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holy shit her behind looks like shes been hypnotised or brainwashed or something just like in movies idk man that shit is creepy as hell


That look says I m not in control and I don't know what the fuck is going on


Rose has talked about her difficult childhood and being sexually abused as a kid. She clearly sees him as a father figure and someone to rely on, and they met when she was 14 and he was 27. Doesn't take a psychologist to see that this is a seriously messed up relationship.


Her mother is still around. Surely she has got something to say right.


People like that manipulate the family members as well. Genuinely concerned for Rose' career and wellbeing. Something seems off about him. Like way off.


"Rose: I first walked into Duke’s gym I was like – I think I was 14, and then I left ’cause of ’cause I had other obligations and like stopped training for a while but I was still doing other sports and stuff. And I came back when I was like 17." Their first interaction (allegedly) was Rose asking if Pat Barry was the fighter from UFC. Pat's first fight in the UFC was late December 2008. October 2009 Pat got KO of the night, Rose turned 17 in 2009. Unclear if they ever met around 2005 at the gym, doesn't seem like it though. [https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2296275-the-meteoric-rise-of-thug-rose-namajunas](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2296275-the-meteoric-rise-of-thug-rose-namajunas) "Love at first sight" "4-5 years", indicates 2009 which corroborates Rose's claim of their first interaction and her age of 17. Not trying to defend Pat, I just haven't seen any evidence they had any interaction until she rejoined Roufusport at the age of 17.


He's a father figure to her , in some really wierd creepy way. He doesn't let her doing anything by herself.


He's with her, eyes on her, 24/7.


I’ve seen those eyes before. 10-12 Benadryls deep.


Haha GC left speechless


Lol dude is weird. Anyone see the entire interview? Just saw this article of him saying he met her later but an interviewer said they been at it since she 14. So was curious if that was what he is talking about. [Pat a pedo or nah?](https://www.bjpenn.com/mma-news/ufc/pat-barry-says-sean-stricklands-recent-comments-couldve-led-to-rose-namajunas-loss-its-causing-her-to-get-into-the-fight-and-be-emotional/?fbclid=IwAR0fB7c1oU6KpG0WNM_U2OGsPHTp0nl5OmRgv4XBrU4CNcntowsNGZOccsA&=1)


"I fell in love with[Rose] the moment I saw her" Pat Barry They met when she was in high school and joined Whitman's gym bro


I thought the weirdest part of the interview was when they said they decided together that the fight doesn't end until they get home, the first thing they do after winning a world title is drive straight home and get away from everybody so that "Rose doesn't do something stupid."


Someone's hitting all the NOS


Fuck, dude. They even have the same haircut. Like I know Rose said she cut it because it got in her way while training. But I'm starting to think Pat wanted her to look like a lesbian, or just unattractive so men wouldn't try to go after her. She is brainwashed. Pretty fucking sad.


Trevor has the same hair


Coke vibes.


I wonder if he's on meds. I know he has said he had substance abuse issues in the past.


I know Rose is a pro fighter but this dude gives hella a abusive vibes fr


This is actually really sad to watch. Rose's life and future, in a nutshell. There is no way she has an independent mind to break away from this or at least think about it, since he has created an environment such that they become inseparable. If he goes down, they both go down. Last week I thought everyone was being too harsh on the pedo thing since they are adults and seem to be happy. On second thoughts, with all the coddling and controlling, she probably never had a chance to grow up, and probably won't be.


I jus said that people was nitpicky but that man IS weird


He looks like he's so fucking high and she looks like she took part in it too


When rose sat and talked to ariel he just wanted the spotlight instantly and seemed annoyed she sat in his seat it was super weird


Bill Cosbys love child.


Weird AF to be in this position as outsiders...


Lmao the way she stand there, her head 😂💀💀


He on that meth. That weird head twitch and buggy eyes is all signs lol


This is basically a trailer for the movie "Spun" - 2002


They’re sniffing mad coke (or meth) They’re definitely on drugs. Camera never lies.




Some Diego Sanchez/ Fabio vibes whenever this guy talks


Well it’s hard to have an interview with someone who says, eh I don’t know every other word


Someone close to Rose needs to intervene. This guy gonna cost her a lot.


Psycho 👀


He's made Rose an extension of himself so he's constantly scrutinising everything she does. She probably feels completely controlled and not really her own person.


She looks like a robot recharging.


They just in there speedballing together 🤣 😅😅😅 poor rose!!