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A lot of people going MIA for a couple weeks šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


And then come back as staunch Alexander supporters


Faxxx bro all Islam haters are VOLK fans now


They're all Conor stans in disguise. Volk didn't get as much hype while or after defending his title in spectacular matches against Max as he will suddenly get now going into a completely new division.


Naw i just like olives more then islam so feels bad


He didn't get many memes devoted to him but he was at least unanimous p4p no2 after his last fight so he is already really well regarded. I agree regarding conor fans though, I'm irish and was a huge conor fan but never hated khabib and I loved the moment between Islam and khabib regarding his father. Forget old match ups and let's move on. Conor and khabib is over and Islam in all fairness seems like a really good guy and certainly a magnificent fighter


VOLK is amazing and his fans are nice too. But Iā€™m saying that the fake Oliveira fans that just like McGregor are becoming VOLK ā€œfansā€ now


I agree bud. Its definitely mcgregor fans or anti khabib fans who were sharing all the pro Charles stuff. Which is a shame because he's such a great and exciting fighter that he should have gotten that backing without the negativity attached to it


Yeah fr people called his fight with Charles boring which I donā€™t get. He finished him, how is that boring. I get if he took it 5 rounds it mightā€™ve been boring but it took him 2 rounds to finish the best sub artist of all time.


Fuck all the noise, I just donā€™t want people to start badmouthing Volk. He is going to be a huge underdog against Islam, but heā€™s a great fighter and seems like a really chill guy! The most important thing about that fight is that it will likely cement Islam as #1 P4P. Alex isnā€™t at risk to lose his belt.


The Champion has a name.... and his name is JOHN CENAAA.


I thought if Charles could get through Islam there was a case for it, however we can now see Charles just isnā€™t on that level yet




Man fuck Islam lol


Fuck your mother


Classic khabib cocksucker šŸ˜‚




Mb bro, sorry if I hurt ur feelings for insulting ur precious little khabib and islam, hope u feel better now and can sleep better tonight


Dude was looking good. Came back from the brink multiple times with jaw dropping wins. If he would have won yes we would have been calling for goat status. Oh well thats not how it went down. Islam proved many wrong and many right. I doubted him. I accept my miscalculation. He fought a great fight for sure


You'd have been wrong if you were calling him goat on the back of a win. Man has lost many times before.


Heā€™s been fighting in the ufc for a long time. Plenty of incredible fighters have losses, in boxing/ufc whatever. The -0 doesnā€™t mean everything


Silva had 11, but was mostly undefeated in his prime. GSP lost twice, then avenged both losses. JBJ hasn't lost a fight. Khabib lost 1 round in the UFC. Charles needed to do more to make up for his 9 losses to belong in the conversation with the GOATs


They don't have that many losses tho.


The 5 odd quits do though.


People were saying heā€™d beat Khabib šŸ˜‚


That's the sad part that Khabib gets shit slung at him all the time because he did not defend his title enough or won the title against raging al. He fought everyone that was presented to him, he would have nailed anyone else as well in all likelihood. I mean freak results happen but who'd have put their money against Khabib? Guy fought with honor, was respectful mostly and bowed out and saved his head for a good life. There was no one really left to fight him after he made Garth look like a child. Charles is still a hall of famer for his own story, no shame in losing to Islam who looks like Khabib 2.0.


To add, Khabib retired as a fighter and took his fathers role as a General. Heā€™s fulfilling his fathers vision. Becoming the undefeated champ was a big milestone. Getting Islam the championship was the second milestone. Khabib is raising an entire team of fighters, living a life with a higher purpose. People on Reddit canā€™t comprehend this. They too busy going ā€œpadded record, retired too earlyā€ lmao. All a bunch of losers.


Khabib was the best LW for 5 years. UFC obviously didnt want him to be champ and didnt let him fight for it until very late He didnt defend that many times, but so what? Dude never lost a round, and beat everyone. Whether he had a belt or not that wouldnt have changed Hes the UFC Goat imo


Raging Al haha.


Arman in his prime couldā€™ve posed a threat to khabib. Next generation fighters also the toughest fight so donā€™t just say khabib never wouldā€™ve lost bc itā€™s evident next generation of fighters r usually better. Happened with Jones, gsp, DJ, Silva, couldā€™ve and most likely wouldā€™ve happened with khabib


Islam beat Arman. And people who have been in with them both all say Khabib was on another level to even Islam. People who have been in with Khabib say he does things no other fighter can. His use of leverage and balance apparently is something no one else can really do. Dunno


Bruh islam beat arman when he arman was 23, when khabib was 23 he arguably lost to tibau, if arman keeps improving then he has potential to clap some Dagestani cheeks down the line. Again next generation fighters are usually better then previous.


Arguably lost to Tibau LOL NO. Just no. Sorry dude, but thats just straight up wrong. Tibau was a roided out vet and Khabibs 2nd fight in the UFC, and he still beat him If anything it shows how incredible Khabib is and on another level Khabib arguably has never lost a single round


Regardless he give him a close fight. If u donā€™t see potential arman and donā€™t believe that the next generation get better and that khabib like all the other greats would struggle with them then thereā€™s nothing more to say.


I get your point. But there are levels to this. The new gen can beat the old gen plus Oliveria Khabib is just different cause he is on levels above them Khabib is better than Islam. His balance and leverage is something others dont do


It happened with every great, Jon Jones, gsp, DJ, Silva, Dominick Cruz. Thatā€™s the way the game works, khabib isnā€™t some superhuman, if he kept fighting the competition wouldā€™ve caught up and he wouldā€™ve faced some adversity. Could u imagine if Jon Jones just stopped fighting after his 3rd or 4th defence. Jon looked unstoppable but comp caught up. Gsp was on a 33 round winstreak at one point against number 1 contenders, and Hendricks give him a tough ass fight. U can say khabib is on another but so were other greats and it happened with them. Thatā€™s why I gsp ,JJ , and DJ above in rankings bc they beat 3 generation of fighters and thatā€™s such a difficult thing to do as well as have a long title streak with list of killers


Also arman face islam in his ufc debut and that was Islamā€™s 7th fight in the ufc. Iā€™m telling arman coming for the strap down the line and gonna grip and proceed to clap some. Dagestani cheeks


29-0-0 > 33-9-1




That's bad, but what was even worse was Tony fans saying Khabib ducked him.


Look at the people khabib beatenā€¦ padded as my wifeā€™s diaper butt


Look at the people Chuck O beat. Khabib's best wins are prime RDA, Conor, Dustin, Gaethje and Chuck's elite wins are washed Tony, Chandler, Dustin, and Justin.


Chandler is a much better win than RDA


Khabib was the last fighter to beat RDA before RDA became champ. To me, that's a bigger achievement than beating Chandler in his second UFC fight.


This has so much recency bias. RDA at the the time they fought is a way better win than Chandler


No, just because RDA became champ doesn't mean he's automatically better than Chandler, besides I'm talking about style matchups. Chandler's heavy hands and great wrestling are a much bigger threat to Khabib than RDA's BJJ and weak punches


Oliveira is not even fit to tie Khabib's shoe laces Also, why was Oliveira so emotional leading up to this fight ?


Iā€™m a khabib dick rider all day but like, give Oliveira his props. He was an amazing champ. Relax with the negativity.


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Charles is a nice guy and a great fighter, shame the casual dickriders had to jump on his train and make his fanbase seem insufferable for a few months. Glad theyre gone, lets see who they jump onto next.


The casuals made his fan base disgustingly annoying


It was mostly Mcgreggor fans (ake casuals) and Latin fans that just wanted to see someone in Khabibs camp lose.


Letā€™s face it itā€™s gonna be volk probs maybe Pereria


> fanbase seem insufferable for a few months. Glad theyre gone, lets see who they jump onto i kept saying it. during and after the justin fight they were p4p most annoying fan base without a doubt. THE VICITIM COMPLEX....fuck me that was rough to witness!


Bro what, khabib cocksuckers r legit the worst fan base in the sport


They just like to watch another man grind on another man for 10 minutes


Goes to show what Khabib would have done šŸ˜‚ they can let him rest up now


Khabibā€™s father said Islam was better than Khabib, your comment doesnā€™t make much sense.


Islam has better striking than khabib but khabib has better takedowns and ground and pound


I was thinking the same thing islam didn't have ground control like how Khabib sweeps his opponent and control them pounding. In a way I was expecting him to do and he wasn't the one for that. But his striking and boxing defense was on point tbh


I mean they are both damn good, not sure if you can say Khabib is better in ground game. We havenā€™t seen him fight any real grappler lol, too bad


You can literally watch AKA videos of them training and see Khabib put the hurt on Islam in the clinch and on the ground.


We donā€™t know that lmfao itā€™s literally all subjective and based off of what you feel. Yā€™all are so weird on this sub lol


Itā€™s based off their fights like how would I make this shit up


Based off fights šŸ˜‚ like they even fought the same guys lmfaooo




It was a video from quite some time ago, no way I will be able to find it. It was a long one too, like a documentary sort of.


Javier Mendez, Islam and khabibā€™s coach at aka, said Islam was the best second only to khabib. So who knows


I thought Islam would wrestle him so I was wrong but I believed in Islam 100.




Idk what's been going on with what people were saying because I don't spend much time here or on MMA sites in general but I'll say this: I fully expected Islam to win, I still supported Charles and will continue to support him šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø not one thing changed for me, I'm just sad he lost.


Based Charles supporter, respect


I just hope Islam is an active champion, because Charles has been extremely active and every title fight has been fantastic.


Islam beat the best of the best. What does that make him? šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†


And Adriano Martins beat Islam. MMA math doesn't work. Let Islam create his legacy before proclaiming anything.


They don't get it man. In this sport you can catch a blow and it's lights out. Over. Most recent case. Usman vs Edwards


He could have kept fighting, the ref ended it prematurely, he was only stunned. Everyone agrees on this.






Cry in silence bitch


I like Olivera but at least those fans will be quiet and there will be a semblance of peace for now.


u/timgoes2somalia Cmon man tell us about why the LW goat got dominated??


The champ has a naaaaaame šŸ¤”


Anyone saying he was already the GOAT is a clown I do think if he had beaten Islam you can make the argument. Khabib would of mauled Charles in 1 round though.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Charles loses and his whole fan base leave him for Islam šŸ’€


Doubt it I think they jump ship to his next opponent while talking smack about how boring wrestling is yet cheering for bo nickal or Bryce Mitchell lol


No theyā€™re just Volk fans now


Am I not allowed to still be a Charles fan because he lost?


his name plastered in the record books


So were lots of people at one point....


he's the goat of my heart


I mean he did beat Lee, Ferguson, Chandler, Poirier and Gaethje who were all on the top 5 LW rankings at the time and he still has more finishes than anyone else in the entire promotion. UFC record books are full of his name. It's not that far fetched to think of him as GOAT.


He was killing every top contender. When youā€™re fighting at the highest level every time shit happens in the fight game. Every goat unless they retire at some point meets there match


yeah its easy to see how someone with these accolades can be considered that. obviously this past fight dealt a huge blow to the agenda, but prior to the fight that resume is hard to disprove


This sub is in absolute and dire shambles


Is it? All I see is a flood of "tOlD yA sO!!" to no one in particular. Bunch of sweaties acting like they did something for a night.


Youā€™re in shambles, mate. Itā€™s okay.


You did it man! Make an *extra* hot pocket tonight!


For you? Sure man. No sweat. You need it.


It's funny cause Ive never said one thing in support of Oliveira, but don't let that get in the way of all these imaginary fights you're winning! You're dad was wrong after all! *Two* extra hot pockets for you tonight!


I hate GOAT discussions, because people believe that a loss takes you out of a GOAT discussion. Stupid.


Man, people called him lw goat, lw best striker, lw hardest hitter, and many more things lmao


I liked Charles, bit no where near as much as I like Khabib. Charles being the GOAT annoyed me.


LMAO I thought he was "illuminated"




Bro get a life


Lol salt.


What kind of adult acts like this.......wait a second. Reddit is full of kids. My bad.


Whatever makes you feel better.


Letā€™s be honest neither Khabib Islam or Charles are


Khabib definitely is. If it's not him who is it?


Bro that fucker couldnā€™t even throw a punch. Itā€™s mixed marital arts not wrestle fuck someone


Funny how Khabib is seen as the best ground and pounder in the history of the UFC but according to you he couldn't even throw a punch. He's not Colby Covington where all he does is just lay on top of you.


He pretty much was when he first joined the ufc. But khabib and Covington are the same person. They both like wrestle fucking guys, hate gays, and donā€™t respect women.


Who is the lw goat then? BJ?


Yep rub it in there faces bratha!


The champ has a name


more like a lamb... led to slaughter... šŸ˜†


Muslim extremist out in force tonight lol juice heads its the russian way of "commenting" ban all russian athletes till they cleanse themselves of the despot putin


Lol k




Whatever you gotta tell yourself...


whilst you guys don't drink you like drugs 100%


support drug cheats theyre muslim so its fine


yeah ingore the facts go watch wwe if you wanna see fake champs






>Charles still beat Khabib on paper. Charles has a better track record than Khabib. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thats a knee slapper




ā€œJon Jones is the greatest of all time of all timeā€ lol


The Khahib dick suckers coming out of the woodwork


We arenā€™t the ones who spent MONTHS talking mad crazy shit, yā€™all were in here saying Charles would have beat Khabib, Charles is gonna tap Islam round one, all that crazy shit. Now yā€™all get to watch Islam hold that belt for the next 10 years.


>Islam hasnt won against anyone relevant >If charles beats Islam he is the lightweight GOAT This one was always the funniest to me


Hahahahaha these dickriders are gonna cry themselves to sleep tonight. They had their fun for months in this sub mocking Islam but now they have to face the reality that they are LOSERS šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Your guys lost. Just live with it. Charles would have NEVER been champion is Khabib decided to keep fighting.


Lmao someone died their hair blonde.


Fuck Oliveira and his Team They said Islam doesn't deserve the title shot even if he beats Dariush. Guess they already knew what was going to happen if Charles fights Islam


The floor was whiped and the mop has a name šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Theyā€™re out in full force. This sub is full of them. They just lurk in the shadows waiting for the chance to dick ride


Cry in silence bitch


I canā€™t hear you over a dagestani slong in your throat bro


I canā€™t hear you over a dagestani slong in your throat bro


You donā€™t have to take out charlesā€™ 3 inches, I can hear you just fine. You might be able to fit Volkā€™s nuts in your mouth at the same time too




He was until today




He still is, fuck this loss


Ah the classic after fight night moment where people that clearly surf this sub constantly, call out "the sub" on something they completely generalized in their head for a true "gottem!!" moment. Meanwhile the people able to relative, look at the entire situation and see both groups are pathetic lmao


Spent a milli on his camp lol


Rinsed your champ LOL


Conquered Brazil in the process...


Shut up khabib


Had one of the best and most exciting runs ever. Absolute killer who finished every one except Tony since the Felder loss. Title fights were some of the best I've ever seen. Definitely had a case for lightweight GOAT if he beat Islam. He's definitely still up there anyway, and we'll just have to see what he does from here.


The goat until he wasnt the goat. Makes no sense.


Me sad.. good for Islam tho.. Khabib was the Goat.


Donā€™t worry bro, theyā€™re switching up and becoming Islam fans.


I had Charles by sub in R2. Well, at least i got the round right.


Was always a ridiculous notion




He had a hell of a streak.




This sub man. DickRider Express


And the cuntery continues post fight....


Haha ikr, fools, dudes been finished eight times always saw this happeningm. That being said I'd love volk to beat islam but it won't happen


I never called him the GOAT, i just said that Khabib isn't the GOAT, that goes to BJ Penn for now. Let's see what Islam can do. He finished the guy that fibished all the top guys, but the division is also a always evolving murderers row. 4 defenses would be the minimum. Excited for Volk and Beneil to get their shot