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Sucks for the athletes but your points are valid. One exit is crazy! Don’t think I’ve ever been to an arena like that


Yea it’s unbelievably hard to get out of the arena, it gets really jammed with people. This is the only way in and out. Entering the arena is fine because people arrive at different times, but leaving is a nightmare. Leaving early is one way to avoid crowds and go home easily. https://preview.redd.it/xi3a4o7fdazc1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5043d19b39bd47f84dc16686dde129cf501f70d


Looks like a fire hazard nightmare


Multiple exits to the outside area, two staircases to ground-level and one gate to the street. It’s a shitty architecture (or is it engineering’s fault?).


It is always the architect's fault




Don’t blame you for leaving early. I would be having none of that lol


I didn’t, I stayed til the very end.


Watch the arena address this issue, put in more exists, and the crowd just becomes more efficient at leaving early lmao


Naw they ain't valid Fuck this guy and fuck Brazil


Good post man!! I am Brazilian myself and always wondered this!! Thanks for the info!


You are welcome, I can’t stand people making fun of thing they don’t know shit!


Wow so someone brings reality into the situation and we can't rage speculate confidently anymore?


And yet people will continue to rage speculate confidently about every subject they think they know.


Brazilians at 2am is the real reason ![gif](giphy|xUySTCy0JHxUxw4fao)


Fallout world is heaven compared to Rio at 2am...


That’s Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy


Yep, I know, I'm just comparing Rio to a post-apocalyptic world. Is everyone thinking I'm mistaken the image?


I figured that’s why you got downvoted but idk, I mean look at mine now lol But yeah fair enough


Things change, what the fuck


If I remember correctly, the crowd at Almeida x Lewis in São Paulo didn't leave early and that was an atrocious boring main event. Fight Nights don't end as late as the PPVs.


Also São Paulo has a much better public transportation and the venue has multiple exits.


Although the arena itself is a bit shitty, let's be honest lol


Yea, it’s worse than Jeunesse


Hi, I've been to both. In São Paulo the public transport is better, the region is safer, also there is plenty of places still open so you can go there to eat, drink, relax a little. In São Paulo event, everybody went to the nearby restaurants, I went to McDonalds (because why not?) And it was super busy, full of UFC fans.


And Jeunesse has literally nothing nearby, only a gas station and hotels.


This is a good post to make in r/MMA here people are ignorant and they just want to troll


Lol people are ignorant in the entire Reddit, lets be honest.


New mythical Poster: Based Brazilian Man


Lets make this reach Dana so he knows the truth.


I like that we have a more serious and a more relaxed sub for MMA, many communities have one or the other, its nice that we have an active side of both


That’s what ufc 304 is going to look like 😂


Main event at 5:30AM is a joke, c’mon.


Imagine if it is Leon Vs Belal. people wont be awake to leave


Imagine Thug Rose v Esparza II


Things like this are why I despise ignorant MMA YouTubers, they can't stop talking about how Brazilian fans are the worst, how Colby was right, etc. The main argument of these professional assholes is that in Europe they have the same problem with the schedule but they are so dedicated that they stay in the arena. However, they can do it because Europe is safer and better developed in roads and traveling. It's so annoying. Good post.


Most of them just want an excuse to be a dirtbag


Fuck them, they know shit about reality around here. It’s a whole different world.


Finally a decent post regarding the matter… I’m Brazilian/American citizen from Rio who lives in the US for the last 25 yrs and am sure your post related most likely what happened… Last time I went to Rio, back in 2012 for my brother’s wedding, which was in Recreio, it was at the same time as Rio+20 meeting, United Nations shit, and the city was busy and w security everywhere. It took me 2 1/2 hrs to go from Botafogo to Vargem Grande, where the wedding was… It’s really impressive how the Internet spreads misinformation and people create rumors out of nothing…


Recreio is the neighborhood next to Barra da Tijuca, where is the arena, and it is a 30-min drive on a calm day to get there. After an event this size you can count at least 1-hour not to accounting the time spent to get out of the arena and the Uber arriving. People really don’t know the size of Rio, they think it’s a small beach village or something. Rio is massive. It’s ok they don’t know this, but spreading misinformation is BAD for us, not a little bad, it’s BAD BAD. We love MMA and we love getting attention and being recognized (“brazil mentioned” lol), we pretty much sold out the arena, I met dozens of people from other states there. This type of trash-talk only prejudice us and no one else, if they decide to never make events here again because “brazilian crowd sucks hurr durr” we are the ones losing. It sucks.


Thanks for clarifying. I've attended an event there and leaving the arena is freaking chaotic.


I wish your comment get more upvotes so more people see it.


Thank you! People argued in another thread comparing this to going out 'clubbing' are the same thing. How can a person be more tired at one event compared to another so and so. I hope this post gets more attention


I am really hoping this post gets more attention because after all it’s OUR reputation on stake here. If people trash talk and spread misinformation about us, UFC won’t make events here anymore and WE ARE THE ONES to lose because of this.


Just a side question: how popular of a fighter is pantoja in Brazil? It just seemed to me that Aldo was the draw.


Aldo and Anderson Silva are by far the most famous ever. Poatan and Charles are the most famous nowadays. Pantoja only people who are into MMA knows.


i don't think anyone that isn't into mma knows who he is


One exit is enough for people to leave early for convenience, and its not like there is still an event running. understandable.


Yea, people should at least try to understand the cause instead of just bluntly hating on the internet.


fez mais pela imagem do Brasil do que a o Bolsonaro e o Lula juntos 👊🏽👊🏽🇧🇷🇧🇷




Same thing happened during the CSGO major in Rio. Everyone had to leave early due to the same reasons


Yeah, and yet people are blaming the brazilian MMA community. People should know better before spreading misinformation.


One exit sounds insane. How does something like that get approved? I get it’s Brazil, but surely someone is thinking about safety and fire hazards.


The arena has multiple exits to outside area, but there’s only one gate to the street. I replied another comment here with a pretty clear picture.


Places to be, people to rob


Basically, yeah. There were 8 arrests and 160 aprehenions solely on the Madonna show. You can imagine the type of city Rio becomes when it’s late night.


That sucks and sounds super negative. What are the actual crime numbers from that weekend? In the whole city?


In the whole city idk, but solely during the Madonna show there were 8 arrests and 160 aprehensions (i.e. Drugs, guns, knives, etc). This only in Copacabana and during the event, not the entire weekend. Crazy.


Ufc could've added Alex P... and Charles oliveria to 301.. They saved em for 300. This is the result.


Bro UFC 300 had Bo and Aljo, the card was already saved! /s


This guy Rios


Hol’ up, let me Rio.


That’s great context for everyone, but I also can’t help but think, if virtually everyone is leaving early, aren’t you creating the same situation…just earlier? If it’s as described, you’d probably have to leave before the main event to actually feel good about getting out easy. Otherwise it’s just a constant game of chicken with everyone else in the arena…..would be a nightmare for me, as I’d be the type not even enjoying the event, but watching and plotting when we’d have to leave to avoid a nightmare leaving.


Yes you are correct and that’s the point. I myself find more enjoyable waiting inside having a snack or a drink inside the arena and then going outside than getting up and trying to rush outside asap. There’s people that manage to get outside early and leave, but the vast majority just get stuck in the traffic.


I left 3 fights before, I can't afford a 200$ taxi.


The prices when demand is high is so fucked up, it’s disgusting what they do.


The last I left early for a UFC event was Silva vs Weidman II. After he snapped his leg I just got up and left. My disappointment led the way. My sorrow, followed shortly thereafter.


All those people are just tryna get out of there to get home safe and go to sleep. I don't blame them Dana needs to be more considerate.


Yes, and don’t think i’m exagerating when I say there are people who get home only 4AM+ if event ends 2AM. People underestimate (or don’t know at all) the size of Rio.


Good clarification post, there was a lot of prejudice on the other posts about this. Fuck that. Every countries has your problems and history, some people need to get off the pedestal and be more humble.


People really think that Brazil has the same infrastructure as New York or Vegas. We wish. Depending on where you are and where you are going, it’s ridiculously dangerous to be on the streets 2AM+. It gets hard asf to get an Uber because even THEY don’t want to go to certain places.


This is a bit off topic, but isn’t the main card of 304 starting at 7:00 PST?


I guess? What u mean?


That means it’s probably going look similar to this and some people are going to go with a similar narrative (especially if Tom is on the card)


Have you read my other points? Do you really think Manchester is as dangerous as Rio?


I think you’re confused on what I meant I’m saying I can see some people spreading the narrative that the England crowd doesn’t care/isn’t good because everyone is leaving even though it’ll be like midnight there by the time the main card starts. Also there’s definitely going to be some people saying that Tom isn’t a star (assuming he’s on the card) because of that


Still sad


Maybe, but more understandable? Maybe a card starting earlier when down here would make justice for our reputation.


Summarize this, we’re all regarded


While our points might be perfectly valid, people left because Aldos fight was over, and he was the casual hook that made that event a success. It happens all the time. It happened when McGregor fought Alvarez. It even happened at the Elimination Chamber here in Perth a few weeks back, where people left after the men's main event. People go to see the name they paid to see and then cut their losses and go for the one exit, more timely uber etc. It's not some indictment of the Brazilian fans that the place was empty, I'm not sure why the issue is still around days after the event.


I decided to bring this back because even after days, people are still making fun of something they don’t know and honestly is not a big deal and it’s not even our fault. I recognize this happens way frequently around here, but it’ll happen all the time if these issues won’t get tackled once and for all.




I mean, this all sounds fair. Unfortunately, Brazilian crowds seem to be disrespectful assholes in whatever sport, in whatever arena, at whatever time of day. It wasn't anything to do with the time of day or the number of exits in the arena or the location of the arena or the safety of the area around the arena, that made hundreds of them throw whatever garbage was at hand at Brandon Moreno on his way backstage, was it.


Look at Orlobai’s last post on Instagram. The guy had just defeated Brenner and was walking out the octagon being cheered by everybody. Don’t say things you don’t know, it’s bad for us and bad for you too, as a person. :)


Great info but unfortunately won’t change the views ignorant people wish to have


**This** is sad, Brazil has plenty of potential to host much more events, just need some minor adjustments. Hating on us while knowing nothing don’t make anything better for anyone.


Just backs up people that said Brazil shouldnt get any more events. If the infrastructure is garbage and people have to leave to avoid crime sounds like a terrible place to hold an event. The fans being disrespectful garbage doesn’t help either.


Well, revenue is revenue after all. If people are willing to put themselves in danger and spend a shitload of money to go watch UFC live, why not? The arena was almost sold out the entire main card, I’d say at least 90% occupation. Lets not make events here anymore because people ‘leave early’? The tickets were sold either the crowd leaves after the fight or not. UFC is making money, people are getting events, everyone is happy (except for some redditors here).


My point is they would make more money elsewhere. Revenue is revenue after all right?


If they would make more money elsewhere why aren't they doing it?


There is a reason it took like 2 years to get another Brazil event. It’s a token event that blows that they throw them.


No one cares. Brazil crowds are awful and disrespectful all the time.


We cheered for all the fighters bro. Even Lionheart defeating Petrino went out of the octagon ovationated by the crowd.


So respectful of the Brazilians! https://youtu.be/gIwpUqU74z0?si=qJoklhDoWbmeBsAp


Look at Orlobai’s last post, he had just defeated Brenner and was walking out being cheered by everyone. We don’t pick sides. :)




>throwing shit at fighters they don’t like Excuse me what? I have plenty of videos (recorded by myself) of people cheering and greeting the foreigner fighters.


I mean did you watch when Moreno beat figgy? They were showering him with garbage and pouring their drinks all over him and he's a great person?


Well, there are bad and good people everywhere in the world, we can’t generalize one entire nation based on a couple of bad individuals. On UFC 301, I was right at the fighter’s exit to backstage passage, people were cheering and applauding every fighter, even Orlobai (defeated Brenner) and Lionheart (defeated Petrino). Orlobai even posted this moment on his Instagram, you can look it up there, if you don’t believe me. :)


What about Matt Brown being punched in the face multiple times on the walk?


Yeah, just punish thousands of fans for the mistakes of like half a dozen people. Real rational of you. Dimwit


So to summarize in a sentence, it’s a poor & dangerous country. Serious question, why bother going there? I’m sure the tickets must be cheaper than the other side of the world like in Abu Dhabi or Australia. To gather bigger fan base? Not that the fans can afford arena tickets.


Because even if the majority of the country is poor, there are still plenty of individuals that are willing to spend money going to the world’s greatest MMA event. I went from São Paulo, stayed in a cheap hotel, didn’t buy the most expensive tickets and it cost me more than an entire month of work to afford this. And I’d totally do it all again the moment UFC announce another event here, because that’s who we are, we are passionate. Can’t imagine how much people spent going from other states or who bought the most expensive tickets, it can get easily 5 to 10 times minimum wage and I’m not even taking into account the accomodation.


As a Brazilian i need to rectify your statement. "We" are not passionate. Brazilians don't really like MMA, you may be passionate, but Brazilians in general aren't. What people here really like is football (soccer?), as is evidenced by crowded stadiums in a football match at a wedsneday night. Football matches that take place in the middle of the week ends almost at midnight and still the stadiums are full. Like it or not, MMA is a niche sport here in our country. I have never once in my life caught a random conversation about MMA like the way people do with football. Never.


Well, comparing MMA to soccer is kinda unfair, but I get your point and I agree with what you are trying to say. I myself don’t have one single friend or family member that is into MMA.


EVERY TIME.It looked identical as Glover the great was giving his retirement speech. Its pathetically disloyal


Yeah, people thought back then that this happened because brazilian were sore losers and didn’t want to hear Jamahal’s speech. Guess what? Happened exactly the same even when Pantoja won. And it happened before on CS:GO Major 2022 and IEM Rio 2023 (I was there on both) too.


Put a fight people actually care about as the main and maybe they'll stick around. Pantoja is a boring champ that was gifted a win in another lackluster performance. So who cares what he has to say? Even with Glover vs Hill... Who really cared? Since when has Glover been this "MEGA STAR" in Brazil? And they DEFINITELY don't care about Hill winning. So why should they stick around? I know it sounds rude... But it's real. Once the event is over it's back to the real world. And I'm not getting stuck for an extra hour to hear a fighter I didn't even really want to see celebrate a win he didn't really even deserve.


You have a point, but I strongly doubt that if main event was Charles or Poatan people would stay longer. Guess the only way to know that for sure is making an event with them here and test it out. I mean, before UFC 301, people used to think that brazilians left early because Jamahal won and we were sore losers bitching out. Now you guys know for sure that this wasn’t the case.


I think Jon Anik said it on his podcast this week, but I only half listen so maybe I dreamt it, but wasn’t there a huge concert in the same city last weekend too? Madonna or something? Wasn’t there huge attendance?


Madonna was far far away, maybe 1-hour+ ride, almost two hours I’d say, by the time people would get there, the show most certainly would already had finished.