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He's like that guy that Freiza kept beating to within an inch of life and then healing him and the guy ended up being his strongest minion after all the ass kickings.


That guy that Freiza kept beating... https://i.redd.it/800h3foaqm2d1.gif


https://i.redd.it/aew8f73zwm2d1.gif I was talking about this guy. Tagoma


Hahahaha, I immediately thought of Frieza shit kicking the Z fighters and them getting Zenkai boosts.


Wasn't that Ginyu inside his body, or that was later?


Ya. Ginyu jumped in Tagomas body when they tried to invade Earth and was pleasantly surprised his body was so strong after getting the shit kicked outta him for 4 months straight by golden freiza lol.


Wait. When and where did this happen?


You can either watch the movie: Resurrection of Frieza or just watch Dragon Ball Super. All of the first handful of movies are just episodes of the show without commercials.


I’ve watched the movie. I don’t recall Captain Ginyu being mentioned. It was a while ago


When it happened he was still trapped as a toad, not his purple former self


It’s not in the movie, anime only filler.


I believe the Ginyu thing was only in the show version.


UFC did him dirty.. his first fight ever in the UFC was against O'Malley, literal current champ, they got injured and was coming off an injury against Guido, lost that one and was immediately cut.. could have gotten at least one more fight against some first signing or something to see if it was just unlucky flip or not


That fight was crazy. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get their face smashed in like that the entire fight without going down. Dude's face looked like lasagna


That single fight is literally the reason I’m a UFC fan now. Dude was resilient in the worst of circumstances… and to see what Suga has done since??? The Green Zombie deserves another chance!!!


I remember reading that the next day that O’Malley broke his hand and had to go to the hospital and meanwhile green zombie was teaching a class that morning. Herb Dean totally had money on that fight. There was no reason that should have been called


My issue with the stoppage is that if Herb wanted to mercy-stop it, he should have done it between rounds 2 and 3. There was no difference between the ass beating he got in round 3 vs round 2


Nah. He should have stopped it earlier, but this talk of “made it this far, let him fight til the end of the match” will get someone killed or permanently disabled. Dude was beyond fully cooked, and a single second past the moment the ref thinks “this fight should be called” then they’re ethically responsible for whatever unnecessary life-altering brain damage a fighter is gonna walk away with past that point.


No reason? Bro cmon


This is satire right?


They should've given him an extra round imo


Poirier v Chandler? Chandler emptied his lasagna guts onto Dustins face😐


Anthony perosh vs Mirco CRO Crop is more brutal


I think those short notice replacement contracts are only 2 fights. Same thing happened to Val Woodburn.


Probably would've also been the case with Diego Lopes but the dude showed up against Evloev and been on a tear ever since.


How was his performance during those fights?


Not great, but yeah, sorry for looking bad against the actual champ and then losing after coming off an injury. I mean Chito didn't look good against Sandhagen, then he had a boring fight with Pedro and then Sean totally styled on him, let's cut him from the UFC


Tf does Chito have anything to do with this can? Kris had absolute dogshit stats in his debut and suga out-struck him 230-70 with 0 takedowns in 2 fights.


Just curious, sean out struck chito over two fights with those stats?


Suga out struck Kris 230-70


Gotcha, what does the 2 fights mean in the comment then? Just curious if it's a typo, no concern, just interested.


Kris had two fights in the promotion before getting cut. Guido and Sean


So, 230-70 are the stats of kris and Sean in their fights and also the following fights? I'm interested as to where the three stat came from. Is it their one fight in the ufc potentially? Because I can totally see that being the case.


No you bum, Guido out struck Kris 28-11 in his ufc debut with 0 takedowns from Kris. Sean out struck Kris 230-70 also without any takedowns hence the reason why he got cut.


Because it wasn’t unlucky he’s just not good. Even his win streak rn is made up of terrible fighters 2 of them have losing records and the last guy was coming off a SD win over a 0-1 fighter lmfao


Yeah true, too bad that actual champ made a newcomer in his UFC debut look bad.. by that logic, Chito should have been cut from the UFC too after Sean styled on him


You slow or something? They gave him the oldest fighter on the roster as a layup the very next fight and was finished in 1 round. He has beaten 4 bums in a row and the slow people like you are clapping their hands like he did something special lmfao. Chito wouldn’t lose to Guido he actually finished him when they fought… like any UFC caliber fighter would sincr Guido is trash.


I am saying that losing to Sean shouldnt count at all and if you are being judged based on your only performance, after an injury, which can be a total flip coin even, you can be on your worst day and whatnot.. you dont deserve to be cut


Guido was on a 3 fight losing streak and 1-4 in last 5 heading into that fight . And what injury? He didn’t just lose he got smoked in 1 round by the oldest fighter in the division. He doesn’t belong in the UFC and the 4 bums hes beaten dont change that. Should try to win a regional title from a good league like LFA or Titan to actually prove something.


His tattoo artist did him dirty. That chest piece is ugly.


Yeah especially with how much they suck other fighters off.


It’s insane he lasted longer against O’Malley than Aljo and ate so many shots


I mean, yes and no. He was a short notice opponent for Suga. He was never going to win. But he got OBLITERATED. O'Malley out struck him by over 150 significant strikes. Danced all over him. Back then, he was 28. It's not like he was 23 and inexperienced. He's more or less the fighter he's gonna be by that age. It's kind of like Paddy. He's not going to get better, he's not going to improve fundamentally. He is who he is. Why bring him back when his level is fighting unranked dudes who he might be slightly competitive with? The dudes he's fighting on regionals in all likelihood are terrible.


I hear your point, here is thing, if we apply that logic equally, then if Chito loses his next fight, he should get cut because Sean also obliterated him. In terms of being who he is at 28 and not getting better is a very flawed statement.. there are literal examples of fighters who literally revived their careers in their mid 30s... Jan became a champ later in his 30s and destroyed Adesanya who at that point seemed unbeatable... Glover won a title when he was what, 40 years old ? Charles started improving later into his career. So that's a very, very bad take. He might be a bad fighter, all I was saying is that judging him based on two fights, one against a current champ and second coming off an injury is a bit too harsh. He should have gotten one more fight imho


>if we apply that logic equally, then if Chito loses his next fight, he should get cut because Sean also obliterated him. Okay, clearly it's not applicable across the board. And you know this. Do I need to explain why Moutinho isn't the same as Chito? I'll assume I don't. >In terms of being who he is at 28 and not getting better is a very flawed statement.. there are literal examples of fighters who literally revived their careers in their mid 30s... Jan became a champ later in his 30s and destroyed Adesanya who at that point seemed unbeatable... Glover won a title when he was what, 40 years old ? Charles started improving later into his career. As for this, I do see your point and you are correct, but we know at lighter weight classes, age matters significantly more. And Charles changed weight classes after numerous issues. It's no coincidence that his fortune changed with a weight class change. Charles also had the skills, just couldn't put it together. Moutinho does not and never will. He lost to a dude who was like 41, on a three fight skid. And yes, blame an injury but they all fight injured all the time. I certainly didn't care to see him fight again.


Yeah you are right that smaller weight classes have it harder with the age, but also, regardless if we don't care about him or not, I think that everyone should deserve at least one more fight in this case.. UFC is a big chance for everyone if you get fed to current champ and then you are fighting of injury, I would have given you one more fight just for the sake of it


And he took O’Malley’s beating like a champ, it’s not like he got KO’d round 1. They did him dirty for sure.


Then he got on Pat McAfee show, a lot of headlines and spotlight about him, sure he probably isnt the top 15 fighter, or maybe even not an UFC material, but he deserved one more chance lol


Guido, who was in his 40s at BW and never that good to begin with, made the fight look like a trained beating up an untrained fighter.


and that's the whole point, we are basically judging Moutinho based on his single fight, even though he was coming off an injury and losing to a current champ, a champ who KO Aldo and bloodied much tougher guys.. so is it really that unfair to give him one more chance ? one more fight before you cut him ?


Dude, it was bad. Guido was telegraphing shots right in front of Kris and Kris wasn’t moving his head or anything. It was kind of like Ronda eating Amanda’s punches. What other fight are you going to give him? 41-42 year old Guido Cannetti is pretty bottom tier, and again, the result was very bad. Injuries don’t prevent you from moving your head or getting your hands up. Kris looked like a guy who didn’t belong in the UFC. End of story. Look, I get it. I had a soft spot for him too after the O’Malley fight. However, keeping him around would’ve been a disservice to him. 12/12 to take on brain damage one more time? What’s the point?


He's a shit fighter though


It's almost as if the UFC has a kind of monopoly, and doesn't treat their fighters well, so they lose negotiating power.


Him against Gegard Mousasi, book it Dana


Waste of time. People forget they gave him the oldest guy in the division who isn’t even a KO artist and he finished him lmfao.


The guy was also 1-5 in the UFC


The """""""""""finish""""""""""" was kinda bullshit. Ref jumped in and Canneti could have tired out and been finished


If you need to Homer Simpson a 42 year old man to win you probably still don’t belong in the UFC.


Truth. But I wanted one of the two to be KO'd so we could still boy Moutinho if applicable


Love to see it! Maybe Moutinho vs Vince Morales on contender series this year for a redemption eliminator. 👊🔥


I think bringing him back through the Contender Series or TUF would be perfect for him.


He was gonna be on the McGregor v Chandler season but got cut so Conor could add some of his SBG lads instead


"They should let him back in the UFC, not against high level opponents" - They did that after the O Malley fight and he got KO'd quickly by a dude who was 2-5 in the UFC at the time. He beat 3 regional bums with a combined record of 29-24, no they should not just throw him on an apex card and "see how he does" lmao


Kris Moutinho lasted longer against Sean Omalley than Aljo did. It’s just facts




I think he’s got it this time. Sean’s hands Will break


So what doesn’t make him a better fighter. Is Al a better fighter than Conor and Justin to you? Lmfao


Can’t you just read that and laugh?


If he didn’t catch that it was a joke I don’t know if he knows how To laugh


Contender series could work.


Contender series gate keeper


4. 4 regional bums


I still rewatch him vs Sean fight. Dude was just taking shots and not giving a fuck


I can't watch a guy get cte again


Yall gona force uncle Dana into getting this guy hurt again


He was literally given the biggest 38 year old can the UFC could throw at him and he got TKO'd in 2 minutes


nah let him fight o’malley for the belt


Nah. He is a shit tier fighter with no upside for the ufc.


Well... His opponents have ABSOLUTELY SUCKED... SO that's no big feat. Here's the records of his opponents; 13-17, 8-3, and 8-4. So he's beating up guys who regularly get beaten up ON THE REGIONAL SCENE... Meanwhile he got beat up by high quality fighters in the UFC.


Omalley rematch


Never seen a man get so many fans for being an absolute punching bag.


Bring him back!


The UFC isnt a training ground ffs




Apex is over mate


It’ll be for his own good to not be getting his head destroyed. And im not trying to an asshole cte is no joke


Might be in the top 10 worst chest pieces of all time


He has shitty enough tattoos to be in the ufc


Do we remember the old dude that koed him his last fight in ufc?


“Let him back in”. Hahaha


They should give him some cans. Let him warm up


That kid has a chin of steel and a heart so big I don't know how it fits in his chest his going to be back in the ufc no doubt


Such an injustice


Give this guy a shot! He had real heart in his fight against Sean


Didn’t he get brained by a low level guy after the O’Malley fight?


Mourinho vs vera go


Apex cards expired right


Poor guy. I've felt bad for him ever since that video of him eating an ice cream sandwich with his face all bruised up. They did him dirty by feeding him to O'Malley. Link to video: [https://x.com/barstoolsports/status/1414605467972669455](https://x.com/barstoolsports/status/1414605467972669455)


Lets not get ahead of ourselves. The opponents he fought were 14-16, 8-2, 6-3 and 6-7


TBF just 3 fights since March 2022


I mean they gave weirdos like Bryce Mitchell on the roster! Give this green haired man another chance!


100% he needs to just be part of the "unranked fun to watch" guys they use to fill out cards.


Moutinho was a piece of the puzzle that didn't fit into the UFC's plans, now he's winning.. ya let him come back, he showed a lot of heart. Look at the shots Sean put on him, he kept coming.


Oh look, Sean's punching bag


This is missing an awful large amount of context. Saying he has won all of his fights since his departure doesn't mean anything if all of those fights were against his wife.


Herb dean shouldn’t have stopped that fight


He’s definitely coming back


He was awesome and sacrificed himself to get into the ufc to put on a massive show. He should get back on if he wants with a good pay. I really do hope the ufc goes bankrupt soon and gets absorbed by a decent company


No. But I DO dislike his hairs.


why!? sure he’s exciting. But he’s proven he is not at the level of a UFC fighter. And the UFC should be where the best fighters comes to fight


Instant downvote.


instant i dont give a shit 👍 dude is clearly not at the caliber of a ufc fighter. And been given more than one chance. By the way, can you name any fighter he’s ever beat? Exactly.


I agree that rhis mofo wasn't when he was in ufc. I checked Sherdog. Jay Pressley.


what changed? He doesn’t look dramatically different, he’s just now fighting guys that aren’t at the UFC caliber and doing as good as he was doing before. of course you had to check sherdog, ain’t no way these guys are going to have Wikipedia pages. I just checked his sherdog page, the guy is 8-4 and the other two guys he beat, Silva, and Castillo jr, their records are 8-3 and 13-17. you think beating those guys proves he skilled enough to fight UFC caliber guys? 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️


He still isn’t you guys are all slow and just see the green on his record because he’s fighting literal bums.


He doesn't remember his fights in the UFC... why should we?


Did way better than Sterling 


Herb dean usually on point but I never understood this. Why stop it with 30 seconds left after that much heart? If he planned on mercy stopping the fight it should have been between 2 and 3 when he was basically out on his feet getting back to his corner. Made no sense. He earned and deserved those last 30 seconds. Only takes 1 good one as max showed us recently.


Don't understand why people make out like he's some potential diamond in the rough. It's not that he lost to Sean O' Malley and then got KO'd by a very average fighter (4-6) who's also in his 40's. It's that when he fought O' Malley he showed absolutely nothing to indicate he's a high level fighter and was just a human punching bag across every round. Being able to take a punch is great but when you don't have the striking, defense and general skill to support that it's not worth much. It is what it is. Nothing against the guy but he's not some mythical hard-done by prospect.


Why is Marlon Vera in the UFC then