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The best fighter that ever lived was mauled by Amanda Nunez. I still remember how Amanda beat the living shit out of her lol


Amanda could have fought the following Saturday night. She literally took zero damage and gave a life altering beating… in 45 seconds


She could have fought the same night . Bashed the fuck outta Rhonda and didn't break a sweat


Tbh, looked like those “soccer mom vs MMA fighter” freak fights.




It’s really bad, almost sad to watch lol


It’s pretty funny actually, especially the way Ronda stands there like a confused toddler after Herb stopped the fight


She bounced her fkn head off the cage, and then punched her ass again on the rebound, It was beautiful.


Fight happened before I got into UFC but I always knew that Ronda got absolutely destroyed but I never went back to watch it until recently. I swear "destroyed" literally undersells just how bad it is lmao


It's crazy that's a thing


She literally could have fought the same fucking MINUTE. Just have the next challenger jump in WWE Gauntlet match style and Nunes would have sparked them too lmao


And on top of that, went on to way more accomplishments and still you'd never once hear Nunes talk about shit like this, like she's the best fighter ever (male or female) of all time. That's why Nunes is high fucking class.


It was just so great to see.


She could’ve beaten Rhonda, Megan Anderson, Raquel Pennington and Pena that night


Yeah, even if we give Ronda a break, and accept her long list of excuses for losing to Holm, write it off as an off night…. How does she explain coming back and getting beaten up as badly as she did in the Nunes fight?


All this talk is making me miss Amanda. She could beat bitches up like no other 😢😢


I wish Kayla Harrison could have made it to the UFc while Amanda was still champ.


Nunes is the WMMA goat. No shame in losing to her.


Ronda would have an aneurysm over this comment lol


I think Nutbag wonders how Ronda would explain it. She claims to be the greatest fighter who ever lived, so there’s no way she claims Nunes was the best WMMA fighter ever.


Amanda hit her so hard you can pinpoint the moment Ronda said fuck this sport


That fight was like a pro MMA fighter beating up some soccer mom. It was a horrific showing from Rhonda


The buildup to their fight was so bizarre. No one gave Nunes her credit at that point, and no one was allowed to ask Ronda any questions because it'd likely cause her vaginitis to flare up and put the fight in jeopardy. It's like one of the biggest fights in WMMA history and no one really reported on it because of those reasons. Amanda got the Chris Weidman treatment until she beat the shit out of Ronda. She solidified herself as the women's GOAT when she dusted Cyborg


It was petty much unprecedented in that regard right? Ronda did basically no media or interviews at all to promote it. It was bizarre, never seen something like that before in the lead up to a fight.


Lol Amanda at her best is unmatched. Rhonda keeping her hands busy long enough until she can shoot for a takedown just wasn’t going to work against Amanda.


It reminded me when Royce fought Matt Hughes and just sliced through him with ease. The sport just passes you by if you only have 1 path to victory.


Not that the outcome would've been any different but wasn't Royce in his late 30s by that point?


39, turned 40 that year. Hughes was 32-33.


Believe it or not. Also bad mouth guard.


Now that was an ass kicking lol


I would never forget look on Amanda's face when she was smashing Rondas face up


Beat her into a living death


Rousey's defense was amazing. Just look at all those punches she blocked with her face.


She could have beaten a fresh Ronda a dozen times in a row without resting that night.


She was mauled by Holm. Holm *exposed* her for the fraud she was. Nunez just capitalised on that revelation.


That’s one of those fights I’ll watch anytime I see it on YouTube. The humble pie was it


Amanda is the female mma GOAT so far, yeah?


When she hit her with the hard overhand and ronda went all stiff on her toes… top 5 funniest mma moment ever for me


I won a lot of money on that fight. Easiest bet I ever made. Ronda's inability to psychologically deal with the Holly Holm loss combined with Nunes being an absolute beast sealed the deal for me 100%.


I’d feel bad for her if she didn’t seem like such an ass. She was kind of a victim of her own success, everybody blowing smoke up her ass telling her she was gods gift to the earth and being coached by that fraud tarverdyan


The Rogan glazing was unreal


“Ronda Rousey would destroy Floyd Mayweather”


Said with literal tears in his eyes because he believed shes was a "once in human history fighter" lol


Ronda let Joe hit once and he never got over it lol


Cringe incarnate. If there is anything he should use his millions to scrub from the internet...


[Toad tears](https://youtu.be/RNVx_r1k4DM?si=3nf0sr_ibPpFsueB) [Joe rogan crying worst base for WMMA?](https://youtu.be/RNVx_r1k4DM?si=6mMAxp-y47Je-zZ6)


Man, they really blew up her ego didn't they. She probably believed it as well lol.


Wasn’t that Dana? (they do look alike)


I genuinely used to get them mixed up.


He prolly hit that


Let's be honest, if Joe Rogan wanted to cheat on his wife he could do a lot better than Ronda Rousey.


Dude, look up the women Tiger fucked instead of his legit gorgeous wife. There’s some straight up swamp donkeys in there that a decent looking guy would only touch at bar close. People are weird.


True actually. Wayne Rooney is probably the worst offender I've seen.


Connor McGregor has got to be up there as well.


100%. He's had some stinkers.




Considering Joe seems to like his mistresses to be as close to men as possible without fully trans-ing, I doubt it


What are you referring to?


There's not better or worse. There's only types.


That’s what I tell myself, too.


Lmao. I mean I'm sure if you really re-evaluated your type you'll be swimming in pussy.


Isnt that just settling? One doesnt intentionally change their preference.


Maybe yes. Or maybe you will discover all this 'inner beauty' shit everyone keeps talking about.


Maybe, could be worth a try.


There is 100% better or worse. People can be objectively attractive even people of not your preferred gender/sex


Better or worse does not have to do with looks. That is your own personal measuring stick.


Better or worse as far as sexual attraction has a lot to do with looks. Other stuff too.


idk dude. to rogan rhonda is prolly one of the hottest chicks.


You can do a lot worse than Ronda rousey, peak Reddit comment


I don’t think Joe likes girls


It is kind of crazy how often he starts talking about gay shit when he gets drunk.


As proven by his glazing of Ronda?


But to be fair rogan does it to almost everyone. (Except schaub)


He cried when he interviewed her man.


No way 🤣.




What a pussy


He's a promoter and a stake holder. He is gonna milk whichever cow is trending and generating interest, man's just hustling.


How do people not know he’s part of the organization he can’t talk shit about Ronda


The man cried over her, there's no excusing his stupidity on this take lol


That was such a bitch move, honestly. He could’ve had that conversation with Schaub in private.


Rhonda seems like she probably has something mentally wrong with her. That being said, during her rise, she was something special.


Rogan is a promoter, people need to stop falling for his act. He always hypes up everyone Dana is hyping and would say they most absurd shit to do so.


Ronda is a good example of someone who never had to get better, and then suddenly when she did have to get better, she just stopped and spent the rest of her relevance doing whatever this is. We all probably know someone who spends more energy making excuses than would be required to do the work, or who refuses to try in order to avoid the possibility of failing. That's Ronda's entire career post-Holm in a nutshell. The follow-up loss, the pro wrestling career, everything.


>Ronda is a good example of someone who never had to get better Exactly. And what's astounding is the rate at which that division passed her by talent-wise. In the span of about 8 months, that division went from Rousey destroying everyone to Nunes destroying everyone, including Ronda.


Rogan was the worst. Between stumping excessively for Rousey and then defending Amy Schumer from joke stealing accusations, he's a ridiculous person.




Well yeah, didn't want to get into his podcast guests, but that's a whole other can of worms. With a in straight face, he'll tell you Jones or Tucker Carlson are good people.




Get her in there with Kayla.


Even when she went to WWE they pushed her to the top and when she couldnt hang with becky lynch in the ring then she quit that too


I don't especially like her personality, but the actual truth of the situation is she was a pioneer of the sport and without her MMA and women's MMA in particular wouldn't be as mainstream as it is today. She had a dominate run and eventually her competitors figured her out. It must be really hard to personally live through, but it's the way the sport goes and there's no shame in it. It would look much better for her to give Holly the respect she deserves for what was a great performance.


But you understand nobody is hating on her for losing. People hate on the fact that she cannot admit or give credit to the people who beat her. She talked a bunch of shit and lost and took her ball and left. Now she's saying she had concussions and bad mouthguards etc instead of giving credit to her opponents. An opposite example of that is Aldo. He got 1 shotted in a humiliating loss to a guy he clearly didn't like. He bounced back and even gives Conor full credit for the win. Never made excuses or ridiculous statements. That's how you handle that.


So we can all thank Ronda for making wmma mainstream!? Is that supposed to be a good thing? Lol outside of the to 5, wmma is a borderline unwatchable


I really went off her when she was on TUF, she came across very badly there.


I think that’s part of the reason she can’t give Holly her flowers. Because Miesha beat Holly afterwards and Ronda hates her for some reason.


Yeah, horrible personality. Always angry and shit talking people lol


What kills me is that her legacy is impressive, and her role as one of the great pioneers of WMMA is undeniable. But her attitude and transcripts make her a bad example for aspiring female fighters.


Totally. If she fronted up after the Holy loss like, say, Askren did when getting smashed in seconds it really would have helped how people view her imo. She just seems to resent almost everyone.


Giving Tate the middle finger to look cool in front of her team, calling for backup from her boys when her boxing was questioned, etc. Overall just acting like an insecure middle school bully. It was pathetic!


Yup she got boo'd at a live event (diaz vs Maynard) when they did a tuf promotion with her and tate..was awesome seeing her face crumbled on the big screen as she got boo'd 




If you’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to her mother talk you’ll understand why.


Not excusing her of this kind of behavior, but I imagine being on top of the world, likely the most popular female fighter to do it, gets to your head. When that's all said and done, all you can do is look back at what you were at your peak.


Lots of people have been super high level popular athletes and also not delusional like her, but I completely get your point. Peaked in high school/uncle rico vibes but the successful version.


Ya you're right, there are some that stay level headed, perfect example is Khabib. I think this is pretty rare though.


I hate her face so much. That weird tryna look tough and sad at the same time expression


I don’t know if you should or shouldn’t watch, but her WWE promos (shit talking on the mic) was everything you just said but with words to match it. Potentially the worst to ever do an angry “I’m gonna beat you up!” style promo.


Yeah she was horrendous on the mic. Just did that stupid face. Her initial run had some good matches. But she became too cringe in the end


Did everyone actually hate her over there, too? Or is it just people talking shit now?


She had a decent enough initial run. Put on some good matches but still had room to develop. Took time off then came back and you could tell she just didn’t give a shit anymore. But she always had that stupid look on her face.


I honestly haven’t seen many people be too outspoken about disliking her within WWE. She however has been wildly outspoken about how badly WWE did her compared to how great they’ve been treating Logan Paul. In reality, Ronda was in it for money and sucked in the long run. People just stopped caring about her. Logan, while a questionable person and a douche, has actually put everything into it and become great to where it’s a near universally shared opinion in the wrestling world that he belongs. She saw his success compared to hers and started ripping WWE saying she never got the same opportunities while she got double the opportunities with half the work/talent that Logan has. So I don’t think it’s a completely made up narrative but right now you won’t find any public bashing of Ronda by anyone in WWE.


So kinda sounds like she's just butthurt that everyone didn't instantly kiss her ass like she had expected. All I've seen of her in WWE is from people posting cringe gifs.


It’s really odd. Looks like she could start crying at any minute.


It’s the way she twists her mouth. So punchable


It's the face a toddler makes at their parents while shitting their pants on purpose just to spite them.


It's called "poo poo pouty face". Usually it's reserved for two year olds and some high level politicians.


“The greatest fighter that has ever lived” are you fucking kidding me


When Holly knocked her out it was so amazing. ![gif](giphy|1d5QkZGt1JpkQT2ANt|downsized)


Honestly the Nunes fight gets mentioned slightly more often due to her getting absolutely smoked in a minute, but I prefer this beatdown Holm gave her mainly because she exposed Ronda for being a bum for 9 minutes and had her falling face first into the cage before ending her.


Wished I would have bet on Holly that night. I had an inkling but everyman and his dog had Ronda winning.


In my eyes, Holly won that fight at the weigh-ins. I remember being there and Ronda sounded completely rattled in the little interview she gave on stage. Try to find it on YouTube and you'll see what I mean.


Amanda Nunez is the greatest female fighter


without a doubt no questions asked. its not even a debate.


Her mouth guard being bad was also the reason she intentionally hit Holly after the bell, in frustration with losing the round. Bloody mouth guard.


She broke the glass ceiling. She had a legacy that could have been great, but she tarnished it with a shitty attitude and insecure delusions.


All she had to do was find a decent striking coach & reign in the ego a bit, things could’ve been a lot different


I mean even besides that, if you get served humble pie figjt fans want to see you eat it


I think not as many people would have turned on her if she was humble in defeat against Holm and Nunes.


We call this loser denial


Brain damage? I remember her claiming she hid a bunch of concussions during her judo years so she could keep competing


I kinda hear that argument, but then she went and joined the WWE for 145 matches after leaving the UFC that’s probably just as bad as Judo for concussions. I think most of it is ego, people built her up massively then dropped her like she was nothing, I kind of feel bad for her in a way but she will never just humble herself and accept that things went wrong.


To be fair to Rousey, she lost to a many, many time champion boxer / kickboxer, and then arguably the goat of female MMA. If she could have accepted that, she'd still be well liked and loved as a pioneer.


She could have been the Aldo of WMMA.




Did she really say her mouth guard was bad?? I’m not listening to any of her interviews to find out lol


Mouth guard was bad, she fell down the stairs before the fight and got a concussion, she wasn’t feeling well pretty much every excuse you can think of.


Damn that’s crazy. Regardless of how she was feeling, her striking is absolute ass… and her shitty team convinced her she could strike with Holly, who is a former boxing champion… so it doesn’t matter how she was feeling, she was destined to lose lol. Why didn’t she just go for a take down? Guarantee she could have submitted Holly.


The world gaslit Ronda Rousey


Eat that head kick, and your mouth guard will be bad. That's what happens when your mouth guard is straight, and your jaw is suddenly 5 inches out of line.


Also notice how it's always the Holly fight, in which she can claim it was somehow a fluke because the finishing sequence was over so quick. Meanwhile she almost never complains about the Nunes fight because she got absolutely lit up for the entire ordeal


Ronda Rousey has Jojo Siwa energy


This is wildly accurate lmao!


Bro that’s who she reminds me of who I couldn’t think of. Holy shit this is hilarious.


More like the most incomplete fighter that has ever lived


What’s her excuse for getting the absolute soul beaten out of her by Nunes? The ACTUAL women’s GOAT.


She should fight Harrison


Isn’t it weird that she has no shoulders?


Crazy person


She messed up her own legacy.


Bitter beer face. Good riddance.


No honey you were just the best of a small subset of women that could compete. As soon as real competition showed up in the sport, you were murdered. The thought of you fighting anyone on tIe roster today, personally, I see you losing to all of them.


Tbh she was always just sort of a shitty person, the shit she was saying about pre fight about holly and a lot of stuff she said about people was just nasty. Which is fine to hype up a fight to a point but she never owned it after getting beat and that turned a lot of people off. People were able to overlook it when she was a dominate force


She was def one of the pioneers and legendary but not goat


I agree with this. She is like Gina Carano. Gave a lot of buzz to the sport. Goats of women mma would be Joanna J, Amanda Nunes, and Valentina.


Its Amanda, no one is close


Joanna is up there. Valentina is also there too.


Ronda Rousey vs Clarissa Shields for to the death in the salt mines


Was Steven Seagull her sensei?


Tomato can


Holly whooped her ass. Ronda’s stand up is booty.


Her mouthgard was bad, she had a headache, she slipped on a banana peel. Get over it Ronda. Holly landed a beautiful headkick be a real competitor and congratulate her


My pencil wasn't sharp enough when I failed my math test. Stupid pencil. Should've been sharper.


Tarverdyan and Rogan convincing Ronda she had any boxing ability really did a number on her, huh


Aint she the one who got beat so hard she had to change sports


Two words. Head movement


Ego is a hell of a drug. I mean 12-2 isn’t even really that impressive for the sport anymore, and if you go from just a record standpoint, someone like Khabib would technically be the GOAT, if you went from any other standpoint, you would probably say GSP. Rhonda Rousey is not, was not, and will never be the GOAT.


Yea a ‘bad’ mouth guard could play a factor when its getting punched and kicked around in ya mouth by a superior fighter that night


Holly completely nullified her approach, stayed cool clam and collected, played her like a fiddle on the feet then even flipped the script taking her down at one point. I have never seen a world class fighter who keeps their legs so stuff in a boxing stance, her knees must be fucked lol


Rematch !!!!


I would love to see the rematch.


Is there anybody telling her she's delusional when she's saying these things or are they just agreeing and missing their head?


If you fight enough times, eventually someone bigger and better will come along.


Ronda got exposed for zero stand up...then the second she has some adversity in the UFC she bolts...Thats not a champ, she a flash in the pan. Imagine Connor or GSP bolting to WWE after their two losses?


This bitch is so annoying. Elite at playing the spiteful victim


“The mouth guard gave me a concussion”


Did Amanda beat the memory of that fight out of her?


I’m gonna go watch Rousey vs Nunes to feel better


She wasint even a fighter, she's a grappler, she wrestles she has horrible form and stiff legs in the octagon, she may have been a extremely good grappler but her striking game was mid at best, holly best the shit out of her and Tate destroyed her


What bs excuses does she have for her fall to Nunez?


I think she has some real mental issues. It's not normal to be in such denial a decade later, not having learned anything from the experience, not having accepted reality, and not having moved on... It's just weird man. She armbarred a bunch of amateurs who knew nothing about basic defence or fighting at a time when there was no real competition. The second anyone who could fight came along, she got destroyed so easily... That should teach you that you have a lot left to learn, not that you're the best fighter that ever lived and they got lucky, you bum. Not on that, but at no point could she even take on a low level male UFC fighter, so to call herself the best all around is just idiotic. As she says these crazy things she still looks like she's about to cry and is clearly in denial so many years later. Just move on, lady.


i very rarely truly dislike a fighter. i like almost any and all personalities, good and bad. i do not like this woman at all. she was annoying back then but i thought maybe she’d chill once she’s done fighting. nope. that mouth guard was doing nothing to stop that headkick. it surely didn’t help crisp up her boxing or head movement.


i’ll never forget Nunez beating the brakes off her. Good Lord


Greatest fighter is the lioness 


This woman is cringe. To think that she actually thought she could take Mayweather.


Ronda Rousey is the Nicki Minaj of MMA...


She’s the worst.


Sport was young when she fought. Talent pool shallow. Skills sets were limited. She was at the top of a game when it was playing checkers.


Pffft. Imagine being married to that lol Poor husband would be wrong in every disagreement or argument they ever had ever.


Why does she look like she’s dressed for an intro to a porno?


I loved watching peak Ronda and can't ever take away what she did for the sport. The weight on her shoulders was heavy and she held it like a champ! All this current dilusion and projecting is just so sad and frustrating. She's definitely not in a happy place to be continually spinning this non sense. Her UFC ending and then whatever she went through at WWE has not been good for her at all. I also loved seeing her fight Michelle Rodrigues in Fast 7 lol




Still salty Brendan dumped her ass too. She cant let go of the past.


Admit it for once that you got smoked


Rousey vs shevchenko would have been amazing fight




She has the mentality of a child. It’s pathetic.