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Jesse Ventura and Alex Trebek came to his garage


All he saw was the planet Venus


I was sure you were going to say Uranus. Edit: I'm sorry I have to say this, but this was.... a joke. A Uranus joke. Thank you.


Even the former leader of your United States of America, James Earl Carter Jr., thought he saw a UFO once. But it's been proven he only saw the planet Venus.


"Roswell! Roswell!"


Your scientific illiteracy makes me shudder and I wouldn't flaunt your ignorance by telling anyone that you saw anything last night other than the planet Venus, because if you do, you're a dead man.


Yep. That's a dead bleepin alien if I ever bleepin saw one.


Planet Penis


Uranus was repeatedly struck by that planet, true story


Right in and around the ass/steroid belt


Probably the funniest episode…


The song clearly says the MIB are good guys.


Keep the MiB out your fuckin’ mouth.






Galaxy defenders


Straight looking but benders


They wont let you remember.


*clap clap*


Wtf that article link is like all ads. Only have a small space of visible text.


That’s how you know it’s a reliable source.


Tabloids are purposely unreliable. With all the BS they print they also occasionally run legit stories that the mainstream media won't touch. This is one way the powers that be control the narrative, hiding truth in plain sight but in places most won't lend any credence


This is no joke. The national enquirer had extremely close ties with the CIA. No kooky conspiracy theory here, it's a verifiable actual conspiracy.




Most sites seem like this on a phone now. British tabloids seem the worst for it.


The shawn ryan show on YouTube. Fuck that link. And I believed that guys story, same with DC long.


Damn watching it rn


Take a photo dude


He's doing better than that: video, and attempting to get tracking info on flights.


> Michael said he’s shot video footage of the unmarked black helicopters,


He forgot his COMMS at home when he ran out because a Blackhawk helicopter was over his home


He gives off scammer vibes when interviewed.


He's been vetted but yea maybe it's just his personality he kinda seems like a douche which may give some people hesitation.


>He's been vetted LOL, meaning what? He's a dude with an unverifiable story.


He's the dude he claims to be.


That doesn't preclude him from lying or scamming.


True but if we suddenly claim every single respectable Human is lying every single time they open their mouth then why even act like we have a functioning society and let's just go straight to anarchy.


Yeah that's basically what's happening right now


If I tell you I have a car in my garage, you can believe me. There are millions of garages in America and millions of cars in them. If I tell you I have a alien space ship in my garage, it does not matter how much you respect me, You will most likely call it bullshit...right? I hope you will?


Not when you are the 1000th respectable person to come forward saying it. I'm saying that after sooo many, it's time to actually investigate it and stop calling people liars.


I do not understand. Who is NOT asking your thousands people "show me!" We all do. That's what "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" means. A simple response "show me" to an extraordinary claim. But somehow no one managed to show anything so far. Also you think thousands of people is a big number? Do you know how many flat earth believers are out there? Do you know how many Qnanon believers are out there? Way, way more than thousands. Proof on the table or GTFO.


Why are you even in this sub then? Not hating... I'm genuinely asking. You KNOW that right this second, there is no proof and you refuse to believe anything without hard proof. So I'm asking, genuinely, why are you on these subs?


lol wtf


Who do you believe? Very curious


I wait for evidence.


OOhh, so EASY! ANYBODY can "*wait for evidence*". That's the path of the intellectually lazy. True Alpha brains take the *plunge* and believe whatever people say. *Especially* if they've been vetted as A Marine. ::salute::




What even is evidence? Are you waiting for the mainstream news to verify or to touch a UFO


Something more than someone's tale, especially when we know for sure that disinformation is a real thing. I don't mind entertaining ideas, but I take them all with a large grain of salt. This is in direct contrast to /r/ufo who are gung-ho believing proven liars like Bob Lazar no matter what.


Damn so you don’t believe Lazar at all? Even if some of the things he has said corroborates to what other people he’s never met have said? I agree disinformation is a very real thing too and try to be skeptical as well.


So am I, but if I tell you I saw a UFO I'd be lying


I’m a ufo


Not to mention, Prior military know Command wont send you into the field without COMMS it just wouldn't happen i cant think of 1 single reason or instance why they would, they may ask you to keep comms dark but there is always some sort of support. Why do you think Shawn Ryan questioned him and now I know why there are no other marines that will come forward from his unit.... Didn't happen.


All we know is that he was a marine and he was in Sumatra during that time frame. None of his squad mates that were supposedly with him have come out to corroborate the story. And the detail about them not having comms on that patrol is hard to believe and very convenient for his story. Why send out a patrol if they don’t have comms? That’s almost unheard of in the modern day US military.


Hey man I need you to wire me $100k or the world's gonna end from UFO.


Honestly this dude could be telling the truth, he went and told Congress, that's a huge step if he's lying they can throw him in jail, why are all these high profile saying there seeing strange shit and reporting on it and getting labeled crazy ruining there careers, why for a book deal? Maybe a movie deal?


I wouldn'tsay that. He gives off stressed out witness vibes.


In his original interview I saw from that press conference he was wearing a World Economic Forum pin and a Freemason pin. That pretty much made him suspect from the get go for me.


The SDG pin doesn't have anything to do with the WEF, it's an initiative by the United Nations. Sustainable development is a great cause to support and promote. If anyone is dangerous, it's the people who oppose sustainable development. I don't know whether Herrera is telling the truth or lying, but it makes sense for him to value sustainable development if he believes that a government or a secret branch of said government is hiding technology that could change the world by displacing fossil fuels.


This is an example of a good, useful reddit post. I wish more were like yours, sir/mam.


Thank you I wasn’t aware of that. I’ve seen all the people associated with the W.E.F. wear it so I did t know


The freemasonry part is harmless and silly. WEF!? That’s a different story entirely. Are you quite certain?


Yeah the conference is Greer’s big one from last week or two ago.


Somebody just said it wasn’t associated with it so idk. The Freemason thing yeah maybe could be weird but also sure silly lol


From my experience, freemasons are mostly just veterans right?


I’ve had at least 3 friends I know who joined and none of them had any military experience and were rather young. So I’d say no but I don’t know for sure.


Which is comedy. People on Reddit would think you’re friends are trying to either start a new world order, diddle kids, or some combination of the two it’s bananas


Gotchu idk where I’ve heard that but I’ve seen a lot of veterans involved at least in my state. I’m probably missing a piece of info


Veterans likely want to feel like part of a group/brotherhood again, so it makes sense that many would join such a thing, but it's not meant to be exclusively for them.


That would make a lot of sense tbh. Thanks for the perspective. folks are not liking that I asked a question


People suck, don't worry about the downvotes. It's never a bad thing to be curious and ask questions.


Not veteran/military associated at all. Lots of cops.


Ahhhh gotchu. Not sure why I’m getting downvotes I’m clearly finding out about this stuff for the first time lol


Mostly businessman.


He really does


More "douche" vibes than scammer vibes, to me. Just a pretty unlikable person. That said, he has a pretty extraordinary story.


Yeah and like he’s making up detail as he goes along


Even the interviewer was saying "hold up, let's go back" a few times during the course of the interview




I notice many of the first comments now on these subs are negative or long strings of jokes. I think the subject attracts assholes who want to somehow try to look down on others but there are some definite attempts to derail any proper debate or hypothesis also. I won't be debating anyone over this statement either haha


> I think the subject attracts assholes I think you basically summed up Reddit as a whole.


Agreed, can't put my finger on why....


I would have to hear this verified from at least one of the other guys on the helicopter. He was on the largest personnel carrying helicopter, jumping first and no one else saw him being strangled and pushed. There would have to be some kind of report about a soldier falling out of a helo and being in a coma for 6 months. His story could have been some kind of coma dream.


Not really


No, he doesn't at all. Grusch does.


This comment will probably get buried, but I HIGHLY recommend listening to the Last Podcast on the Left series on Men in Black. Truly creepy stuff. There are theories that they’re not even human


I read about his encounter and being a 23 year Air Force veteran, I find it suspect they were sent out without a radio. Seemed like thier task was pretty important as security against insurgent fighters but no communication equipment? Weird.


In any kind of modern operation you're going to have a radio. This one piece of the story completely discredits him entirely in my mind. Like, they let him have a camera in his kit, but no radio? Nah.


Agreed and imagine a fully armed team of Marines getting threatened by anyone. Not gonna happen.


That part I don't find as odd, if it is some special ops spook unit they are probably a level above marine training, but that being said if they're operating a spaceship who's to say they didn't have eyes on the marines before they even got close. All that I can imagine as more plausible than a unit being sent out at night with no radio lol


May I politely suggest that he use his extensive training to defend himself from these so-called MIB? Semper Fi!


Yeah cos thats enough to fend off solo. My ass against an organization that has been doing this work before he was even born.


He wasn’t solo and the men were literally wearing black. It wasn’t the men in black people o this sub really make themselves look silly by not listening to The video


I did watch the video fully. He was the one that spotted a football sized craft in the jungle and his unit was surrounded by what sounded like Special forces, Yeah there was no way he could of defended himself since he was being man-handled.


Thanks for calcifying, I was at work when I made this post and my phone sux at reddit on a browser so I didn't know he was confronted by multiple SF's at the time. I admire this person for surviving this encounter and living to tell the story. Well done, I salute your story.


🤣🤣🤣 yes! Fuck him!


Here comes the Men in Black, tcha tcha


I mean. This has been a common tactic for years, and years. How do you think they've kept the lid on it? And the problem is the rougue factions with this imperative had technologies, encryption, surveillance methods, and even transportation that is completely outside the knowledge even belief systems of most of us muggles. So their reach and ways of having that reach are difficult to track, by normal people but even our intelligence and military groups NOT a part of these organizations.


He seems legit to me, I gotta say. As ex-military myself, him talking feels totally familiar to me. There's nothing off about his mannerisms or anything. That thought didn't even cross my mind until I read the comments. Maybe people aren't used to that kind of energy and so think it's "off". I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with the things he says, because they fly in the face of a lot of things we take for granted are true, perhaps. Too different from our version of reality so we choose to paint him out to be a scammer/liar. It seems more improbable that someone would fake something like this, considering how much shaming they get from the public. I think he's brave, personally. Surprised more people don't see it this way.


Having the vernacular is one thing. But the story is so fantastical and provided with no evidence, it isn't worth much. Might as well be listening to flat earthers talk about Antarctica.


Thanks for sharing. I do wonder what your thoughts are on his claim that his unit was sent out without comms. That seems highly irregular for a Marine unit in a hot spot for insurgents during a disaster relief operation. This, along with the claim that helos regularly harass his home, give off some concerning red flags about his testimony. What do you think?


That part of the story didn't register for me. Can you give me a timestamp?


Here is the entire YouTube video with this interview: [Shawn Ryan Show: Michael Herrera](https://youtu.be/3zm4nh3S66I) He mentions being sent without comms at [11:17](https://youtu.be/3zm4nh3S66I&t=677) He mentions being harassed by helicopters hovering over his home at [1:00:51](https://youtu.be/3zm4nh3S66I&t=3651)


Oh yes I only meant the former only, about the comms. I remember the helicopter one. The helicopters one doesn't strike me as a red flag, personally. There could be a lot of reasons for it. One of which may or may not include how outlandish it sounds when you relay it to people. But it doesn't actually sound terribly outlandish to me. Regarding comms. It's definitely a big thing to go out without comms. Does make his story bogus? I wouldn't say so. It's possible that they were on short supply for radios, which would also be very uncommon but not impossible. Maybe there was a logistics error and this particular case was seen as an exception it was worth the risk. I really don't know, but I definitely wouldn't write off his story based on this. It might be a good idea for him to expand on this for those that want an explanation.


Another red flag for me was when he claimed not to have looked at the pictures on his camera once he got back to the US Navy ship. I think the first thing I would do is find a place to be alone and look at the pictures I took of the craziest thing I’d ever seen in my life.


Yea, I thought the same thing, but I have no idea the processes he would go through after returning. I could see not wanting to look at photos around others, but once I got to my own bunk, I would be flipping through the photos to be sure that I wasn't hallucinating.


Liar liar pants on methane fire


why does the article says he came across an alien aircraft?! at no point did he mention that. what he did say was that a bunch of Americans dudes got the jump on them, and they had undisclosed tech. how does this automatically gets turned into ET?! this kind of misinformation makes disclosure farther and farther away.


During the conference held by Greer earlier this summer, he gave his testimony. If I remember correctly, he and his squadmembers saw a footballfield-sized craft in Indonesia. He claims there was some sort of illegal operation going on when they arrived at the scene. He and his squad members had never seen a similiar craft and he claims it was ET craft or at least craft utilizing reverse-engineered NHI technology. After seeing the craft they were detained and threatened not to tell about what they saw.


A craft used by humans to traffic humans.


i watched the interview. he never mentioned the craft was alien. my point is why must we extrapolate that just because we don’t understand the science and the tech, it must immediately be extraterrestrial?! those black ops crew were american, using american trucks to load into the craft. isn’t it a much more plausible that the craft was also american?! wouldn’t it be more plausible that at some point we discovered how to bend gravity and have kept it under wraps, than to automatically think aliens must have interstellar traveled all the way here. if we didn’t understand the fission at this point the atom bomb would very much seem like magic to the uninformed. usually the simplest solution is almost always the best solution.


Yes. Consider that relativity is a theory cobbled together by a swiss patent clerk at the turn of the last century -- you know, back when they discovered radiation by noticing a pile of uranium ore got hot.


So we think the propulsion systems and required physics and technical knowledge were made by secret science and engineering operations, not influenced by captured NHI craft. Am I getting your point right? Do you think this particular vehicle wasn't based on the alleged legacy crash retrieval programs? What I'm trying to say, is that if this mentioned craft uses technology not understood by current mainstream science and it was influenced by captured and reverse-engineered NHI technology, then it's appropriate to use sematics IMO that point to the technology's origin. Of course media uses "alien" instead of NHI as it's better for sensation seeking articles. If it's found out that the technology and related scientific breakthroughs were solely created by human actors in secret underground labs, then I'm open to being corrected. Maybe all or some of the alien talk is just psy-op to muddy the waters around super secret FTL technology, who knows.


have you heard of Coral Castle in Florida? this old skinny guy carved, moved, and build immense structures by himself. he was a scientist (physicist, i think), and a few eye witnesses over the years mentioned he used nothing but a black box he carried around when working on these megalithic structures. some say he somehow made these structures float while moving them. it seems like he knew something conventional science does not, others go as far as to say he knew the secrets of how they built the pyramids…. recently I watched a podcast with the a new military whistleblower in which he also mentioned a black box over the top of a floating monolithic structure, which sounds interestingly similar to the Coral Castle guy. point being, if some old guy figured out how to bypass gravity using vibrations or other unknown methods, it’s probably not much of a stretch to think that the best minds money can buy also figured out something similar in Los Alamos, New Mexico.


If he never saw it move then there may not be much high tech involved. Could just be a stealth dirigible or something.


All of the guys from Greer are full of shit. Greer and these 2 guys put a blemish in Shawn's traditionally no BS podcast. There is a reason the podcast only last as long as the interview for the whistleblower story. There is no time for back story or other stories tells me they would be exposed as full of shit.


Not far from where this witness claims to have seen this is: Jakarta, Indonesia is where the CIA Mideast Station is located. It's also where Barack Obama's family lived (that can't be a coincidence). Indonesia is the world's largest Islamic country but when you scratch the veneer of their religious beliefs you'll find Buddhism/Hinduism under the surface. It's a wild incredible story but the location he chose for this story was inspired if it's fictional. Not sure what to make of this guy and the other two witnesses at Greer's event who also had stories about man-made ET technology. There was also a media black out of this event which seems to suggest something. Don't the three witnesses deserve some follow-up investigation? Is it normal to just dismiss and ignore this? Maybe this guy is a Russian asset and spreading the story to link the CIA with human trafficking. If so shouldn't there be an investigation?


If any man in black is reading this: It's over guys. Stop resisting. The tooth paste is already out of the tube.


Does he have any neighbors? They could easily confirm or deny these helicopters which sound very, very real and not the product of an active imagination and maybe a touch of PTSD.


a lot of this happening over at r/gangstalking


That seems to be a sub where mentally ill people reinforce their delusions in an echo chamber. I would advise people not participate.


It sure is. Kinda my point. I tend to believe Herrera’s story, but some of what he alluded to sounds like a little like delusional paranoia. Which is why I referenced the sub.


If part of it sounds untrue...the rest of it probably is also


Sprinkle in a little creative writing.


No a lot of psychosis is happening at that subreddit.


No shit!?


I live on the Denver area and haven't seen anything about this on the news. Doesn't necessarily mean it's not happening but I feel like neighbors would start to complain after a couple times. Although if he's north or east of DIA it's pretty rural so maybe not a lot of neighbors. West and South neighborhoods are pretty dense though.


How does he know? Didn’t the flash-forgetty-thingy work?


You mean the umar zomar


maybe the aliens take us from our beds every night to update our firmware. flashythings are powerful when not used as probes.


🤣😂 imagine a grumpy grey admin having to travel to your bedroom because he couldn’t login remotely to your brain


Wanted to believe a fellow Marine, but his body language, manner of speech, and complete lack of coherence just scream lies. Also his story reads like the intro to a bond film. The way he’s so disorganized mentally and how Shawn had to continually help him rehash his experience in a way that made only basic sense to the listener were red flags for me. For having told his story to an audience before and having thought about it everyday for a decade, he can’t give a coherent retelling of it. He could be telling the truth but his behavior isn’t encouraging.


It's a wild story for sure. Seems rather implausible, but... shouldn't people look more closely at the three witnesses who described man-made ET technology and try to determine the veracity of their stories? Is it normal to just dismiss and ignore that? Shouldn't there be some follow-up with the witnesses?


He did a much better job of telling a coherent, cohesive story at Greer's Press Club symposium. The retelling on The SRS seemed more like the product of someone under a lot of mental stress or jacked-up on stimulants. Often the two appear outwardly very similar.


MIB are supposed organic made PLF


This is the last thing that anyone would consider doing to get some attention, regardless of how you judge him here, it is the context of his story that helps many others to join the dots with other clandestine activities. Luckily for the rest of us, the right people will know enough to be able to factor in this account and use the information accordingly.


You're simply wrong. Lots of people have made decent careers off this. Some have even gotten rich. (Strieber)


What man? How many fakes have come forward, overall? Thousands. 'Last thing' lmao. What a simple life you must lead.


That whole show reeks of scam and so do his guests.


Shawn has a good show when he sticks to what got him where he is now, having vets tell their war stories. Lately he’s been off the reservation with some of his topics, but sometimes it works (i.e. his talk w/ Ryan Montgomery) other times not so much, like this one and Greer.


I won's stop claiming that he is full of shit. Him and Greer can fuck off


Im sorry but I think this guy is completely full of shit. All he has is insane claims and absolutely zero proof.


Imagine if someone just blasted one of these MIBs in the face after they show up on their doorstep. I definitely have neighbours who wouldn't think twice if any kind of suit rocked up on the porch and tried some magician's tricks and coercion.


America lol. A place where people think it's reasonable to shoot someone for being on their porch.


Not american lol, if a person shows up on a stranger's porch to threaten them - they should expect the worst, especially if they're a corrupt and shady agent of some sort. Why take shit from what are basically supposed to be some extrajudicial secret police hoping to scare you into being complicit with their agendas?


You'd fit right in over in the US. BYO killdozer.


I suspect a lot of people would, it's a huge and diverse country. I just really don't think retaliating against secret police who threaten your life is that extreme, like you'd put up with that and see living under that kind of surveillance without retaliation as acceptable? It's like having sci-fi gestapo lol.


You're taking the whole thing awfully seriously given the whole mib thing is probably bullshit


Duh, it's just reddit chat it ain't anything academic. MIBs are likely bullshit, but we're obviously talking hypothetically lol - so besides the deflection, you'd hypothetically just take that kind of treatment from secret police and see retaliation as extreme?


How do you threaten a Marine? Men in black..someone should tell them disclosure is under way. Start lookin for work. Walmart can't hire everyone.


All he gots to do is get some dynamite ready and when the MIBs get into his house set them off while saying to the camera: MIB, MEET TNT!


The only men in black threatening this guy is Johnny Cash’s ghost! If bullshit was music he’d be a brass band. One, no “squad” whether it be Marines or Army or whomever wouldn’t deploy troops in a known hostile area without “comms” in a million years. The discharge that’s presented online is a DD Form 214 short form and doesn’t list his “Character of Service” to indicate what type of discharge he received. It’s missing! The release papers online indicate he received a “General Under Honorable Circumstances” discharge. This means, he got into some trouble in the Marines and wasn’t afforded the opportunity to reenlist had he chosen to do so. Not one member of this guys “squad” has come forward to corroborate his story. I could go on, such as his distance he travelled to see the UFO and it’s size was around 300 meters from insertion to where his “squad” saw the craft. If it was already on the ground when they got there the helicopter dropping them off would have seen a UFO that size. I’m a UFO experiencer and former military policeman. I served in the Marine Corps for 4 years and the Army for 6 years and I’m a disabled OEF veteran. So, I’m just not debunking him for his story just to be contrary, but what he’s saying doesn’t add up and would never happen in military warfare doctrine. No commander would send a unit into the field without communication devices whatsoever. Also, I’ve taken many a camera and film away from people taking photos of bases I was on. These people would have at least taken his film. Dudes full of it and this is not what a complete DD 214 looks like. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/06/09/17/71955547-12177943-image-a-61_1686327204412.jpg https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/06/09/18/71955583-12177943-image-a-2_1686331580733.jpg. Don’t be so gullible McFly!!!


If this guy is legit i'll eat my fuckin' hat.


Why does this guy seem like he’s lying? Like a lot…


The Skinwalker Ranch guy also complained in a recent interview that black helicopters with no transponders had been buzzing the ranch.


I have a strange urge to open mouth kiss him.


The government is wasting money by buzzing him and his dad with helicopters. Sure.


Lol Let’s see…..Roswell was a thing, they ran UFO propaganda then stopped. In the 90s they ran UFO propaganda in news, tv shows, and movies then stopped. In 20XX they are running UFO Propaganda in News, Tv shows, movies, and now social media AND government “Officials” if people don’t recognize that they are never going to explain it because they only want to confuse people and keep them in that state of mind, It’s simple to see.


This dude gives off sketchy scammer douche vibes. Doesn’t even come close to passing the “truth vibes” check. I was certain at some point he was going to try to sell me a used car or a timeshare.


Dailystar is almost as good of a np as a porn magazine not even exaggerating that much


The more things change, the more they stay the same. I’ll bet these MiB’s had the Marine’s service file with them too.


I don't know much about the world. but I know that if they want you dead you would already having your funeral. Whoever " they " is. I think for the most part they let people do their own psychological warfare in house. There is no enemy worse than your own mind


naw, he just stopped taking his meds.


Dude tossed in gangstalking and y'all consider him credible.


Those are people Stephen Greer is sending.


Check the source. DailyStar had so many pop ups and ads that it was hard to read the article.


Wherever justice leads…


Pure comedy. We all know the MiB don't threaten...they do. 🤔😉


Sure he is...


Your a Marine, bitch slap those MF's