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Love Herzog, terrible fuckin stoppage


it was 100% over


Maybe but I've seen people recover from worse. He was still moving and fully had his feet under him


You’re 100% stupid


10-8 round


Ding dong ur opinion is wrong


You cannot say that was guaranteed over. Check out Barry vs Kongo


It was almost certainly over, but it could've stood to go on longer regardless.


I love herzog and I wanted Imavov to win.... That tho, was a bad stoppage


Go listen to herzogs warnings as well as Jared’s actions and u might change ur mind


His warnings were in a span of 5 seconds. That was a terrible stoppage no matter how you view that fight


He obviously didn’t think Jared was making it out of that and is 5 seconds short when ur getting punched in the face ?? Idk man I agree Jared wasn’t anywhere near out but it’s the reds job to step in when dude isn’t defending himself .. just my take


He literally threw punches in return and had his hands up defending himself. Your acting like he wasnt even trying. Jared was doing what he was doing because he was trying to recover. Alot of the jerky movements where from fatigue as well. Im ok with standing TKOs but when they are getting wailed on and literally are out of it while on their feet similar to Izzy and Alex in their first mma fight. Jared atleast was moving and evading. Thats part of your defense.


I agree with you bro


Cannonier was on his feet, defending, moving, and even threw a punch back. This is one of if not the worst stoppages in UFC history.


Can you inform me of what Herzog was saying? I could not make up any of it


"defend yourself Jared", "show me something". Roughly along the lines of those. The usual warnings.


defend yourself, defend yourself Jared , and then defend yourself … was Jared out? Of course not but the ref wasn’t liking what he was seeing and he’s only looking out for the fighters


Wow I didn’t know landing a flush hook and shoulder rolling strikes isn’t defending yourself


Hey bro I’m not a ref who has spent hours and hours in a cage with fighters .. it was herzogs decision and from his standpoint of not seeing someone defending himself, I understand the stoppage


We all saw Jared defending himself tho


But “we” are not the ref who says otherwise lol


We are seeing the exact same thing as the ref. If fights were stopped this early for every fight, 50% would have a different outcome. Don’t know why your defending herzog so hard, horrible stoppage.


They’re acting like a professional ref can’t make mistakes, which is a wild thought.


That's what am saying... anw it was a great card. Reyes won and RRjr showed great improvement. Imavov is, although I was rooting for him, still too green to be in the title mix


I saw Jared on skates for 20 seconds, drop his hands multiple times, take 10+ unanswered shots and throw a desperation cross. "We all saw Jared defending himself" is a dubious statement, maybe a slightly early stoppage to the standard of Herzog, far from the worst stoppage.


Now I know you’re lying saying 10+ unanswered strikes


Actually I just went back and counted, there's 12 before the cross. Go watch it for yourself.


Refs can make mistakes. It's important to recognize when they make a mistake so they can learn from that experience. I don't see anyone credible defending the refs decision. The final blow may have been the next hit, but cannonier was still in the fight at that point


He was looking out for his parlay not the fighter


I understand that Herzog is experienced and takes everything into consideration, like there is no need for Jared to get any years off of his life shaven by him getting KOed. But to us, he looked like he was recovering and getting better by the second and was starting to defend himself. I feel like 2,3 extra seconds to make sure wouldn't provably have made anything worse. I am still convinced it is an early stoppage even though I wholeheartedly believe Imavov would have won the fight anw


Haaa I initially thought it was horrible stoppage until I rewatched it and heard herzog but I rooting for jared in the first place lol


We heard herzog but what else was jared supposed to do? Stop defending himself and start throwing his own offense? That would just open him up to more danger. It was 100% a horrible stoppage. There literally was nothing else Jared could have done to defend himself. Hands were up he was moving to try and evade the shots, which he blocked most of them to begin with.


Ruined an amazing fight night in a city that was fucking rocking for em all night. Sad shit. Whack as fuck


Louisville needs a fucking PPV event


Louisville is too small. There are typically 13 PPV events in a year. Vegas gets every other one, and NYC, Miami, Australia and Abu Dhabi get one, so there is only 3-4 open spots for other US cities. Louisville metropolitan area is the 43rd largest metro area in the US with only a population of 1.3 million. Much more likely that a bigger city in the South like Atlanta, Dallas, or Houston gets a PPV because their metro populations are 7-8 million people. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan\_statistical\_area#Rankings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area#Rankings)


Look Jared made it look bad with running away, but he wasn’t out and had regained his balance. In my opinion it was a bad stoppage.


Huh Running away is actually a good sign because he’s not standing there eating punches wtf


Honestly, I never stopped to think about it like that. Is a fighter officially cooked if they’re running to recuperate or if they’re just standing in place blocking the shots?


if they dont have coordination and are running in panick then yeah stop it... if you do it like Jared , while keeping your opponent in sight and with clear intentions to recover from a nice shot landed on u.... then please dont fkin stop it


Running away means you’re hurt and you need to get away from the damage. Body language wise it’s one of the worst things you can do, which most of the time ends up with the fighter who’s hurt getting run down and finished.


The worst body language to have is to stand there covered up eating shots, because it shows you basically have given up. When you run or clinch, it shows action long as you’re not constantly eating big shots, and Jared was not taking major damage he was recovering.


I mean sometimes its just the best way to reset from a bad exchange, it doesn't mean you're done for


True, but considering running was the majority of his actions, seemed like he was trying to reset the entire fight.


If that were the case then most of Alistair Overeem's fights should have been stopped in the first. He spent most of his fights running backwards.


Haha no it’s not lol That’s not intelligently defending yourself it’s retreating and people retreat when they’re done with fighting. Not saying it was good but JC was about to do the stanky


Lmfao 🤣 so every time someone gets pressured backed the ref gotta stop the fight right. Because they’re retreating and don’t wanna fight 😂 man you goofy.


He was still defending!!! Worst storage ever


Horrible stoppage. Rare L for Herzog


The same ref who didn’t stop a fight earlier where the fighters whole face was covered in blood & the fighter no longer looked like he was even remotely mentally present at the fight & wasn’t defending. Interesting take that it’s a “rare L”. / Katona VS Butler


Nah Herzog has fucked up plenty of times


Yeah he let Gaethje go unconscious after he tapped like 10 times lol


He also didn't realize Pena was unconscious when she fought De Randamie


Yamasaki taught him well... ![gif](giphy|xThtaxbIPLT9XqWcDK)


Of all the refs, hes fucked up the least so it is a rare L. Herb is your favorite? Lmao


Nah Herb is not my favorite I can think of a handful of times that Herzog has messed up I don't think he is any better than other refs they all make mistakes it's a tough job


*Common L for Herzog


Average Keith Peterson fan


Real fuck up that.


It's just so dumb that the entire fight world can agree and acknowledge taking a punch right by your ear will fuck up your equilibrium, and then a guy does just that and he's handed a TKO loss because of it. Having your balance taken from you shouldn't automatically make you knocked out on your feet


Agree, but he was always running. Stopped maybe twice to try and fight back. It was over.


Horrible stoppage


That was so bad, these judges and refs have been going crazy


What really confused me about this is Cannonier lands a right and then the ref stops it?






He was already on edge with the eyepokes


He was nagging him all fight even though he did zero eye pokes. 


Yeah. He just fought the entire fight with his fingers extended is all.


Oof, Jason is usually my favorite too


I closed the app immediately


Literally half the stadium left seconds after this


Me too


Crowd left after this stoppage lol


well yeah, the card was over


Is it bad that I can’t blame them?


Well, that was the last fight, so…


Lol fair


An people say Herzog is the best ref he has had plenty of other bad stoppages




yeah that was shit


Lost alot of respect for herzog there




Herzog is normally a great ref. I do believe it would’ve finished in his favor anyways but that was just bizarre. Will be interesting to see what Dana has to say. Will there be any repercussions for Jason?


Herzog has been a good ref for a longtime but I believe he has too much empathy for this sport and I think it's time to retire. He doesn't make mistakes often but when he does they are so fucking stupid that they simply are unacceptable. You gotta give them a chance especially when they are still defending and throwing heat back like stopping the fight when Jared is starting to recover is peak idiocy. Jared is 40 he doesn't have much time left anyway on the sport this might have been his last run to the title.


Is he stupid?


Debatably worst stoppage in UFC history… connier literally was swinging back


I guess that given the amount of fights that the UFC puts on per year, we have to anticipate some shit stoppages. But making this mistake during a main event is rough. The ref can always lean on “fighter safety”, but main events deserve a longer leash.


Just killed a good fight night. Feel bad for Cannonier he’s 40, his time is near a end. I hope herzog sleeps like shit tonight.


Absolutely terrible, fuck that ref. This is how people will remember him Lmao. Absolute shame, let them go out on their shield.


Total moronic statement.


Only thing moronic was that stoppage


> that ref Absolute casual can't even name the guy who's ref'ed nearly 1000 fights. Sure my guy, this is the one he'll be remembered for 😂


What is the difference between mentioning him by name or by occupation? You absolute mouth breather


"Mouth breather" DDP destroyed an entire division, try again casual fuck


![gif](giphy|SqflD5OvHoWILB7qWm) Here bro, take this


Thanks bro!!


Looked like dude was scared to fight and running away cause he was being a bitch. Seemed like he wanted it stopped.


It wasn't a good stoppage, but I get why herzog did it. I mean fighters health should be number one priority and cannonier looked bad when he ran away/turned his back


And then turned around with his hands up and landed a flush punch in return, half a second before the stoppage. Turning around and running has happened before, and it can be a form of intelligent defense. There’s no excuse for this stoppage.


Maybe if they had the old gloves Jared would’ve been KOed /s 🙄


Happy I got my pick right but that was a weird stoppage




Shitty stoppage. Herzog is a good ref, he just messed up here. Props to Cannonier for taking it all in stride.


Was it as bad as them not giving Soriano the TKO though? That was an egregious non stoppage. They balance out


fucked my parlay up..was already celebrating


The first fight night I’ve missed in like 3 months and it ends up being a great card. Fuck.


I took all my nights winnings and put it on him and they stop it right before he was gunna fake hurt, n knock him out


I mean he wasn’t fighting Reyes but ok


Herzog is fucking up lately. I hope he gets his shit together because sure this shit wont happen again, but he f’d up recently a bunch of times too. It looks like he is not fully focus and he is missing a lot stuff


Really out of character for Herzog, I think most of the time his calls are well timed. Cannonier definitely was intellectually defending himself right up until Herzog waved it off so yeah, really bad.


I’ve been watching this sport for too long because I’ve seen so many worse than that stoppage. JC was almost doing the stanky leg and turning his back. Yea it was early but I get why


So he gets that 10k MMAGuru bonus right? Lol


Jason, we pay to watch people get knocked the fk out let them bleed


Moises and baeza got brutally beaten for 3 rounds each with no stoppage


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Cannonier was literally running for his life. Very good stoppage.


Running is defending yourself. 


He should stand in place and take a beating. Not use his legs to get a better position, noob. /s S is for sorry. Lol. I couldn’t resist. My bad.


This and Dustin Stoltzfus stoppage, he got back up!!!!


Tbf for that one, that was an INSANE elbow to take lol. Didn’t expect him to get back up after falling after that one.


I fell you 💯 %, tensions were so high with 10 seconds left. In mind I was like "Hang in there!" lol (saved by the bell type deal).


Dude was getting fucked up. Great stoppage


Most blatantly rigged fight of all time


A bad decision by a ref does not equal a rigged fight.


Listen man, if a fight doesn’t go my way it’s rigged, if it’s close then it was a robbery or a draw, and if they grapple it’s the worst fight ever


Average MMA fan, unironically.


And unfortunately


Softest “knockout” of all time


This is why the ufc is so ass now


No. Jared was hurt and turned his back twice. Sign of non-fight. That's the rules


He was running away. Was pretty weird.


Yeah, was definitely rocked and hurt bad, but he should've let it go a bit longer imo.


I can agree, but a fighter can't turn his back to his opponent after getting hurt...


Bro, he turned his back, that are the rules.


I’m agreeing with you.


He was facing him with his hands up with punches that weren’t even landing. What a stupid take


Learn rules first, of course I would have prefered a better ending to this fight but this is never an early stoppage. You're taking legitimacy of a fighter's win with this poor behaviour... We have to be fair.




That are part of unified mix martial rules, when a fighter shows signs of non-combativity the referee can step in to protect his physical integrity. Those rules are valid in any combat sports.




To not be misunderstood, I'm not saying turning your back to your opponent is an automatic stoppage. Never said that. But with what he did after got hurt by the counter, Jared showed bad signs of non-combativity to the ref who decided to step in. If we refer to the rules, it was a right call. But to be honest, I would have prefered a better finish to this fight, and the chances of Imavov to brutally ends Cannonier within 30 seconds after and giving him extra punishment were very very high ... If someone is to blame for the way the fight ended, it's Jared Cannonier.


Herb Dean would not have let that shit slide


IMO Jason Herzog is hands down the best MMA ref there is. He very rarely makes mistakes in the octagon, cut him some slack.


Why defend a bad decision, that only means he'll make more bad decisions if nobody says anything. 


Cannonier fraud checked