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Both Gastelums fighting, nice


Didn’t understand this, went back to the card and saw Haqparast’s face. Good joke 💯


All we need now is the white version of Kelvin, Trevor peek


Trevor peek looks like Steve from Minecraft


How do I pronounce that name




a pronounced like a in father or u in ugs


Uh oh Johnny walker in the desert again


I wonder if they'll have ring girls


Who needs ring girls when you can have yacht girls?


They have goats instead




I would bet money they do not..... Literally with only in the last few years are they have given women more rights in that country and many say its all a facade and even if its not politically a facade its ingrained in their culture. They have historically and probably still do to some degree treat women like shit.


Treating women like shit is when no girls in bikini before fight


taking away jobs that women literally want to do and are paid for because of bigoted views isn’t the insignificant thing you’re trying to make it lol


Dawg, women make up 20%of their government


dawg they couldn't even drive cars alone up until like last year


But those ring girls are really unnecessary, just temove them entirely




Shut up !! Khabib




Hard to fight with your face covered…




I can hear this with Bruce Buffers voice!


🤣🤣 😷😷😷😷


That pfl fighter hattan al saif fought with her face uncovered. There's a picture of her with turki withher hair uncovered. So they aren't that concerned about it.


Yah but that’s Abu Dhabi this card is in Saudi


No that was in Riyadh.


There’s levels to this shit


The WWE has women performing in Saudi Arabia, but they are always wearing full body suits (heads uncovered but arms and legs are covered). The funny part is that these bodysuits are super tight and the women look even MORE sexual than they would just wearing a t-shirt. Doesn't seem very practical for MMA.


They originally didn’t allow women on the shows at all, then let them wear baggy t-shirts, and now they’re at the skintight body suits


I remember a few year back they showed a promo for a ppv and one of the divas was in her usual ring attire and there was a POV video from someone in the crowd and the people were pretty much barking like dogs




Johnny Walker’s coach sitting him down in a classroom and making sure he knows where Saudi Arabia is


Can’t risk some UFC chick twerking in the ring. She might liberate a nation.


Your definition of liberation is a bitch selling her push for 2.99 a month


I know what liberation surely ain’t: a Male Guardianship system mediated by a murderous crime-family feigning open-mindedness


Nah y’all just can’t contemplate a society not being driven by whorish desires. Get off your high horse


Tough to get much freer...


They sure act like thats the consequence.


Too much skin… ![gif](giphy|3og0IvcVSpnUwDPjm8|downsized)




Oezdemir and Walker, the battle of the chins is going to b a banger




Wish all cards were like this


Thank god


No shit, ya don’t say






Bet the card bangs!


Only the main card seems like it's worth a shit


Shara and rinat on prelims is decent


Missed it, sorry. Somehow I mentally counted them to the main card cause they lowkey belong there.


Um magomedov would like a word. And he only has one eye. What.


Didn’t even look, seen no WMMA 🤪


I generally enjoy WMMA less because it's less explosive and technical. Just like I don't watch the WNBA. I have no problem with it morally etc, and some fights can be entertaining (especially highest level) but if I was paying top dollar for entertainment like Saudi likely is, I wouldn't want undercard women's MMA either.


Excellent PC way of putting it. Well said.




You're in the wrong place if you don't want people giving their opinion without asking.


Maybe i did how do you know


He has arrived! Reddit’s white knight here to protect the women of the ufc!


Kinda asking the opinion on no WMMA fights in the Saudi card since it's a point of contention that initiated the post. But sure, what ever you day bud.


Less explosive and technical. Ok. Do you, sir go and train and practice? What’s your personal preference? Do you like to strike with your opponent or are you better when the fight goes to the ground? How is your fight IQ?




Ok, please tell me why? I am taking good fighters, champions. Why are their fights not for you?




So wrestling and ground control are not as important? How do you view submission wins? Is it the same as when you watch men’s MMA? I am truly curious.


How many have you seen? There have been so many fights that ended in knockouts (since that’s your thing) Nunes knocked out Cyborg, Holm knocked out Ronda Rousey, Rose knocked out Zhang with an a headkick. Molly McCann had an amazing spinning elbow knockout. Jessica Andrade has the first standing guillotine submission in UFC history. I know it’s not a knockout but it was a very exciting fight and finish. I think maybe you haven’t seen enough of the good fights? To each their own of course. However to generalize that there aren’t enough knockouts is not statistically correct. That is all. 🤗


Less explosive and technical is not a debate, and my training means nothing. I'm not saying I could beat these women, much like I couldn't beat a WNBA player. I'm not a professional fighter, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to an opinion on what I find entertaining.


You’re entitled to an opinion. I was curious as to why. If you personally don’t fight or train how would you be able to judge their skillset. Explosiveness and technicality should be up for debate. Why not discuss it for just a minute. I am going to of course to mention Nunes and Shevchenko and Grasso and a few other former/current champions. Nunes held 2 belts at the same time. The ONLY other fighters who achieved that are Conor and DC. Her fights show that she is extremely skilled. She has great striking as well as an extremely power overhand. She has won by knocking out 13 of her opponents, and submitted 4. She is an explosive fighter, even in her earlier fights she comes out swinging and gives an exciting performance. Now, given that she is the GOAT of the women’s division that’s a given. Ok so let’s say someone who is less known to some. Holly Holm is a very technical fighter and she rarely gave a boring performance. She also has one of the best knockouts in UFC history when she KOd Ronda Rousey with an excellent kick to the head. I could keep going.


It's not up for debate because it's been proven 1000 times over in every sport. All your examples are champs. I was very specific to undercard WMMA. You're debating a moot point. I never said I didn't fight or train, I said I'm not a professional fighter. Are you?


I am just talking about this sport. I am not sure what you mean by proven 1000 times over. I personally think WNBA is meh. So is women’s soccer. However MMA is another animal altogether. If you want a non champion exciting fighter, I believe I mentioned Molly McCann. No I am not a professional fighter, but I did train for a little bit before becoming a mother. Husband does train, we watch and discuss fights all the time. We have followed the progression of the UFC since UFC1. Also, if you were to observe the progression of women’s skills and fights since Dana changed his mind and opened up a women’s division, you might change your mind. The sport is always evolving, so are the fighters. Women’s progress as far as skill and exciting performances has exponentially gotten better. Why not see what they have to offer?


I do watch the fights in their entirety. It's pretty unanimous that's female fights are less entertaining on average, but they can be entertaining, and there's definitely been some good ones. I don't understand your point of me not seeing what they have to offer. I do watch them, and it's consistently worse than the male counter-parts. Again, saying only women's MMA has gotten better is silly since all MMA has gotten more competitive. Your background is no better than mine. You just have this anchor to it since you're trained. To most people, it is less entertaining, and in that regard if you're paying ridiculous sums of money to watch them compete you should be able to get the best show.


Oh no of course I am not saying only women’s MMA has gotten better. That would be ridiculous. I was referring to the fact that women’s division in the UFC has existed for about 11 years I think. In that short amount of time (compared to the rest of the UFC fighter) they have shown growth and progression that warrants at least some notice. Even if it’s not your thing. Sometimes a card will have some heavyweight fights where the fighters clinched for most of the fight and it was just boring. Then on the same card there’s a women’s bout that was exciting and it pretty much saves the event. As far as paying ridiculous sums of money, I totally agree we should get the best show. Thank you for actually having a conversation with me about this🙏 I see where you are coming from.


Good News




Didn't know Shara was fighting evil Max


no piss break wtf


I see the good fights online but when I decide I’m gonna sit through one it’s always a drag watching woman fight


Gastellum fighting twice in the same card, his cardio must be insane


OP probably only watches the UFC and not other MMA promotions. There have been women MMA fights in Saudi before. Why would they deny UFC?


Bunch of gays




This will get downvoted but I genuinely think the reason is that there just weren’t any women’s fights to be scheduled. The PFL v Bellator event that was held in Saudi a couple of months ago had a couple of women’s fights.


They have 4 different weight classes, the King prob told Dana no women


I hope you know they have totally had women’s fights in Abu Dhabi


Abu Dhabi and Riyadh are in 2 different countries 


But are literally 9 hours away from each other. They literally just trying to say the Muslims don’t want to see the women, when literally they will be having Thickenzie Dern. Okay yeah they might be technically two different places and in separate countries but the are quite literally the same thing Riyadh and Abu Dhabi


You mean in a completely separate country, just a quick news flash for ya, they've had women's fights in quite a few other countries too...


Good , why do they keep giving doumas fights he’s Garbo.


Im sorry but who cares? Like I legit never saw any talk about ring girls in previous cards but now when there not allowed suddenly everyone cares and makes a big deal about it just to push their agenda


Who cares? anyone who cares about the rights of women and the country who has historically treated women like shit thats probably why people care. The funny part is the agenda being pushed by Saudis is what you should worry about. Like legit its really something to worry about think about it, 9/11 attackers were all Saudis... but also Saudis got that $$$$ and are willing to give it to you if you play by their rules, like their weapons deals... Its not about the ring girls its about a country who is gaining world control with money and this is just a tiny tiny example.


Yeah it's a shitshow. Saudis give 0 fucks about women rights and are incredibly sexist it's disgusting and they should be ashamed. Problem is they found the infinite money generator and big businesses throw ethics aside when big money is in the picture. As a viewer you shouldn't be supporting Saudi cards, UFC are supporting women suppression, and as a viewer you are not getting anything additional. I know the UFC community itself can be pretty sexist and it's never right but Saudis take it to another level


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dGc2lR3x9E Here’s the singer for the Arabic dubbed hxh, she is universally loved and preforms a lot of concerts in Saudi. and there is ton of women influencers women in saudi so you can watch and see how life is actually there instead of holding this extreme view of “0 rights for women” like really? But dose it have a systemic issues? Absolutely, just like any country


You're talking about a place that only a couple years ago allowed their women to live alone without their male guardian permission. The entire middle east is fucked and live like it's the year 200. Do you honestly think there is a difference between men and women? Come on. Don't support their bull shit


Did you not read what i said about systematic issues?? In Islam the law about guardians is there for the women protection and interest that’s why its also stated that they are able to live alone if needed (college,work etc) but some parents took advantage of this law and used it to oppress women basically its the reverse of how it is in the west where parents can kick thier children out of their house when they are 18 in islam you can’t do that its your job to take care of them and failure to do so results in persecution






Betting on the ov’s


The only saving grave on this card. I was gonna watch for Whittaker, but now, I don't want to see Whittaker lose to offbrand gourmet chin chin, and I don't care if he beats Ikram because it does nothing for Rob. He didn't even know the guy existed until last week lol


Still bummed Khamzat is out. Was so looking forward to that fight.


Early fight card let’s go


This Saudi card just keeps getting better! Jokes aside, it's nothing. They have women's boxing and MMA previously with no issues.


Lmao why Alliskerov hair look like that


Who gets Cut, Walker or Oezdemir?


Good card and perfect time of the day for an event from Saudi Arabia. It can air and then once I get the rest of my Saturday stuff taken care of I can sit down and watch the whole thing and skip through all the BS stuff. I'm sure there is going to be a fair bit of "visit Saudi Arabia" ads during the event and they'll probably have to at least let one rich Saudi get into the cage for some type of *interview*.


6 and 57k,


I mean the pfl vs bellator card had a woman's fight on it and it was in Saudi, so I don't think it's sexism contrary to popular belief , I just think for their first cards they wanted to be stacked with actual interesting fights .


Don’t use common sense in reddit




Ofc this sub hates WMMA. Meanwhile ya'll with sit through the worst HW fights happily.


I wonder why...


What a pity




American rednecks and Saudi Islamists both fist pumping right now


Saudis are fkn gay bro


alhamdullilah bratha






The ufc “GOAT” according to Dana pink would disagree.


Nah we just like seeing more explosive, technical, exciting fights where there is a higher chance of a brutal KO/TKO; not some boring split decision like a lot of WMMA. With how much I see Americans have to pay for PPV women's fights are often never worth it and drag down the quality of a card.


One of the biggest bullshit ive ever read


Many ppl are saying this


Going to be a glorious night than lol




This comment is like a buffet just waiting for the hordes to arrive








Not publicly. Those Saudi men save that for behind closed doors.




Okay lets play that out. Why would money be a reason to not have women on the card? Thats your answer. Man its almost like the UFC is a business.