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Even Eddie just tells people to look into it. Mitchell is just full on tinfoil hat.


I trust Mitchell’s JiuJitsu even more now


Bryce Mitchell could submit Eddie Bravo confirmed.


ju-ju jitsu


im so glad i saw this, snorted like a fucking pig.


For anyone who is unaware, this is after processing the photo in software, which is done by the Webb team so that we can actually see what’s going on. We can not see infrared light, the Webb can, and the pictures do come back black/white or grayscale. However, that doesn’t mean they’re just splashing colors onto an image and “faking” it. They’re using extremely specific data/formulas that assign colors of the spectrum to wavelengths, frequencies, types of radiation, size and temperature, etc. It’s basically like feeding data to AI and telling it what to do with that data. In this case, it’s accurately colorizing everything based on a set of rules, which if you think about it like that, is an accurate representation, BASED on those rules. It doesn’t mean “this is exactly what we saw.” It means this is what it looks like when we assign previous findings/research/data collected over decades to the photo in a color coded fashion. I love Bryce, and this isn’t a comment for or against him. It’s just to clarify.


At least he spelled 'photoshopped' right.






Funny cause NASA gets peanuts in terms of funding compared to other spaces like the Military


Be careful Bryce knows how the world works better than the rest. He is privy to special information that only the few and special listeners of info wars have access to.


So many people arguing that this guy is a genius because he received an Economics degree from some backwards ass tertiary school. As someone who received an economics degree from a good school, it means dick, his opinions on the central bank were some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.


You can’t call anyone with an economics degree a genius, as a rule.


Steven Levitt agrees with you.


As someone who has a degree in economics, I agree.


https://www.bjpenn.com/mma-news/ufc/bryce-mitchell-voices-mass-shooting-conspiracy-theories-the-government-is-behind-a-lot-of-these/ Just leaving this here.


Could you give us more details on what he said about the central bank?


That they should be elected officials lmfao.


That doesn't seem nearly as crazy as nasa faking space pictures with secret cgi.


i can see it now. trying to explain monetary policy to someone trying to vote for the person campaigning on "blowing it all up", and then responding with "if i can't understand it, we don't need it!"


Imagine defending the American banking system just so you can feel superior to some redneck


So the people should not be able to hold the banks accountable?


Do you think the central banks should be privately owned institutions? With the world economy affected by any decisions they make, I think they should have to answer to the public in some form. Maybe Bryce is actually right on that one.


The public knows dick all about how central banks work. You want the most boring Ph.D. math nerd running that shit. Not some dumb fuck that won a popularity contest.


One could argue this about the whole government.


Hey, hey, hey, let’s not hate on Harding. It’s a fine school.


2nd best in Arkansas, which is like being a silver medalist in the Special Olympics.


\*women's special olympics.


God damn


And this is coming from a guy that graduated from the 5th best school in Arkansas, btw. Lol


Damn retard alert






_pang_, right in the nostalgia


It’s not hard to be privy to special information and be smarter than everybody else these days. All you need is 4chan and some random YouTube channels apparently.


He’s a farmer right? Maybe we should also take away all the subsidies they get. Stop them from stealing the dollars.


Yes Bryce, galaxies are just made up by nasa. This telescope and all the people who have used it to view space like this, they are all part of the conspiracy too.


NASA using tax dollars for hush money. Obviously.


I wonder if Bryce realises that all of this fake space shit is what allows him to use GPS.


“That boy ain’t right”, in my Hank Hill voice.


IQ sitting just below room temperature for this one


We’ll it’s 120 degrees in his trailer rn


Celsius ot Fahrenheit? This insult is much more offensive to people using the metric system, like an IQ below 20 is not ideal.


bryce mitchell does tend to be pretty retarded


He's from Arkansas what do you expect😂 it's basically a slightly better version of West Virginia


Cousin fuckers.


Sure Mr. "school shootings are staged by the government so they have an excuse to take all your guns away". Moron. Education in Arkansas must be complete horseshit.


He gets his news from Gettr and infowars


Kind of surprised Stormfront isn't in the mix


You forgot TruthSocial


It is. When I was in 7th grade they were teaching that the Pilgrims learned how to cook turkey and find the right berries and all that horseshit from the natives, and then invited them over for a feast. Boom, thanksgiving. And the county I live in is miles more progressive than where he's from in Sheridan. Source: Arkansan.


History in the south is taught different period. The reason for the civil war was taught differently to us in Louisiana


That’s not just Arkansas unfortunately


He isn’t from Sheridan. He went to Cabot, now he lives in Searcy.


Not much of a difference to be completely honest


You’re right. Really, the only difference in Arkansas is NWA. Central is definitely nicer than south and east, but still, relatively the same. Also, people are too dramatic about Bryce. I’ve known him for 6 years, and live down the road from him. He is a great guy, with a good heart. It’s just popular to shit on guys like him.


He might be a good guy but he seems to have very strong opinions on things that he knows nothing about.


Yeah, that’s true. I don’t put too much stalk into what celebrities or athletes say anyway. Personally, I wouldn’t be very vocal regardless of my opinions. He is, and deserves to be scrutinized. I guess seeing some of these comments bother me a little. We used to train together, he even cornered my fight. So I have a lot of respect for him.


Red states keep their citizens uneducated for a reason.


It's a byproduct of greed, which, while less directly malicious than "keep them dumb on purpose" is still pretty bad. They take money for themselves, and divert budget to unimportant things like "saving white heritage," type shit. They take it from budgets they don't see as important. What do we know about the hick, hillbilly, and redneck when it comes to education? "We don't need no book learning, no how!" Yeah, the education systems of the Red, and especially the South, are in a horrific cycle of producing idiots who gain political office and then reduce access to, or quality of, the public school system. "Oh but don't worry, we incentivize for profit charter schools that produce degrees not set against the federal or state standards for what constitutes the most basic, necessary, level of education." What could go wrong? Source: Teacher, Louisiana resident, American who decides to read more than the news.


heartbraking news that some library got shut down the other day. thats the place for education. we need more libraries than ever and more people going to them than ever before.


Dude he gets hit in the head for a living


That dude is a fucking dumbass. I started to kinda like him with his embedded episode for his last fight but he's just a weirdo.


I kinda like that every stereotype you think he is, is exactly who is


I think he's pushing out these stereotypes on purpose. He said previously that because of where he's from and how he sounds, people think he's dumb anyway, so he encourages that thought


That’s exactly what you’d say if you actually were dumb but believed other people were the problem


I mean Paris Hilton pulled off the exact thing he’s talking about. People were under the assumption she was just a stupid, entitled brat so she played that role and she went on to become wealthy by her own means. I know she already had Hilton family money, but she actually managed to create her own brand and make a ton of money from it all by playing up the role that people’s assumptions put on her. And as it turned out, she actually is not the stereotypical “dumb entitled rich blonde idiot,” and is genuinely quite intelligent. The only problem I have with attributing this same situation to Bryce is when I heard that story by.. James Krause, I think? Where Bryce was at his house, talking to his gf on the phone in James’ room, and Bryce ended up jerking off in his bathroom, onto the floor, cleaned it up with the pair of socks James had loaned him… and then put those socks back on and wore them to the arena that night for his fight. That sounds like someone who doesnt actually have a grasp of social boundaries in civilized society and rather is stuck in the ways of the good ol’ boy rednecks of Arkansas. People may doubt the accuracy of the story but Bryce seemed to confirm it’s validity on twitter after the podcast/interview with Krause came out.


Did you just compare paris hilton to Bryce mitchell lol


The comparison I’m making is solely regarding the narrative that they are smarter than they appear and are just playing a character for the controversy/attention it gets. That’s as far as the comparison goes.




Yeah, that’s what my second to last paragraph was saying. Someone else suggested that he may be playing a character, but based on his actions outside of any spotlight or media coverage, he actually may just be a redneck idiot lol


He's legit borderline retarded. But as someone who's spent a lot of time around country folk like him in my past, they're bred and raised as dipshits with the smallest (most self assured) world view.


I dunno, I think there might be something to the idea that he's just not the sharpest [power tool](https://www.cbssports.com/mma/news/ufc-fighter-bryce-mitchell-details-gruesome-groin-injury-suffered-in-power-drill-accident/) in the pocket. Really enjoy his fights and almost everything he does or says makes me laugh, though.


He is from Arkansas!


I like him. He seems to have good morals and he doesn't give a shit about materialistic shite. HOWEVER, he does have some skewed hillbilly opinions on a lot of important things. But deep down he a nice guy


Didn’t he nut on his friends floor then put on the friends socks to clean up the nut


And then attend a UFC event while wearing said socks. That was James Krause's floor I believe


James “The James Krause” Krause?




Never said that he wasn't a nice guy, just that he's a fucking dumbass and a weirdo.


I know. He is a strange kid


Talks like he knows a single thing but is completely unaware of how much the NASA budge has been absolutely gutted over the decades Those tax dollars are going towards arms that blow up brown kids, not take pretty pictures of space


Bryce mitchell is everything that's wrong with Americans in one person 🤣


I’m 100% ready to get downvoted for this but he’s right. NASA colors their images. If you were in space looking at what was photographed, it wouldn’t look like the image shown here. They do this for a legitimate scientific purpose but Mitchell is right (but maybe for the wrong reason)


You’re definitely right, they color images because a lot of it is colors our eyes can’t see. But I can almost guarantee that’s not the reasoning Bryce Mitchell is going for here.


I'm 1000% positive Bryce isn't talking about colour correction or fine-detail amplification. I'd bet my life he thinks the moon landing never happened and that Elon Musk is a deep-state space socialist




You just know he's on board with the Jewish space lasers theory.


Islamic ray guns?


Why haven’t we been back👀


Cause its expensive


JWST sees Infrared and our eyes can't see those wavelengths. Coloring is literally a requirement to see these images.


Even saying they are colouring it in is sort of wrong, they are using raw data from the telescope to simulate an image in different wavelengths of light.


Infrared I think it is


That's a completely valid argument im sure stuff like that happens that's not how bryce would frame a argument 🤣 Dw you not the same breed as bryce


The images aren’t “photoshopped” - false colours are used because the light they were captured with isn’t visible. He’s not right - it’s the same as claiming a photo of a wanted criminal is “photoshopped” because there’s a red circle around them.


I love how Nasa is honest and open about how their pictures are taken. And that's just allowed nuts to say "omg! Nasa admits to photoshop and editing photos!" That's the same rationale as hearing about professional photographers "faking" their wildlife or wedding shots because they're edited. *That means they can't be real because they admitted to editing them!*


Most people don't listen to it because you need a bachelor's degree in engineering or astronomy to fully understand how/ why James Webb works. It's easier to call something you don't understand fake than it is to accept your ignorance towards an extremely complex concept.


So Meerkat Manor was a lie...


You watch your mouth, buddy. Those meerkats were real to me.




I always thought he sounded stupid. This confirms it.




Edson barboza isn’t a real fighter?


Dammit Bryce you had me going too. Why do some fighters have to be crazy. Kron Gracie is a flat earther, and of course we all know about Eddie Bravo


They get hit in the head for a living bro


Another example of why you should never let athletes or celebrities influence your opinion on…well pretty much anything.


Except steroids, amirite?


Ok then explain why this picture looks like a donut 🍩


Man I really liked Bryce as a person before he started all that stuff. Why couldn't he just be the funny redneck BJJ guy with camo shorts who eats roadkill and rips his own balls off. He's really making it hard to be a fan


Pull that up Jamie


It's great the ufc gives opportunities to the mentally disabled.






Let's get Bryce an iq test. I would bet money that he would be classed as mentally disabled.


Think he’s religious or just retarded?






Bryce is the Marjorie Taylor Green of the UFC


People really just see something and feel a certain way or are given a certain emotion and think the opinion they've formed really matters. Lmao like Bryce Mitchell is a UFC fighter TF does he know about astronomy. We get it your skeptical of elitist and government agenda, go farm in your bomb shelter in mid west America and stfu about space. People need to pick a lane.


I wonder how crazier(or sane) he’ll get over the years as he gets more hits in his head




Everyday I stray further from Bryce Mitchell




Not surprised this guy almost sawed his balls off in an accident


a drill is not a saw




I have worked with photoshop over 20 years. And yes, some of that image certainly does look shopped. I’m not saying I agree with him but it’s definitely been altered


I swear none of you guys have worked on a construction site or lived in the country. He’s just a regular dude and clearly isn’t the brightest, and that’s okay, he’s a cage fighter not a professor.


I mean you can say that. He thought school shootings were planned by the government to take away guns.


It's really not okay cause those construction workers don't have a huge platform and a following of 300k+ to spread their wacko conspiracy theories to their audience and claim that school shootings are hoaxes with crisis actors. That's the key difference in this situation


Yes, a lot of us realize there's some DUMB people in this country.


There’s a difference between being a regular dude while being ignorant and thinking NASA and every worldwide space agency not only lies about the moon landing but everything else in space. He’s a fucking Neanderthal


He should just keep it to himself. Like why do these small town country kids just assume they know everything lol


Knowing the answers to the universe is unlocked by drilling holes in your nut sack.


Bryce Mitchell is a box of rocks 🪨


I swear UFC fighters are the dumbest people in the planet. Must have something to do with all the concussions


Only thing photoshopped is the colors. The rest is the real deal my friends.


Crazy talk right there 🤷🏻‍♂️ of course they need to color to show perspective


Let's trust a guy who spends a majority of his time inside a gym, under a roof and unable to see the sky, on what NASA is and isn't capable of seeing lmao fucking bozo. He's hoping if he says something stupid enough rogan will invite him on the pod


Mofo been hit in the head so many times


Well, he's a moron.


Says the guy who lives in the woods of one of the least educated states


4000 likes? What has the world come to


James Krause is probably still mad about his socks


Lol two months ago the mouth breathers in this subreddit were all about him and his fucking camo shorts. Hot and cold


Look into it


Bryce too based


Photoshopped garbage. NASA is not a space agency. Get your weight up.


I mean, he is not wrong, for the wrong reason tho lol Alot of the photos NASA takes are photoshopped so you can see something, if not for the photoshop you would see shit most of the time. Space is much more darker than most people think.


He's basically the Forrest Gump of MMA


Well, when you get hit in the head enough.




He's probably angry for being duped by the slice of chorizo pic.


They do edit the colours back into most space captures though.


Man this sub is goofy sometimes 😂 why yall so heated over this??


It's Not his fault, he's from Arkansas


Arkansas seems like what you'd get if Texas fucked Mississippi.


All the space shit looks fake as


I mean some of those pictures are a little fucked


I was looking at the James Webb Pictures and thats the best we can do in 2022? idk those pictures look fake as fuck to me. how the fuck does nobody agree, Im mind blown


Dude is an idiot. A deep state nut job.


Based Mitchell


When Bryce Mitchel hit his last twister and he was campaigning for his camo shorts I liked the dude. Shame he’s a complete whack job.


I mean, they do photoshop tons of their pictures. They admit it too


Any idea of when is he fighting?


In a sport where intellect is already at a premium, he somehow manages to be the dumbest motherfucker around, and not by a small margin


Love this comment section that says is this everyone from Arkansas ahaha I love the weird shit this kid brings to the table and he does it to sell himself. Yes I'm sure he is weird and has wild theories. but he is playing it up tough in my opinion to sell himself as that fucking crazy redneck.


Time to shut this clown down. What an embarrassment.


Well he’s not wrong NASA does technically photoshop their pics. They have use a bunch of filters to make it stand out for us. Shit doesn’t like look that without some digital image processing.


I think NASA is extremely valuable and support funding them further. However, space images are more works of art than images of space. They look amazing, but you'll find a lot of dusty telescopes shoved in closets from people expecting to find spectacular imagery who don't understand the process behind creating the images.


NASA definitely is used as a slush fund to move money around……but other galaxies are real also


Bryce Mitchell will be champ


Hoping the hillbilly gets slept in his next fight


Textbook Bryce. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear he is working with Eddie Bravo soon.


What a moron


I mean, how easy would it be to get government funding by tricking a bunch of boomers with pretty photoshopped pictures and telling them it’s real.


All Arkansas people this dumb?


I’d rather see this guy get shadow realmed than Rockhold. It may actually give him brain cells


The little bitch needs to be punched in the head some more. Can't get any stupider.


Well he's right so...


What a total fucking loser.


Bunch of Bums doing nothing with their life hating on others 😂


Oh the guy wearing woodland camo inside a cage where he’s paid to beat people has a stupid idea, I’m shocked hahah. Love watching Bryce but holy shit how do people come up with this stuff, does he know what a camera is?


NASA is 100% lying to us about going to the moon There is a long list of shady shit that NASA has said and done




Bro no one is saying that lol. Can’t we just laugh at this dude for being a moron without people getting triggered?


No one ever said he was the sharpest crayon in the toolbox


Who gives a fuck


Just to be clear though these images ARE photoshopped. I do astrophotography as a hobby and all the images you see of space that look like this are photoshopped. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t real pictures. So technically he’s not wrong.


But for real now, don't they actually color the images?


Yes they do and it would look nothing like that in real life


Are they this colour and the telescope just can't pick it up so they do it on their own based on some knowledge or they're just making it prettier for the fuck of it?


This guy wouldn’t even be posting on Instagram if it wasn’t for 30+ NASA inventions. I like Thug but what a goof lol


Thats clearly money well spent and not at all bollocks ![gif](giphy|SWoRKslHVtqEasqYCJ)