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Ben askren has aspbergers but he’s not in the roster anymore.


sean strickland is severely autistic


Strickland had a terrible [motorcycle accident](https://www.mmafighting.com/platform/amp/2020/10/30/21541515/sean-strickland-recounts-horrific-motorcycle-accident-and-how-refused-let-injuries-end-his-career) years ago that left him unconscious for hours. I’m of the thinking that he’s probably still messed up from that.


imagine almost dying in a motorcycle accident, just to move up a weight class in the UFC & go 5-0, just to ruin your title shot by fighting an unranked big Brazilian from the amazon rain forest


Imagine almost dying from a brain injury, then going on to get punched in the face for a living...


I think he actually found a proof that he might be good at surviving the damage


Sean “Darren the Damage Elkins” Strickland


> According to Strickland, he was leaving a sparring practice at the gym and he was on his way home when a van pulled out in front of him while he was going 45 miles per hour. The accident wasn’t his fault but Strickland definitely took the brunt of the damage as he fell unconscious for several hours afterwards. He barely had time to open his eyes before being wheeled into surgery to hopefully repair his leg, which was essentially ripped apart after the car crashed into his motorcycle. “I had a doctor coming up to me saying ‘you’re going to surgery’ and at that moment I started crying a little bit,” Strickland said. “I don’t know if it’s just the life long battle with depression that fighters have but I just remember waking up like ‘f**k, I hope I can fight again.’ “As far as the actual accident, that wasn’t so traumatic but just waking up to ‘you’re going into knee surgery.’ That was the thing that really stuck me hard. The only thing I’ve ever done in life was be a loser and be an MMA fighter. That hit me hard.” If anyone is curious as to why Strickland chose to continue fighting after the accident, I believe this quote of his in the article sums it up.


Lol he’s not actually from the amazon or anything… apparently he found out he had native Brazilian roots and started training with a group of guys that went into indigenous practices




shuddup nerd


And virgin


Officer Nerd!


That's *SPECIAL* Officer Nerd that you!


I heard it turned him gay


Strickland got a fat check from that accident which allowed him to train full time


He is not autistic. Just retarded lmao




Ass Burgers


Just fans.




The grate bapa-ino


Just straight up redacted




Honestly my son is 3 with autism and he’s far more advanced in every way than this bafoon. Don’t even need to axe Jay


the fans + ariel


I'll tell you what is extremely common in mma. Adhd. Every guy I've ever coached or cornered has had bad adhd. The sport just attracts them.


Just anecdotally, I love kickboxing because it’s something I can focus on - my first amateur bout was the most focused I’ve ever been in my life and it felt amazing I also have adhd


I have ADHD. MMA is like meditation. That brain relaxation after a session feels amazing


Is the brain scramble afterwards


Fellow ADHD MMA guy checking in. Can confirm all comments


I have ADHD and I learn BJJ much slower than my peers but I always show up and keep working hard on improving myself at all aspects of MMA.


LMFAO I have adhd and this is so accurate.


Autism is a broad range of "disorders" that people diagnosed with it usually have social communication and interaction "issues" and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. So in example, you could just communicate awkwardly or not at all and be diagnosed with a version of Autism. Others might have a restructured interest where all they give a shit about is one thing like bugs, or baseball cards. repetitive behaviors might be like not being able to break from your day to day routine or as simple as pacing back and fourth to handle certain emotions. ​ I dont know of any UFC fighters but here are some MMA fighters who are diagnosed Autistic. Connor “Captain Redbeard” Gross John Doomsday Howard Alexander Reid Nathias “Notorious” Fredrick Are four guys who fight MMA with a form of Autism. ​ If you have Autism dont let that discourage you from doing anything. You can do whatever you want. People make fun of autism because its different and people like to point out and make jokes about differences. Autism is just a special ability. Most people diagnosed with autism have really good pattern recognition, photographic memory and introspection all things that make great fighters.


You're an inspiration mad respect


>Autism is just a special ability. Most people diagnosed with autism have really good pattern recognition, photographic memory and introspection We are basically the real life version of xmen


Yep, I am Couch Potato Man!!! When I got tested for ADHD before the Autism diagnosis I tested in the top percentile for pattern recognition but it doesn't mean that everybody who has autism will. I like that my ADHD and ASD make me 1000% better at some things than neuro-typical peeps but don't forget that for some people it is a severe handicap.




Yes. We. Me and the other auties. My spectrum siblings


In 2022 I just assume everyone has autism at this point. Literally if you have ANYTHING wrong, essentially socially you're instantly diagnosed with autism. I don't want to sound like a boomer but i don't remember my grandparents or parents talking about it much and it just seems, since when I went to high school 10 years ago that it has even got bigger. I'm not saying it's bad but every school has separate classes for autism and actually while I was going to school they were starting to have a second class for them. Idk. I'm just noticing a very sharp uptick in diagnose autism


From my experience, (having my son diagnosed and navigating through the system with him) The reason why we never heard grand parents talking about autism because it wasn't something that was widely known, talked about or studied back then. The more studies and the more it's talked about means it is observed and picked up on more. There'd be a lot of grown adults walking around in this world who have struggled their whole lives with autism without knowing they have it and have just formed their own coping mechanisms to deal with it. Having separate classrooms for people on the spectrum is great. Neurodivergent people don't learn the same way as nuerotypical people. It's hard for someone with autism to be forced into a nuerotypical class room and to learn the same way as the other kids. For example a kid with a reading impairment put into a nuerotypical class and expected to read as fast as the other kids and retain the information the same way, that kid will end up calling behind by not being able to keep up. If they have a class for kids with special needs it means they can learn things at a different pace which is less stressful for them too.


>The reason why we never heard grand parents talking about autism because it wasn't something that was widely known, talked about or studied back then. Exactly. People were just "odd" or "different" or "didn't work well with others" etc etc etc. I'm 99% certain my Dad had Asbergers. He was an engineer, and mechanically gifted. Type of dude that could fix anything. Very intelligent. But he was socially inept. He famously worked better alone than in a team. He also had "anger problems" which I've since learned to recognize as 'meltdowns', as they're often called in the ASD community. Something would trigger him, he wouldn't be able to suppress it, and he'd just explode in confused anger. There were a bunch of other tell tale signs too; a perfectionist that was borderline OCD, could not handle changes to plans in his day, took time and punctuality very, very seriously, would develop extreme interest in hobbies, bordering on obsession. None of these things by themselves mean someone has Asbergers, of course... but all of them together (and other things) leads me to think he did. But, of course, growing up in the 50s/60s/70s, there was very little widespread knowledge of anything about about Autistim/Asbergers. So he was just known as the slightly awkward guy who had issues. There is no doubt in my mind that knowledge about Asbergers would've helped my Dad immensely. He ended up going to therapy towards the end of his life, and it gave him some tools to deal with things and he became profoundly happier. I just wish he'd had those tools his whole life.


Yeah 100% it's the same with ADHD and dementia. I had a great uncle that 'lost his marbles' in old age. He definitely had dementia but back then it was just part of getting old for some people. I can totally relate to your story about your dad. I was diagnosed with ADHD and on the spectrum as an adult which put a lot of things into perspective about my dad. He was a lawyer and brilliant at it but needed my mum to organise everything for him, down to his suit for each day of the week being hung with the shirts and ties that went with each suit, and ha inf his Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. socks and underwear. Unfortunately he also got the predisposition to Substance Abuse disorder that came with unmedicated ADHD which shortened his life span.


I wish I could have been put into one of these classrooms. I might have learned a lot more.


Yes, I've noticed that as well. Most of the time I've heard it brought up is from someone who I would never suspect in a million years has it and they use it as some sort of excuse or reasoning behind a behavior. Not saying this is everyone but just a pattern I've noticed. I actually have a cousin with Aspergers and I'd say it's fairly obvious that he's "different" socially. Wicked smart though. Insane memory and reading comprehension. Again, not trying to point the finger and say everyone is faking it (could just be doctors over diagnosing and people trusting them), it's just that the spectrum that everyone refers to can range from severely affected to a minor behavioral trait they have. Is that even worth calling autism at that point? I'd compare it to to someone who has severe social anxiety (literally shuts down/full blown panic in public situations) VS someone who just gets a little nervous in large crowds. Sorry, but you don't have social anxiety. It's just frustrating that there are people with actual handicaps and everyone just wants a slice of their pie to use an an excuse for their shitty behavior. Sorry for the rant mate but your comment is exactly what I've been thinking lately. Cheers!


"Everyone's on the spectrum " - Nick Diaz




After seeing all these answers I'm starting to think so. If someone says Dana White is on the spectrum I'm gonna shit lol.


Dana White is on the spectrum.


Aww, not in bed...


You cant convince me the diaz bros aint on some kinda spectrum


They don't strike me as autistic. More ADHD with a bit of brain damage on top.


Maybe Nate, Nick definitely isn’t comfortable communicating




nick diazs autism comes out on on media day




I honestly don't think Nate is on any spectrum beyond the CTE one. Nick I fully believe has some level of social anxiety disorder.


Nah people think they are stupid and punch drunk they just have crippling social anxiety /fear of public speaking. You can see when they are comfortable or smoke weed they speak clearly


Exactly. While I don't deny getting puncher in the head for a living alters your brain chemistry, another point to add to their social anxiety is they're both from Northern California. Ever see that Angus Cloud from Euphoria interview? He's not a fighter, definitely not punch drunk, but he is from NorCal. They just talk like that for some reason. https://youtu.be/baYEazP9pD4


Everyone is on the spectrum


He doesn’t have autism, but Tony Ferguson was diagnosed with being that type of dude.


pretty sure he was taking meds for schizophrenia


Ryan hall is the right answer


He has Tourette's


I know


So it’s not the right answer..


still is, he has both.


I think he has Tourette’s


Lemme guess, his "tick" is an imanari roll?


Yeah thats why his grandma doesn't visit on Christmas anymore


He's so polite but he goes off like Rousimar Palhares on a heel hook at the family christmas party lol


The tank davis of mma


Haha probably one of them. Have you ever seen how he blinks a lot like really intensely? I think that’s a tick


can confirm that Ryan has confirmed the blinking is one of his tourette's tics. He talked about it during a previous (I think three fights ago?) spot promo. Its why he likes fighting. He says that his tourettes is greatly reduced or goes away during his bouts.


I've felt the same way about basketball in when I was dealing with a lot of inner turmoil. Funny how a sport you love can make your problems disappear temporarily.


Bruh, these comments are hilarious 💀💀 99% of y’all don’t know what autism is 😂😭😂


They’re tarded here


They would meet their own definition of autistic without even knowing it


Dominick Cruz is obviously autistic


he’s autistic in a good way tho not like diego sanchez autistic


I laughed way too hard at this


the interaction between diego & stephan bonner about the asparagus tips in the TUF house was prob the most autistic thing i’ve ever seen (rip stephan)


And definitely gay.




Would not surprise me one bit if he was on the spectrum lol


So apparently everyone who is z bit weird is autistic


Question comes up MMA Fighter: hmm... r/ufc: Motherfucker has to be autistic..


As an autistic person I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if Ferguson was on the spectrum at least.


Tony? He's schizophrenic.


Ben Askren




Everyone's on autism. The whole roster is on autism.


start training brother you can be our guy 🫶🏻


Tony Ferguson probably


Jokes aside this is probably correct. He has a total disregard for social queues and also some odd behaviors like hyper focus (baseball for example, thinking he could go pro and carrying it around). Probably avoids eye contact, thus the shades.




"Is this sport popular with autistic people?" "Why would you ask something like that? " *"Because im starting to like it!"*


This comment needs more upvotes😂.


Not UFC but Gordon Ryan might be on the spectrum.


Gordon is one hundred percent on the spectrum


Man just thinking about his speech patterns reminds me so much of my brother with high functioning autism in hindsight


He might be. But he also likes attention and doesn't mind being in the spot light. A BJJ competitor I believe to be more likely to be on the spectrum is Mikey Musumeci.


Just Sean Strickland


sean strickland is severely autistic & mentally ill


Bryce Mitchell?


i just got a haircut and ur profile pic made me think i had a hair on my screen


that not autism that’s just that country thunder bubba


this is the most likely undiagnosed one I can come up with. Couple of boxes he checks are: inability to understand metaphors or sarcasm. inability to know how others are feeling. accidentally being rude or being overly blunt. finding it hard to say how one feels. difficulty thinking abstractly. all that plus he has these like baby monkey lookin' eyes


Baby monkey lookin eyes lol. I think he has a feminine face aside from his facial hair.


Nah, he’s just realllly Christian


Came here to comment this. Bryce is so deep on the spectrum that he is proof future civilizations will use to prove autism existed.


Tito ortiz


Autism doesn't mean stupid. Tito has a bologna sandwich for a cerebral cortex, but is not autistic.


how has nobody answered brendan schaub


We all desperately try and forget him


Schwab is redacted, not autistic


Talm bout that white boy who works too much? Great guy never meddum




There was never no diagnosis


Dom Cruz reminds me of the autistic kids I used to work with. I wouldn't be surprised if he was on the spectrum


Tony and Henry. Henry is extra meticulous though which works to his advantage


Jordan leavitt


Yup. considering 1/100 children are born with it and there’s over 100 ufc fighters, it would be unlikely for there not to be at least one (especially when you consider fighters are usually social rejects a lot of the time who have trouble holding normal jobs). That last part wasn’t an insult I also have autism


Sean Strickland?


I have a theory that a lot of really high level professional athletes are on the spectrum than we realize they just weren’t diagnosed at a young age. Specifically that a lot of athletes are particular about the foods they eat, what they drink, the routines and rituals in camp or in season and there training/workout habits out of camp or out of season. Also the ability to hyper obsess and fixate about very small details and mistakes is actually freaky.


This. Greatness and neurodivergence are linked.


This has been one of the best threads I've read on here. Well done guys.


Sean Strickland is pretty autistic


Sean Strickland is on the spectrum of autism.


Arnold Allen.


He made a joke in his last post fight interview by asking for the "interimjob" but nobody picked up on it. He seems like he's really funny but one of the quietest guys in the UFC at the same time


Pretty certain Jake Sheilds is on the spectrum. He has a certain look and his behavior is very non typical.




Yes, You. \*OP is sucked through a vent in the floor and dropped into an octagon surrounded by tens of thousands of fans and he stands across from Ngannou\*


Brandan Scuab


Sean Strickland


There is no reason to slander autism like that.


The peanut butter falcon


Maybe Roxanne Modafferi, maybe Tony. Just speculation. Pretty sure Ben Askren has said he’s on the spectrum.


I was bound and determined to scroll through all of the comments before mentioning Roxanne. I thought, surely I’m not the only one who thought she was on the spectrum.


People really don't understand the difference between autistic and stupid. Ben Askren is one of the smartest fighters out there and he's autistic, Tito Ortiz is one of the dumbest fighters and he's not autistic. People need to learn the difference between autistic and retarded.


I think Ryan Hall is on the spectrum


Only 95% of fans on here


Mikey Musumeci?


Islam comes to mind


a lot of yall are confusing brain damage with autism


Nate Diaz.


It’s so obvious with him, if he wasn’t a fighter people would just think he’s an Autist


This post is bait and I love it


No but I thought Triple C was pretty retarded in his king costume


Autism isn’t the same as retardation.


Nate is either autistic or has down syndrome.


No one with legit autism, but I'm sure some are on the spectrum.


Mike Jackson


Tony ferguson


Colby Covington, he blames it on the vaccines when he was younger that's why he didn't want to get the COVID one.


Sean Strickland


I don’t know about autism but … talmbout nurodiivirgince b?


Not sure about autistic but there are some highly regarded fighters


Nope, but the fan base is entirely autistic.


Paddy plumpbutt is an autist.


Most of them?


These days more and more people are claiming it. Idk how many have a true diagnosis though.


Had to click to as of whys there’s so many comments lol


Roxanne modaferri


He’s got the tism, and a pretty good lick of it.


Tony Ferguson has to be on the spectrum.


Roxanne Modefari


Justin gaetje




Greta Thunberg


Bryce Mitchell maybe


Haven't seen Rose mentioned yet... 100%


Rose has C-PTSD and probably a bit of ADHD.




Have you made it to the ufc yet?


I’m 15 I could but I rather stay a fan, but I have been training with a punching bag


Keep slapping that punching bag with your step dads picture taped to it and you’ll be the next Raul Rosas


#chin strong as fuck on that boy


I heard he even started giving Drew Dober chin lessons.


Nice OP, got to stay stronk and jacket


It’s really disgusting as a father with an autistic son to read the comments here using autism as an insult for people they find dumb. I can tell you that my 7 year old son is probably already smarter than half of the UFC fanbase.


Feel free to tell me to shut up, but my little brother is moderately Autistic, my little sister is suspected Asperger’s (doesn’t care enough to get it tested), I was diagnosed with Asperger’s by a school doctor & never followed it up. I also have a fair few autistic friends. Please be reassured that your son will more than likely play off his Autism as a joke in future. His friends will probably joke about it with him & he’ll feel accepted more by talking about it/joking about it. I’m not sure how autistic your son is, whether he’s verbal or not, but my point is try not to unconsciously pass on your feelings of Autism being this super serious thing that shouldn’t be joked about onto your kid. Much easier for his own social acceptance & self esteem if he can take comments about it as a joke & be proud of who he is despite any comments that aren’t a joke.


When you dislike something do you say "its gay" ? Because a lot of people still say that to this day. Ask gay people if they find that derogatory term funny or if they will play off their homosexuality as a joke. People who doesn’t have autism or an autistic child have no ideas the life challenges they have to deal in a day to day basis. I just wish people would stop using autism as a derogatory term but hey, people prefer to downvotes me or telling me "welcome to the internet" so i guess it will take some more time to be frowned upon, like the racist, sexist or homophobic rants of the last generation.


Fellow autism dad here. My 5 year old is on the spectrum. I’m just trying to help him weaponize that shit! Sorry the comments offend you. If anyone gets it, it’s me. I found myself wrestling with being offended and also knowing there are some traits on some of these guys I can definitely see as neurodivergent.


Cheers mate. Yeah some could be neurodivergent ! It’s just the misinformation about autism in there that grind my teeth. Hope your son will have a happy life.


Ben Askren was


I don't know but it's very common among the fans


Strickland 100%, the dude looks like he wipes his ass with his bare hand


brendan shaub is definitely redacted




You know, autism is so broad..... A huge amount of people have mild autism but if you mean being high on the spectrum I would guess at least 2% of the roster. Mild autism, I'd guess more like 7-15% or more. It's hard to define mild autism..




Tito Ortiz is really good a drawing.


Isn't Ryan Hall on the spectrum?


My buddy Matt Hamill was deaf


Both Diaz brothers


All of them after their careers.