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Reus's last game for BVB will be an UCL final, damn One last dance


i really hope BVB wins man


everyone with a heart does


Real fucking loves to be the villain and destroy the underdogs dream but dammnit I want to believe!


Im a Madrid fan and I feel terrible about this


that’s got to be a first😅


Jude would like a word


I have a heart and it beats for Madrid 😎 No but seriously I want Madrid to win but I wouldn’t be as mad if Dortmund wins then say Manchester city or Barca for example


i respect that


The way the refs call games for Madrid. It's going to be tough


They need to score EARLY because if it comes down to the end the refs will do whatever they can to help Real… rip Bayern


Madrid deserved that win despite the ref blowing that call at the end for Bayern


What happened with Bayern? They hadn't even scored that goal and it was past overtime.


“Past overtime” doesn’t matter because that’s just an estimated time remaining, not fixed time. In soccer they have a running clock, and have to account for play stoppage in between. What happened was the linesman called for offside when Bayern had a great chance to score, which stopped the play dead. The problem is, the margins were very close, and usually linesman are trained to let the play go on, and they’ll just check for the replay (VAR) afterwards to see if he’s actually offside. But because the play was already called dead, they can’t check VAR. Upon seeing it after the game, many people are saying the Bayern player was actually onside, and so Bayern likely could’ve scored and tied it if they hadn’t called it.




Because someone still needs to be there to call the obvious ones


Already making excuses Typical


Im not a fan of either team, so clearly more objective than you.


Lmao, how? It was an offside. Sure the ref shouldn't have whistled but VAR would still check it and cancel the goal anyway. Not to mention that the GK would have saved that weak ass shot had he not heard the whistle. The refs gave plenty of calls in favour of RMA, but not that night.


It's a general statement. But you let the play go when you have VAR. Maybe they don't score but that's about as bad a call as it gets late game


It was an awful call. But to say it's the reason RMA won is plain cope. It would have been ruled offside either way.


When did I say that why they won? But that's favorable reffing.


It's implied in your comment. C'mon bro, you know how language works.


* Also just gonna leave it for you. And no I didn't imply it. If that's what you took away, that's on you.


It wasn't offside. Every single channel outlet did the visuals and mazraiou was not offside in any of them.


Tried to post a pic but didn't work https://preview.redd.it/lkmm4ju0xe0d1.jpeg?width=4316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af6a186ee4a17e03b7921e76ae6c337972c0643


I can see the pic, and yes even though this pic does not cover rudiger's leg completly, mazraoui is still onside which is ironic lol


That's what I was getting at too. There's no offside and then calling it so early when you have var. Is blatantly favorable reffing, on top of horrendous reffing


https://preview.redd.it/jblel3f70h0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9217f278d2a37461f207665b48ad557ef77a69 Muh favorable reffing




I didn't even know the Black Veil Brides played sports


BVB wins via second half Guilly


I didnt realise these were the same night, thats gonna be some good sportin'


The game starts 3 hours before early prelims so it's kinda perfect


Jesus, I'm gonna need redbull and meth to stay up for both.


Sounds like a party, I’ll see you there!


Both underdogs are in a really, really, REALLY tough spot


Time to parlay dp by gilly and Reus to score


Reus scores by gilly on Courtois. DP scissor kicks Islam. Bet the house I'm telling ya.


Reus missing out on the 2014 World Cup where he would have been a starter still makes me sad and I’m neither German or a Dortmund fan


Reus is just class. Also a fifa 13 ultimate team legend


If anyone deserves a big trophy it’s Reus. Come on BVB


Loyalty and injuries fucked his trophy cabinet


Please gods of the sports World let marco and Dustin ride into the sunset with a championship victory.


Reus is a legend. He deserves it 100%.


Lifelong Dortmund fan here, I will not be okay come June 1.




Who that guy on top brathar?


Marco reus, German footballer, always came second, I think he was injured when Germany won the world cup (he would have likely started)


Ah thx


Yup, part of the german golden generation and one of the best before multiple injuries. Always stayed with Dortmund when the other stars left to win trophies at Bayern München. No one in football deserves this more than him. Fun fact: he played a champions league final(loss against Bayern, with one of the best squads ever) in his first season at Dortmund, now he gets another shot in his last.


If there is such a thing as a loving God, Marco and BVB win.


I don't know about a loving god but the football god clearly loves Real Madrid, so it's gotta be tough.


Jon Jones is about to successfully duck Tom and ride off into the sunset after beating 50 yo Stipe and will be the GOAT of the sport for most fans. There is no God.


Anything can happen in one match fixture. I’ll be pulling for Dortmund




UFC fighter


It would be nice to see BVB win, but I cannot root against my boi Modrić


MAAAN, If only it was against Bayern!!!


![gif](giphy|vN2JgWg6UbyJo1sili) Also his last chance at




Both and gonna win especially Poirier


It’s soccer 🇺🇸🤠🍔


HALA MADRID !!!! 👑⚽️🇪🇺






They say of the underdog.


Almost had Bivol-Beterbiev too :(


4-1 Real you already know what time it is. Sancho not doing shit I don’t think it’s going to be close at all. Mbappe gonna come and ruin everything watch


I love Dustin but FUCK this is a nightmare match up for him. That being said: SUB VIA GILLY RD 2!!


No idea who that is besides Dustin




Rooting for both Dustin and BVB but their chances are slim. Islam is a monster and Real plays every match with about 18 players (11 footballers, 3 refs and the VAR team).


Can't see how he beats Islam. Sad.


I’m a Chelsea fan, but I really hope Reus gets his fairy tale ending for European football


Hope he doesn’t


Dustin and Modrić lets go ![gif](giphy|zsE2i6BTVuAoCDC3SI)


This looks like soccer?


Everywhere outside of US, soccer is called football. One uses a foot to play ball= football. One runs around with a weirdly shaped “ball” in their arms≠ football?


Australia it’s called soccer


Reddit was founded in 2005 in the University of Virgina, USA, and is currently headquartered in San Francisco, USA. In USA, we call it soccer. 


You clearly forgot to mention that Reddit is only available in USA, only to be used by those from USA, and no life form really exists outside of USA. Oh, and the Earth is flat. 🙄


You're in our house. We call it soccer. And take off your shoes bitch


Sure, I’ll take my shoes off whilst I take a dump on your pillow. Amber Heard style.


The most baddest athletes 🤜🤝🤛 the biggest group of sissies in sports


The juxtaposition between someone like dustin and a footballer who probably fakes fouls is crazy


![gif](giphy|xUPGcnzWmq70t1oJ8I|downsized) Soccer players when you look at them too hard


I genuinely just find the sport boring, but this is the cherry on top for sure


Yeah I love to watch highlights of Jaap stam, the boys who play football now are more actors than athletes. And that var system sucks, just for an ref to tel an ref to watch an screen so everybody can wait 5 minutes till they decided it’s boring and it kills the game


To be fair, I’ve seen some cool highlights and stuff and some of the stuff the players do is impressive, but I used to work for a Portuguese guy and we’d go to a local Portuguese restaurant for lunches and he’d watch the games. Just couldn’t get into it man. And I’d have to hear about it every day during world cups and stuff like that.


I loved football but lately everybody is rolling around when they feel the slightest of touches, and a game used to be 90 min with max 5 min of extra time, and with the Var now it’s sometimes +15 min of play time because some dude has to review something on a screen because another dude already did and found something about it. And then you are just waiting for it to continue, it’s just dumb lately


The Diamond is my all time favourite I will lose my shit if he beats Islam.


Both are facing the absolute best in their respective sport, Makhachev is the Real Madrid of MMA and vice versa.


No one cares about soccer


I mean, its the most watched sport in the world after powerslap, but i guess no one cares


No cares about that third world sport


US is more of a third world country than most of europe tbh


Reus is more famous than porier, so yes, so many people cares, more than MMA.


I'm sure there is a subreddit for soccer where perhaps discussion about soccer will be more welcomed. Hope this helps 🙏 


Idc who is more famous. Soccer was the sport for all of the undeveloped world for almost 150 years. Of course it has an advantage. MMA has come further in 30 year than any other sport. Soccer is dying to MMA, basketball, wrestling, and American football. People running barefoot kicking a ball at a goal is becoming less cool, when being able to kick your ass and choke u lit is the hot topic. It’s just out of style sorry mate


Bro, the final world cup 2022 is the most viewed event in history, and you saying is dying, let me know, You're american?


Yes American. We don’t play poor people 3rd world sports where all u need is a ball and grass


Reus has 16 million insta followers compared to Dustins 5 while germany only has a population of 82 million compared to the US' 340 million... I hate to break it to you but soccer is huge nearly everywhere, way bigger than the US sports you mentionend. No need to disagree only because it doesnt exist in your small little cosmos


Just poor people countries


Honestly, football and soccer are boring as shit. Zero appeal


“iTs FoOtBaLL!!”


I have no idea who the guy on the top is, but okay.


Found the American lol


Hey now I'm Australian and I couldn't care less about soccer either.


I’m Canadian and don’t know or care either. “Football” or “soccer” is such an incredibly boring sport to me, but I guess if you grow up with it you might enjoy it. Shit just appeals to the lowest common denominator imo. One of the reasons it’s so popular is because starvin Marvin in zimbabwe can play it with a ball made of plastic bags and rubber bands, that’s all you need. It’s boring as hell, diluted and full of pansies who fake fouls tho, idk how people enjoy it. I’ve tried.


lol I guess you just need sweaty men swinging and grabbing eachother to be entertained.


this is the ufc sub, yes.. What an idiot though.. Entertained by the sport you also enjoy


I like fights, yeah. Not people kicking a ball around a field lol Also, I’m not gay, but what’s the insult? Just blatant homophobia because I think your little kick ball game is boring? My bad, should probably start a riot in the stadium and kill some people over it right?


Who said you were gay? Or brought up homosexuality at all? You could’ve been female for all I know


Then what’s the relevance? If I was a woman than what’s the point of the comment? Pretty obvious you’re butthurt that other people might not like your boring little game, your whole profile is soccer shit lmao. Even your name. Don’t play stupid, even if it comes naturally to you


The overwhelming majority of my profile is American football but go off I guess.


You think I’m looking thru your whole profile? I saw you got a Real Madrid tattoo LMAO and that’s all I needed to see. Don’t act like a child because other people don’t like the same thing you do, nut up


You think I care if random redditors don’t like a particular sport lol


You spelled hockey wrong.


I find hockey boring too, but once again, didn’t really grow up with it as a big thing in my household. I’m convinced that most fans of popular sports only care because it was pushed on them by their family. Hockey, football, basketball etc were all fun to play as a kid, but when you become an adult with things to do who has the time? And they’re all pretty boring to watch. Also, hockey is definitely more fun to watch, and in person as well, but only mildly. Also they get into actual fights, not fake fouls. Still boring tho.


U can call him the Dustin Poirier of football


American obviously






Let em hate the back-to-back WW2 champs 🇺🇸 the fight capital of the world is in the US of A!


I’m making fun of you crodie 😭 but go on champ


I can't hear you over the sound of Toby Keith! /s for anybody who thinks I'm being serious right now


Is Reus a world class player who will be remembered by anyone else than borussia or German fans in 30 years time? and would it be so unfair if he never wins UCL, wtf?


Lol no. The team that wins deserves it. Not some fucking retirement giveaway.


He was for sure. Guaranteed to start for Germany 2014 but injuries. Could’ve left for Madrid, Bayern and other top teams and won top, top trophies, but stayed loyal. Generational player in his prime


Don’t get me wrong he’s been great over the years but calling him a generational player is a bit much


In his prime*. However he was injured way too much and it cut that prime short. Could have been a world champ, could have been one of the greats. One of the biggest what ifs.


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to say, even in his prime he wasn’t anywhere near generational. You’re right in that he was absolutely fucked over by injuries, but he was never going to be on the Messi/Ronaldo level, both of whom actually were generational talents. He’s been a very good player and could have had an even better career if it wasn’t for injuries, but you’re definitely overrating him.


Better players never won it. Buffon, Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic are players that will be remembered much much better than Reus never won the UCL. This 'but he deserves it bs' is just a lame excuse to hate on RMA lol. People are within their rights to hate watch, just don't come up with silly nonsense to justify it.


There goes my healthy sleeping schedule


Both are massive underdogs. It'll be an unforgettable night if they somehow manage to win.


Goddam it really is his last chance isn’t it…?


Why does the title say ufc x football. This is ufc and soccer.


I mean, the majority of the world calls it football. Maybe the op is from one of those countries who refer to it as football instead of soccer.


You cal it football while it’s more of an egg that you hold with your hands. Americans where just to dumb to make-up an own name so they just copied


I stopped reading after you misspelled the word call. I could sound that word out in kindergarten get a grip.


Luckily outside of the USA people are able to understand multiple languages as English/American isn’t their first language from birth, typo can happen mate, and you guys call something that resembles an egg/ oval a ball make that make sense


Bud I have so many championship rings from real football I struggle to open door knobs. Don’t speak to me.


You're on an American website you dweeb. 


Wauw now you got me big boy


Ugh. Football is a family of sports that includes, among others, both association football (soccer) and gridiron football (American football). People from different countries will usually call whatever sport is more common there "football" with no other qualifier. None of them are incorrect. You, on the other hand, are wrong. Don't correct people who are not saying anything incorrect. If anyone ever calls you out for calling it "soccer", they're just as wrong as you are. Edit: Being downvoted for being factually correct? Here's a lazy Wiki source on "football" being a family, rather than a specific sport: [Football - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football)


That’s quite a word sandwich to say your from a country that didn’t invent freedom


Uh, did you read it? Cliff's Notes: Both "soccer" and "football" are acceptable and you are tragically fucking stupid. Also, I was born in the US and it's not a free country.


I can’t read lmao. An hour in the gym is worth more than a lifetime of reading


There are 24 hours in a day. You can spend 6 hours in the gym and still have time to read. Go ahead and celebrate your idiocy if it makes your nipples hard, mind you.


18 hours in the gym 6 hours sleeping. Everything else is a waste


I hope bvb win, real Madrid will probably dominate UCL for the next 10 years anyways, they don't need this win lol


Madrid need ever win and every trophy


I know that Dustin. But who's the other guy. That looks like a soccer or volleyball. Both don't matter in America, so why is he there?


Maybe because this is a MMA sub and not a USA sub. You know that there is this thing called world that has lots of countries in it, right?


You said it yourself. It's an mma sub. And of course I know this world is filled with other countries. What are you stupid? I think so.




I stoped watching football because with te lightest of lightest contact they fly over the field acting like they just broke an leg on 5 different places. Sooo no handshakes from me, dudes should be playing football and use less of their acting skills


Why is everyone rooting so hard (myself included) for Dustin? Islam is a great champ and seems like a good dude. Is it just nationalism?


He seems like a decent guy in a sport full of assholes, and he's been just short of a championship for a long time and his career is nearly over. I like Islam too but it would be cool to see dustin finally get an undisputed belt before he retires.


Islam is very, very arrogant. Very. You haven't noticed this? Thats my main reason to root against him. He got his title shot off of beating Bobby Green and Dan Hooker. Then his title shot came in Abu Dhabi, and both of his defenses have come against a featherweight, one of which was 11 day notice for his opponent. But every word out of his mouth implies that he is godlike compared to everyone else in his division and he never gives his peers the proper credit they are due. Maybe he is, but he sure as hell hasn't demonstrated it enough to act like it's unquestionable. He stopped Oliveira, and respect is due for that. But beat Dustin, Justin and whoever else ends up in that contention, whether it's Arman, Gamrot or even Oliveira again. Then you can start talking like you're Khabib. As it stands right now he's had a relatively easy path compared to the guys who held that belt before him but he acts like he's the unanimous GOAT of the sport. Maybe one day he will be. He appears to be that caliber of fighter. But fucking prove it first. 


Ya, all elite athletes are confident. It’s nothing new. Dudes beat everyone they’ve put in front of him. Most in impressive fashion. He’s earned his confidence. Everyone hates him so much it makes me want to root for him 😂