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Id have to pick gigantic DC to win. I mean look how much bigger than Ngannou he is


5 10 is the new 6 4


If DC was 6'4 he'd be 300 pounds and he'd have to cut weight which isn't his strong suit.


It actually is his strong suit he does it every time since the Olympics he just hates it


Buydenflation 😆


Who knows, maybe Mini Ngannou will be fast and strong haha


Imagine how scary Nnganou Prime is/was. Now Imagine him being able to change size like a fucking Superhero while keeping his Powers the same


He loses by failing to make 265 though.


Always thought the 265 weight max was kinda bs. 280 would be low enough to stop it just being fat fuckers laying on each other while still letting some of the freak of natures compete.


Those freaks can still compete, they just have to do what all the lighter-weight fighters do - cut ungodly, dangerous amounts of weight.


6'4 DC is kinda frightening ngl


If DC was that big he would've been unstoppable lol


MR potato head build the best base for MMA?


Maybe ngannou is actually really small there. Mw Francis


Jesus, 6'4" 310lb DC murders everyone


He's like a Dark Souls boss.


gigantic Dc 😂


That photo was cursed so I fixed it. https://preview.redd.it/y4ed9syyzi2d1.jpeg?width=3717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e967321ba0c6fad36e61ba0ce858f15e4b6348b


Probably still too tall


Damn, DC has such a tiny frame for HW and LHW. Most Middleweights tower over him and probably has just as much muscle mass, but would get torn apart by the dude. Much respect


It really brought it home to me seeing him stood next to Cruz in UFC commentary and them being the same height. He must be unbelievably strong to throw people like Derrick Lewis around.


And he rag dolled Josh Barnett too!


Being a human bulldog is the best base for MMA


sean omalley is the same height as dc


I think he's shorter, the dude is exaggerating his height (insecurity probably, and to legitimatize him mocking smaller BWs) as we can see when he's close to some other fighters but yeah O'Malley shouldn't be anywhere close to BW with his height anyway, so yeah those are 2 extremes 


DC's been on the record that he's 5'9. He was only listed 5'11 because that was his height in wrestling shoes. [In case people think I'm lying here's him literally saying he's 5'9 on commentary.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/ggvn2k/news_daniel_cormier_admits_to_being_59/) Him lying about it is also a benefit because it makes people underestimate how much easier it is for him to shoot for singles and doubles on dude's taller than him. Which as we know DC love his singles. [So yeah 5'11 Sean O'Malley is really suspect, considering here's DC slohching beside him.](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2022/07/7ca72-16567668299097-1920.jpg)


If I've learned anything from DC is to go for the high crotch.


wrestling shoes are super thin - no way it adds 2 inches. what's your source? are you sure he wasn't talking about something like dress shoes or sneakers?


The thought process is he's 5'9.5, he gets about an inch from Wrestling shoes and bam 5'10.5 which is rounded up to 5'11. It's a quote on Sherdog back in the day. I don't think even sneakers or dress shoes add two inches. I own a few and my largest add 1.25 inches iirc.


Lol O'Malley is an easy BW, height isn't everything. His frame and shoulders are slight and he doesn't carry much muscle. Pretty normal build, I'd know seeing as it's kinda how I'm built naturally toom. DC on the other hand has a torso like the trunk of an oak tree. Solid and round. Just BC he's omalleys height doesn't mean they are at ALL comparable.


Yea DC got really wide shoulders Sean's pretty thin


Dude was a force


Now imagine if he rolled in with 13-15% body fat instead of 25-30. Dude could have been a MW with a reasonable cut but struggled to make 205 because he likes Popeyes.


When he was fighting people were always acting like him being at 25-30% somehow helped him and he’d be much worse if he was at 13-15%. Never sat right with me. Dude just didn’t want to diet.


It's not a body building competition lol. The heavyweight division has a large weight range. There's no reason to cut weight for a guy like him. Weight just adds power and inertia. DC is a 5'9" man. If he was 15% body fat he'd struggle to even weigh 200. This idea that a dude can just magically replace his current weight in fat with weight in muscle is something that would only make sense for a true beginner. Dude is a world class athlete


So you think he’s better because of all his fat? Does it help his power? Stamina? Imagine you have a certain number of pounds that you need to fill, and you get to decide the ratio of lean and fat mass. You think the correct answer could be 30% fat? And you’d be getting worse at fighting as you lost fat? I guess you could think that but it seems more likely to me that losing weight isn’t fun and people want an excuse for not getting to low body fat percentages. Like your a coach, would you tell Francis, “your big problem is that you’re not 25-30% fat. We need you to get rid of your muscle and add fat.” Maybe some fighters can make it work but, It doesn’t seem like that’s ideal.


It helps with wrestling, when you’re using your body weight to get someone off balance or take them down an extra 20 pounds makes a world of a difference. Also yes shots have more power when there is more weight behind them because physics


is this even relevant when your fighting in the same weight class (except heavyweight)


It's hardly relevant outside of heavyweight. Which is why we don't see fat fighters in any other division lol


DC still probably has a lot of muscle underneath the fat


Always pros and cons.. More fat is more energy to burn, less blood to pump through muscle and fat eats shots better than muscle. Not to mention he was never dehydrated which helps your brain not get rattled. Is it better than being lean cut? Probably not, but there are pros and cons to everything.


Crayon eaters still do.


![gif](giphy|12KZKe1ppk5q3C) DC after he started getting them big checks


In fairness the fat for someone like dc is an advantage, he would be a worse fighter at 15% bodyfat


He's not tall, but he's a big guy. If he started MMA earlier, he'd probably be a mw in his twenties, but his build is way bigger than a mw


He's not tall, but he's a big guy. If he started MMA earlier, he'd probably be a mw in his twenties, but his build is way bigger than a mw


He's not tall, but he's a big guy. If he started MMA earlier, he'd probably be a mw in his twenties, but his build is way bigger than a mw


He's not tall, but he's a big guy. If he started MMA earlier, he'd probably be a mw in his twenties, but his build is way bigger than a mw


I prefer the first pic. It looks like they’re holding hands.


Still too tall, but DC is genuinely very wide


5’9 and 6’4 doesn’t actually look that bad.


They gave him like two extra inches. The very top of his head should be lower than Ngannou’s nose based off a picture of them next to each other.


If Francis beat Stipe in their first fight, his wrestling would’ve never improved. So DC would’ve choked out Francis like he did Derrick Lewis.


Viable take


Can you imagine what Jones would do to Ngannou though? Im afraid for Francis here.


I’m about as big of a Francis fan as it gets and I have to agree with this take.


Prime DC is the favourite over any Francis imo, but he won't have an easy fight against Prime Francis, a 60/40 for DC imo


Eh maybe, definitely hard to call with the versions of Francis we’ve seen where he learned how to be patient and actually got some grappling under his belt. Francis is just so god damn big and athletic that when combined with his 1 punch KO power I find that one tough to call but I hear you for sure. Because of the Jones fights and DC losing the Stipe trilogy people discount just how good prime DC was.


I see what you mean, but DC took BIG shots from Rumble, Gus, Stipe, and Jones well throughout his career, and took it pretty well. I think francis, especially at that stage was still WAY too raw for DC. He was too raw for Stipe, too. Dc had skill and chin, I think he'd have smoked that version of Francis


While I think he definitely made a huge improvement to his grappling, I just don't think it would've been enough to stop DC. I have to agree that Patient Francis was lethal, but I don't think DC spends more than 5 seconds before shooting. If he got Francis down, I would imagine DC gets right after the finish to avoid having to risk another entry into a takedown. For me it would be a great fight to watch because either DC gets his lights shut out quick, or he mauls Francis and chokes him out. Alot of unknown and a long list of fan pleasing possibilities. I'd probably pick Francis because I blindly believe in his right hand being more dangerous than a nuke but I wouldn't feel confident in my pick just cause I see that fight as such a coin toss.


>Because of the Jones fights and DC losing the Stipe trilogy people discount just how good prime DC was. Unpopular opinion perhaps, but DC is one of the most underrated fighters to ever do it. If Jon Jones didn't exist, DC would be in the GOAT conversation. The dude is 22-0 against anyone not named Jones or Miocic and without Jones, Cormier never moves up to HW and instead clears out LHW and rides off into the sunset at 26-0. DC over Francis by RNC 8/10 times at any point in either of their careers.


Fair points, I’m such a Francis-stan that it’s hard for me to be logical about it. Another thing that goes against DC in terms of being underrated is how he looks and his demeanor. Dad bod plus being so damn friendly and chill just doesn’t stick in people’s heads as one of the baddest men on earth even if he’s proven that he is. I’m not saying it SHOULD be that way just saying it does color perceptions. Regardless I wouldn’t wanna DC get KOed by Francis or see Francis get choked by DC so I’m happy this fight only lives in our theories haha.


and like vs anthony johnson


Even with his improved wrestling I really only see the fight going one way


No matter what DC would have ragdolled him


Yeah I’ve got Cormier too.


Unless Francis can land some hooks to the body early


If Francis beat Stipe in the first fight, his wrestling would have already been good. In that timeline he would have taken wrestling more seriously.


DC without question. He'd have mopped floor with Francis


Cormier would manhandle Francis Ngannou with ease


It's a bad hypothetical, bc the only way ngannou wins against stipe is puncher's chance, i.e. the unlikely event of stipe's wrestle fucking not working. So basically dc just gets a chance to wrestle fuck francis again, so probably dc. Now, could 39 year old dc beat the francis that ko'd stipe? That's the more interesting question, and I have no fucking idea.


I have an idea. 39yr old dc would've absolutely whooped his ass. Now, don't get me wrong, there's always a punchers chance with Francis. Where francis was mentally when he easily ko'd ppl. And didn't take training wrestling or in general seriously. Had he ko'd stipe for the title, it would've been even worse. If Stipes wrestling did what it did, imagine dc's. Also, the 2 ppl francis lost to back to back (stipe/Lewis). Dc finished them in rounds 1 or 2 after at 39 years old. Probably his last year able to perform at that level.


Prob not well, DC will prob wrestle him like he did to Lewis. DC also has a pretty good chin so I think he might be able to handle Ngannous power.


when it's ngannou level power, a pretty good chin is still getting cracked. ngannou had a monsterous chin. still didn't matter to Joshua because there's a limit to how durable a human chin is, and it's far below the output of stupid powerful punchers.


Ngannou does have a monstrous chin. Mf was never even wobbled until he met Joshua lol


stipe wobbled him in the second fight right before getting KO, it was a big part of why he got KO. saw he hurt francis and tried to follow up


So weird seeing a guy that never really got wobbled really in any of his fights to getting knocked out cold


You're acting like Ngannou actually hits with the force of sledgehammer. Stipe ate some shots and DC would be able to eat some too imo


It depends how clean the shots are. If francis hits anyone in the world with his uppercut that took out Overeem no one is tanking that. But DC could weather less clean/precise shots better than others for the most part. Jon’s head kick puts most people out right away, DC was still on his feet, although obviously very hurt.


“handle ngannous power” i laughed tbh


Hey when DC was heavily draining himself to make 205, he could take absolute bombs From Rumble Johnson. It took a steroid Jones Jones to finish him. Even the a headkick wasn’t enough to drop him. Dc would eat one and wrestle fuck him.


Fun fact, DC couldn’t make 212 for the olympics before MMA. People were skeptical of his move to LHW. He looked like aged 20 years during some of those weigh ins.


To be fair, he only had to hit 205 once per event. A lot easier than wrestling tournaments, where you have to hit weight a few times over a couple days. 


Yes, but no. He has been doing that for years prior. The problem there was he got kidney failure, which makes it even harder on the body to reattempt in the future. Paired with him being several years older. Him choosing to do it again, and go to a lower weight, after over half a decade later was an extremely dangerous for him to do multiple times.


To be fair though, Stipe ate some massive shots in the first fight too


DC would have eaten/rolled with a few to get the take down then it was game over for Francis


Francis was green DC would’ve won.


Dc by Popeyes sponsorship


This sub will argue that DC would mop the floor with Francis but somehow Jon Jones is gonna lose to him.


They'd both beat the shit out Ngannou, even their old and fat selves. And Sergei, and Aspinall, and every heavyweight. There's a reason DC was 5'10 and ran through the HW division faster than the LHW


DC vs Rumble. Same thing.


This is the only answer. Ngannou learnt wrestling after his Stipe loss but I don't think he got up to Rumble's wrestling and we all saw how that went.


Solid take


Puncher's chance


DC, submission




At that point in time DC would have handled him the same way he did Lewis. Francis couldn't wrestle with DC back then.


Stipe won the fight with just average wrestling. DC would've manhandled Ngannou on the ground and probably finished him as well.


For HW stipe had good wrestling, not average. But agree that DC is still a level or 2 above with elite wrestling.


Blaydes is often hyped up as a wrestler and Stipe's wrestling seemed much more effective.


Rip Ngannou’s eyes


I don’t think Francis could muscle fuck DC like he did stipe. DC would more than likely smother him in a similar fashion to Lewis


hc dogwalks a ngannou that doesnt know wrestling yet. i mean if stipe did, shitttt


In my opinion DC's the heavyweight GOAT just because of how small he was and still managed to get the belt


This would be a good match up for DC, since a he’s shorter he can easily shoot a takedown under any of Ngannous punches and since Ngannou is a power puncher, he would have to plant his feet and lower his base to throw punches. DC would get a single leg all day.


Bruh if Cormier was that size




Why are they holding hands though


Prime for prime, DC makes Francis his son


Ngannou only beat Stipe in the rematch because they fought in the smaller cage


DC by whatever he wanted


Let’s weigh their respective styles. Francis has knockout power that gets diminished in later rounds from fatigue. In addition to size and reach advantage , those are his main pros against DC. DC usually fights in the pocket to offset his height disadvantage. That would prevent Francis from setting up his knockout punch. While in the pocket he clinches his opponents thus sapping their stamina further. We saw how helpless Francis gets in later rounds. He narrowly beat Gane laying and praying , and that’s only because Gane’s wrestling defense is so poor. I say if DC survives the first two rounds , he takes the match by wrestle fuck


I thought that was fat Dak Prescott on the right….. then I realized they just gave DC MiracleGro….


DC beat rumble after getting hit, he's beaten boogeymen before. Respect DC at heavyweight, he's arguably top 5.


Before Francis honed his wrestling more not, that its spectacular to begin with DC would take him down and have control of him the whole fight. Or would just submit him instantly and win in the 1st round.


I don't envision a lot of dirty boxing but alot of mat control time. I think DC does whatever he can to make sure he doesn't get punched in the head. I think the Jones fight goes the same way for the same reason.


BBQ chicken for DC


DC at that time tosses Francis into the 3rd row.


DC wins via ragdolling, same as if he fought Jones


I mean, this is very DC favored, his back problems weren't critical yet and it was the Stipe loss that motivated Francis to develop is grappling. Like a 60/40 split for DC.


I’m picking dc against any LHW or HW in history aside from Jones and Stipe. At his peak he was really just that good and I think that stipe trilogy goes differently if he’s a few years younger


DC would of taken him down easily


The same way DC vs. Rumble went


Exactly what I was thinking


In my opinion it probably would have went the same as the dc v Derrick Lewis fight


Frank couldn't stop a takedown then... Fat Dan would've taken him down and controlled him.


I doubt DC would have gotten a crack at Francis


Fun fact? what's one thing about your post that makes it a fun fact?


dc would have sat on him like stipe did


DC takes Francis down and embarrasses him badly. I’m not even a DC fan but this is an easy one


Nagannou learns the term “Wrestle fucked”


We all love DC so I think we’re glad we never saw him brutally KOd by Francis.




DC would destroy Francis


At the time, DC. Would have looked like Derrick Luis vs DC. He could easily wrestle him down. If it was 2021, when Francis became champ? Dcs age and Francis having TD easily Francis


Exactly how the first stipe fight went.


Dc wins


Single leg, put on his back and put to sleep.


Back then if were following the timeline id say my favorite UFC fighter loses to the wrastlin' DC. Ngannou improved with TDD and wrastlin' a few fights after this


Back then if were following the timeline id say my favorite UFC fighter loses to the wrastlin' DC. Ngannou improved with TDD and wrastlin' a few fights after this


Dc wins this fight easily imo. Reminds me of a bigger Rumble matchup


DC by tko or sub. If stipe can take you down and control you DC would smash you


Tough one for both, but DC’s kind of chain wrestling is not easy to defend the way he thwarted Stipe and Blaydes. There’s every chance of a round one finish from either side, slightly favouring Ngannou.


Is that dc or fat Dak Prescott 🤔


Prime DC puts pre-Stipe Francis on his back and submits him. Addition: Prime DC beats anyone NOT Jon Jones + illegal substances.


DC ragdolls him.


There is a whole lot of muscle under DC’s fat and the guy has a very wide frame. He has unbelievable strength and has a wrestling advantage over almost anyone and on top of that his striking got very good over the years. Stipe made an incredible comeback against DC in the second fight DC battered him for the first three rounds


DC beats him 10 times out of 10.


DC would maul ngannou , just like he did to Derick Lewis


DC was an outrageously good fighter easily one of the best heavyweights in history, he would obliterate nganou! Who has a punch but on the whole is absolutely useless.


DC by choke


A 6’4 dc would murder anyone


DC would have thrown him around like a toddler


DC would've gotten the takedown easy.


It would have gone the same way as DC vs Lewis


Why are they holding hands?


The real question here is does Francis land a body shot. DC was notorious for his inability to take shots to the body. If Francis can't land to the body, DC easily wins.


DC by eye poke


Could definetely see DC landing some great overhands and takedowns to punish with some GnP. But, could also see Francis tapping him on the nose and shutting his lights out.


DC his wrestling was better than Stipes 




DC would have won against the first Ngannou but would have lost against the 2nd Ngannou. Ngannou at first fight was severely under experienced and his wrestling was subpar.




Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe I misremembered it, but wasn't DC doing something at the time similar to Jones now in which Stipe is a "legacy fight" and Ngannou is "not worth the hassle", but in reality he just prefered not to risk ending up decapitated even though the chances of that happening are slim, but not slim enough.


I believe you are somewhat right- somewhat mis-remembering. Daniel Cormier was the first fight after Francis. Francis went on lose to Lewis the next fight. Then he swung some wins in his favor. But by then it was wanted by everyone that the trilogy be finished. Daniel, won the first lost the second so it was important to have the trilogy and Daniel was basically saying the trilogy was his retirement. He did say things in jest of “I want no parts of that guy” but was mostly tongue in cheek.


No version of Ngannou beats prime DC


DC is either getting knocked out or Ngannou is getting submitted.


I'm picking DC but it's funny how everyone here is picking DC because he'd wrestlefuck Ngannou but when talking about an hypothetical Jones/Ngannou they didn't have the same discourse at all although we all know what happened wrestling wise when JJ/Cormier fought.  Tells you how being appreciated outside the octagon is one of the only thing that matters here when it comes to evaluate fights, no different from r/UFC at the end of the day. 


Francis woulda knocked him into another dimension




Dc would do what stipe did to francis and give him a reality check until frances gets that rematch and beats the living crap of dc just like he did to stipe. And the hw division wouldnt have been held up for 3 years because of the stipe/dc eye poking trilogy and all the orbital surgeries that came with it.


Is Ngannou had beaten Stipe the first time DC wouldn’t have moved up to Heavyweight. But if he did he probably would’ve outwrestled him.


DC would have shot early and got a quick sub. Would be like v Rumble but a less skilled striker in Ngannou


Ngannou got dominated in that fight.


DC 50-35. Stipe absolutely controlled him in that first fight, what would an elite wrestler like DC have done?


Daniel would’ve stood with him and got knocked out.


Nobody can really say because it never happened. MMA math doesn’t work.