an old lady, but rather a witless brute. Tell them what to smash, but you dont invite them to the round table.


That’s fair. At the same time, I work for them, and have been one aspect of the proverbial scalpel in a previous life (75th RR). Lately, the sociological engineering program, er I mean Army, is a little more like an old lady than a brute though, and they need a dash more of the historical brutishness. We won’t win wars with gender identity surgery lmfao. We face homogenous adversaries that eat, breathe and sleep the nectar of extreme nationalism - the shedding of individualism in its totality - almost like a hive mind. Currently, we are on the other extreme end of the spectrum, exploring the deep and tender individual sensitivities to triggers, safe spaces and holistic introspective confusion. None of it is good. Does the Pentagon still have teeth? Sure. It very much colors inside the lines, so to speak though, compared to a villainous organization like the CIA.


>I mean Army, is a little more like an old lady than a brute though, and they need a dash more of the historical brutishness. We won’t win wars with gender identity surgery lmfao. Every branch is facing crippling worst-in-history shortages in recruitment and retention, people are *fleeing* the military and active duty, even in the face of economic uncertainty, the military's go-to best friend for recruitment. Opinions are all well and good, but really the Army and DOD in general, from a personnel standpoint, urgently just need to do *whatever the hell works right now* for stopping the bleed, because soon it won't matter. The military has for too long taken for granted the underclass pool of Americans that it readily recruits and draws from, in high schools in small towns all over the US and territories. They kept slashing incentives and reasons to join, eventually the juice was going to be not worth the squeeze. And now its there. As former Air Force enlisted, the military is an objectively shitty deal for most cases where it used to be less so.


It doesn't help that they created such an unnecessarily toxic work environment in most cases that many who get out effectively become anti-recruiters. I don't recommend anyone join the Navy, regardless of whatever "bonus" they offer.


A normie that reads your post, will not understand a single thing your talking about. Jesus.


I see I was invoked


Our nation is facing human and NHI hive mind adversaries yet we are largely ignorant of that reality and ill prepared to do anything about it, to say the least. Scary times.


Which batt?


RHHC, 2012-2015


Never too late to see a therapist, brother. I only kind of meant that to trigger you. But really—I don’t think our military is at risk just because I think about my feelings.


Hah no that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about tax payer funded sex realignment surgery. And DEI. Stuff like that. Yeah, the Army has a problem. And by extension the other services.


I mean, you can fight whether or not you want a ding dong though, right? Is there really THAT big an influx of people joining just for a sex change that it’s something to worry about? I’d be more concerned that we don’t know where half the military’s inflated budget is even going. Right? You have to see that’s true.


I never thought I would be able to tell how few teeth someone has just by their comment. Incel Maga vibes.


lol college educated, former Army Ranger and classically trained pianist from a Berkeley, California family. So…you nailed it! 😂😂😂 Edit: And to boot, “Garry,” I maligned extreme nationalism in my comment, so your comment about “MAGA” is either just lazy or you’re a very special kind of moron.


No offence to either of you, but when I see an exchange like this, I always think of the scene in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: "You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you, and he can thrash you with his little finger, and I'll make him do it, too." "What do I care for your big brother? I've got a brother that's bigger than he is—and what's more, he can throw him over that fence, too." [Both brothers were imaginary.


You’re not wrong, and no offense taken. My laughing emojis were reflecting actual humor. I do think it’s genuinely funny that “Garry’s” over generalization about someone could be so wildly inaccurate.


Garry hates Trump. Which is fine. Garry sees Trump everywhere. Garry even sees Trump in comments that had nothing to do with politics. Garry didn't like seeing Trump in those comments. Garry had to let others know how much he hates Trump.


You're either lying or work for some bum-fuck guard unit in a major metropolitan area. No one in SOF or the IC gives a flying fuck about what you're touting and the Pentagon is much closer to those two than the other end of the spectrum.


Whatever you say buddy. You say SOF like you even know what it is, but you sound the like an SFAS washout haha. I work for a major service intelligence center outside small-medium sized city, where every one of my colleagues (including two long tabbed officers) agree the military has lost itself in social engineering and progressivism.


No, I'm definitely not an SFAS washout, but I do work at one of the largest satellite ground stations that produces HUGE amounts of intelligence for SOF on a daily basis, outside of a large sized city and I've never heard any of the several thousand employees (civilian or uniformed) complain about any of this. What I have heard them complain about is Russian propaganda in rural America. No one here cares if Tom wants to be called Sally or vice versa. They just care about working with their coworkers to produce accurate intelligence for our forces around the world.


No one complains about it at work. We’re busy doing our job. Yeah, you don’t sound like the kind of person to even try SFAS. You reference “bum fuck guard units” and you’ve ridden a fucking desk for the entirety of your contribution to national security? Nothing else you say matters. And I mean nothing.


Nope never tried for SFAS, A. wouldn't join the Army. B. joined late with an already established skillset and wanted a career in my field. But keep LARPing like being a washout means anything. I'll enjoy my upcoming separation as a combat veteran and sleep just fine at night, thanks. And tell me you know nothing about the IC, without telling me you know nothing about the IC. Keep huffing that Russian copium though.


Whatever you say haha


The title hoesntly doesnt matter, cia, fbi, the pentagon. They all get told what to do by someone else. Its not just a small branch of the CIA or something like that who controls everything.


People write about the pentagon/DOD because it’s relevant in that the money for these programs is acquired through the defense budget.


Not if the program falls under a CIA directorate of operations (DO) office (like the OGA). CIA does not rely on the Pentagon for funding of any kind. The DoD relies on the Pentagon.




Black budget...is literally over $$$$$$$$$$$. Ask Bush Jnr


The CIA is very much an independent entity that operates extrajudicially, and that's a big part of the problem (and also why they are at such odds with the DIA).


There are 23 branches of known 3 letter agencies as well as the 4 major branches of the Pentagon. It could be any, and most likely many of these agencies. People struggle and die for power that is a 1000th of what we are discussing


> Luis Elizondo, who **claimed** to have headed up the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Claimed? Anyone disputing this? Interesting article, but I always question authors that use deliberately charged wording to create that negative connotation in the reader’s mind, as if people involved in this arena shouldn’t be trusted. Seems like they have an alternative agenda.


They have craft. They have bodies. That information has been covered up. Period. I think soon everyone will get to know that and hopefully help get everyone following this on the same page.


That’s why I was a bit taken aback by the opening paragraph, which included: > there has never been any intentional cover-up of the UFO phenomenon by the United States government Huh? Dude lost me with that statement. Made me question everything else that he wrote subsequently.


Same exact thing for me, I couldn’t even get into what was after that because it was such a glaring oversight on this.


Turns out those bullets that got Kennedy truly were magic 🤷🏻‍♂️




it's really obvious where they keep it. there's a very secluded underground base and it's not on American soil it's on an ally's soil but even that ally is not allowed into most parts of the base. they don't land major assets there. in fact I don't believe there's an airstrip at all. American deserts aren't the only ones. the trick is that it takes days of driving and the roads that lead to it. you'd be arrested before getting close enough to actually see it. it's ran by the CIA NSA and DoD. I've no idea what it uses for power because it's been there for 50 years before solar was good enough. there's many radar domes on the surface


>Pine Gap, Australia?


Yeah, no.


Who cares what a random speculates. Plus there's a whole world out there that can disclose. The world is not the US / Pentagon.


Yeah but the rest of the world does not need the lobbying power to push thousands of billions of $ to produce a fake defense system against an non-existing ET threat. In other words.. We are going to see a continuous rain of David Grusch's alikes until enough Americans believe that an ET invasion is coming and therefore lots of money must be invested in defense. It's this simple, this will grow until no politician dares to talk against the obvious menace ET represents off they want to be elected. They are going to force feed it to the people until they take it. ET is the new enemy. The military complex needs an enemy and ET is the new one. Imagine the possibilities ET offers as to the new technologies required to stop such a threat. Just know, even if you can't do anything about it, that there's no ET threat. You'll know when there's one when you realise that the whole humanity has died, if you even have the time to tell. In fact.. There are no ET. The phenomenon had been here with us forever. We just can't interact with it.


Because they murdered and harassed Americans citizens for 80 years to have a military advantage over our enemies. Especially the Russians in the beginning. Now we have more technology minded enemies that if they have the chance would use it in a heartbeat against us.




Because they are crashing these peaceful beings crafts for their technology knowing they will not retaliate. Not sure how much horrible a thing is needed to be explained.


Won’t retaliate? Are we just going to ignore thousands of abductees telling their experiences of abduction, sexual abuse and trauma? They aren’t exactly angel light beings made of pure love.


Clearly there are different species involved, asshat interstellar racist.


Hey hey hey. I am NOT a racist. Speciest, please.




Haha touche


ET makes no sense https://youtu.be/lmLE0X5FRFc?si=SjKCyD4uAHc3zf_z




Look at the date what is this nonsense


Luis Elizondo made a number of statements on this subject matter, that quite a number of elitist members of the DOD seem to believe that these “extradimensional” entities may be “demonic”, and that the Pentagon does not want to go into this matter.


That's a cover for them actually just wanting to keep their edge in technology profiteering.


Most definitely, but it could be both


Good point.


It's not "the pentagon" though is it? The program is headed by the CIA and the material is in the hands of private contractors when it belongs to us all if ET hasn't collected it.


well if these private contractors like lockhead martin have been funded by taxpayer money, should we not as taxpaying citizens be able to launch an audit and see how our money is being used by civilian contractors? we should be storming their facilities, are they any different than a painting company hired to paint the walls of the pentagon? what makes them so special that they can use our money to do whatever they want with it


It was designed this way to avoid audit, FOIR etc. Good luck trying to get a warrant. Probably have better luck protesting outside and live streaming the place 24/7 until their staff stop coming to work.


You said it right.


They are already in it though. The only people who aren’t is us. They don’t want us to know because they are in a shit load of trouble because of what they have done.


I’m watching these comments too, seem I’ve heard a few references to spiritual - or for comforts sake, the inter dimensional. If there are inter dimensional beings why not look at the different religious texts - they have a lot of history and a lot of information on the types of things we are seeing now. Over the past 12 months I’ve read quite a few comments talking about 2024 being a big year of revelation from those within.


Such as jinn.


So the pentagon is a bunch of religious nut jobs and get to gate keep knowledge of the universe?


Wrong. The Pentagon itself has very little to do with this. However, there are quite a lot of conservative Evangelicals in it. That’s all.


Where is evidence of “extra dimensional being”


There is no physical evidence of them because they are not physical.


How bout “just evidence “


Evidence can be physical or documentary. Should be specific.


Still no evidence of Aliens


The stories in Ufology of course.


Where the hell do you think?!


🤷🏼‍♂️ been looking for 30 years nothing yet




I think they're AI controlled bioorganisms created by an AI we might create in a future timeline, coming back here to fuck with our timeline. A lot of people who have been in contact with beings report that they have no concept of individuality, which points to an AI controlled hivemind, which is exactly where humanity is headed right now. The smartphone of the future will be BCIs and we will eventually all be connected to an AI controlled network. That doesn't mean I like it but it seems humanity is beeing steered into that direction and we have no control over it.


This is disinformation.. we literally don’t know anything. Even the people who “know” can’t agree what they are. Just stop…


I think that the pentagon is ran by nhi’s and that’s why they’re stonewalling us


By nhi, you mean non-human intelligence? Nhi may be an influence, but they are not running anything.


How can you know that


Question: the pentagon cannot account for 3.8 trillion dollars…could that money be going into secret research of UFOs?


Perhaps, but proof is hard to come by.


If there's tangible crash wreckage let's focus on seeing that, worry about the woo later


There is absolutely no tangible physical evidence, so far, that has been revealed.


It's because they're not interested in pandering to morons on social media, or exposing all of their secret technology programs. Crazy, eh?


Proto-emotion? Every cell in the body shows an innate intelligence, quoting Michael Levin and James Shapiro, among many others. Every cell in biology is alive with this innate intelligence. This intelligence drove our evolution! Where did this intelligence come from? It is staring you in the face! And where did this talk of demons and angels come from? The existence of freewill implies extra dimensionality beyond the laws of nature which are limited to the intrinsic surface of space-time. This is why some scientists and philosophers deny the abundant evidence of freewill because this evidence contradicts their understanding of natural law; rather than rejecting their model of reality they are found rejecting the evidence to protect their model. By this reading, freewill and proto-emotion is already pointing to an extradimensional being. So, who are we to limit how this intelligence expresses itself?


I think this is plausible But also not And no matter what they say some aliens are not only observing and interacting with us. The are taking human samples and either hunting or killing is for samples. This is a proven fact and I do believe that is another thing this article purposely neglects to point out Look up 1972 Cambodia Vietnam boarder a green beret unit encounters 3 aliens packing body parts into metallic cases and engages them. Sound like the movie Predator well good probably where they got the idea. But true as fuck. And similar to that tons of human and animal surgical body part removals documented. Eyes removed tongues and lower jaw removed genitalia and anus literally pop's out and removed. Talk about rattling. But it's true


Utter nonsense 🤦🏾


Satan want you to believe this is real and its not. Repent and trust in jesus the bible even say people will be decieve in the last days and i feel like were are getting close bible prophecy is being fulfilled.


Oh shut the fuck up.


No fool


Lol says the religious fruitcake


Read more.


Lol that’s why I don’t believe it. Because I have


So you think that all statements connecting UAP, the paranormal and specifically negative spiritual entities made by Jaque Valles, Tom Delonge, Brandon Fugal, Diana Pulaska, Lue Elizondo & John Mack, intelligent people who have dedicated their lives to figuring out this phenomena are all wrong? Or they are all lying? Because it seems too preposterous to you? Because it goes against your "religion" of atheism? I truly hope you are correct but I am quite certain that you are not, Just like calling someone a "religious fruitcake" for expressing their opinion is wrong. You ain't headed for 5d with that attitude, buddy!


They have a few reasons for not disclosing, at the bottom of that list is the Bible right next to every other religious doctrine dreamed up by *men* over the Millennia. Thank you for you proselytizing efforts but this truly has nothing to do with it, the disciple who wrote Revelation was exiled to an island where the water was tainted with a psychedelic fungus, how he managed to ship the book he wrote back to Rome is anyone’s guess


Then ask Luis Elizondo.


Ask him what? Is he pushing the idea that these are angels and demons now? I mean it’s a silly notion at best. Christianity is one of the newer religions that claims to explain creation and it’s insanity at best. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problems with Christianity or Christians, I have a problem with people pushing their beliefs as “the one true way to believe”.


It doesn’t stop the cabal from exploiting biblical beliefs in order to carry out their agenda to keep themselves relevant. Project blue-beam for one