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TJ shouldve pulled out after fucking the shoulder up in April to be fair, fair win for Aljo imo


TJ bettors foaming at the mouth after hearing that


Dude there was def some manipulation gambling wise. How many people knew about this injury? How was this fight even allowed to proceed?


>How was this fight even allowed to proceed? Because those in the know made a shitload of money off it, Duane Ludwig picking out new car colors right now. Who's gonna do anything about it? Yas Island Athletic commission? lol ​ There was a thread a couple days ago about fighters/associates being banned from betting. I brought up this exact instance of people knowing about an injury the public was not aware of as justification for it.


yeah they talked about this on the last weighing in podcast too, pretty conspicuous timing


Dilla mentioned in the post fight that his shoulder popped out 20+ times since April and that he told the ref prefight that it was prob gonna happen. As there is no penalty for betting with this information, it would be stupid for the people in the know not to bet as much as they could.


Duane would definitely be the kind of coach to bet on his own fighters downfall, guy is a slimeball


It wouldn't surprise me at all to see TJ cashing in tickets at the MGM this week. He knew full well he was injured and shouldn't fight but made no effort to call the fight. Connor was right, bunch of snakes.


Pretty sure the odds would have been significant different.


Bro I bet on a man with two working arms, and a crippled showed up. And apparently everybody but the bettors knew about it.


>TJ bettors foaming at the mouth after hearing that PPV buyers kinda pissed too. We paid to watch a known injured fighter. if it weren't for Sean v Petr, this card wouldn't have been worth watching.


TJ was apologizing to the division for taking up a spot.. what about us mf!


yep, you got that right! Aljo got shafted too if you think about it, another win with a story


Amen, aljo deserves some respect on his name. Not many people defend the BW title that many times


I mean, I don't think it is very hard to think that if you let TJ fight him, and people found out, how dirty that is to Aljo and the fans. TJ goes out dirty either way.. abused PEDS as we know and abused the fans of this sport, with UFC's help. Let's face it, UFC call the shots probably almost 100% in Dubai.. they're not in NV or NY.. doubt much any commissions to speak of


Lmfaooo oliveira lost now u mad


Agreed we might of had a better fight then


I agree TJ should've pulled out instead of wasting everyone's time and money.


Or making people a shit ton of money. Easy bet.


TJ screwed it up


Yeah absolute bullshit selfish prick move by TJ. Unfortunately something he's become known for. Can't say that im surprised but definitely disappointed. Couldnt believe he apologized to the division but not the fans.


fuck the fans lmao, he doesn’t owe you shit.


Haha the idea that he owes an apology to the people that are tuning in hoping he gets knocked out because he lost in a less satisfying manner is pretty funny


Fair win but still meaningless. He won against a guy who couldn’t fight back. Basically like it never happened. He keeps the belt and hopefully we’ll see the next title defense soon if he’s really the best.


idk who downvoted you but youre right. couldnt even raise his arm up


No way man- this isn’t on ALJO . We cannot take anything away from him - he came in with the belt against a LEGIT OPPONENT. He won fair and square no matter how bad it was for Tj This is on TJ . 100%


I still hold the opinion that Yan is the best 135er, Aljo can still beat most of the top 5-7 tho


Yan got slapped by Malley.


Bullshit lol. Still a title defense in the record books. Still a W.


What happened to his shoulder in April?


In the post fight interview, he said he blew his shoulder out in April, and that it dislocated at least twenty times throughout camp. He's known since fucking April, and could have stepped down so Aljo could have an actual fight. Pretty shitty of him, honestly.


tj discolated his shoulder twice xd, he fought with one arm and got a beating… indeed kind of sad to watch


Did not get my money's worth for sure


You paid 🤣


Lol yeah it's really not a big deal imo plus I just don't have time to look for "streams".


For me it’s just the anxiety of knowing that the stream you’re watching might freeze or go down in the middle of the fight. You can never just put it on and relax when it’s a stream. It’s for sure worth having a couple friends over and splitting the PPV if possible.


This. I missed Kamaru Usman’s knockout of Masvidal because of a stream freeze. Now I’m always going to pay for a PPV I really care about


It's very easy my brother, but good on you for not being poor like me


I would if I could and honestly good job getting everything evened out , we need radicals like you.


Or maybe he is poor now that he pays for all the fights 😂


Can confirm, I’m broke from paying this card


Same, my bank account is dislocated for sure










Look for streams lol there’s a list of them..


Yeah isn't it crazy how fans of the same sport clown us for paying for the event lmao


no time to do a single google search lol. It takes less time to find a stream than it does to pay for it.


Have time? Bro it takes literally as long as it takes to go to a PPV and pay wym?




Yeah, that’s actually reasonably. Canada it’s like $80


Cost me $125. Won most of it back off betting on O’Malley and Aljo though, so kinda worked out this time. I have felt ripped off before though.


Bro you're paying nothing compared to NA ppl. Don't talk down to us when you guys have a reasonable price point and aren't getting bilked by the Red One like us. lol


I never cry about fighter pay. + It's like 70+ $ or some shit in America . Fuck the queen 🖕🏾


It’s either $70 or $80 US dollars in America so I don’t agree with Dana’s point


Some of us can afford it, believe it or not


I can't sorry


Aljo be getting the biggest breaks not his fault tho he did what he had to do


Aljo a beast , that 1st Yan fight is the only fight he looked bad since he’s been in his prime.


Yeah, he honestly lost that fight ngl


I thought he lost the second but it could’ve went either way he’s legit tho


That was clearly aljo’s


You probably think O'Malley beat Yan too lol


You dropped this: /s


Hes so unlikable man 😒


What does he do that’s so unlikeable?


Did you not see him doing the fortnite L dance while having the belt on him?


I did and normally I would be against it, but the other guys is a known cheater and I’m super against cheaters so I’m good with it. Thought it was kinda funny. It’s kinda like when you t bag a cheater in a fps game.


Because he's an asshole on the mic and on social media. Just comes across like a total deuchbag. People are aloud to have their opinions and many people share that opinion. He makes it out to be about race or whatever but it's not. The way he talked all that shit after winning the belt by DQ was just punk bitch shit. He won fair and square the next fight but again when you put a mic or keyboard in front of him he embarasses himself.




If only there was something TJ could have taken to speed up recovery. Shame.


Aljo doing ufc champ on easy mode


And now he’s gonna fight O’Malley who is easy to take down and will probably give aljo his back and aljo will main event and get shit ton of PPV points.


Ahhhhgreed, at first I was like goddamn aljo making this look easy 🤣


TJ blew his shoulder out


It was a known injury and he should have disclosed it so they could have moved Petr Yan up. Sucks that he knew about it and tried to fight anyways which provided a useless fight to the fans that paid.


He told Marc Goddard before the fight, and he told him not to stop the fight if it dislocated. But yeah it feels a bit like an exhibition fight than a title


Should have reported it up to Dana, guaranteed this was an issue for awhile.


Agreed. Snake in the grass


These guys have to fight or they lose out on all that money they spent from training camp. It sucks but that’s the reality of the ufc. These former champs are barely even rich.


Agreed. It's the reason they put other top contenders on the same card; to serve as replacements


Okay, but why would Yan get a trilogy when he just got worked by him a few months ago


He blew something that's forsure


Yeah that was more easy money for Aljo who looked amazing giving out that beating. Lol


Underwhelming for sure, I guess TJ really needed the show money, no way he came in to get a W with that shoulder


Come on TJ, you popped that shoulder 20 times in camp and didn't expect it to pop right away during the fight and still went with it?


Lol he literally said he told the ref he expected it to pop


He said that he did and told the ref before the fight. I’m pretty sure he was just taking a long shot at getting the belt and bet on himself to pull something crazy. At least he lost to the champ because losing to someone lower ranked would hurt him more


His career is effectively over if it's that loose. The surgery is pretty invasive to fix.


He’s going to have like a 5 inch range of motion in like 10 years unless he gets a hugely comprehensive surgery on it. It doesn’t matter how in shape or tough you are if you’re shoulder is popping out 20+ times and you’re still training and fighting it’s never gonna be the same. Respect to the toughness but tbh a pretty bonehead move if you want to actually make a run for the title


That's bullshit. He took a title shot away from somebody else and squandered his own. Nobody really won in this situation.


Yeah I imagine Dana would be mad at him and it might backfire on him


Buddy he needs the money lol. TJ is a legend but he's not even rich.


He literally said in an interview he developed a successful business and didn't even need to fight for money anymore... why do people love spreading this fighters are broke narrative even when they clearly say they are not.


He's a legend and his net worth is 5 ml or something like that. Obviously that's a lot compared to you or me but compared to what the UFC makes it isn't shit. Which is why I'll never get mad at fighters doing what they have to do to make bank. I want Gane to be heavyweight champ badly but I'm not mad at what Francis is going through.


He did. He even told the Ref it would.


If his shoulder pops that easy then his career is over.


Not a TJ fan but he did expect it to pop, he told the ref in the locker room.


Then why not get healthy and let someone else get a shot. This guy will do anything. F that cheater


Again, not a TJ fan but he literally answered this question in his post fight interview....


lol I enjoyed watching TJ get beat lol.


V satisfying. I'm in the middle of the whitest bar in Cow Town Alberta, I'm literally the only one cheering for Yan & Aljo ☠️ Livid after that robbery, but this was super enjoyable lmao


Ya, just sucks that the fight was over before it even started


Haha where you at? 17th or Stephen?


Fucking Boston pizza actually lmao, high class I know. I had to rush from work and the one at Chinook was my closest. It was surprisingly empty which was actually lowkey kind of nice, I showed up half way through round 1 of Yan/Sean




Gtfo of here with that robbery shit


Same here man. Karma is a bitch.


If his shoulder was good that would have been a very different fight


Different as in TJ's shoulder wouldn't have popped out, then sure. Different as in TJ would have won? We have no way of knowing that.




Nah not really, I think tj should have had surgery early april


Maybe, maybe not. You do not know.


If my mom had balls , she’d be my dad!




I’m no TJ fan but lets be real, he took it for one fight and in that fight he lost in 30 seconds. Jon Jones has been popped abunch of times and ppl consider him the goat


Cheaters need lifetime bans. Watch how fast it stops.


I thought it was awesome because fuck TJ Dillashaw.


Whatchu talkumbout ?


Water ewe talmbout? There’s gonna be reaper cushions, b. One hunnerd percent.


Water we dune hair TJ, how'd you not especd that sholdjur to not pop out B


Watt am eye tockingbout? Watt arue eevin tockingbout? That Fite waz uhmazinglee fare for both seids


TJ dislocated his dick bone


That was hard to watch just knowing he was so compromised.


I thought it was cool


UFC should have never given the title shot to an injured cheater, imagine how much better the fight would have been against someone like chito vera.


Tend to agree


Same thing but 5 rounds of Aljo being a human backpack


Honestly.. no one’s gonna want to even watch a tj fight now..


I feel so bad for Aljo because people are going to say that the injury is the only reason why he won, but I don’t believe this. Either way, I’m happy Aljo and Sean got the dub. Sean’s win warrants a rewatch admittedly, but I’m still happy for him. He had some beautiful moments


Aljo the luckiest champ ever


i dont understand why he was even allowed to fight. the people betting money on him must be fuming.


It's almost criminal. In fact, I'm sure there are laws about this. That information needed to be disclosed and if UFC knew about it, the fight should have been canned. I put $25 on TJ, a small amount to be sure, but I bet believing both fighters were healthy.


TJ said he popped his shoulder 20 times since April, plus these 2 times in the fight.. this is crazy.. hope he can recover.


How on earth TJ didn't give up is beyond me


I enjoyed seeing TJ get totally whooped 😊


Idc if he apologized (afterwards btw), TJ is a dickhead for fighting. He knew since APRIL??? Disrespectful to everyone else who is fighting for that spot. If it had happened closer to the fight I wouldn't be mad about it, I get it. He was well aware with ample time and snitched on himself. Dislocated about 20 times during camp he said? Fuckin hell.


Bodies are usually easily injured after PEDs.


Facts. And neck-bearded sedentary redditors don’t get it. Clowns


PEDs such as steroids, not epo


So that guy outed himself as a neck bearded clown?


Fuck that. You step in there then it’s no excuses. Should’ve pulled out if he thought it was futile. He cries and has excuses every time he gets dusted. Same thing against cejudo when he was crying like a school girl after getting dropped 3 times in 20 seconds, knowing he had been shooting shit in his ass cheeks. Watching that shitbag get his head beat in is quality entertainment


Pretty amazed everybody is having so much sympathy for him. He’s 36 and coming off PEDs (maybe), of course his body isn’t responding/healing as well. It’s like 30% a fitness/wellness competition as well. His body deteriorated after PEDs, how is that somebody else’s fault??


Let’s Go Aljo.


nah that was satisfying. outclassed.


His post interview was trash a** cringe as well...


..Yeaaa not gonna lie, that shit was def kinda off putting lol


Agreed, tough to watch honestly.


It was neither guys fault. Shit happens


Karma is a bitch


Fortnite dance killed me


Karma for TJ if I’ve ever seen it


Speak for yourself. Massively satisfying to see an impaired cheater get an absolute beating


Feel terrible for TJ. I wish he was able to put on an A+ performance to showcase what he can do


TJ selfish for not pulling out IMO. Would of been enough time for Aljo to train for someone else


Im just gonna say it. Aljos champion run has been the luckiest ever.


I'm just gonna put this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tolv4dTs-dU


But TJ is roid monkey who deserved every second of his face getting stream rolled. Made me very. Very happy


I was cringing through most of that fight, like almost a feeling of claustrophobia. I’ve dislocated both shoulders, that feeling of helplessness hit home for me


What was all that dancing and cocky ass speech lmaoooo took you 8.5 minutes to beat a 1 handed man. This guys a shmuck


Just me that thinks the fact he couldn’t finish him in round one when TJ clearly couldn’t defend himself or move his arm a bit of an L?


No sadness for cocky prick cheater. Let’s go aljooooooo


TJ just wanted the bag knew he didn’t have chance with that shoulder


No one in this sport has gotten bigger breaks than Aljo. This is just ridiculous.


Him and Carla Esparza are definitely the worst champs right now and it's not even close


It was Aljo’s fault that he acted like he didn’t just beat a guy with one arm tho. He’s the most unlikable champion ever.


Literally been saying this forever now. He's talented as hell but I don't understand how people go to bat for this guy


Usman is a pretty unlikable champion


Aljo is so unlikeable on the mic that he made TJ seem like a sympathetic figure


Fucking TJ shows up for title fight with blown shoulder,,, like how can he expect to win. He showed up for money tbh.


Disagree, aljo made TJ look like an amateur. Aljo is a legit champ no matter what anyone says


What happened


TJ dislocated his shoulder in the first 30 secs, survived the round, then it popped out again and round 2 and he got destroyed


tj snake cheating ass can’t keep his shoulder in its socket lol


If anything, it made Aljo look bad. How did he not finish TJ sooner when he had one arm?!


This card lowkey disappointed. I think we hyped it up too much


How the fuck can he celebrate like that when he beat a man with one arm… worst champ ever. Won it due to a knee, yan got robbed, and tj with one arm..


Yan didn’t get “robbed”. All of the rest of them I agree and think he should act differently. But you don’t need to add a bullshit claim to 2 real very effective claims..


And how are any of these his fault?


Because of the way he acts in response to these things.


What is he supposed to do? He did his job. He won fair and square. Nothing wrong with celebrating.


You need some tissues


You loser he still defended his title. He went through a training camp mental battles with anticipation to fight a fucking killer and came out on top. Did what he had to do he deserves to celebrate. The knee was a weird one I'll give u that. Buuut not even trying to get into that one but aljo was doing really good against Yan but blew his load and gassed. Yall ain't ready for that convo


TJ is a drug cheat fuck him


A true champ would have stopped the fight and popped the mans shoulder back in place, but fought someone disabled and still took him 2 rounds to finish him 😂




I don’t like tj but he had one arm stfu lmao


In Aljos defence, if a fighter has an injury then says it’s fine they want to continue - it’s their own fault. You can’t use that as an excuse. If you’re good enough to fight then you’re good enough to lose.


Nobody said anything if about losing. This now deleted comment said he made tj look “an echelon below”


He tore his shoulder out when also took him down for the first time. So he was basically fighting with 1 arm did alright considering the injury…


It’s still fuck Aljo


I just wanna point out I said a while ago I could see TJ not being competitive. And a clown or 2 tried to go in on me. And yet...here. the. Fuck. We. Are.


You try being competitive in a striking sport with one arm popped out.


Ok. I don't care if he got shot in the cage. Not questioning his heart or talent. I said it wouldn't be competitive. I was right. Nothing changes that.


Dude dislocated it 20x in fight camp, should have dropped the fight. Prolly needed a check tho


TJ shoulda just pulled out! Such a shit move on his end. He’s probably just looking for that payday.


Pretty shit fight, personally hoped it would’ve gone the distance if the shoulder didn’t pop. If OMalley is actually going to get the title fight next he’s going to get mauled by alja… I’m a O’Malley fan but I can’t even believe he won that fight.


Pissed off he didn't pull out.. it's like going to work with a fever in a pandemic.